Intracranial pressure in adults: symptoms, causes and treatment. How to measure intracranial pressure?

Probably, all of us periodically experience such problems as slight dizziness, small headaches, blurred vision, etc. Most often, these problems are associated with increased intracranial pressure. Unfortunately, not everyone gives due attention to this ailment. But, sometimes such symptoms can in turn be signs of much more serious problems: hemorrhages, tumors, bruises, etc.


  • How is intracranial pressure measured in an adult?
  • Intracranial pressure in adults
  • Symptoms of increased intracranial pressure in adults
  • Causes of increased intracranial pressure in adults
  • What is the risk of intracranial pressure in adults?
  • Is it possible to cure increased intracranial pressure?
  • How to treat elevated intracranial pressure?
  • Decreased intracranial pressure in adults
  • Folk remedies for intracranial pressure in adults
  • Intracranial pressure: reviews
  • Video. How to reduce intracranial pressure? Mini massage

Increased ICP should be a signal that it is time to undergo a test with a neurologist.

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Increased intracranial pressure is a violation of the balance between the pressure of the blood vessels and the cerebrospinal fluid inside the skull in favor of the latter. According to statistics, periodically appearing symptoms of such a disease are found in 30% of the inhabitants of our planet.

How is intracranial pressure measured in an adult?

If a patient exhibits symptoms of elevated ICP, the physician prescribes a set of measures to measure it.
  • One of the most frequent comprehensive examination procedures for detecting this ailment is examination of the fundus. This procedure is performed in the ophthalmologist's office. The patient is instilled in the eye a special solution to dilate the pupils. Then with the help of an electric ophthalmic mirror, the oculist should identify the symptoms of ICP.These include: dilated sinuous vessels of the retina, changing the contours of the eye, the color and the tissue of the disc
  • . If the oculist identifies the above-described ailment, the patient should go to a neurologist. Most often, this specialist appoints a magnetic resonance imaging of the brain for the diagnosis. A patient in a helmet with wires connected to special sensors is placed in a field created by an electromagnet. The procedure lasts 40-45 minutes. If a person suffers from claustrophobia, then he will not be able to withstand such a procedure
  • . Also, the presence of a problem can be detected with the help of duplex scanning of brachiocephalic arteries. They are responsible for supplying the brain with blood. Using an ultrasound machine, a specialist visually assesses vessel size, blood flow rate and other important indicators of
  • . Another procedure by which it is possible to detect ICP is rheoencephalography. A weak alternating current is passed through the patient's brain and the changes in resistance occurring during this process are recorded. In this case, a weak current that affects the brain, not as it is not felt and not felt
  • But, the most accurate measure of intracranial pressure can be achieved with the surgical insertion of the needle into the spinal canal. This procedure can be carried out only by a very experienced specialist. Even a small mistake lead to disability of the patient

Norm of intracranial pressure in adults

The unit of measurement of intracranial pressure is a millimeter of mercury. The norm for a child is 1-2 mm Hg. Art. And the norm of adults is 5-7 mm Hg. Art.

Symptoms of increased intracranial pressure in adults

Symptoms of ICP appear gradually.

And start to notice this ailment for the headache
  • It can be a pressing, bursting and pulsing
  • Usually this pain manifests itself immediately after awakening after a dream
  • Increases intracranial pressure during sneezing, straining, orgasm and with a long acceptance of the horizontal position. Thus there can be a nausea and "noise" in a head
  • With VCHD to remove a headache analgetikami it is impossible

In addition to a headache very often the companion of such problem is a syndrome of a vegetative dysfunction. It manifests itself:

  • by sharp drops in blood pressure and heart rate
  • by constipations or attacks of diarrhea
  • by suffocation
  • by salivation
  • by increased sweating
  • by dizziness
  • pains in the heart area
  • by irritability or apathy

In the most critical condition, the increase in intracranial pressure is accompanied by symptoms that can endanger life:

  • loss of consciousness right up to coma
  • loss of strength in muscles
  • strong dizziness inhibiting normalmovement
  • severe vomiting
  • dyskinesia disorder
  • dysfunction of respiratory and cardiovascular system
  • urinary incontinence

Causes of increased intracranial pressure in adults

Cerebrospinal fluid constantly circulates through spaces and ventricles of the brain connected to each other by

ducts During the day this fluid is completely renewed 7 times. If more of such fluid accumulates in one part of the brain than is necessary, the above-described problem will occur.

