Causes of anembrion and how to treat it

Anembrionia is a type of frozen or undeveloped pregnancy. The fetal egg attached to the uterus does not contain an embryo, or it stopped in development at the earliest stages of embryo formation. The reasons for such an unpleasant pathology are many, and according to statistics, it accounts for 13-15% of all pregnancies.

  • Causes of
  • Symptoms of
  • Treatment of

However, do not worry before the time: a stiff pregnancy does not mean that a woman can not have a child anymore. In any case, such a diagnosis requires additional verification and confirmation to exclude the possibility of errors.

Causes of

Anembryony is most often associated with genetic impairment when an inappropriate chromosomal set is initially laid or an unsuccessful combination of parents' genes has occurred. Pregnancy, which began with the combination of at least one "unhealthy" cell( egg or sperm cell) in most cases is hopeless.

Factors provoking pathology:

  • Acute viral or bacterial infection suffered by a woman in the early stages of pregnancy. High temperature stops the development of the fetus or it becomes infected by itself and freezes.
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  • Pneumonia, pyelonephritis and similar diseases require treatment with antibiotics, which can provoke anembrion.
  • Toxic, chemical or radiation substances adversely affect the body of a future mother, disrupting the normal environment of the uterus, and cause death of the embryo.
  • Harmful habits( smoking, drinking alcohol, drugs or strong psychotropic drugs) significantly increase the risk of pregnancy fading.
  • Heredity or genetic predisposition.
  • Dramatic changes in the hormonal background of a woman.

However, the exact causes of the emergence of pathology and the mechanisms for its development to the end by the doctors have not yet been studied, and why anembryony occurs in perfectly healthy parents is not always clear.

Read also about all the signs and beliefs that are associated with the people with pregnancy and childbirth
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Symptoms of

In most cases, the emergence of anembrion occursfor a period of up to 6 weeks and is completely asymptomatic. Rather, all the characteristic signs of pregnancy persist: the mammary glands and uterus are increasing, the toxicosis is troubling, there are no monthly ones.

In some cases, the body itself tries to protect itself and reacts to an "incorrect" pregnancy with miscarriage. In this case, pulling pains in the lower abdomen and spotting can begin.

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Treatment of

False pregnancy, unfortunately, is subject to elimination, there is no other way out. Identify anembrion only with the help of ultrasound or a blood test for hCG.

hCG( human chorionic gonadotropin) is a hormone that maintains the activity of the yellow body after the fertilization has occurred and stimulates progesterone production. The yellow sac functions to ensure that the embryo can develop, therefore, the level of hCG( up to 10-12 weeks) also grows. After 12 weeks, the chorionic hormone levels gradually fall, the yellow body ceases to exist and its functions are shifted to the placenta.

With anembryony, the yellow sac remains in the mother's body, but the hCG level is much lower than in normal pregnancy. In the early detection of pathology, it is interrupted by medication. At a later stage, it is recommended to scrape the uterine cavity. It is carried out by a gynecologist under sterile conditions under general anesthesia.

The subsequent treatment may contain antibacterial or uterine contracting drugs, fortifying agents or vitamin complexes. Re-examination( ultrasound) is performed 10-15 days after the interruption of anembrional pregnancy. Based on this, a conclusion is made about the woman's health status and recommendations on the terms of the next conception( at least six months so that the body can recover from the hormonal failure).

Anembrionia is a rather random phenomenon, which does not have a negative effect on reproductive function, and after recovery the failed mother will again be ready to bear the child.

  • May 11, 2018
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