Accumulated mucus in the nasopharynx is a great place to inhabit and multiply various pathogenic microorganisms. The composition of this mucus includes proteins that serve as an excellent food for anaerobic bacteria. With such a pathological process it is necessary to fight, then effective treatment should be directed not only to combat this unpleasant symptom, accompanied by an unpleasant odor, but to identify and eliminate the cause of its formation.

How is the diagnosis of chronic bronchitis, you can learn from this article.


  • 1 Causes of congestion in adults
    • 1.1 Cluster of white mucus
    • 1.2 Formation green
    • 1.3 Formation yellow
  • 2 Why slime in children
    • 2.1 White color
    • 2.2 Viscous
    • 2.3 Education green discharge from the nose
  • 3 fluid accumulation inBabies
    • 3.1 Infection in the nose
    • 3.2 Dry indoor air
    • 3.3 Vessel response
    • 3.4 Allergic reaction
    • instagram viewer
    • 3.5 Presence of foreign mattermeta in the nose or injury
    • 3.6 Prolonged use of drops

Causes of congestion in adults

Slime in the nose serves as a shield that protects the mucosa from various types of damage. It can be dust, dirt and other small particles. Such mucus can also be dense, but in moderation. It envelops the mucous membrane and prevents harmful substances from contacting it.

mucus in the nasopharynx

In the picture - the layout of the mucus

But not always everything is so wonderful and often a large accumulation of snot is a cause for concern, since it is a symptom of a certain disease. In order to accurately understand the reason for the accumulation of mucus, as well as why slime flows from the nasopharynx into the throat, often with blood with a bitter taste, it is necessary to consider its types.

How to use tablets against cough with thermopsis during pregnancy is indicated in this article.

Accumulation of white snot

When an adult in the nasopharynx concentrates mucus of natural color, it happens that in the mornings, the doctors unanimously assert the presence of a cold. When a runny nose has arisen due to hypothermia, the mucus of a liquid consistency first comes out, and after that it becomes viscous. At the initial stage of the common cold, which is characterized by a common cold, there is a discharge of thick mucus whitish. If the disease is started or the treatment was incorrectly formulated, then the snot will acquire a yellow or even green tint. The most unpleasant thing is that when slime does not swallow, it flows down the back wall.

How is purulent sore throat treated during pregnancy, indicated in this article.

Viscous mucus can state that the process of an allergic reaction in the nasopharyngeal has been started. Call it can be caught in the nasal irritants. This phenomenon is considered the norm, since the allergen affects the mucosa. As a result, it begins to actively produce mucin proteins, thanks to which it is possible to create a protective shield.

The video tells about the mucus in the nasopharynx in the child:

The formation of the green

Forming green mucus in the nasopharynx

In the picture - the accumulation of green mucus

If during the bleeding you saw that you have a nose out of the nose green snot, sometimes in the form of a lump, then this is a clear sign of chronic ailments inbody( inflammation of the lungs or bronchi).There is an active struggle of the body with infections, as a result of which the immune system is allocated a special component that gives slime such color. Very often green snots indicate the presence of neglected rhinitis, as well as the successful struggle of the organism with the virus. In the course of such a struggle all pathogenic microorganisms perish, and the body returns to the usual rhythm.

How to use drops in the nose for sinusitis is indicated in the article.

Formation of yellow

Such color slime gains in those people who have a predilection for smoking. The explanation here is this: when nicotine struck the airways, it settles on the mucous membranes, giving the mucus a yellow color.

But there are cases when the presented symptom indicates a very serious disease, possibly even related to oncology. If the person normally feels, does not smoke, but thus from it the yellow slime leaves, it is necessary to address immediately to the doctor and to pass complex diagnostics.

From this article you can learn how to treat sore throat during pregnancy.

Why mucus accumulates in children

Children's rhinitis is a common sign of a cold that often affects the baby's body. You can not ignore such a symptom, and to avoid the formation of serious complications, immediately proceed to treatment.


mucus in the nasopharynx

In small patients, during the bleeding process, parents detect white mucus. The reason for its formation lies in allergies. In addition, that the mucus is white, it is still viscous and viscid. Allergies can be influenced by the following reasons:

  • pet hair;
  • dust and heavily overdried air;
  • microorganisms that live in fleecy carpets or bedding.

To establish the exact cause of allergies and associated whitish discharge from the nose, it is necessary that the baby passes a blood test. Then it will be possible to determine the allergen and prescribe a course of antihistamine therapy for it.

How to properly use a nasal spray from sinusitis is indicated in this article.


