The analysis on a thyroid-stimulating hormone at women - norm or rate, rise and fall

Sometimes thyroid disorders and the subsequent hormonal changes hide behind symptoms that we usually do not attach to serious significance, for example, for irritability or mood swings. To understand what it is worth to pass the test for thyroid-stimulating hormone. Indicator TTG will help to clarify much.

  • What is TTG
  • Indications
  • Test preparation
  • Analysis
  • Results
  • Norm
  • In pregnancy
  • Elevated TTG
  • Reduced TTG

What is TTG

TSH( thyroid stimulating hormone or thyrotropin) is a hormone that is produced by the anterior pituitary gland forthyroid gland. To consider TSH as a hormone of the thyroid gland in the root is incorrect, they are hormones T3( triiodothyronine) and T4( thyroxine or tetraiodothyron).

The pituitary gland, the main "manager" of all endocrine organs, synthesizes TTG, and TTG, in turn, gives an order to the thyroid gland to produce hormones T3 and T4, if their blood levels have decreased. These hormones are responsible for the exchange of fats, proteins, carbohydrates in the human body, for the work of sexual and cardiovascular systems, the gastrointestinal tract and mental functions.

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In women, excessive amounts of hormones lead to sweating, nervousness, cardiac dysfunction, and insufficient - to lethargy, depression, retardation, puffiness, a decrease in the possibility of becoming pregnant.

TTG - the main hormone, the norm of which indicates the proper functioning of the thyroid gland. Therefore, if you donate blood to hormones, this indicator must necessarily be investigated.

Periodically it is necessary to take TTG and for preventive purposes, it is especially important to do it to women over 50 years old.

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The attending physician can prescribe an analysis for TSH:

  • for suspected thyrotoxicosis;
  • in the diagnosis and treatment of primary hypothyroidism;
  • when there are nodes on the thyroid gland;
  • in goiter;
  • during pregnancy;
  • in the diagnosis of infertility, lack of menstrual, decreased sexual desire;
  • with delay in mental and sexual development of children;
  • for cardiac arrhythmia;
  • for depression;
  • for alopecia.
All that a woman needs to know about pregnancy planning
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Preparing for the

test The level of TTG varies during the day, but very slightly. Therefore, it does not matter at what time you will hand it over. The only exception is that if there is a need to monitor hormones in dynamics, then it is worthwhile to take the analysis always at the same time.

The level of TTG, T3, T4 is not dependent on food intake. But many experts recommend that for 2-3 hours before the analysis nothing is. In addition, the day before the analysis should be excluded from drinking alcohol, smoking, exercise, stress.

It does not matter which day of the menstrual cycle the woman takes the test, unless otherwise agreed with the treating doctor.

Iodine preparations should not be canceled before analysis. But about taking hormonal drugs before you pass the analysis, it is worth talking to your doctor.

Today, two types of analyzers for blood tests are equally widespread: 2 and 3 generations. The difference between them is critical: the error of the second generation of analyzers +/- 0.5 μIU / ml vs. +/- 0.01 μIU / ml.

If this is very important for your analysis, please consult the laboratory about their equipment in advance and pay attention to the term of the analysis. If it is ready within 24 hours, then it is performed on new equipment. If you have to wait a few days, it is most likely a laboratory of the 2nd generation.

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Analysis of

Definition of TTG is carried out by means of immunological examination( immunoassay), material - serum. The unit of measure is the micro-international unit per milliliter( μIU / mL).

The procedure for taking the TSH test is a standard blood sampling from the vein. Most often, the laboratory conducts it in the morning, from 8 to 12 o'clock, to give results the next day, but not everywhere it is.

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Results of

The deciphering of the results should be handled by the attending physician who wrote the direction for analysis. But for a general view, we consider the parameters of the norm of thyroid hormones and TSH.

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Age Level TTG, μME / ml
Newborns 1,1 - 17,0
up to 2,5 months 0,6 - 10,0
2,5 to 14 months 0,4 - 7,0
from 14 months to 5 years 0,4 - 6,0
from 5 to 14 years 0,4 - 5,0
older than 14 years 0,4 - 4,0
The norm of TTG for adults is 0.4-4.0 μIU / ml. The norm of free T4 is 9-19 pmol / l, the norm of free T3 is 2.62-5.69 pmol / l.
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When pregnancy is

The normal level of TTG may differ from the above if the woman is pregnant. Then the level of TSH in her body changes depending on the trimester of pregnancy.

Trimester Level of TTG, μIU / mL
1 0,20-2,40
2 0,31-2,81
3 0,40-3,50

The decrease in TSH levels in pregnant women is considered to be the physiological norm. But the raised level testifies to a deviation: shortage of hormones of a thyroid gland in blood which stimulate development of a brain of the child. Do not panic. If the raised or increased TTG keeps longly, after consultation with the doctor it is necessary to begin reception of a synthetic hormone of a thyroxine.

It is recommended to take TSH even at the stage of pregnancy planning in order to exclude complications in the onset or the course of pregnancy. It is also useful to know your TSH level before pregnancy in order to track its dynamics during gestation.

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Elevated TSH

Elevated TSH may indicate the following problems:

  • Primary or subclinical hypothyroidism;
  • Subacute thyroiditis and Hashimoto's thyroiditis;
  • Overdose of thyreostatic drugs( Mercazolil and others);
  • Adrenal Dysfunction;
  • Thyroid cancer;
  • Pituitary tumor;
  • Mental diseases.
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Reduced TTG

Reasons for TSH decrease may be:

  • Primary, subclinical, iatrogenic or artificial hyperthyroidism, as well as hyperthyroidism of pregnant women;
  • Intensive stress;
  • Lack of food( low-calorie diet);
  • Plummer disease;
  • Formations in the thyroid gland;
  • Secondary hypothyroidism;
  • Pituitary tumor;
  • Syndrome Itenko-Cushing;
  • Hypothalamic-pituitary insufficiency.
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  • May 11, 2018
  • 59
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