Recipes for safe whitening of yellow teeth with improvised means and available preparations

Snow-white smile - it's always a trump card that helps to get people around. However, the teeth suffer from many factors and therefore the enamel does not always have an impeccable look. The use of coffee, tea and other coloring products spoil its color, not to mention nicotine. The following methods will help make bleaching gentle and affordable for home use.

  • Use of soda with water or paste
  • Application of soda and hydrogen peroxide
  • Use of activated carbon
  • Use of essential oil of tea tree
  • Use of lemon peel
  • Safety whitening strips
  • Crest
  • WHITE Premium or Intensive
  • Listerine Whitening Quick Dissolving Strips
  • Extrime White Crestal
  • Safe Whitening Gels
  • Plus White Whitening Gel
  • Plus White 5 Minute Bleach Whitening Gel
  • Global white "Whitening Gel"
  • Gentle toothpaste
  • Lacalut white
  • Methods for artificial limbs and artificial teeth
  • For metal-ceramic teeth

Use of soda with water or

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paste Apply not more than once a week. Clear the enamel from the plaque with the help of soda can be in three ways:

  1. Half a teaspoon of soda to dissolve in water until the formation of the mixture. Gently put on cotton wool and just wipe your teeth. This method of removing plaque is traumatic, but it helps very well in emergency situations, when it is necessary to urgently go to an important meeting.
  2. An alternative to the first method is the procedure for adding soda to the used toothpaste. This method is much better coping with the problem of plaque, as it allows you to penetrate the most difficult places with a brush.

  3. The third way is identical to the first one, only lemon juice is taken as water. A teaspoon of soda mix with a small amount of juice until the consistency of sour cream. Lubricate the cotton swab and "walk" through the teeth. This method can be used less often, as the lemon strongly thinens the tooth enamel, which can lead to further painful sensations when it hits the cold or hot on the teeth.
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Application of soda and hydrogen peroxide

Peroxide for teeth whitening - the safest cleaning of plaque, and in combination with soda several times improves the result. Applying the technique is allowed by specialists once a day. The effect will be seen immediately, besides, it will act for a long time.

How to use:

  1. Brush your teeth with regular paste.
  2. Add hydrogen peroxide to the soda( mix in equal amounts).
  3. Stir until a paste-like consistency is formed.
  4. Apply the "gruel" to the cotton pad and brush your teeth.
  5. Rinse mouth several times with warm water.

The main condition for use is thorough rinsing of the mouth. It is necessary to do this until the aftertaste of soda is lost.

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Use of activated charcoal

The use of activated charcoal when it massages the surface of the teeth allows the particles of powdered powder to take off the plaque. The use of this method is completely harmless to humans, getting coal into the body will not lead to consequences, will not cause burns of the mucous membrane and other damages. The only negative is the hard impact of grains on the enamel, resulting in mechanical abrasion.

There are three techniques for using coal:

  1. Tablets in an amount of 3 pieces must be crushed and mixed with a small amount of water. The resulting gruel is mixed and cleaned with a soft toothbrush. You can perform this procedure with your fingertips to reduce the effect of the abrasive. After the procedure, rinse the mouth for 3 minutes.
  2. 2 tablets chew, then just rinse your mouth.
  3. The third method is to prepare a carbon paste. Rub one tablet thoroughly and mix with tooth powder. Apply to the brush and brush the teeth with the mixture.

Also learn how to remove tartar at home
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Application of tea tree essential oil

The cleaning procedure is as follows:

  1. Clean the teeth with the usualway.
  2. Rinse the brush and apply a few drops of oil to it and brush your teeth again.
  3. Oil should not fall on the gums.
  4. If there is numbness in your mouth, this is normal.
  5. After the procedure, rinse the mouth with warm water.

The advantage of this method is that the use of oil is allowed daily. After 5 days, you can see the first results: the smile becomes radiant, the bleeding of the gums decreases( if there is such a problem).

Do not exceed the dosage of the oil, because this can lead to a chemical burn. Rinse your mouth for 3 minutes, no less. Use only a natural product, bought in a specialized store or pharmacy.

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Using lemon rind

Using lemon peel is able to brush your teeth, disinfect the mouth and freshen your breath.
To make the whitening method as effective as possible, it is necessary: ​​

  • to refuse coffee or tea or drink them through a tube;
  • to limit the use of beets and other coloring products;
  • does not combine whitening with taking antibiotics.

