What is hirudotherapy? Treatment hirudotherapy of various diseases

Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches in modern medicine for various diseases.


  • The essence of the hirudotherapy method
  • Advantages and disadvantages of hirudotherapy
  • Hirudotherapy with prostatitis
  • Hirudotherapy with diabetes
  • Hirudotherapy with hernia
  • Hirudotherapy for joints
  • Hirudotherapy with myoma
  • Hirudotherapy with infertility
  • How to apply hirudotherapy in cosmetology?
  • Treatment of hirudotherapy of various diseases: tips and reviews
  • Video: Hirudotherapy - how to treat leeches?

The essence of the hirudotherapy method

Hirudotherapy sounds very intriguing and is not understandable for the average inhabitant, but the essence of this treatment is well known and has been used for thousands of years. Giruda is a medical leech.

Hirudotherapy - treatment of diseases by medical leeches. The first use of leeches in the treatment of humans is not fixed, but even in ancient Egypt, healers actively used giraud in their practice, as evidenced by ancient papyri and rock inscriptions.

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Gyruds give a complex healing effect: biological, mechanical and reflex. Each of them is unique in nature and has no analogues.

Leech sucked and bites the skin exclusively in the biologically active points of a person, than it has a reflex curative effect. Such treatment is provided by acupuncture, but it is inferior to hirudotherapy, since it does not have a biological mechanism.

When biting the skin of a person, the leech gradually sucks out the venous blood, while injecting its saliva, in which a whole gamut of medicinal substances. This exchange is called a biological mechanism. The mechanical effect is achieved due to the active influx of blood to the site with a leech.

Advantages and disadvantages of hirudotherapy

Hirudotherapy, like any other treatment, has both pluses and minuses. Indeed, the procedure has been conducted for centuries at home and, it would seem, does not require special sterility.

But it is worth recalling that previously almost all medical procedures, including childbirth and most of the operations were carried out at home. The number of blood infections and mortality will be left to historians. Doctors came to a common opinion that when carrying out medical manipulations cleanliness, sterility and mandatory profile training of the personnel carrying out this or that procedure is necessary.

  • And then there are difficulties. At the indication to hirudotherapy the hospital is not shown, that is, the patient needs to visit the hospital daily. Because of the specific saliva of the leeches, the wounds bleed to the day and, with some periodicity, it is necessary to change the bandages
  • . If the patient lives far from the hospital, he will need to get a long time during which he can change the bandage in public places( a lavatory in a cafe or other place), where there is no question of sterility. And then there is a risk of entering the bloodstream infection
  • Another adverse factor - sweat should not get into the wound. But after traveling in public transport you can freeze and sweat. Therefore, for hirudotherapy, they did not come to a consensus where it is better to be conducted: in a medical center or at home.
  • If you have a car or a hospital is not far from home, doctors still recommend that the procedure be performed in a manipulation. But in all other cases, a lower risk of infection is still if you call a doctor at home.

There are also contraindications to hirudotherapy:

  • Pregnancy and lactation time, menstruation period, also postpone treatment for up to half a year for caesarean section
  • Any blood diseases
  • Low blood pressure
  • Anemia( it is worthwhile to postpone the treatment until the norm of red blood cells is restored in the blood);
  • Oncological diseases
  • Haemorrhagic diathesis
  • Up to 12 years

Hirudotherapy with prostatitis

Prostatic inflammation is one of the most terrible diseases for men. It is worth a little run, bad treatment, somewhere to see and everything - life changes for the worse forever.

Hirudotherapy with prostatitis is an excellent natural treatment, but unfortunately, it works only in case of primary inflammation, until those under the disease will not go into chronic form.

For complete recovery from prostatitis, two courses of hirudotherapy are prescribed with an interval of two months. Each course consists of 9 sessions, between which you must observe the interval of 3 days. In total, the course of hirudotherapy in the treatment of prostatitis takes up to 40 leeches.

When prescribing treatment, it is first necessary to conduct a diagnosis of the organism in order to check whether there are any contraindications to the treatment with leeches.

Hirudotherapy with diabetes

  • Diabetes is an insidious disease not sparing anyone. Those who are faced with this terrible disease know firsthand how difficult it is to be treated and how hard it is to keep the disease from further progression of
  • . Despite the fact that the world's technologies have made a huge breakthrough in the last century, a panacea for diabetes has not been invented so. There are medicines that improve the condition of the patient, but as before, endocrinologists send their patients to hirudotherapy if there is no contraindication.
  • Treatment with leeches significantly improves the condition of patients, lowers blood sugar, improves blood circulation and the general state of the body.
  • About complete cure, of courseIt can not be, but there is an opportunity to improve the patient's condition. For this, sessions are shown for up to 10 days, with an interval of 5 days between them. After the course, you need to take a break in six months and after that you can repeat

Hirudotherapy with hernia

Hypodinamy is a mass problem of the 21st century. No more need to run after the animals to get their food, months to water and care for the plants to feed the family. Increasingly, work is reduced to passive sitting at the office table, driving a car, etc. As a result, the back has become a weak point, and back problems exist for almost every office worker.