There are three most common causes of this ailment:

  • , the discharge of cerebrospinal fluid occurs faster than is necessary for the body.
  • Cerebrospinal fluid is not absorbed sufficiently.
  • . Disruption of the passages of the cerebrospinal fluid circulation pathway

. Each of the above reasons for elevated ICP may occur due to:

  • cranial-brain injury
  • infectious diseases( meningitis or encephalitis)
  • features of the brain structure obtained at the birth of
  • tofatigue fasting
  • blood outflow from the brain
  • poisoning

Than dangerous intracranial pressure in adults?

With such an ailment, the ducts and fluid cavities may increase in size( hydrocephalus).The skull is a closed cavity. When the ducts of the cerebrospinal fluid increase, the mass of the brain substance decreases. What can lead to critical consequences for health and normal functioning.

The magnitude of the danger of this disease depends on the rate of increase in intracranial pressure
  • If this does not happen very quickly, then the brain can adapt in time to such changes. But, at the same time, "expresses" its discontent in the form of pain
  • The more often this illness appears, the more the headache will be hurt in the person suffering. Usually this happens in the morning. Also, an increase in ICP can lead to fatigue, loss of working capacity, apathy and drowsiness
  • People who have this disease often become prone to painful sensitivity to atmospheric pressure changes, weather changes
  • With increased intracranial pressure, an adult may experience memory loss, worseningvision and general malaise.
  • But, do not think that this problem can only cause discomfort, but does not threaten life. Frequent increases in intracranial pressure over time can lead to the fact that the body can no longer cope with such a load
  • Expansion of the channels and cavities of the brain that occurs with an increase in ICP, may cause cerebral hemispheres and destruction of vital sites
  • The most serious cause of the above problemis the overlapping of the channels of cerebrospinal fluid due to the formation of the tumor

Is it possible to cure increased intracranial pressure?

Symptoms of this ailment are not a cause for panic

But, in order to live a long and happy life, you must carefully listen to your body. If symptoms of elevated ICP are present, visit a neurologist. If you find an early problem with this ailment, you can cope and normalize your health.

How to treat elevated intracranial pressure?

  • Treatment of elevated ICP begins with finding out the reasons that led to this ailment. If it is not possible to find out the cause of such ailment, then measures are taken to remove excess cerebrospinal fluid from the body.
  • . If the cause of this disease is a tumor, then its surgical removal or chemotherapy is performed. Also, surgical intervention may be needed for intracerebral hematoma or aneurysm
  • If the cause of increased ICP infection is an infectious disease, then antibacterial therapy

is indicated. For any of the above factors that led to the described ailment, patients need:

  • to abandon bath and sauna
  • to reduce the intake of salt and liquid
  • to refuse fried and fatty food
  • to engage in exercise therapy
  • to include in your diet drinks that have a diuretic effect
  • to exclude physical activity
  • possible to eliminate stress and overstrain
  • always enough to sleep and deal with stresses

People who have symptoms of increased intracranial pressure should give up bad habits. In the treatment of this disease can help manual therapy, acupuncture, laser therapy and other procedures.

To reduce the amount of cerebrospinal fluid shows the use of diuretics.

Drugs such as

may also be used in drug treatment. With a sharp exacerbation of the described ailment, urgent hospitalization and treatment in a hospital environment is required.

To reduce the symptoms of elevated ICP, exercise therapy showed itself well. With its help you can not only facilitate the course of this ailment, but also reduce the dosage used in the treatment of medications.

Well, the following exercise helps to reduce ICP.Take a round cylindrical stick 3-4 cm in diameter. It should be wound behind the back. Then, lean against the neck and move from the back of the head to the shoulders for 15 minutes. In the day you need to repeat this exercise 3-4 times.

In the most difficult cases, surgical intervention may be required to help patients who are diagnosed with elevated ICP.These can be the following procedures:

  • Installing a shunt for the outflow of cerebrospinal fluid
  • Removing the bruise
  • Increasing the volume of the skull by excising the bone
  • Driving the cerebrospinal fluid outward

Each of these operations has many limitations and complications. Therefore, they are resorted to in extreme cases.

Decreased intracranial pressure in adults

But, intracranial pressure can adversely affect not only with the rise of

. Low ICP is also a cause of great trouble. Every fifth person in the world suffers from hypotension. A disease that can lead to a heart attack.

