Sciatica - sciatica nerve inflammation: causes, symptoms and medication at home with medication and folk remedies. Exercises for sciatica, stretching, yoga, physiotherapy, acupuncture, acupressure, bee stings: description, video

Sciatica is a serious illness that occurs with pain and movement restriction. Read in the article useful information about this disease - prevention, treatment, getting rid of pain.

Contents of

  • What is sciatica, where is the sciatic nerve?
  • Sciatica - sciatica inflammation: causes and symptoms
  • Where can pains occur with sciatica?
  • Pinch of the sciatic nerve - sciatica: psychosomatics
  • Sciatica - treatment with injections, preparations
  • Than to do anesthesia, blockade at isas?
  • Ointments for sciatica
  • Sciatica with vitamins
  • Yoga for sciatica sciatica, stretching
  • Video: Special exercises for neuralgia of the sciatic nerve( Cyril Pavletsov)
  • Video: Effective exercises with sciatic nerve clamp
  • Therapeutic exercises for sciatica
  • How to treat sciatica with a massage?
  • Video: The sciatic nerve. Treatment of sciatica. Sciatic nerve massage.
  • How to treat sciatica with acupuncture?
  • Acupressure for sciatica
  • Video: Doing manual massage How to save the patient from a pinch of the sciatic nerve?
  • instagram viewer
  • Sciatica - treatment with folk remedies: recipes
  • Sciatica - treatment with chestnut infusion: recipe
  • Compresses for sciatica
  • Treatment of sciatica with bee stings: points
  • Which doctor should I use for sciatica?
  • Kinesiotherapy with sciatica
  • Video: Kinesio teip: back pain
  • Electrophoresis for sciatica: which medications are
  • Sciatica: Can the legs soar?
  • Sciatica - treatment according to Bubnovsky
  • Video: Three universal exercises Sergey Bubnovsky
  • Sciatica: treatment with micro-motions, wiggles
  • Will the treatment with Lyapko's applicator help with sciatica?
  • How to treat sciatica in pregnancy?
  • How to treat lumbago with sciatica?
  • How long does it take to treat sciatica?
  • Is it possible to cure sciatica forever?
  • Video: Unlocking the sciatic nerve |Sciatica pain relief

Pain in the lower back, legs, in the buttocks or thighs appear in the course of various pathologies. The defeat of the sciatic nerve is one of the most common causes of such painful sensations. The pain can be so painful that life turns into a real hell.

  • To get rid of pain, you need to recognize the sciatica nerve disease.
  • It is also important to understand the causes of pain. After all, only a doctor can make the correct diagnosis and help the patient cope with the ailment.
  • What are the methods of treating this disease? How is this disease properly called? What should I do to relieve the condition? These and other questions you can find answers in this article.

What is sciatica, where is the sciatic nerve?

What is sciatica, where is the sciatic nerve?

The sciatic nerve consists of several pairs of nerves that are located in the spine. All these nerves are surrounded by a dense connective tissue. Where is the sciatic nerve?

  • This important nerve starts in the lumbar region or small pelvis.
  • The sacral nerve plexus is excreted through a special opening in the pelvis, which is called subgranular.
  • The nerve is drawn to the surface of the thigh under the large gluteus muscle. Then it descends and splits into several small branches that follow the sensitivity of the gluteal and femoral muscles.
  • Next, the nerve goes to the popliteal fossa, where it divides into the tibial and peroneal branches. This network of nerves monitors the sensitivity of the joints located in this area, muscles, skin on the feet and in the knee area.

What is sciatica? Neuritis of the sciatic nerve is called sciatica. With this disease, an inflammatory process begins in the nerve endings, and the person experiences severe pain from the waist to the ankle.

Sciatica - Sciatica Nerve Inflammation: Causes and Symptoms of

Sciatica - Sciatica Nervous Inflammation: Causes and Symptoms

Radiculitis in the lower back with nerve endings also applies to sciatica. In humans, the sciatic nerve is the largest and longest nerve. Therefore, if it becomes inflamed, then there is pain from the waist to the shins of the legs. The causes of sciatica include such conditions and factors:

  • trauma to the back, pelvis, extremities;
  • hypothermia of the body - sharp or prolonged;
  • pathology in the vertebrae( excrescences, hernias);
  • arthritis;
  • gynecological pathologies in pelvic organs;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • infection and inflammation in the body;
  • appearance of irritants that may affect the sciatic nerve( tumors);
  • constipation;
  • internal bleeding;
  • heavy physical exertion.

