How to deal with frequent colds in a child

Colds are in the first place among all childhood diseases. Immunity of children is not yet able to work at full strength, so when cold, temperature drops, epidemics, they quickly catch cold and begin to ache. Curing a cold always takes a lot of effort and time, and often enough the child again quickly falls ill. What to do in this situation? The main means of combating frequent child colds is preventive measures to strengthen immunity.

  • Colds
  • due to illness
  • Prevention
  • Vaccination
  • Vitamins
  • Preparations
  • Homeopathy
  • Essential oils
  • Inhalation
  • Massage
  • Sanatorium
  • Hardening
  • General recommendations
  • Traditional recipes for the prevention
  • Garlic and onions
  • Tea rosehip
  • Herbal teas
  • Foot baths
  • Bee products
  • Ginger
  • Badger fat


Acute respiratory viral infections( ODS) Or the common cold - a common name upper respiratory tract infectious disease groups, which may lead to an inflammatory process in the mucosa of the nasopharynx.

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Signs of a cold begin to develop 1-2 days after infection. The sick child is contagious for the first 2-3 days. To protect the child from frequent colds, it is necessary to carry out preventive measures that will strengthen the immune system and reduce the risk of infection during epidemics and influenza.

There are more than 200 types of viruses, but the most common are the following:

  • The is one of the most complex infections. Symptoms: high fever, sore throat, headache, weakness, pain in the joints, runny nose, cough.
  • Rhinovirus is a virus that causes a runny nose. The main signs: discharge from the nose and its stuffiness at normal body temperature.
  • Paragripp is a type of ARVI, in which the child's voice is hushed or hoarse, a cough may appear. Parainfluenza is dangerous for children as a complication in the form of false croup.
  • Adenovirus infection mainly penetrates the body through the upper respiratory tract, in rare cases through the eyes and intestines. Symptoms: pain and redness of the throat, fever, cough, weakness, lethargy, tearfulness, enlarged lymph nodes in the neck.
For more information on the causes, symptoms and treatment of adenovirus infection in children and adults, see
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Causes of

Diseases The main cause of frequent colds is weakened immunity. The immune system of the child is laid in the prenatal period. It is affected by:

  • borne trauma;
  • colds of a prospective mother during pregnancy;
  • severe maternal toxicosis;
  • intrauterine infection of the fetus;
  • prematurity.

In addition, reducing the immunity of a child up to 3-7 years contribute to:

  • frequent administration of drugs( immunosuppressants, antibiotics);
  • surgical intervention;
  • dysbacteriosis( violation of intestinal microflora);
  • infection with parasites( chlamydia and worms);
  • unbalanced power;
  • artificial feeding;
  • hereditary factor;
  • lack of motor activity;
  • unsatisfactory living conditions;
  • poor ecology of the region of residence;
  • the presence of foci of chronic infection in the mouth and nasopharynx;
  • allergies to the child's body, which often leads to a weakening of the immune response to infection;
  • insufficient maturity of the immune system and respiratory system;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • non-compliance with hygiene rules;
  • decreased function of the adrenal cortex;
  • second-hand smoke;
  • frequent stress;
  • an early visit to the kindergarten;
  • after immunization immunity can also decrease for a period of 1 to 3 months.

Also weakens the protective function of the body unhealthy atmosphere in the family, school or kindergarten. Children from disadvantaged families get sick more often.

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Prevention of

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Vaccination of

Vaccination will protect the body from 2-3 common strains of the virus. The rest of the species it can not overcome, but it will facilitate the course of the disease and reduce the likelihood of complications. For this reason, vaccination is recommended when the strain of the influenza virus is known.

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It is important to understand that the full protection of the body will come only after 2-3 weeks after vaccination. Throughout this time, the body produces antibodies necessary to resist the virus.

It is the doctor's responsibility to make the decision about the vaccination, it's forbidden to do it yourself.

