Diseases of tomato seedlings and their treatment at home. Why does the seedling of tomatoes turn yellow, wither and fall, grows poorly, thin and long, purple: what should I do?

7 rules, by fulfilling which, you can get excellent seedlings and a large crop of tomatoes.


  • Why does the tomato seedlings grow poorly or not?
  • What if the tomato seedlings are stretched out to become thin and long?
  • Why is the seedling tomato purple and poorly growing?
  • Why the leaves turn yellow in tomato seedlings: what to do?
  • Why does a tomato seedling wither and fall?
  • Mold on the ground in tomato seedlings: what to do?
  • Black leg of tomato seedlings: control measures
  • Treatment of tomato seedlings from diseases
  • Phytofluor on tomato seedlings: fighting with it
  • White spots on the leaves of tomato seedlings: what to do?
  • The leaves of tomato seedlings are twisting, withering and drying: what should I do?
  • Whitefly - white midges on tomato seedlings: how to fight?
  • Aphids on tomato seedlings: how to fight?
  • How to choose the seeds of tomatoes?
  • In what soil do tomatoes grow better?
  • VIDEO: How to grow healthy sprouts?
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Why does the tomato seedlings grow poorly or not?

Any plant can not live without heat, sun, water and soil. Tomatoes are no exception, they need normal growth for their normal growth:

  • Qualitative seeds
  • Fertile soil
  • Light in sufficient quantity
  • Moderate irrigation
  • Optimum temperature of earth and air
  • Protection against diseases and pests
  • Addition of mineral fertilizers

If you have met all the necessary conditions, then the plantswill delight you with their powerful look and rich harvest. If at least one of the points you made a mistake - they will upset you with frail shoots and a meager, if any, crop.

Healthy seedlings of tomatoes

What if the seedlings of tomatoes were stretched out to become thin and long?

After the shoots appeared and pleased their owners, the most important stage in plant development begins. At this stage, plants must obtain a suitable temperature for the earth, air, enough light and moisture. What happens if the optimal conditions are violated?

If the soil in the pots for seedlings is too cold, and the air temperature is either too low or too high, the plants will not be able to fully develop.

Also they will not be able to develop normally if they receive too little light. If the seedlings are stretched from the lack of light - to save it, you can give enough of it.

Seedlings stretched on the stage of germination of the first real leaf

Why is the seedling tomato purple and poorly growing?

Why in a relatively warm house, if you grow seedlings on the windowsills, does the earth remain cold? Because often and densely, the cold that comes from the windows excessively cools pots with seedlings. For the experiment, put a room thermometer on the window sill or on the ground of your greenhouse, if you grow seedlings under the film, and measure the temperature. The optimum soil temperature is from 16 to 18 degrees. If the land is cold, the plants will grow poorly, and the color of the seedlings can become purple.

Purple seedlings of tomatoes

Why do the leaves yellow in tomato seedlings: what to do?

The air temperature for seedlings should be between 25 and 28 degrees. Plants will lag behind in growth if the temperature is higher or lower than these values. I would also like to say about the illumination of plants.

If light is catastrophically small, seedlings can stretch out literally in a few days. It will have a yellow color and thin elongated stems. It is possible to expect a good harvest from such seedlings only if you can give the plants enough light.

Extruded seedlings of tomatoes

Why does the tomato seedling wither and fall?

Unfortunately, on the windowsill without additional lighting, even if the windows look out on the sunny side, the plants will not be able to get enough light. The only way out in this situation is the use of artificial lighting. These can be special lamps that are used in industrial greenhouses and which are expensive or inexpensive fluorescent lamps.

Seedlings that have received a sufficient amount of light

The same failure may lie in wait for those truckers who sowed seeds in greenhouses with film shelter. Because the early spring sunlight, which can be lost when passing through a dense film is not enough.

Mold on the ground in tomato seedlings: what to do?

Watering sprouts, water is better not to be added, than to give it in excess. It happens that truck farmers are so addicted to caring for plants that they start watering them every day or even several times a day. Watered because they noticed the drying of the upper layer of the earth in the pots, while inside there is an excess of moisture.

Mold is inadmissible in pots for seedlings

Black leg in tomato seedlings: control measures

Excessive irrigation leads to plant oppression, creates a fertile soil for the development of fungal diseases of the root system and ultimately - the death of seedlings. How to determine that plants need watering?

The easiest way in this situation is not to water the plants before you notice some wilting due to lack of moisture. Leaves in this case are less elastic and somewhat lowered. Water the plants with warm water. If you use chlorinated tap water, remove chlorine from the water.

For this it is enough to collect water in a bucket and let it stand for 2-3 days. Chlorine is a gas and it is lighter than water, so it completely leaves the liquid during this time.