Symptoms of sciatic nerve inflammation include the following:

  • painful sensations in the lower limbs;
  • loss of sensation in the legs;
  • impaired motor function;
  • pain that occurs in the lumbar region, and after a while subsides;
  • involuntary bowel movement or urination;
  • swelling of the inflamed part of the body;
  • weakness;
  • muscle atrophy.

In severe cases, partial paralysis of the limbs may occur. The feeling of tingling in the area of ​​inflammation is a normal condition in a person with sciatica.

Where can pains occur with sciatica?

Where can pains occur with sciatica?

Often, there is no pain syndrome with this disease. But there is burning in the inflamed area, numbness and tingling in the lower back. Patients often ask doctors where they can give pains in sciatica? There are cases when irradiation of pain in the buttocks area passes along the back surface of the legs, hips or even from the side - into the groin.

Pincering of the sciatic nerve - sciatica: psychosomatics

Pinch of the sciatic nerve - sciatica: psychosomatic

It often happens that a person finds a psychological cause of the disease, eliminates it by fighting himself, and restores health. But psychological reasons can be many and their roots are often so deep that it is necessary to eliminate them for years. Psychosomatics of sciatica( pinch of the sciatic nerve):

  • Physical blockage of the is a sensation of pain in the buttocks, the back surface of the leg, the leg and the foot. Painful sensations start acutely on a certain area of ​​the sciatic nerve.
  • Emotional blocking. If you do not have confidence in the future, there is an unconscious fear of loss of material wealth, there is a blocking of the emotional background and there is inflammation of the sciatic nerve. In other words, such unconscious fear arises in people who are rich and do not need anything, but are very afraid of losing everything and would be hard to survive. The roots of this disease should be sought at the level of "have".A person does not realize his attachment to money, if he had the awareness of this, then he felt a sense of shame for the love of money, as this is inherent only to rude and obese people. In addition, the presence in a person of a disease such as sciatica, indicates a controlled aggression towards the adoption of a person.
  • Mental locking. Indicates that a person is hurting himself and paining his way of thinking. The stronger the wine, the greater the pain. We must admit to ourselves that there is fear in the loss of material wealth.

There is a way out! Do not think that the love of material goods is bad and disgusting. It is natural and typical for almost every person.

Tip: Get confidence in yourself and in your ability to create and receive everything you need. Due to this you will get rid of fear for loss of accumulated money and you can love money without becoming attached to them. In addition, learn to be tolerant of the ideas and characters of other people.

Sciatica - treatment with injections, drugs

Sciatica - treatment with injections, preparations

Sciatica at present is a well-studied pathology, and treatment has already been worked out for years. The main goal of treatment is to stop pain and reduce the inflammatory process. Treatment is usually performed with injections. Other drugs or tablets are not used, because the pain is very intense and such medications do not help. Often you even have to put injections, injecting medicinal product into the spinal canal. Several groups of drugs are used:

  • NSAIDs ( Nimesulide, Meloxicam, Piroxicam and others) are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They block the inflammatory process and the pain passes.
  • Vitamins - their appointment together with NSAIDs helps to reduce the duration of painful sensations.
  • Steroid drugs ( Dexamethasone, Prenizon, Methylprednisone) - are prescribed if they have not helped to cope with the pain of NSAIDs. Often the medicine is administered epidurally. This procedure is called blockade and is conducted only by experienced doctors.
  • Muscle relaxants ( Midokalm, Sirdalud, Baclofen) are administered together with NSAIDs. They have analgesic effect.
  • Analgesic drugs ( Vicodin, Morphine, Catadolone, Tramadol) are prescribed in the most rare cases. You can not buy them without prescribing a doctor.

Important: Any of these drugs should be prescribed only by a doctor. Self-treatment is dangerous!

Than to do or make anesthesia, blockade at isasse?

Than to do anesthesia, blockade at a sciatica?

Anesthesia or blockade in sciatica can be done with one of the drugs that have been described above. But remember that often blockade can not be done, as this can lead to such undesirable consequences:

  • risk of developing gastric ulcer;
  • osteoporosis;
  • edema of different etiologies;
  • thick blood;
  • weight gain.