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The pharmacies offer a large number of special children's multivitamin complexes( Supradin, Alphabet, Vitrum, Pikovit, Vita Mishki and others) and vitamin C( Ascorutin, Ascorbinka and others) that can strengthen immunity and protect the baby's body fromcolds, and in case of illness accelerate the process of recovery.

Also for the prevention of catarrhal diseases it is very useful to take fish oil in capsules or syrup( for example, Smart Omega-Baby, Omega-3 and others).It is important to remember vitamins - it's still a medicine that you can buy only after consulting a doctor.

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Among the large number of existing drugs that can prevent the penetration of viruses, the following immunomodulating agents are effective: Amyzon drops, Immunoflazid syrup, Influcid tablets, Acyclovir, Viton, Groprinosine, Viferon suppositories, Viburkol.

Before visiting crowded places or traveling by public transport during the period of influenza and epidemics, it is advisable to lubricate the nose with oxolin ointment.

Doctors recommend the use of broad-spectrum enterosorbents as a prophylaxis to stimulate local immunity, for example, Polysorb powder, Lactofiltrum.

To improve the protective forces apply immunomodulators in the nose( Derinat), antiseptics for rinsing and nasal instillation( Miramistin solution, Okomistin drops, Ophamirin and so on).

Most often for the prevention of colds, children are prescribed tablets, suppositories and ointments based on interferon. These include: candles Laferobion, Kipferon, drops in the nose Nasoferon, Grippferon, tablets Anaferon, Ergoferon and others.

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Preparations based on natural ingredients are an excellent alternative to other medications that can cause side effects. Most commonly prescribed are the following medicines: Allium Chains, Aflubin, Otsilokoktsinum, Grip-Gran and others.

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Essential oils

Aromatic oils are able to enhance the immunity of the child, since they have antiseptic and soothing properties. The aromatherapy procedures with essential oils of pine, lavender, fir, peppermint, eucalyptus, orange, lemon balm, tea tree and lemon will become an excellent prevention of colds.

Oils can be added to the bath before bathing or using aroma lamps, aromatherapy. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and make sure that the child does not show an allergic reaction.

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An effective method of preventing colds in children. The procedures can be carried out with essential oils, mineral water, antiseptics( Miramistin, Dekasan and others) diluted with saline in a ratio of 1: 2.To carry out inhalations with essential oils, the ultrasound device is not suitable, for this purpose it is better to use a steam inhaler.

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For the treatment of cold, certain techniques are used, not only eliminating the symptoms of the disease, but also speeding up the healing process. Some are used for prophylactic purposes and at home. To pick up the necessary technique and train her parents can only a qualified specialist.

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If a child has a cold more than 6 times a year, then he needs to undergo a course of rehabilitation therapy, which will help to strengthen immunity. In addition to therapeutic and preventive procedures, climatic conditions - mountain or sea air, salty sea water, mineral waters and so on - play a role in recovery.

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Hardening of

The best prevention of catarrhal diseases in a child is hardening - air baths, wiping, douche.

It is important to observe moderation, gradually increasing the intensity of procedures. It is possible to quench a child only when he is completely healthy, to start preferably in the summer, because at this time of year the probability of supercooling the body decreases.

At first it is recommended to give the child to drink cold compote or water in small quantities, ice cream. This can be done when the room or outside is not hot and the child does not sweat.

It is useful to run barefoot at home, and on the street in the summer. Walking without shoes helps the development of natural thermoregulation.

Next, you can go to daily wiping your feet and hands with a damp chilled towel, add pouring feet with cool water, and then cold.

When swimming, the temperature of the water should be reduced gradually, starting at 37 degrees. Then, with an interval of 6-7 days, lower the temperature by 0.5-1 degrees, depending on the speed of adaptation of the child.

