A letter of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher, teacher, supervisor. Letter of thanks

To express gratitude and make a pleasant person important to you you can with the help of a letter of thanks. It is very simple to compose it: how to strike with eloquence in this letter and tell this article.


  • Thank you text: sample, template
  • Thank you letter to the teacher, school principal
  • Thank you to the kindergarten teacher
  • Thank you letter to the leader of the organization
  • Thank you for your help: text
  • Thank you for your work: text
  • Video: Business letter: clear and competent

From time to time in our life there are some significant events - the first or last call from the child, the birthday of our relatives, the anniversaryboss, friend. On all these holidays we want to shine with eloquence.

But what if the words do not match the sentences? Our article will help you in this - in it we will tell about the kind of gratitude and give you universal examples that you can take note.

Thank you text: sample, template

instagram viewer

Thank you letter is a kind of business letter that contains words of gratitude to a certain person for any reason. Any thank you note consists of the following subsections:

  • Address to the addressee
  • Indication of the initiator of gratitude
  • Thank you text
  • Signature and data of the person from whom this gratitude is given
The letter of gratitude is most often written on the special form

It is important to understand that thanks to herit is said that in it there should be pleasant words of gratitude, indicate only the positive qualities of .What should not be included in the text of gratitude:

  • Negative personal qualities to the recipient of gratitude;
  • Personal moments or long memories from life;
  • The amount of help( if it's a gratitude for material support)

But even knowing what exactly should be present in gratitude, and what to say, it's not necessary to choose the correct words , clad in a logical structure, is not always easy. In such a situation, will be a sample of gratitude.

Sample of gratitude to

Acknowledgments to parents from school administration( sample)


Dear parents, the school administration № 54 expresses its gratitude to for the excellent education of your children. In each child we see the rays of your parental warmth and care. Thank you , that you helped schoolchildren with lessons, painted wonderful pictures on our holidays and taught complex poems with them.

We also will never forget your for the improvement of the school - you have been keeping our school all the time - painting walls and desks, washing windows and planting flowers in the school garden. We thank you for the creative approach of and an active life position that we are sure you will pass on to your children.

Your children are the pride of our school. We hope that thanks to our and your efforts in the future they will become the pride and elite of our country. Thanks to the joint work of educational institutions and parents, young people will be full of energy, aspiration for knowledge and creativity.

We will happy to see you in our school, because for your children it has become a second home for a long time! The doors of our establishment and the heart of the whole administration are open to you!

Principal of school

Class teacher »

Gratitude to the parent committee is usually expressed during various public events

Thank you letter to the teacher, the director of the school

In this type of business letter, parents or children express gratitude to the teacher for the upbringing and education of their children. The document structure is standard and consists of the same sections.


Dear and dear ____________, how quickly time flies and it seems, most recently we were small and timid first-timers , who held a heavy briefcase in one hand, and in another - a beautiful bouquet of asters. And now we have grown up standing on the steps of the schoolyard and remember those happy days that we spent in these walls of our own school. Each cabinet, each desk and board became for us a piece of memories from childhood.

We are very grateful to you for the patience and kindness, affection and support for , which we received every day. Now we understand how, probably, it was difficult for you with noisy squabbles. But you always found sincere and kind words to everyone could gently take by the hand or pat on the head, calm and suggest how best to proceed.

For all these years you became our second mother , because five days a week our hysterics and shouts suffered, wiped our tears and taught us to write, make friends and believe in yourself. You put the girls on your lap and calmed down, when the boys tugged at their braids. Thank you, our dear teacher, that you have been our protection and support of all these years.

We thank God that you have become our guide to the adult life of .Thanks to you, we have preserved kindness in the heart, a bright mind and pure thoughts. Thank you for what you are. We love you with all our heart and soul!

Parents' Committee

Class 11 A pupils »

Thanks to the class teacher can both in writing and orally

Thank you letter to the director of the school

These words can be used by both parents with children and teachers on the last call or graduation. In this case, it is better that the time you pay thanks to the should not take more than five minutes of , because the event will focus more on graduates and all students.

« Dear, Alexander Dmitrievich!

Parents and graduates of school No. 137 express their gratitude to you

Thanks to your efforts, a wonderful team has been assembled in this school, in which the has no place for evil and insidiousness .You have assembled a team of teachers who support children and parents throughout the of all school years of the , worry about their academic performance, creative, sports success no less, and perhaps even more than their parents.

Only thanks to the director and , his sensitive management meets us with a beautiful garden, new classes, friendly teachers and a decent level of education. It was you who managed to organize the atmosphere of comfort in the school family , for which we express our great gratitude.

Forgive our children if there were moments of disobedience and unsatisfactory behavior. All pupils will forever remember your strict, but nevertheless careful morals and parental pat on the shoulder of .After all, you, as a wise mentor, have always found the right words and the right approach to adults and children.

From the whole parent committee of , we express our deep gratitude to to our director for the fact that thanks to the education received within the walls of this school our children will choose a worthy life and become worthy people!

Parent's Committee »

Thanks to the school's director can be written on behalf of the students and their parents

Thank you to the kindergarten teacher

People who work with our children every day, educate them and teach them life skills deserve gratitude. In gratitude to kindergarten teachers, you can also thank:

  • Kindergarten director
  • Nanny
  • Cooks or mention everyone as a team

The basis for congratulation can be the following sample, supplemented by your words from the heart.

