Today many people confuse such concepts as ARVI and cold. At first glance they have a similar symptomatology, but only in fact they are absolutely two different phenomena that differ in etiology, treatment and in the clinical picture. Only an experienced specialist can provide an accurate diagnosis. So do not do self-medication. Perhaps you are treating the wrong disease at all.


  • 1 What is the difference
    • 1.1 Features of ASI
    • 1.2 Features of cold
  • 2 How to distinguish in an adult
  • 3 How to distinguish a child

What is the difference

To understand the difference between acute respiratory infections and colds, you must first consider each ailment separately.

Features of SARS

features of ARVI

ARVI is a disease, the development of which can be affected by the virus. Today it can be parainfluenza, adenovirus or rhinovirus. In addition, even the flu is included in this category. For ARVI, its flow characteristics are inherent.

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To suck the SARS of one hypothermia or the use of cold ice cream is not enough. This requires that the pathogenic organism penetrate the human body by airborne droplets. Infection through food, dishes or toys is extremely rare.

The duration of the incubation period of acute respiratory viral infection is only 1.5 days. During this time, pathogenic microorganisms are located in the body and cause damage to the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract.

This leads to the development of a specific clinical picture:

  1. At the first stage of ARVI development, when the body was not able to give an adequate response to the occurred .At the same time, the patient observes sluggishness, poor appetite. In small patients at this stage, there is a slight nasal congestion, while no discharge is noted.
  2. In the second stage of the development of acute respiratory viral infections, symptoms such as perspiration, fever, nasal discharge, cough are observed. Severity of symptoms is associated with the virulence of the infection. The flu is characterized by a rise in temperature to 40 degrees from the first days.

A feature of ARVI is that an infection of bacterial etiology can follow it. The reason is that viruses make immunity vulnerable to harmful microbes, on the mucosa of the airways will activate bacteria. For this reason, a person who has already begun to recover, after 3-5 days again feels worse. Although with adequate treatment this happens very rarely.

ARVI can cause the development of various pathologies of the respiratory tract. Here everything depends on what type of pathogen penetrated the body.

nimesil for colds How to use Nimesil for colds, and what effect may be on using such a tool, this article will help to understand.

But what is better for a cold, Aspirin or Paracetamol, and what means should be used in the first place, is described in this article.

What is the prevention of flu and colds during pregnancy, and what needs to be used from vitamins, is very detailed in this article: http: // profilaktika-prostudy-pri-beremennosti.html

You may also be interested in learning how to apply Ibuprofen in case of influenzaand colds.

Features of the common cold

Colds occur due to prolonged exposure to cold. This is the result of hypothermia in the wind, frost. Due to the receipt of an increased portion of cold, a microbial inflammatory process occurs in a person in the airway. A cold is not the name of a disease. But only an indication of its cause.

Bacteria can affect the development of the common cold. They are always on the mucous respiratory tract of every person. Colds do not apply to infectious diseases. And even small children and people with weakened immunity are capable of catching a bacterial infection.

On the video features of the common cold:

Cold development can affect the development of colds, after which immunity gives in to great stress and is unable to protect the body. The incubation period can reach 2-14 days. Recognize the common cold can be a symptom such as a sudden poor state of health, which develops without local manifestations. Then the patient is concerned about sore throat, pershenia, nasal congestion and abundant discharge. At the same time, body temperature remains normal. An exception is angina, when there is an increase in temperature.

If you do not give proper attention to cold at the initial stage of its development, it can lead to the development of bacterial disease, which can be treated with antibacterial medications.

Otherwise, all this will lead to the development of a number of complications that will defeat the heart, kidneys and joints.

Based on the information received, it became clear what differences exist between SARS and the common cold:

  • in ARVI, infection is observed after contact with a sick person, but the cold is an autoinfection;
  • the duration of the prodromal period for ARVI is 1 day, and for a cold, this period is absent;
  • for SARS is a bright start, and the clinical picture of a cold has a blurred fuzzy character;
  • in ARVI observed discharge from the nose. They are plentiful and liquid, but for colds they are generally absent.

How to distinguish

common cold

from an adult. The very first difference between an acute respiratory infection and a cold is the reason for the formation of these pathologies. In an adult, ARVI occurs after the virus has entered his respiratory tract. And to earn a cold, an adult man can stand long in the cold. In addition, these two phenomena differ according to the symptom.

If there is a sharp rise in temperature, but there is no runny nose, cough and pershenia, then be sure that these are manifestations of ARVI.But the presence of such manifestations as sore throat, mucus secretion and mild cough testifies to the presence of a cold.

And whether it is possible to use tablets for colds on the lips of Acyclovir, and how this remedy is effective, is described in great detail in this article.

It will also be interesting to know what helps with cold from Amoxicillin.

It will also be interesting to know whether it is possible to drink Remantadine for colds, and how much this remedy is effective.

And here is the treatment of colds during lactation, and what medicinal and home remedies are the most effective, is described in great detail in this article.

What drugs that relieve the symptoms of colds are used in the first place, and what their names are detailed here in the article.

How to distinguish the child

About the distinctive features of acute respiratory infections and cold tells the famous pediatrician Komarovsky. He insists that this information should be owned by every parent. The principal feature of these two phenomena is that viruses can not spread without the participation of other cells. Viruses penetrate inside the cell and create their own copies. Thus, each infected cell produces thousands of similar ones. And she perishes or is no longer able to perform her functions. This leads to the development of a certain symptomatology. Another feature of viruses is that they are selective when selecting cells for reproduction. Only those who can subjugate themselves are affected.

On video, how to distinguish a common cold from a virus:

Everyone should know the differences between acute respiratory infections and colds, because these two diseases are considered to be one of the most common. Moreover, these phenomena can be distinguished not only by symptoms, but also by the method of therapy. When treating ARVI prescribe drugs that will fight with viruses and ease the general condition of the patient. But with the cold, the essence of therapy is reduced to reducing manifestations of the disease and not to give rise to complications.