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General recommendations of

To strengthen the immunity of the child, you can also use the simplest actions:

  • Complete rest. Children under 7 years old need a day sleep, and some sleep up to 8 years. During sleep, the body restores the energy expended, which helps strengthen the immune defense.
  • Balanced power. To strengthen immunity, it is recommended to give the child natural fruit drinks from cowberry, black currant, raspberry, sea buckthorn and cranberries, cook compotes from fruits, dried fruits, prepare tea with rose hips, sage, lemon, treat the child with sea buckthorn or raspberry jam. A large amount of vitamin C is found in fresh orange, dark green and red vegetables and fruits. It is important that in the diet of the baby there are onions, cabbage, garlic, meat, eggs, cereals and dairy products.
  • Sports. Hiking, physical education, gymnastics and swimming in the pool actively strengthen the protective functions of the body.
  • Cleaning of premises. Viruses on surfaces live a maximum of 2-3 hours. Therefore, in winter it is desirable to conduct wet cleaning more often with disinfectants, which completely kill viruses and resist their appearance in the apartment.
  • Personal hygiene. Influenza viruses and colds penetrate the body through the mouth, eyes, nose, so you need to ensure that the child does not touch dirty hands to the face. When you come home, you should wash your hands thoroughly with soap and rinse your nose with saline.
  • The room temperature of the should be at the level of 20-22 degrees, so that the children, going out into the street, are not supercooled or overheated. Strong temperature changes are often the main cause of the occurrence of colds.
  • The selection of clothing is also very important. The child should be dressed in the weather so that he does not sweat.
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Folk recipes for the prevention of

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Garlic and onion

These spicy plants are capable of killing viruses for colds and flu. Therefore it is recommended in the premises where the children are, or near the beds put the plates with finely chopped onions and / or garlic. Change the contents of the plate you need 5-6 times a day.

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Tea from the dogrose

The fruit of this plant contains a lot of vitamin C, and the dried berries are stored for a long time and can be found in any pharmacy. Berries should be poured with boiling water and left overnight in a thermos. Drink 0.5 cup 3 times a day, if desired, sweetening with sugar or honey. The same method makes berries and mountain ash, cranberries and viburnum.

However, it is important to remember that the briar infusion can greatly damage the enamel of children's teeth or increase its sensitivity. Therefore, his child should drink through a tube.
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Herbal teas

For the prevention of colds, it is recommended that children give chamomile or lime tea. As a sweetener, it is better to use natural honey: 1 teaspoon per 200 milliliters of beverage. Honey should be added to a warm liquid, as in hot it loses its useful properties.

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Foot baths

If the child has got soaked or frozen after walking, then to warm up the illness you need to make warming foot baths: in 5 liters of hot water dissolve 60 grams of mustard powder and 60 grams of soda. Put the baby's feet in the bath, support for 5-10 minutes, and then wipe dry and put on warm socks.

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Bee products

Honey and propolis not only strengthen immunity, but also in a few days can save a person from sore throat, cough, cold and other cold symptoms. Microelements and substances that make up these products suppress the vital activity of viruses and microorganisms.

If the child does not have allergies, it is useful to give 1 teaspoon of honey daily or add it to warm milk at night.

Propolis is prepared with alcoholic tincture: 5 grams of crushed raw material put in a dark container( a bottle of dark glass), pour 100 milliliters of alcohol and leave for 15 days for infusion. The strained tincture can be stored in the refrigerator for several years. Children from 3 years to give 3 drops 3 times a day. For young children it is better to prepare water tincture, however it is stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

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Due to its curative composition, ginger root is often used to strengthen immunity and as an effective tool for fighting various colds.

Mixture of colds: a small root of ginger clean and cut into small pieces, wash the lemon, remove the bones from it and cut it. Prepared ingredients, grind the blender and add 5 tablespoons of honey. The medicinal mixture should be put in a jar, closed with a lid and stored in a refrigerator.

To prevent colds, the child needs 1 teaspoon of the mixture to be added to a glass of warm drink( water, tea), insist 5 minutes, strain and give a drink.

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Badger fat

Contains unsaturated fatty acids that protect cells from destruction and help the body by strengthening its defenses.

0.5 cup fat mix with 100 milliliters of liquid honey, add 100 grams of chopped walnuts and raisins. Children to raise the immunity should give a mixture of 1 teaspoonful 1 time per day.

  • May 11, 2018
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