How often can X-rays, MRI, fluorography

Methods of studying the state of soft tissues are highly accurate results. The main techniques for today are X-rays, fluorography and magnetic resonance imaging( MRI).Each of them has its advantages and disadvantages, different goals and features. But the main thing that interests many patients is how often they can be done.

  • X-ray
  • MRI
  • Fluorography


Radiography is the most common way of diagnosing internal anatomical structures of organs. It is used to analyze the cavity of the chest, spine and any other areas of the body, including when suspected of fractures, dislocations and other trauma or pathology.

The principle of the X-ray is to scan the required area with the help of electromagnetic waves of very short length.

Thus, "penetration" of the beam through the body is ensured and, accordingly, it becomes possible to obtain X-ray images.

This procedure is accompanied by ionizing radiation, in other words, radiation, resulting in frequent use of X-rays is potentially hazardous to health. But it should be noted that only the rays of strong intensity that affect the cells over a long period can bring real harm to the body. Irradiation, used in medicine, is only a few seconds, and the power of the rays is very low.

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Studies in this area show that one routine X-ray potentially increases the risk of developing cancer in the future by no more than 0.001%, which is not a real danger.

Nevertheless, such diagnostics are not prescribed to pregnant women due to irradiation of the fetus, which can cause deviations in its development.

For the health of children, X-rays are not dangerous, despite the fact that their susceptibility to radiation is higher than that of adults.

The physician must select the dose of radiation that is the minimum for qualitative examination. In this regard, clear instructions on how often it is possible to undergo an X-ray procedure, in medical practice is not available.

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Magnetic resonance tomography acts on the principle of fixing the electromagnetic response of the nuclei of hydrogen atoms under the influence of a magnetic field. It is used as a method of assessing the condition of internal organs, a special priority is used in the diagnosis of diseases of the central nervous system due to the fact that it shows a qualitative reproduction of the brain's work on the screen.

This method is more capable of penetrating into soft tissues, which provides its advantage in the need for detailed diagnosis.

MRI is able to analyze the structure of organs, the presence of tumors and other changes.

To date, it is the most accurate diagnostic method and, at the same time, does not possess ionizing radiation.

Therefore, there are no limits to the number of procedures: everything depends on the need for examination.

The duration of the procedure in usual cases is 15-20 minutes, while the patient is in a horizontal position under the scanner.

This procedure has fewer contraindications, the main one of which is the presence of any metal parts in the body( various implants).Compared to X-ray, MRI is less "toxic", so its passage in pregnancy, if necessary, is more preferable.

The complexity is and the need is immovable in an enclosed space for a long time, so patients with claustrophobia are prescribed relaxing remedies.

Note how to prepare for ultrasound of the liver
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The question of how many times you can do fluorography for a certain period of time, excitesmost people, since this survey is mandatory for representatives of many professions.

Fluorography is used to assess lung condition, allowing to identify:

  • pneumonia,
  • tuberculosis,
  • bronchitis,
  • late stage tumor processes,
  • presence of nonphysiological-type cavities,
  • presence in cavities of gases or infiltrate.
  • loading. ..

In fact, this diagnosis is a light form of X-rays. The difference is in the strength of the radiation and the method of deriving the results. Here they are depicted on a special screen, and not in printed form.

The principle of operation is that different types of tissues have different capacity, so that the doctor receives a contrast image.

Fluorography is a method of prophylactic diagnosis, and is prescribed to patients from 15 years of age.

It is recommended to undergo the examination at least once every two years, and in case of the corresponding illnesses - every six months. At the same time, every patient has the right to refuse to diagnose, if the doctor does not present any substantive arguments.

The amount of radiation absorbed by the body during the procedure is equal to that obtained during a week of sunbathing. Therefore, such diagnostics are acceptable in designated quantities due to the fact that its benefits are higher than harm.

  • May 12, 2018
  • 41
  • 283