The healing power of water. How to be treated with water?

      Types of water and ways to treat it. Tips and feedback from practitioners.


  • Water: the healing properties of
  • What is the strength of thawed water?
  • Treatment with distilled water
  • Japanese method of water treatment
  • Methods of treatment with baptismal water
  • Treatment with mineral water
  • Diseases that can be cured with water: gastritis, hemorrhoids, hypertension
  • Treatment of live and dead water
  • Contraindications to water treatment
  • How to be treated with water:tips and reviews
  • Video: healing power of water
  • She has a simple and long-known formula. And so far scientists are struggling to solve the secret properties of water, its abilities, the laws of the arrangement of atoms in the molecule
  • . Our ancestors Slavs revered water and cherished it. They knew that she was alive and had different information in herself. The cleaner the source, the more useful the water for a person and the greater range of its use in the life of
  • instagram viewer
  • . As a child, we heard tales of living and dead water, its healing and mortifying forces, the ability to give strength, cure the disease, refresh the head and thoughts of the hero
  • .it can be stated that all of the above water capacities are real, and it behaves like a living person.

Water: healing properties

Water is an excellent solvent for other substances and a source of life for a person. It is perfectly absorbed by our body and is eliminated from it with minimal energy costs. A person is more likely to die of thirst than from hunger.

  • Water replenishes the lack of fluid in every cell of our body. Herbs with her in the form of broths have a curative effect on individual organs and the body as a whole.
  • Bath has long been and is held in high esteem as a means of cleansing the soul and body from dirt of physical and spiritual
  • Hot bath with fragrant foam and rose petals can evaporate any manifestationsdepression, aggression, stress
  • Contrast shower - morning alarm for the body and consciousness
  • Drugs are associated with drinking water. Only a riddle that helps better - a glass of pure water or a pill that they were given
  • Inhalations and warming foot baths are indispensable when the larynx lays and does not give us rest

She "hears" the surrounding sounds and human speech, understands it. Many experiments of scientists have proved these properties of water. She was sensitive to the words of various emotional colors, for example, love, Mother Teresa, Hitler, war. The structure of its crystals changed its shape. Through the microscope, surprisingly harmonious and beautiful snowflake patterns were seen after mentioning the first two words, and absolutely ugly and asymmetrical - after the sound of the last two words.

That is, water is closely connected with the information field of the planet, "knows" the history of mankind.

Plots over the capacity with it activate the internal reserves of the human body to defeat disease, oppress their manifestations.

Structured water has the greatest healing powers. It can easily be found in natural springs - springs, wells, mountain rivers and lakes. And her "friend" is deprived of such properties because of the long way through the pipes, multiple angles and rotations of an artificial nature. Water from the tap only saturates the body with moisture, quenches thirst. In other words, it is incapable of healing without additional influences.

What is the strength of thawed water?

Snow and ice are two physical varieties of the water element. Our ancestors knew about the healing power of thawed water and practiced health-improving measures in winter in those areas where snow falls.

A new fluffy snowball was scooped up, entered the house, naturally melted. And then the water was used as a drink without special heating. So no ills were not terrible to people.

The secret of healing is in the arrangement of the molecules in a drop of water. After melting, they have a beautiful smooth pattern, that is, a natural structure, similar to the spring one.

Melt water in our time can be obtained in two ways:

  • melting snow
  • from melting ice

In the first case, as many years ago, fresh snow gathers in clean shaded areas outside the urban area. Placed in heat, but does not heat up, it gradually melts. Within 6 hours, this water retains its healing powers. It is consumed three times a day at least half an hour before meals.

Those who practice hardening can use it for douche.

The second way to get structured water at home is to freeze it and then defrost it.

  • In an enameled container or an ordinary jar, dial cold water from the tap
  • Place it in the freezer on a cardboard stand so that the bottom of the container does not freeze
  • After an hour or two, check the freezing process
  • The first ice that appears is best removed because it contains all harmful impurities andadditives from water. To do this, gently collect it with a spoon or change the capacity by pouring frozen water into it
  • Leave it in the freezer until it freezes by 50%
  • Remove a piece of ice from the container. The remainder of the water boldly pour out, it is not drinkable
  • Leave the ice to melt, to speed up the process, put a plate or a bucket with it in a container of warm water, but do not heat on a fire or stove. Otherwise, the structure of the molecules will collapse and the healing power of water will be lost.
  • Drink small sips of cold melted water several times a day. It is better if ice pieces still float in it
  • Keep it in the refrigerator for a day
  • Repeat the above steps to get a new dose of "medicine"

Treatment with distilled water

Paul S. Brag, an American naturopathic doctor, has spent his whole life researching and promotingthe utility of regular use of distilled water.