Seedlings, suffering from excessive irrigation

Feed seedlings with mineral fertilizers. Do this no more than once a week with complex fertilizers. With care, you need to apply to fertilizing like saltpeter. Due to the high content of nitrogen in the soil, plants can stretch out a lot.

Extruded tomato seedlings

Treatment of tomato seedlings from diseases

Prevent seedlings from infecting pests and diseases. Since infection with diseases in the greenhouse or when growing seedlings on the windowsills occurs mainly because of the contaminated land, use only healthy land for this purpose. If you take it in your garden - then take it from the beds, where tomatoes and related crops, say potatoes, did not grow.

Weeded from lack of light seedlings

Phytofluor on tomato seedlings: combating it

Phytophthorosis is a disease of open ground and favorable for its development are rainy and cool weather. In order for plants to become infected with late blight, they must be exposed to unfavorable weather conditions for 3-7 days.

If the tomato seedlings are under shelter or in the house, the likelihood that it will fall ill with late blight is very small. To prevent the disease, do not allow water to enter the leaves of plants and water only the ground. If brown spots appear on the leaves, treat them with fungicides from late blight.

With proper care, seedlings will have a healthy appearance.

White spots on the leaves of tomato seedlings: what to do?

White spots on the leaves of seedlings can be the result of sun burns or lamps, which plants are refreshed. So, if not accustomed to sunlight seedlings to move to beds or put pots in the sun, plants can not cope with the load and get burns.

Measures to prevent burns can be a gradual adaptation of plants to a new light regime. If the burns have already happened, the affected leaves can be cut off. The plant will gradually come back to normal and give new leaves.

A plant that received sunburns

The leaves of tomato seedlings are twisted, wither and dry: what should I do?

If the seedling sprouts leaves, it can be either the result of disease, or the result of the plant's inhibition by pests. What if the plants are sick and in their appearance you can not determine what is happening to them?

The only way out in this situation is to try to correct mistakes with temperature, plant lighting, watering and treating them with fungicides from diseases and pest control agents.

Non-hardened seedlings

Whitefly - white midges on tomato seedlings: how to fight?

Maybe someone will be surprised that plants that are on a windowsill or under a film shelter may have pests.

They, sad as it may be, if the land was infected with these pests. In particular, the whitefly and its larvae can inflict tremendous harm to tomatoes, which in a few days can turn a green plant into a stunted and feeble. Will help to cope with the problem of spraying the leaves with means from this pest.

Tomato leaves, infected with whitefly

Aphids on tomato seedlings: how to fight?

Aphids may appear on tomato seedlings if the soil contaminated with this pest has been used. Fighting aphids can be sprayed plants with chemicals from aphids. Such as tanrek, confidor, spark bio and others.

Unfortunately, it happens that all efforts to improve the plant are in vain. This can happen if the wrong care for the plant, the disease or the oppression of the plant by the pests were too long. The only way out of this situation can be to re-seedlings.

Aphids on tomato leaves

How to choose the seeds of tomatoes?

Sow only proven, quality seeds. If you buy seeds in stores - use only proven outlets. Because counterfeits on the seed market have reached catastrophic proportions due to the fact that it was simply not profitable to trade quality seeds.

Quality seeds - half the success in growing a tomato

If you collect seeds from your tomatoes - choose for this purpose only healthy and powerful shrubs that have yielded a good harvest. Sometimes the disinfection of seeds is required. Because they can be infected with disease-causing viruses. Disinfection, if you conducted it correctly, does not affect the quality of the seeds, but can reduce germination. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the number of sown seeds.

Number of seeds after decontamination will need to be increased

In what soil do tomatoes grow better?

Sow the seeds in a perfectly suitable land for this crop. Soil for seedlings should not be too easy and not too heavy. At once it is necessary to tell, that the ground taken from a vegetable garden bed will be heavy if your kitchen garden is located on chernozems. A primer, bought in stores that are called "for seedlings" will be too easy because of the large content of peat in such a soil. Therefore, the ideal is this option: 50% of the land from the garden bed and 50% of the soil for seedlings to mix thoroughly and fill this soil with cups for seedlings or pallets.

Only on powerful soils you can get a powerful crop of

It will be necessary in advance to think that excess water after watering plants should be free to leave the cups. Hence, they must have a sufficient number of holes at the bottom for draining excess water.

All these wisdoms are easy to remember and use them, growing seedlings tomatoes. And most importantly, if you still fail to grow seedlings - do not give up, but roll up your sleeves and correct your mistakes, grow a new beautiful, healthy and powerful seedling.

VIDEO: How to grow healthy seedlings?

  • May 12, 2018
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