How to choose a bra?

  • 5 important rules for choosing the right bra

All known Coco Chanel almost a century ago, inventing this subject of women's wardrobe even think, could not, that in our time this will tell the modern physicians. Buying a regular bra, you do not even think about the fact that an incorrectly selected bra can lead to a variety of different diseases. In this list, there may be a violation of lung function, which leads to difficulty breathing, a negative effect on the mammary glands, and provokes irreversible changes in individual parts of the spine.

Doctors who study the bone system of the body of a woman who had worn a wrongly selected bra for a long time, came to the conclusion that every day when dressing this subject of a women's toilet, they arbitrarily put themselves at risk. In places of fasteners, women seem to be strapped to their spine diseases, so it can be pain in the chest, cervical vertebrae and even various internal organs. In women with large breasts, this problem can appear more often due to the fact that they shift weight asymmetry. Therefore, the bra should be chosen so that it fits perfectly to the body, but does not squeeze it.

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Ideal bra, when you just do not notice it when you use it. You can not allow the bra to rub against the delicate skin, leave dents from the strapless and bones, since the female skin is very tender and requires careful treatment of it, by squeezing the blood vessels it can cause such a disease as mastopathy, this in no event can not be tolerated.
Choose the right bra is not difficult, you just need to adhere to certain rules of choice and then you are not afraid of the doctors' threats about various consequences and diseases.

5 important rules for choosing the right bra

  1. When buying a bra, make sure you try on it, only so you can be sure that you have chosen the correct underwear.
  2. Fasten the bra, the clasp should not be around your neck,
  3. Put your hands up, make sure that the cup is left in place, and did not jump upwards,
  4. Try to lift your shoulders one after the other, see if the straps on the elbows hang,
  5. Afterremove the brassiere, inspect the body, make sure that on your body there are no traces of the strapless, seams, and bones.

Follow these rules and will always be not only healthy, but also beautiful!

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