A very common and dangerous disease of this century is the intervertebral hernia. For non-surgical treatment, careful treatment with medications, physiotherapy and complete refusal of physical exertion and weight lifting is necessary. One of the most effective types of treatment is hirudotherapy. Assign treatment with leeches a course of 12 procedures with an interval between each of three days.

The action of a leech on a hernia is very interesting. Injectable saliva contains many useful substances that dissolve microparticles of the fallen vertebra. Especially effective leech cope with the old hernia. Also, due to the inflow of blood to the areas on which the leeches "work" leeches improves the condition of the skin and subcutaneous layers, edema is removed.

Hirudotherapy for joints

  • Arthrosis is a joint disease, which is considered to be an age-related disease. Unfortunately, this disease, like most others, is started, since minor pains in the knees, elbows and other joints after forty are very often written off to "already old"
  • . Appeals to the doctor become a necessity when the joint is heavily moved. Because of this, up to 15% of initial calls are observed in our country, when arthrosis is already in neglected form.
  • Treatment with leeches is prescribed only at the first stages of the disease, because in a neglected form they no longer bear the proper therapeutic effect.
  • Treatment is appointed individually from the species and conditionjoint, as well as personal indicators of the patient. Therapy slows the progression of the disease, facilitates the condition and helps to partially repair the tissues.

Hirudotherapy with myoma

The aim of hirudotherapy in the treatment of uterine fibroids is to stimulate the reproductive system of the patient to independent recovery, and to create additional blood flow to the areas of the female organs. Hirudotherapy can be prescribed only in combination with drugs and should be performed under the supervision of a doctor. The course is assigned exclusively individually, but not more than three times a week.

Hirudotherapy infertility

Treatment with leeches for infertility is prescribed for both women and men. In some cases hirudotherapy can completely cure of infertility, with other diagnoses hirudotherapy is used as an auxiliary tool in the complex treatment of infertility.

In women, hirudotherapy increases the level of hormones, stimulates the production of eggs, improves the patency of the fallopian tubes, and much more. In men hirudotherapy improves the condition of the prostate, regulates the blood and hormones, improves the function of the testes.

How to apply hirudotherapy in cosmetology?

Leeches in cosmetology is now at the peak of popularity. Earlier they were used mainly for the treatment of varicose veins, today it is actively used for weight loss, rejuvenation and even skin improvement. Hirudotherapy is also indicated for acne, pigmentation, scarring of the skin.

For correct application of hirudotherapy, consultation of a cosmetologist and specialist of hirudotherapy is necessary. Especially cautious treatment with leeches on the face and around the lymph nodes.

Each course is assigned individually by a specialist who will also conduct procedures. We strongly do not recommend self-treatment with leeches, however harmless, cosmetic procedure seemed, it is necessary to know well which points leeches should be put in, and also to analyze the condition of the organism before the beginning of the course of treatment.

Treatment of hirudotherapy of various diseases: advice and feedback

Albert( 42): long tried to continue with his wife with his family, but nothing came of it. At first there were signals, the time would come and become pregnant. But the years went by, we settled down, we made careers, but in life there was still a child squeal. My wife turned to a doctor( I did not even think of going somewhere, I think it's a problem on the side of women), a month of careful diagnosis and a verdict is absolutely healthy, bring her husband to a survey. I'm a civilized person, I did not do tragedy, I immediately passed all the tests, and it really turned out that the problem is in me. The doctor said that the problem is insignificant and most likely, several courses of hirudotherapy will help. And you know what? After the first course, a stork flew to us! But still, according to the doctor's recommendations, I went through the second course, and also go for prophylaxis of prostatitis once a year. Thanks to experienced doctors and medical leeches.

Marina( 45 years): my friendship with leeches began more than 20 years ago when there is varicose. Over the years I do not even know how many courses I have passed. But the condition of the legs is still within normal limits, despite the fact that during initial treatment, large, swollen, cyanotic legs promised me in old age. Now added arthrosis, leeches are very helpful, do not heal, of course, but put on their feet. I recommend this natural healing well to everyone.

Video: Hirudotherapy - how to treat leeches?

  • May 11, 2018
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