To promote the accumulation of thick mucus may have a poor ecological background. The baby's body actively produces mucus, which needs a nasal mucosa to prevent the negative impact of various microorganisms. The result of a large accumulation of bacteria and viruses becomes thick mucus. It is produced by mucin proteins, and also consists of water and salt. It is this protein responsible for the consistency of discharge from the nose. Most often, thick snot in a child is a sign of hypothermia and allergies.

On the video - green foamy mucus in the nasopharynx:

How to use the spray from an allergy in the nose, is indicated in the article.

Formation of green discharge from the nose

Color sopley can indicate the stage and type of disease that caused them. Very often parents start to panic when the baby has a green mucus. In fact, this is a bad sign, as it indicates the presence of a dangerous ailment. Most often contribute to the allocation of green mucus following pathologies:

  1. Purulent runny nose .This disease is a complication of acute respiratory viral infection of the viral type. Purulent rhinitis very weakens children's immunity, and these are ideal conditions for the development of a secondary bacterial infection. To cure such a condition with one solution and an abundant drink will not work, so parents should not allow the development of a pathological process.
  2. Sinusitis .In addition to the fact that the green mucus is secreted from the nose, the receptivity of the taste buds is reduced in the baby. Defeat can be applied not only to one, but also to two sides of the nasopharynx. The baby can get fever, pain syndrome in the affected sinus, pain in the head, which is amplified when the child has taken a position lying on his back.
  3. Front .When the body is injured, the child develops signs characteristic of sinusitis. The difference between these pathologies is that the frontitis causes pain in the nasal sinus, which is affected by the infection.
  4. Ethomoid .This ailment can arise because of untimely treatment of rhinitis. Infection affects the paranasal sinuses located in the trellis labyrinth. In addition to painful sensations, the baby can get fever, snot, nasal congestion.

This article specifies how to treat perspiration in the throat during pregnancy.

On the video - dense mucus in the nasopharynx in a child, a purulent runny nose:

Fluids in babies

Many mothers begin to worry when the baby gets mucus in the nasopharynx. For children of this age, this is a very common phenomenon, since their respiratory system is not yet fully formed. But sometimes such a symptom can, indeed, talk about the presence of a certain disease.

How does it look and how to cure a runny nose during pregnancy 3 trimester, indicated in the article.

Infection in the nose

Sometimes the cause of snot in babies is bacteria and viruses. Infection in these children occurs very often, because their immune system can not cope with the pathogens themselves. Pathogenic microorganisms affect the nose during breathing, as with the air there are recorded sputum particles, saliva diseased.

The video tells about the causes of congestion of thick mucus in the nasopharynx:

How is treated with angina in the second trimester of pregnancy, is indicated here.

Dry air in the room

If there is not enough moist air in the room where the crumb is located, this can cause mucus to form in the nose. In addition, there should not be a large accumulation of things in the room, so that the air can circulate normally over it. Take care that the room is not caused by soft furniture, carpeting, since they can accumulate a large amount of dust. dry air in the room

Vessel Response

Infants respond very quickly to various types of stimuli in infants. Very often the snot indicates the presence of external stimuli. For example, when a baby drinks a warm mixture, mucus starts to come out of his nose. The role of irritating factors can also play tobacco smoke, chemical agents. Parents should protect the baby from these potential irritants.

On video - mucus in a newborn in the nasopharynx:

Allergic reaction

Allergies in the baby can be caused by factors such as dust, pollen of plants, wool of pets. As a result, the child starts the itch of the eyes, he sneezes, and a large amount of transparent mucus is released from the nose. If you know for sure that a baby is allergic, then all activities should be aimed at eliminating the allergen. Perhaps, an allergy is caused by a wool blanket, which you hide a crumb or plant that is standing in his room.

The presence of a foreign object in the nose or his injury constant mucus in the nasopharynx in children

Despite such a small age, the crumb can be very active and creative. But sometimes my mother can not always follow the movements of her baby when she takes something into her little pen, and then puts the part in her nose. The result of this process is a strong irritation of the mucosa, after which a mucus is formed. As a rule, the snot escapes from one nasal passage.

Long-term use of drops

Prolonged rhinitis occurs after the illness, when the crumb for a long time dripped the drugs. As a result, he became addictive, the vessels in his nose became less active. To prevent this, you do not need to apply the same drops for more than a week.

If you have already found an addictive, then it is necessary to address this problem to the children's ENT doctor. The reasons for the formation of mucus in the nasopharynx in both adults and children can be many. It is very important to recognize and correct them in time. Watch your health and do prophylaxis at the time, then no disease, and even more so complications, you are not afraid.