The causes of decreased intracranial pressure are most often problems with the vessels. Because of which the brain will not get enough oxygen and nutrients in the proper amount. The causes of this disorder in the body can be:

  • vitamin deficiency
  • chronic fatigue
  • intoxication
  • infection
  • allergic reactions
  • bad habits
  • depression and stresses
  • cervical osteochondrosis

Also low ICP can cause hormonal failure in the body.

Like increased intracranial pressure in hypotension, many symptoms. And the more they are simultaneously manifested, the more serious the problem. Such symptoms include:

  • loss of performance
  • fast fatigue
  • dizziness
  • pain in the heart
  • severity in the stomach
  • flash before the eyes
  • syncope

Often, lowered intracranial pressure becomes a consequence of pregnancy or menstruation in women. At teenagers at the moment of rapid growth also this problem is marked.

The treatment of a lowered ICP is developed individually for each case. The following options for such treatment can be chosen:

  • prescription medications
  • herbal treatment and homeopathy
  • physiotherapy procedures
  • physiotherapy
In order to get professional help in the treatment of this disease it is necessary to consult a cardiologist

If symptoms of a decreased ICP in humansare first detected, then he is given aerobic exercise. Also, a regime of the day is formed, which hypotonia should follow. It includes:

  • healthy sleep( minimum 8 hours per day)
  • periodic visit to the pool
  • daily contrast shower
  • gymnastics
  • full rest

Very well recommended in the treatment of low intracranial pressure procedures such as:

  • acupressure
  • sodium chloride bath
  • magnetotherapy
  • cryotherapy
  • reflexotherapy
  • iodide-bromine bath
  • self-massage of the neck top
  • electrosleep;
  • darsonvalization of the neck, head and heart zone
  • galvanic collar
  • inhalation of air with a high ozone content

Thanks to these procedures, it is possible to increase blood circulation and increase vascular tone.

If the symptoms of a decreased ICP are not the first time, it shows the use of medicines based on caffeine and other substances that stimulate blood flow in the body.

As an alternative to medicines, this problem can be treated with herbal remedies with a tonic effect:

  • Tincture of Chinese magnolia vine
  • Tincture of hawthorn
  • Tincture of lure
  • Tincture of Eleutherococa
  • Tincture of ginseng

But even with the treatment of such funds, it is necessary to consult your doctor.

Folk remedies for intracranial pressure in adults

Folk remedies for the described problem are not a panacea. And you can not expect a miracle from them. But, with their help, you can provide the body with good support. Funds of traditional medicine, in addition to their effectiveness, have another important quality. They do not load the liver and stomach.

You can cope with high intracranial pressure with tinctures of valerian, peppermint, motherwort and eucalyptus.
  • You can also use a compress made of alcohol and camphor oil to treat this ailment. To do this, take these components of the compress in equal parts, soak the soft tissue in this mixture and apply it on the head before going to bed. To enhance the effect from the top, you can wrap your head with cellophane
  • . The tincture of the clover inflorescence on vodka helps to cope well with the problem described. You can do it yourself. Insist such flowers need in two weeks. Then you need to dilute 10 ml of the obtained tincture in a glass of water and drink once a day.
  • Another means against high intracranial pressure is the mulberry broth. To do this, 20 grams of twigs of this plant is poured with a liter of water and cooked for half an hour. It is necessary to drink a glass of this decoction before eating.
  • A mixture of lemon and garlic before bedtime( about 30 ml) will also help to remove the symptoms of increased ICP
  • Also shown to solve this problem birch juice
  • Another proven tool is a tincture of peppermint, hawthorn, valerian, eucalyptus and motherwort on vodka. For this, the grasses are mixed in equal proportions. For one tablespoon of this collection you need 500 ml of vodka. It is necessary to insist such a remedy within 24 hours. To alleviate the symptoms of high intracranial pressure, you need to take 20-25 drops of this medication

Intracranial pressure: reviews

Cyrus. I had an impaired fluid exchange near the base of the skull. Nothing helped. Until I turned to a famous osteopath. He examined me and said that he pointed to a minor injury to the cervical department, which could cause such a problem. After several sessions, the trauma was removed. Intracranial pressure as a hand removed.

Light. In adolescence, there were terrible headaches due to ICP.The examination showed that the veins were widened, which leads to different amounts of blood being delivered and outgoing. Have appointed or nominated nyxes. Very sore. But I did. After this course, I practically forgot about the problem.

Video. How to reduce intracranial pressure? Mini massage

  • May 11, 2018
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