What is Alzheimer's disease, how does it begin, how many live, is it inherited? Treatment and prevention of Alzheimer's disease in women and men

Loss of short-term memory, speech impairment, irritability and forgetfulness in the elderly may be the first symptoms of Alzheimer's disease.

Contents of

  • What is Alzheimer's?
  • Alzheimer's Disease Initial Symptoms and the First Signs in Men and Women
  • Signs of Alzheimer's Disease in the Aged Age
  • Alzheimer's Disease Initial Symptoms in Young
  • Alzheimer's Disease in Children: Symptoms of
  • Which doctor treats Alzheimer's?
  • Alzheimer's Disease Test
  • Alzheimer's Disease Diagnosis: MRI
  • Alzheimer's disease causes the onset of
  • Alzheimer's Disease: how many live, the life expectancy after the onset of the disease?
  • Is Alzheimer's disease transmitted by inheritance?
  • Treatment of Alzheimer's disease at an early stage
  • Alzheimer's disease: treatment, drugs
  • Alzheimer's disease, folk remedies
  • Dementia and Alzheimer's disease differences
  • The role of aluminum in the development of Alzheimer's disease
  • Is Alzheimer's disease curable?
  • instagram viewer
  • How fast is Alzheimer's disease progressing?
  • How to prevent Alzheimer's disease: prevention in women and men
  • Center for the Study of Alzheimer's Disease: where is it located?
  • Video:

In an era of active development of medicine and clinical research, the central nervous system and brain diseases are attracting increasing interest. How in the time of information progress to find treatment for such a terrible disease as Alzheimer's?

What is Alzheimer's?

Alzheimer's disease is a mental illness, dementia. It is characterized by loss of previously acquired skills and knowledge, as well as the onset of difficulties in the development of new or inability to acquire them .The disease is classified as the most common form of dementia, and became known in the early twentieth century.

Apathy and loss of interest in life - one of the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease initial symptoms and the first signs in men and women

In the beginning, the disease is almost impossible to determine, but with time the symptoms become more noticeable.

It starts with the loss of short-term memory. A person forgets where he put things he saw on the street, which he said a few minutes ago. Later, periods that the patient does not remember, are getting longer.

IMPORTANT: Complete memory loss is possible with the course of the disease.

Cognitive impairment occurs. The patient takes the pen, but can not remember why it is needed and how to use it. A person forgets the name of objects, their functions. There is a speech violation. Memory refuses so much that the sick person forgets even the simplest words.

Over time, health deteriorates. There is a loss of self-care. The patient may not reach the toilet, forgetting where he is. The body refuses gradually, as if disabling the most important functions. Then death comes.

IMPORTANT: Women are more susceptible to the disease than men, especially after 80 years.

Alzheimer's disease begins with loss of short-term memory

Symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in old age

In the elderly, diagnosing Alzheimer's disease without special tests is very difficult, as it is similar to other manifestations of aging.

Alzheimer's disease in the elderly:

  • have problems when trying to remember that yesterday was
  • new information is not remembered
  • perform everyday simple tasks that never caused difficulties, it becomes hard
  • appears apathy
  • hard to concentrate and anything to plan

IMPORTANT: According to statistics, the risk of disease in a 60-year-old is 1%, in an 85-year-old patient it is 30-50%.

In Alzheimer's disease, it becomes difficult for older people to perform everyday simple tasks

Alzheimer's disease initial symptoms in young

The disease is diagnosed in people who have crossed the 65-year mark. However, this is not a guarantee that young people are not at risk. There is early Alzheimer's disease , but it is very rare. The youngest patient with this diagnosis became ill at the age of 28.

Symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in young people are the same as in older people.

Symptoms of Alzheimer's disease in young people are the same as in older people.

Alzheimer's disease in children: symptoms of

Alzheimer's disease is a disease that is often transmitted genetically. Accordingly, the child can receive it from his parents.

However, no cases of the disease in childhood have been identified. It is a disease that goes along with old age and manifests itself with age.

Which doctor treats Alzheimer's?

This disease of the brain is diagnosed by conducting a series of examinations from different specialists. For a primary examination, you need to contact the psychiatrist or neurologist , since Alzheimer's is a mental illness.

Alzheimer's disease should be addressed to a psychiatrist

Alzheimer's test

A number of tests are prescribed to determine the disease, which will determine the disorders typical of Alzheimer's. Neuropsychological tests of are aimed at detecting cognitive impairment.

Assigns also blood test, which can reveal the factors influencing the course of the disease.

The patient also needs to undergo tests for depressive and apathic states of , which are signs of the disease.

The doctor conducts conversations with relatives and relatives of in order to determine from which point in time the behavioral disorders are observed, as the patient himself does not notice any changes.

Alzheimer's tests are aimed at detecting cognitive impairment

Alzheimer's disease diagnosis: MRI

To distinguish the disease from others, methods such as computed tomography, magnetic resonance tomography, positron emission tomography are possible.

A useful diagnostic method is visualization of a patient's brain on a PET scanner .The patient is given a specially developed substance that includes the radioactive isotope carbon-11.The apparatus shows beta-amyloid plaques and tangles in nerve cells. Such diagnostics are still difficult to access, but the most effective.

Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's disease causes

The main cause of the disease is deposition of amyloid beta .Another reason is the formation of neurofibrillary tangles within the nerve cells of .