In his books, he gave examples of people who drank hard water, with impurities of organic and inorganic substances, or harmful sweet industrial drinks and early passed away. Brag asserted that they were "killed" not by the underlying disease, but by the secondary ones, which developed against her background.

Distilled water is the cleanest and most beneficial form for every person. She also quenches thirst, and replenishes the water balance of cells, and prevents the development of secondary diseases.

The process of its extraction is similar to natural - under the influence of a heat source the moisture evaporates, condenses in the clouds and spills rain. He is the most natural distilled ash-two-o.

It promotes:

  • washout of slags, salts, sand from digestive, excretory, motor systems
  • easy digestion by organs and skin
  • to the growth of beautiful healthy hair
  • to the best dissolution of medicines, is the basis for creating pharmacy drugs

This form of water is absolutely safe. You can drink it as much as you want, cook food on it.

Of course, there are opponents of treatment with distilled water. Their main arguments:

  • in it there are no useful organic substances
  • it provokes the development of caries and cardiovascular diseases
  • has no taste

In my opinion, their comments are groundless and extremely unsteady.

Japanese method of water treatment

Knowing the properties and huge value of water for the human body, the Japanese offered a simple and effective method of water treatment.

Enough in the morning after awakening immediately drink a little more than 0.5 l ash-two-o.

Brush your teeth and after 45 minutes you can have breakfast. But during the day, you should follow the rule - after each meal for a couple of hours do not take anything in your mouth and do not drink.

In this way, the Japanese get rid of:

  • diseases of the digestive, excretory, reproductive system and heart
  • headaches
  • obesity
  • blood pressure abnormalities
  • diabetes
  • bronchial asthma
  • diseases of the ear, throat, nose, eyes
  • arthritis, inflammation in the joints

The minimum duration of treatment is 10 days, the optimal one is a month. Be ready that the amount of urination to increase dramatically in the first days, while the body adapts to a new rhythm of fluid intake.

To obtain a stable prophylactic result, the Japanese recommend to introduce the morning intake of water of the specified volume into the habit.

Methods of treatment with baptismal water

Baptism is a special time when all sources of water acquire the magical power of healing. Christians believed in this after Jesus Christ was baptized in the holy Jordan River.

  • And our ancestors the Slavs knew about the magical properties of water features during Svyatok. They believed that space portals were opened in the winter and the planet was being supplied with new healing forces. And that means that a person should be updated in order to live in harmony with the surrounding nature.
  • . What has come to us? This is bathing in the ice-hole. Any natural reservoir was chosen - a river or a lake. In frosty weather, ice was cut and an ice hole or a font was made. In the afternoon people gathered and bathed in it, exposing themselves to a flesh-colored shirt. Even tiny babies were brought to the ice-hole and washed by the water driver, then they believed in the miraculous healing power of
  • . In addition to bathing, they poured buckets of water from the ice hole and kept it at home. She helped with the ills of both humans and animals.
  • In the Christian tradition, it is customary to consecrate water during worship at night on the eve of Baptism. The parishioners come with already prepared water tanks and carry them out after the service. Then, during the year until the next Baptism, she does not lose her healing powers. It can be washed, add a few spoons to the bathroom, take a little inside, rub, prepare compresses
  • On the day of Epiphany, we, like our ancestors, dip into the hole in order to recover from physical and mental illnesses, strengthen the spirit and self-confidence, communicatewith a water element and charged with a positive

Treatment with mineral water

The miraculous power of mineral water is proven and proven by time. People have noticed the connection between its use and curing of ailments many centuries ago.

By the method of trial and error, medicine has determined the optimal dosage of mineral water for a patient with a specific disease.

Mineral water can be of different types and concentrations of nutrients in it:

  • therapeutic
  • medical-dining room
  • dining room
  • with chlorides
  • alkaline
  • rich in salts
  • with natural minerals

Table water contains up to 1 g of mineral substances per liter, and curative water - from 10 gBecause of the use of the latter there are strict limitations, in contrast to the first.

Mineral water copes well with the elimination of diseases of the digestive and excretory systems, the liver.

But you should know that uncontrolled use of it is dangerous by exacerbations and relapses. The optimal amount per day is three cups of mineral oil. You can drink a table as much as you like, there is a small percentage of minerals in it, which gives the body only benefit.

Knowing the peculiarity of your disease, you choose your own healing water. And also get acquainted with its properties and possible exacerbations due to an overdose.