The work of the kindergarten teacher, so pleasant and incredibly complex, deserves thanks


Dear Anna Alexandrovna! We want to thank you for what you are. After all, your everyday work, your love, warmth and care of , which you give to children, does not go unnoticed.

You with your diligence, kindness and wisdom through education put in the hearts of our children the basics of behavior and morals .After all, thanks to you, they already know from kindergarten what is good and what is bad, how to do it and why.

Under your careful guidance, they are admiringly preparing for the holidays, dance and music lessons, fun walks and games. Childhood memories never will not leave the hearts of the children , even when they grow up.

Special thanks to you for how exciting and touching were the concerts with the participation of our children. You very diligently approached the issue of preparing the kids for the holiday , and every word of the pupils was permeated with love. None of these speeches could not do without tears of joy and tenderness for their children. And this is only your merit.

Throughout the beautiful days in the garden, you patiently answered them for hundreds of questions , taught the children to fantasize, communicate in the team and rejoice in every ray of the sun. Each of the parents repeatedly observed how mentally you told the children on a walk about flowers and birds, how you should protect nature and love animals.

We very appreciate the work of every educator .And we want to thank for the love of children, the kindness and true vocation of to carry wisdom and knowledge. The years our children spent in this garden will surely be an excellent start for school and further success.

Parents' Committee »

Thanks to the kindergarten teacher can be written on behalf of the entire parent team and from individual parents

Thank you letter to the head of the organization

In case of a birthday or other significant day at your head, the collective of the organization can make a congratulatory or simply letter of thanks. You can decorate the letter with the company's coat of arms or do it on a letterhead.


Allow all labor collective of the firm "Orion" to express their admiration for with your talent as a leader of and remarkable strategic thinking. Due to your ability to correctly prioritize and achieve the tasks set, our organization has achieved significant success in development.

You very carefully check new employees at the interview and this gives their positive results - our company assembles competent and qualified employees of , who know how to find an extraordinary solution to get out of various difficult situations. But, nevertheless, despite the active work process, the atmosphere in the team always remains benevolent and warm.

I would like to mention your organizational abilities - joint meetings and rest with employees brings their positive results - the team of employees is well-coordinated so that everyone can count on the support of colleague.

Thanks to your care of subordinates and the aspiration to improve our skills, we always keep pace with the times, because the profile courses we attend give us the opportunity to learn about the latest innovations in our work - we are modern and not ordinary.

The whole team of our organization appreciates all your efforts and efforts for the common good, because each of us is the cog in the big mechanism .We hope that in future the situation in these walls will be as favorable for work, working conditions will enable us to improve the results and build our organization to new heights, led by you.

Employees of the company "Orion" »

Thanks to the head of

Thank you for your help: text

  • In situations where we need help, people who are able to respond to someone else's need are very important and help
  • from the bottom of their hearts. To to thank the benefactor , you can writehim a personal letter, or write everything that you have in your soul in a thank you letter
  • Use the structure of a business letter if you contact the organization or a high-ranking person , or use moreif you are with a benefactor in a close relationship
  • In the accompanying text, be sure to indicate from whom the letter and for which you thank this person
To express gratitude for the help in the official form it is possible to the sponsor or deputy who helped solve the problem

" Thank you letter to the Director Generalcompany "Alfatek"

Dear Sergey Ivanovich, the house of the little girl No. 30 in Moscow expresses to you huge thanks to for financial assistance and assistance in the development of of our companytions. Adults have a lot of problems and often forget about children. So it happens with our house babies - the funds allocated by the state, not always enough for everything you need for children. Therefore, we are sincerely grateful to such noble and kind-hearted patrons of the , like you.

Children are our future, our protection and support. All pupils of our house babies are wonderful healthy babies whom lacks the most important thing - the parental care of and caring. We do our best to give them this warmth, but our forces have borders.

With your help, we bought the children good books and computers , in order to give them a good education and help them to develop comprehensively. Learning is light, with this slogan we try to bring our children the most necessary information for their age so that in future they could be worthy members of society.

Do not convey our words of gratitude for your kindness and sensitivity. Thanks to you our students will develop, and grow educated and developed people. We wish success in your work and all the beginnings of , creative development and well-being.

Manual of Baby's House No. 30 "

Officials express their gratitude to the official form

Thank you for your work:

text Any good leader will want to support the of a successful subordinate .This can be reflected in the premium, promotion on the job ladder or simply thanks. Here is an example of thanks to the employee for a job well done.

" Gratitude from the company" Sagittarius "
to the employee of the production department of
Ivanov Peter A.

Dear Pyotr Alekseevich, the management of our organization and the whole team thanks you for the responsible approach to the work of and good results in the terms of its implementation. Thanks to your enthusiasm and active work, our performance in your industry has grown significantly, which gave our company significant revenue and the push of the to develop and cooperate the with other partners.

Thanks to the high level of your professionalism, we manage to keep a high level in work and develop as a stable and large company. Responses about your work from colleagues are also exceptionally positive - responds to you as an honest and responsible employee of .All this shows you only from the positive side in the eyes of the leadership.

We hope that in the future our cooperation will be the same fruitful and successful. We wish you energy, good health and creative plans!

Director of the company "Sagittarius"

Kiyashko AP »

To write a thank you letter and to express an important to you person pleasant words much easier than it seems. To do this, you only need to find the appropriate sample and decorate it with words from the soul, which is appropriate for the to this person in a particular case.

Video: Business letter: clear and competent

  • May 12, 2018
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