The cause of the disease has not been finally determined. There are factors that contribute to the development of the disease - trauma, bad habits, genetic predisposition of .

Harmful habits can cause the development of Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's Disease: how many live, life expectancy after the onset of the disease?

Alzheimer's disease leads to a reduction in life. After the diagnosis is established, patients live about 7 years. There are cases when this period reached 14 years.

IMPORTANT: Alcoholism, smoking, malnutrition and other factors can accelerate the course of the disease. Often the main cause of death is pneumonia and dehydration.

Is Alzheimer's disease transmitted by inheritance?

In 1986, a conference was convened on Alzheimer's problems, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the discovery of the disease. It became known that by research, a gene responsible for Alzheimer's disease was found.

In most cases, the mutating gene is inherited by the .If a person has five children, at least two of them will suffer from a disease. However, the genetic form of Alzheimer's is very small.

Scientists have proved that heredity does not play a major role in the risk of the disease.

Alzheimer's disease can be transmitted by inheritance

Treatment of Alzheimer's disease at an early stage

At an early stage, the symptoms of the disease are mildly expressed .A person can independently take care of himself, perform ordinary household chores. Violations are manifested in the impoverishment of vocabulary, apathy, nesobrannosti, forgetfulness.

In general, at this stage the patient only needs support in performing complex tasks that require effort.

It is necessary to prepare the patient for the further development of the disease. The doctor prescribes preventive measures that improve cognitive function.

Help and support of loved ones is needed at all stages of Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease: treatment, drugs

There are no medications for Alzheimer's disease at this stage. Developed drugs that are prescribed for the therapy of cognitive impairment:

  • Donepezil
  • Galantamine
  • Rivastigmine

They have a number of side effects, and do not treat the disease itself. Memantine is prescribed in the middle and late stages of the disease, it is less toxic to the body.

Drugs against Alzheimer's Disease do not exist

Alzheimer's disease, treatment with folk remedies

Traditional medicine is powerless in fighting this type of dementia .Some tips can only alleviate the symptoms.

For example, you can use sesame oil in the fight against depression , digging it into your nose. Pumpkin seeds contribute to the better functioning of the brain.

For herbal medicine, plants such as wormwood, ayr, chicory, dandelion, hawthorn can be used.

In the fight against the disease you can use tincture of Dioscorea .

For its preparation you need:

  • 500 ml of
  • vodka 50 g of
  1. plant roots Shredded roots are placed in a glassware
  2. Pour with vodka
  3. Cover with a lid

Tincture should be prepared for 2 weeks and stand in a dark place.

Take a tincture of one teaspoon three times a day after eating.

IMPORTANT: The effectiveness of folk treatment of the symptoms of the disease has not been proven. Before using such methods it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Depression and Alzheimer's Disease can help fight depression in Alzheimer's disease

Dementia is a common term that means dementia. Alzheimer's disease is one of the most common types of dementia. It is about 60% of all cases.

The role of aluminum in the development of Alzheimer's disease

Among some causes of the disease, some scientists call ingestion of aluminum .This can happen, for example, when using aluminum utensils. This theory is very controversial and has no evidence.

It is unlikely that aluminum affects the appearance and development of Alzheimer's. A similar opinion arose among the researchers and about the zinc .But the connection of this element with the disease is not established.

Preparing food in aluminum cookware can lead to the development of Alzheimer's disease

Is Alzheimer's disease curable?

Unfortunately, Alzheimer's disease is not curable. Most of the research is aimed at studying the disease itself, its causes and symptoms. The question of treatment has not been sufficiently studied. The countries of Western Europe allocate a significant part of the budget for studying such diseases.

How fast is Alzheimer's disease progressing?

If the disease is caused genetically and originated at the age of 50-60 years, then it progresses quite quickly. It starts with a partial loss of memory and cognitive impairment. After 7, a maximum of 10 years, death occurs.

If the disease comes later and is directly related to aging, then development is slower. This type of Alzheimer's is characterized not by persistent memory loss.

In most of these cases, the disease does not reach the late stages. Life expectancy after diagnosis is longer and reaches 20 years.

Alzheimer's disease is incurable and progresses fast enough

How to prevent Alzheimer's disease: prevention in women and men

It is impossible to prevent the disease, but factors that affect the risk of disease can be corrected. Prevention includes diet, treatment of cardiovascular diseases, exercise, rejection of bad habits.

IMPORTANT: Some researchers suggest that eating fish, wine, cereals, fruits and vegetables can reduce the risk of the disease.

Slowly passes the disease in people who are engaged in intellectual activity. Solving crossword puzzles, playing chess, reading can become preventive methods for Alzheimer's.

For a long time it was believed that harmony-substitution therapy in women helps to reduce the risk of disease or alleviate the course of the disease, but now this fact has been refuted.

Healthy Lifestyle and Mental Activity Helps Fight Alzheimer's Disease

Alzheimer's Disease Research Center: Where is it?

There are centers for the study and treatment of Alzheimer's disease. One of them is in Moscow, the Scientific Center of Mental Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Science. Here you can get expert help and get diagnostics on high-tech equipment.

Despite the fact that Alzheimer's disease is not curable, with timely diagnosis it is possible to alleviate its course.


  • May 12, 2018
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