Contraindicated lemon as a bleach to children, pregnant and allergic people. It is not desirable to apply the method to people with periodontal disease, with gum disease, after wearing a bracket system.

The most popular recipes:

  • chew lemon peel after eating;
  • brush your teeth in the usual way. A piece of lemon peel to wipe the surface of the teeth. The mouth is better left open for a few minutes, then rinse the cavity with water with the addition of 5 drops of peroxide.

Do not abuse these methods, because lemon peel is able to significantly weaken the tooth enamel.

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Safe whitening strips

The following products are among the best according to customer reviews:

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A popular series of products by an American manufacturer. For those who want to whiten their teeth for the first time, the course of application is 10 days. The duration of these strips is 5 minutes.

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WHITE Premium or Intensive

Sensitive tooth whitening strips are popular among customers. The period of application is 2 weeks. For a more effective result, it is not forbidden to use 2 times a day. The action lasts almost a year, provided the infrequent use of coffee and nicotine.

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Listerine Whitening Quick Dissolving Strips

New generation strip strips that do not need to be removed. They dissolve under the influence of saliva, simply stick them on the surface of the enamel. The active gel lasts about 10 minutes. The full cycle is designed for 28 procedures.

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Extrime White Crestal

Time of use - 5 minutes. Bleaching occurs because of high concentrations of active substances. The color of the enamel is improved by 4 tones.

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Safe whitening gels

This method is not suitable for those who want to get the result of a "Hollywood smile" in a short time. The procedure is designed for at least a half-month.

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Plus White Whitening Booster

Reinforced whitening is the motto of this gel. It includes hydrogen peroxide. The peculiarity of using this product is that it must be mixed on the brush along with the paste. Brush your teeth in the usual way. Effectiveness - the enamel becomes whiter by 3 tones.

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Plus White 5 Minute Bleach Whitening Gel

Whitening lasts 2 weeks. You can apply and using a brush, and using cap. Apply for 5 minutes. The effectiveness of the result - whitening for 4 tones.

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Global white «Whitening Gel»

Gel for sensitive teeth. Apply with a cotton swab or toothbrush. Option with a cap is also acceptable. The retention time on the surface of the teeth is 7 minutes. Efficiency - 2 tones.

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Gentle toothpastes

There is a huge amount of sparing toothpastes, the main thing is that they consist of: potassium chloride and strontium. These substances penetrate the canals and reduce the hypersensitivity of the teeth.

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Lacalut white

Pasta for hypersensitive enamel, saturates it with fluoride, relieves pain and strengthens teeth. It has a pleasant taste and is suitable for daily use. It is recommended to use 3 times a day.

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The toothpaste whitens for 3 tones. The effect of the result is achieved due to the content in the paste of natural components that cleave plaque.

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Methods for artificial limbs and artificial teeth

Mechanical cleaning involves the use of a rigid brush, soda, special powders and activated carbon. Do not use a mechanical method of cleaning for artificial limbs and artificial teeth from plastic. This can damage their structure. The use of powders is advisable to use no more than 1 time per week.

Special means are suitable in the form of release of soluble tablets( Korega, Protefix, LACALUT and so on).Method of use: dissolve the tablet in a container and leave the prosthesis for the night. If it is not possible to clean or bleach the dentures at home, then it is more appropriate to give them to the master. With the help of hydraulic equipment, the dentist will clean and polish both the prosthesis and the artificial teeth.

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For cermet teeth

To keep cermet teeth in their proper form means to take care of them correctly. The procedure is slightly different from those listed above, but the principle remains the same: cleaning, removing plaque, consulting a dentist.

Metal ceramics are not bleached, as the developed means can only affect real teeth, so the best option is to bleach your natural teeth before starting the prosthesis. In this case, the doctor will pick up the color of the cermet, close to the natural color.

It is worthwhile to focus on the care of cermet teeth. Every morning and evening brush your teeth, applying vertical and circular movements, so that food remains do not remain in the canals of bridges from the gums.

There is polishing of the surface of cermets in dental clinics, but it only helps to eliminate pigmentation from drinking coffee and smoking, but this method does not provide full whitening.

  • May 12, 2018
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