Often for physiotherapy, physiotherapy( current and ultrasound treatment) and hirudotherapy( treatment with leeches) are prescribed. These procedures have a good analgesic effect and do not cause much harm to health, as drug treatment.

Important: But this does not mean that you need to cancel the therapy that the doctor prescribed and immediately go on to treatment with leeches or physiotherapy. You can consult a doctor who heals, and he will prescribe some other procedures to ease the condition as an additional treatment.

Ointments for sciatica

Ointments for sciatica

Medicines for topical application or ointments for sciatica differ in the nature of the action of the active ingredients in the formulation. Such ointments can be used:

  • homeopathic external agents;
  • distracting ointments for pain relief;
  • hondoprotectors;
  • non-steroid ointments as painkillers;
  • combined ointments - anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

Ointment is an integral part of complex therapy. The use of only external means will not bring much benefit in the treatment of sciatica.

Sciatica - treatment with vitamins

Sciatica - treatment with vitamins

As mentioned above, sciatica is treated with vitamins, but also with ointments in combination with NSAIDs. Vitamins B - B1 and B6 play an important role in the treatment of sciatica, as well as in neuritis and arthritis.

Yoga in sciatic nerve sciatica, stretching

Yoga in sciatica sciatica, stretching

Yoga and stretching in sciatica ischia can not be used if there is a fever, severe pain, purulent discharge and a sharp deterioration in chronic problems. In other cases, the physical load facilitates the condition and relieves the pain syndrome. Yoga during sciatica is best done with an instructor who will tell you what and how to perform. Easy physical activity can be performed independently. Here are 4 effective exercises that will help with sciatica:

Yoga in Sciatic Nerve Sciatica

Below are two videos where effective exercises are also shown when pinching the sciatic nerve.

Video: Special exercises for neuralgia of the sciatic nerve( Cyril Pavletsov)

And in this video, a professional football player shows exercises that once helped him to cope with the pain.

Video: Effective exercises with sciatic nerve clamp

Therapeutic exercises with sciatica

Therapeutic exercises with sciatica

During the course of sciatica, exercises with lifting of gravity can not be used. Charging is done after a 10-minute warm-up, and after a set of exercises, you need to take a warm shower. After training, muscles increase blood circulation and therefore, when you take a shower, you need to rub a painful area with a therapeutic ointment. This will help to remove the pain for a long time. Therapeutic gymnastics for sciatica:

Effective therapeutic gymnastics with sciatica

Effective exercise will be performed in the pool. With such exercises, the motor activity improves and the muscles strengthen.

Therapeutic gymnastics for sciatica in the pool

How to treat sciatica with a massage?

How to treat sciatica with a massage?

The safest method of treating this disease is massage. In the period of exacerbation, only a relaxing massage is prescribed, since therapeutic massage is contraindicated in pain. How to treat sciatica with a massage? Not only the back is massaged, but also the legs and hands, depending on the type of disease( upper or lower).Massage will help relax the muscles during spasm and will promote the outflow of lymph and blood.

Remember: Massage should be performed by a professional, as only a specialist can perform all movements with his hands correctly, so that the patient immediately felt the effect.

Video: The sciatic nerve. Treatment of sciatica. Sciatic nerve massage.

How to treat sciatica with acupuncture?

How to treat sciatica with acupuncture?

Acupuncture with sciatica gives excellent results. The patient relaxes and the pain of nervous origin is treated. How to treat sciatica with acupuncture?

How to treat the disease-sciatica with acupuncture?

If the pain is acute, then you need to work on the point energetically. It is enough to drive your hands, as if on weight, in the area of ​​pain. Stimulation resumes when it appears necessary.

Acupressure for sciatica

Acupressure for sciatica

To make acupressure with sciatica, you need to know where the active points are. And these points can be not only on the lower back and legs, but also on the hands and in the head area. The location of all points can be known only by a specialist in massage.

Video: Doing manual massage How to save the patient from a pinch of the sciatic nerve?

