Mononucleosis in children - what is this disease, its causes, symptoms and treatment

Mononucleosis is an infectious viral disease, the flow of which increases in size liver and spleen, a change in white blood occurs. This disease is multifarious, it is caused by the human herpes virus, the most common virus in the world. More than 90% of people on the planet in their time( usually up to 10 years) have already overcome the ailment and did not even know about it, because in most cases it is asymptomatic.

  • Symptoms of the disease
  • diagnosis and analysis
  • How to treat
  • Infectious
  • Atypical
  • Chronic
  • Diet for patient treatment
  • Recovery
  • disease prevention
  • Consequences and complications


disease Signs of mononucleosis in children include the following:

  • changeable increasedtemperature, which ranges from 37.5-40 degrees throughout the day;

  • enlargement of lymph nodes, often zadneshey, they can be clearly seen when turning the head. Usually the inflammation is bilateral, and the lymph nodes during palpation do not create painful sensations;
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  • whitish plaque, usually manifested in the tongue, the walls of the throat or tonsils, but it does not create difficulties with swallowing or severe pain in the throat;
  • breathing becomes difficult in the absence of discharge from the nose, as this occurs in connection with an increase in the lymphoid ring, which in turn overlaps the nasal passages;
  • in children with mononucleosis may develop a rash that usually does not itch and does not localize in one place;
  • a significant increase in the spleen and liver, which in rare cases leads to rupture of the spleen.
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Diagnosis and analysis of

It is not difficult to diagnose mononucleosis, depending on the symptoms that appear, the specialist prescribes a blood test that should show the absence or presence of atypical mononuclear cells modified by the virus, they are difficult to determine at the initial stage of mononucleosis, therefore, they are often repeated twice. Usually this biochemical and general analysis or analysis for antibodies to the HHV also the doctor can request an ultrasound of certain internal organs.

Learn also about the methods of treatment of jaundice in newborns

The incubation period in children with mononucleosis can last several weeks and it is during this period of time in the blood that oval or rounded ovalelements, sometimes reaching the size of a large monocyte. The norm of mononuclear blood cells in children in 10%, that is, with the disease, their level will increase. Such changes in blood can hold for about another year after the course of the disease, so it is advisable to regularly check blood after recovery.

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How to treat

There is no specific specific treatment for this ailment, there is no single treatment regimen, usually specialists prescribe drugs that remove the symptoms of the disease, except for serious cases.

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To cure a child you need to follow some recommendations and the order of administration of medications, you should first consult a doctor. Basically, the following measures are taken:

  • antipyretics to relieve the child of fever, if it reaches the 38 degree mark, for example, Nurofen, Ibuprofen or Paracetamol. Before giving drugs, you need to study the dosage;
  • removes plaque and symptoms of sore throat sprays( Cameton, Ingalipt), coping well with this problem by rinsing with chamomile solution, saline solution or furacilin;
  • to boost immune protection will help immunomodulators: children Anaferon, Tsikloferon, Viferon and Imudon, should also apply vitamins C, P and B;
  • if a hypertoxic condition of severe form occurs, a course of prednisolone is usually prescribed;
  • antibiotics for mononucleosis in children specialist usually appoints when attaching a bacterial infection.
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For the treatment of atypical mononucleosis, the following measures are recommended:

  • a lack of fluid in the body helps slow the recovery, so you need to drink a lot and better tea or water, you can also juice without sugar;
  • should be nutritionally and properly fed to saturate the body with nutrients;
  • with an increase in body temperature of more than 38 degrees is advised to take drugs Aspirin, Ibuprofen, or Paracetamol, carefully studied the dosage;
  • , especially at the initial stage of the disease, it is very important to have a healthy sleep and rest or at least reduce the load if there is no opportunity to lie down.

If worsened, seek medical advice immediately.

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Mononucleosis overflows into a chronic form if the defenses of the body are weakened. First of all, it is necessary to consult a doctor so that he can determine the causes of the fallen immunity, for example, diabetes or an incorrect lifestyle, bad habits.

Chronic mononucleosis can only be cured by strengthening the immune system, the range of measures starts from proper nutrition and ends with stress control. The first thing a doctor will advise is to take a hospital, it is not necessary to simply lie in bed, but heavy loads should be avoided. Despite the fatigue you need to communicate with family members or friends, so as not to provoke a depressed state. It is necessary to drink a course of vitamins or refer to the prescriptions of traditional medicine to increase the immune resistance.

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Diet and regimen for the patient

The disease strongly affects the liver, so for 6-12 months the child will need to maintain a sparing diet. From his diet should be removed smoked, sweet, fatty or fried. A sick or already recovered baby should be fed fairly easily and foods that are rich in vitamins. Categorically prohibited the use of beans, onions, peas and garlic, and in less quantity you need to eat sour cream, cheeses, vegetable and butter.

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A sick child should maximally observe bed rest. This is due not only to the fact that the baby needs a lot of rest, but also because it is extremely difficult to protect other family members from infection. The fact is that this virus in a person who has fallen ill remains in the body and sometimes enters an active phase, during which the child becomes a carrier.

To protect other inhabitants of the house, close contact with the patient should be excluded and even for some time after his recovery. Observance of the rules of personal hygiene and the use of a recovered child of his set of utensils after defeating us with ailment will help to exclude the possibility of infection.
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Recovery after

After the disappearance of the last symptoms, a long recovery period occurs. At this time, the baby usually still feels tired and lethargic, he needs to follow a diet, drink plenty of fluids, healthy sleep does not interfere. The doctor should prescribe the withdrawal of any vaccinations for a while. The state of the baby should be carefully monitored, since it is not recommended to supercool and overheat, it is strictly forbidden to sunbathe, and you also need to refrain from traveling to southern resorts. The child should spend a lot of time in the open air, it is necessary to do regular blood tests to see how changes in her composition occur.

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Prevention of

Unfortunately, at the moment there are no specific preventive measures for this disease.

Therefore, to ensure its safety, it is necessary to follow the rules of personal hygiene, if the child had contact with a patient or a person who soon fell ill, it is necessary to carefully monitor his condition for 60-90 days.

If the main signs of the disease did not manifest, then the infection did not occur or the infection was asymptomatic.

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Consequences and complications

Usually infectious mononucleosis in children passes without causing serious consequences. But in rare cases, the course of the disease causes some complications, the most common inflammatory processes in the liver that can cause jaundice. One of the most serious consequences of the disease is the rupture of the spleen, statistics note 1 case of 1000. Among the other complications of the disease that are usually caused by secondary infection: meningoencephalitis, forms of hepatitis and interstitial lung infiltration are bilateral.

  • May 11, 2018
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