Changes in the male body after quitting smoking

To date, there is a wealth of information on the dangers of active and passive smoking. But more interesting are the articles that tell about the changes occurring in the human body after the final rejection of such a harmful habit. Of course, I want to know about the pros and cons of the negative consequences of quitting. Savings, saved health and pride in themselves are an excellent incentive in the fight against nicotine addiction.

  • General condition after failure
  • How the body is cleaned and restored
  • What happens inside
  • What happens outside
  • General change calendar
  • Consequences of sudden failure
  • How to support the body

General condition after failure

The body of the active smoker has long and painfully adapted to constant exposuretoxic substances, and therefore the recovery period carries some very unpleasant aspects. In the common people this period is called "breaking", and in medicine - withdrawal syndrome. Coping with the rehabilitation period can sometimes be very difficult.

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During the process of rebuilding after giving up cigarettes, the following symptoms may appear:

  • a strong desire to smoke again;
  • dizziness;
  • irritability;
  • depressed mood;
  • risk of depression;
  • a constant sense of anxiety;
  • does not have the energy to do household chores;
  • , the rhythm of the heartbeat can be markedly slowed;
  • skin rashes may appear;
  • the mucosa of the mouth becomes inflamed;
  • sore throat similar to colds;
  • violation of sleep;
  • the feeling of hunger becomes permanent;
  • cough;
  • is a common cold;
  • gastric colic.

The manifestation of all or certain symptoms is not necessary, that is, withdrawal syndrome in some cases can pass completely unnoticed.

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How the body is cleaned and reconstructed

The recovery period is long and for some time a person feels uncomfortable, all this indicates the reorganization of internal systems.

Learn also what happens in the body of a woman when you stop smoking
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What happens inside

At the very beginning of the recovery process, the smoker is nervous about the discomfort in the chest, since the body systems responsible for breathing and transporting blood begin to actively saturate with oxygen.

Vessels and the heart muscle over time assume the former elasticity.

At first, after the outset, a person's condition is depressed, but this phenomenon is temporary. Thus, the nervous system comes in tone, it learns to withstand stressful situations without the promotion of nicotine.

Smoking depresses reproductive function and reduces potency, but after refusal from constant use of cigarettes, male strength is restored with time. Exceptions are those cases when the arteries of the genital are damaged on the background of the development of atherosclerosis, then the restoration of sexual function is not an easy task.

The digestive system comes back to normal, with an appetite. Against the background of recovery is possible a set of excess weight, so pay attention to the correct diet.

Soon after the action of nicotine stops blunting the work of the visual and auditory nerves, the hearing and vision improve.

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What happens outside

Over time, the skin of the active smoker acquires a normal color, is yellow, peeling and dry. On the face of a person who has given up smoking, well-noticeable wrinkles gradually disappear and the structure of the skin throughout the body becomes more elastic, and its resistance to external factors increases.

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General change calendar

To prepare for the consequences and to find out what is happening in the body of a person quitting smoking, you should study a detailed diary of changes in vital systems.

The first 14 days may seem difficult, but all the phenomena are temporary:

  • in the first day the level of harmful carbon monoxide in the blood sharply decreases and due to this the transport function of red blood cells is improved and thus, in all tissues the oxygen level rises;
  • on the second day a person begins to feel nicotine starvation, and the intestinal mucosa begins to be updated by the formation of new cells;
  • from the third day starts a long process of renewing the ciliated epithelium, mucus in the stomach is produced less and less, at the same time, the flow of blood( enriched with oxygen) to the brain and heart muscle is increasing;
  • four days later, the aggression of a person towards the environment calms down, and blood circulation throughout the body reaches almost normal levels;
  • after five days, the microtraumas of the tongue are tightened;
  • on the sixth day, absolutely all the cells of the "white" blood grow without exposure to toxic substances, the risk of breaking and smoking increases;
  • the seventh day is a turning point, when the body is no longer biased towards nicotine, and a full-fledged recovery process begins its movement;
  • at the beginning of the second week without nicotine addiction, olfactory and taste receptors are activated;
  • after nine days in the stomach begins to produce enough enzymes for better digestion of food, the condition of its mucosa is normalized;
  • the tenth day gives rise to the process of restoring the body's defenses;
  • in the second half of this week, hormone production begins to affect the metabolic process;
  • after almost two weeks, the cells from the deep layers of the skin are formed without the effects of toxic substances, the full renewal of the skin begins.
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Subsequent changes:

  • in 3-4 months, the skin cells will already pass 3-4 cycles of renewal and annoying dry skin, as well as yellowness will gradually disappear;
  • after 3 months, the tone of blood vessels reaches the former level;
  • the fourth month after the refusal is significant in that there are no more violations of the stool, and the food is again properly absorbed;
  • at the end of the fifth month begins the process of regeneration of diseased liver cells;
  • after 7 months, a person begins to clearly distinguish smells and taste of foods, as the perception of receptors is noticeably improved;
  • by the eighth month, almost all smokers disappear annoying cough;
  • a year later without cigarettes, the risk of heart attack is reduced by 50%, stroke - by 30%.
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Consequences of a sharp refusal

To date, there are both supporters and opponents of the method of abrupt abandonment of cigarettes. But experience suggests that most "drop-outs" do not abandon a bad habit or return to it when there is a withdrawal syndrome.

Unpleasant and uncomfortable recovery process can not be avoided in any case. Of course, a sharp refusal provokes an active manifestation of the syndrome, but in this case the recovery process ends much earlier.

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How to support the body

To the organism to adapt more quickly and recover it needs to be helped.

For expectoration of the sputum from the lungs should drink expectorant decoctions of herbs. More time to spend walks in the park, you can start playing sports.

To restore the gastrointestinal tract should use a variety of decoctions: oatmeal, rice and flaxseed.

To increase immunity, it is necessary to drink a complex of vitamins or turn to folk medicine, where there are a lot of different useful recipes.

To avoid weight gain, you need not be afraid of physical exertion and pay attention to your food( there are less fat and more fruits and vegetables).

  • May 12, 2018
  • 91
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