Sciatica - treatment with folk remedies: recipes

Sciatica - folk remedies: prescriptions

Traditional medications that are prescribed for the treatment of sciatica have many side effects. If you are a supporter of traditional medicine, then you can use one of the prepared natural medicines from the arsenal of effective prescriptions. Recipes folk remedies used in the treatment of sciatica:

Recipe for ingestion - decoction of aspen leaves:

  • 1 tablespoon of green aspen leaves pour a glass of boiling water.
  • Put on the fire and cook the infusion for 30 minutes.
  • Cool, strain and take a decoction every 4 hours for 30 ml.

This infusion can also be used as hot compresses.

External Application - Bathtubs:

  • Bath with horseradish. Grind the horseradish root in a meat grinder. Take 100 grams of this shredded product, put in a gauze pouch and place in a warm bath. Take a bath until the water cools.
  • Bath with shoots of pine - 1 kg of fresh young shoots of pine pour 3 liters of boiling water and put on fire. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes and then insist 4 hours more. Strain and add the received liquid to a warm bath - 1 liter of broth per 15 liters of water. Take a bath for 15 minutes.

Scent recipes:

Sciatica - treatment with folk remedies: recipes for grits

Sciatica - treatment with chestnut infusion: recipe

Sciatica - treatment with chestnut infusion: recipe

Fruits, leaves, flowers and even chestnut bark are valued for their medicinal properties. Infusions of chestnut help cope with various diseases. Successfully used the treatment of chestnut infusion with sciatica - recipe:

  • Seeds of horse chestnut crush.
  • Take 2 tablespoons of these shredded seeds and pour the floor with a liter of boiling water.
  • Place in a steam bath and hold for 15 minutes.
  • Then cool, strain and take 100 ml each day.

You can also insist on flowers, but they must first be dried. Then do the following:

  • 1 tablespoon of dried chestnut flowers pour a glass of boiling water.
  • Infuse before cooling water, strain.
  • Take this infusion during the day, dividing into 3 parts.

These infusions should be used in conjunction with other treatments.

Compresses for sciatica

Compresses for sciatica

Compresses for sciatica have a beneficial effect. With their help you can relieve the pain and ease the condition.

Compresses from natural ingredients:

Compresses for sciatica - recipes

Treatment of sciatica with bee stings: points

Treatment of sciatica with bee stings: points

In chronic course of the disease, medication is not always effective, and even more, can not guarantee a long therapeutic effect. As additional measures, the treatment of sciatica with bee stings is used.

Caution: Have contraindications - check with your doctor!

Before planting a bee, you need to make an easy warming massage. This massage can be performed using honey. The points are in the region of the back and waist.

Treatment of sciatica by the bee stings: points

To which doctor should I go for sciatica?

Which doctor should I use for sciatica?

When a person has a health problem, he does not know where to run and what to do. What kind of doctor should I use for sciatica? It is worth noting that the very first doctor to whom you can apply with a problem is a therapist. Then he can send to a highly specialized doctor. In case of sciatica the therapist directs to the neurologist. After all the examinations and diagnosis, you can contact the manual therapist.

Kinesiotherapy with sciatica

Kinesiotherapy with sciatica

Kinesiotherapy is the application of a teip to the skin. Tape is an elastic band-aid that allows you to improve blood circulation and reduce pain. With the help of tape tension, you can achieve a good therapeutic effect. Inflammatory process will be localized and after several days of wearing a band-aid, it is liquidated. With sciatica, the patch is superimposed on the waist and on the painful leg region. See in the video how to do it right.

Video: Kinesio teip: back pain

Electrophoresis for sciatica: which medicines

Electrophoresis for sciatica: which medicines

Electrophoresis is the carrying out of a medicinal preparation inside the tissues of an organism by the action of a current. What medicines can be used for sciatica:

  • Mumiye - 4% solution in distilled water. Compress is superimposed for 15-20 minutes with a current strength of 5 to 20 mA.It is necessary to spend 10-15 sessions.
  • Magnesia.
  • Novocaine.
  • Lidase.
  • Caripain.
  • Eufillin.
  • Apifor.
  • Gumizol and others.

All medicines are applied to special applications in the form of solutions. At least 10 procedures must be carried out.

Sciatica: Is it possible to soar your feet?

Sciatica: Is it possible to soar your feet?