For example,

  • for improving the cholagogue effect will be the best sulphide miner
  • for reducing intestinal spasms - bicarbonate
  • will increase the acidity of gastric juice chloride
  • from the neurosis shows water enriched with bromine

The temperature of the healing liquid in the glass plays an important role. The best way is to drink it warm, but with constipation, let's take a single glass of cold mineral water.

The duration of the course of treatment is a month, then usually take a break for 2-3 months and repeat the scheme.

If you become suffering from insomnia, tremors of hands, headaches during mineral water treatment, then stop taking it and contact the doctor.

Diseases that can be cured with water: gastritis, hemorrhoids, hypertension

These diseases can be treated with live and dead water.

  • So when gastritis should drink live water three times a day for half a cup before meals for three days in a row. Due to this, the pain and acidity of the stomach will begin to decrease, and the general condition and appetite will improve. Duration of treatment can be extended to a week if three days were not enough
  • Hemorrhoids also give in to the treatment with charged water. After cleaning the anus, it should be well moistened with dead water. After 5-7 minutes, make lotions on a sore spot from living water. Regularly repeat for a week after each trip to the toilet. In parallel, take inside half a glass of live water before bed. Obvious signs of recovery will appear in 4-5 days.
  • Hypertension, who have decided to undergo mineral water, should reduce all other types of fluid in order to avoid excessive pressure on the heart and the
  • system. The increased pressure is amenable to correction and charged water. For this, drink a dead ash-two-about morning and evening before eating. To fight sick with neglected forms of hypertension, add one more reception of dead water one hour after a meal in any part of the day.

Treatment of live and dead water

And although we are familiar with the effectiveness of living and dead water from fairy tales, its real action is confirmed in practice.

To obtain it, special devices are used with the anode and cathode located on the different sides of the tank.

  • We pour water, turn on the
  • device. Near the cathode, live water is collected, near the anode - dead
  • We collect it and use it in accordance with the recommended doses and schemes of

. It should be noted that charged water does not heal individual organs or parts of the body, but has a healing effect on the wholehuman organism. So lively activates the regeneration of cells, restores acidity, and the dead - accumulates slag and toxins, accompanies them to the "exit", helps to deaden the tissues of wounds and cuts of the skin.

The spectrum of diseases that can be treated with charged water is huge.

  • the organs of the digestive tract.
  • vascular diseases
  • colds of various nature
  • female and male diseases of the reproductive system
  • stomatitis, gingivitis, bleeding gums
  • rashes of different origins, irritations, lesions on the skin

In the open access information you can easily find the schemes, dosages and proportions for the treatment of a particular disease. You may need to undergo a complete examination of your body before starting the application of live and dead water and consult with specialists.

There are no side effects from taking a charged water. It is important to adhere to the accuracy of dosages and the frequency of procedures for obtaining positive results of treatment.

Contraindications to water treatment

  • Natural, distilled and thawed water is absolutely safe for the human body. They can and should be drunk as much as you feel the need for this
  • But mineral water can both cure and harm the human body. Some people are intolerant to a particular water composition; others may be oversaturated with
  • components. If you suffer from diarrhea, vomiting, stomach pains, exacerbations of chronic diseases, then the treatment with a mineral water is strictly contraindicated.

How to be treated with water: advice and feedback
  • To get thawed snow from the snow, choose places that are clean, shaded, far from roads and highways. Ideally, if you scoop it in the woods between the trees
  • Carefully choose mineral water for medicinal purposes, consult with experts to develop an individual scheme of its intake
  • Stop your choice on mineral water without gas, as it provokes pain in the stomach
  • Hot mineral water well treats gastritis, peptic ulcer and urolithiasis, therefore heat up the necessary amount before taking
  • After severe intoxication, you can bring yourself to the senses of thawed distilledwater
  • If you decide to practice the Japanese method of water treatment, but drink in the morning at a time 0.5 liters of savagery difficult for you, then drink less. But gradually increase the dose to the recommended


Stepanida Antonovna, pensioner
Daughter Svetlana bought me an apparatus for obtaining dead and living water and gave the schemes for receiving them for my bouquet of diseases. By the way, I suffer from pain in the joints, weak digestion, hypertension. Already a couple of weeks after taking such water I felt relieved. I shared my feelings with my friends. Now they are all my regular customers.

Karina, head of the stationery store
Once was at a lecture on the healing power of water. Impressed and decided to treat myself to the Japanese method. For a year now, as a habit to drink a lot of clean water in the morning, I was fixed. Both health and well-being improved significantly. Now I have enough strength and work, and at home, and a hobby.

Video: The healing power of water

  • May 11, 2018
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