Among the people of the older generation there is an opinion that all diseases of neuralgia can be treated with heat. But the official medicine warns: to soar legs with sciatica, and also to go to a bath or a sauna, and to take hot baths is forbidden. Heat can only aggravate the situation.

Sciatica - treatment according to Bubnovsky

Sciatica - treatment according to Bubnovsky

According to Bubnovsky, neuralgia can be forgotten if the normal functioning of the muscular corset of the spine is restored. Neuromuscular spasms should be removed, and the muscles strengthened, then the pain will go away forever. Treatment of sciatica according to Bubnovsky occurs on a multifunctional simulator and with the help of joint exercises.

An individual treatment program is selected for each patient, taking into account his condition, age and degree of muscle training. Look at the video in which the doctor talks about his method of treatment.

Video: Three universal exercises Sergey Bubnovsky

Sciatica: treatment with micro-motion, wiggles

Sciatica: treatment with micro-motion, wiggles

If you are sedentary, then you need to be involved in the prevention of sciatica. Do small breaks during work to perform an easy warm-up and stretching of the muscles.

If the disease is already overtaken, then with a sedentary lifestyle it is good to carry out treatment with micro-motions and wiggles. Such exercises are good during pregnancy, when you can not take drugs and perform heavy physical stress on the body.

Will the treatment with Lyapko's applicator help with sciatica?

Will the treatment of Lyapko's applicator help with sciatica?

Professors and doctors of sciences, who have personally faced the problem of sciatica, come up with effective methods of treatment. So Dr. Lyapko came up with an applicator that helps safely, in contrast to acupuncture( penetration of the human body by hepatitis, HIV and other infections).Many people ask themselves: will the treatment with Lyapko's applicator help with sciatica? With the help of this device, electrostimulation of painful points and saturation of the organism with microelements takes place. Needle applicators can be made of different metals:

  • aluminum;
  • copper;
  • chrome;
  • nickel;
  • silver;
  • gold;
  • zinc.

The choice of applicator and needles occurs depending on the severity of the disease, the shape and nature of the course of the sciatica. Correctly to make a choice the attending doctor will help.

How to treat sciatica in pregnancy?

How to treat sciatica in pregnancy?

Such a disease in pregnant women usually appears in later terms, as the sciatic nerve is squeezed by the uterus, which is growing. On the question of how to treat sciatica during pregnancy, it is difficult to answer even to the doctor.

  • After all, many methods of treatment are harmful to the fetus.
  • But in this case, the use of external means, both traditional and traditional medicine, is excellent.
  • However, pay attention to the composition of ointments, so that they contain natural ingredients.
  • You can carry out light massage procedures, make warm compresses and rub with alcohol-containing tinctures - hot pepper or lilac.

Tip: A pregnant woman should walk a lot, and quiet walking is an excellent way to fight sciatica.

How to treat lumbago with sciatica?

How to treat lumbago with sciatica?

Lumbago with sciatica is characterized by severe pain, especially during movement. In the body, inflammation occurs in the cartilaginous tissue of the waist. Usually the consequence of lumbago is always sciatica. These two diseases are interrelated.

How to treat lumbago with sciatica? Here are a few ways:

  • Medical therapy - appoint only a doctor. It is aimed at relieving inflammation.
  • Reflexotherapy - is performed by inserting special needles into the acupuncture points.
  • Therapeutic physical training - prevents relapses, strengthens the muscular corset, restores mobility and improves blood circulation.
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures - the inflammation is removed and the function in the waist region is restored.

To prevent such a disease, you must protect yourself from hypothermia, severe stress on the spine. It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle and exercise.

How long does it take to treat sciatica?

How long does it take to treat sciatica?

On the question of how long the sciatica lasts and is treated, there is no definitive answer. Some people have relief after 7-10 days of treatment, and others need at least a month to do this. The main thing is not to start the course of the disease and contact the doctor in a timely manner. Otherwise, the disease can take a chronic character, and the pain will constantly make itself felt.

Is it possible to cure sciatica forever?

Is it possible to cure sciatica forever?

As mentioned above, you can not start a disease. If the first symptoms appear, you should consult your doctor. Sciatica can be cured forever, if you constantly engage in yourself: to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, exercise, protect yourself from hypothermia and so on.

Video: Unlocking the sciatic nerve |Sciatica pain relief

  • May 11, 2018
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