Solcoseryl - instructions for use

This article is a simplified and accessible instruction for the use of a drug such as Solcoseryl. We will disclose all aspects of the application of the tool for all its forms of release.


  • "Solcoseryl" - properties
  • Form
  • Indications for use
  • Composition of ointment and gel "Solcoseryl" and application of
  • "Solcoseryl" in solution application
  • Eye drops composition and use
  • Solcoseryl to children
  • Contraindications
  • Ointment Solcoseryl with Dimexide
  • Analogues of ointment Solcoseryl
  • How to use ointment correctly?
  • Video: Solcoseryl from wrinkles and for facial rejuvenation

" Solcoseryl " - properties of

  • " Solcoseryl " is a drug that can enhance the regenerative function of tissues, stimulates the processes of cleavage and utilization of metabolic products
  • . Also this drugpromotes increased oxygen consumption from the outside and activates the intake of carbohydrates into the tissues, thereby ensuring their good nutrition. Thus, cells that experience oxygen and nutritional fasting are able to regenerate
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  • " Solcoseryl " is able to stimulate collagen formation in tissues. Also not an important feature of the drug is its ability to activate the proliferative processes of cells and their movement into the necessary tissues of
  • . With external application of the drug in the form of a gel, the processes of granulation of wounds are accelerated, and the swelling and fluid accumulation in the wound is markedly reduced. The condition for using this tool is "fresh" wounds and wounds with the separation of the liquid
  • . When the drying effect occurs, the gel is recommended to be changed to an ointment, since it is able to form a protective layer and is used in the therapy of dry wound surfaces



" Solcoseryl "Is widely used and has a variety of release forms:

• Tablet form in the form of pellets with the following dosage of 0.04 g, 0.1 g, 0.2 g
• In the form of a solution for injection in a dose of 10 ml and 2.5 ml of

gel was used to treat ophthalmic pathologies • adhesive adhesive
for the therapy of dental pathologies • As an ointment for external use with a 5% concentration of
substance • In gel form, also for external use with 10% substance concentration

It should be noted that the tablet form in the form of a dragee at the moment is not registered in all countries and it is rather difficult to acquire it.

Indications for use

Indications for use

In accordance with the official instructions for the use of the drug Solcoseryl , the following indications for its use are available:

1. For injection:
• Venous insufficiency in chronic form, including manifestations of trophic disturbance
• Narrowing of vessels, including late stages of
• With ischemic and hemorrhagic strokes
• With CCT

2. For adhesive paste to indicationsUsage may be soft tissue of the oral cavity( gums and mucous membranes)

3. Gel in ophthalmology is used to injure the shells of the eyeball

4. Ointment and gel are used in the treatment of burns, frostbites, abrasions and various damages to the integrity of the skin

Composition of ointment and gel" Solcoseryl " and application of

Composition of ointment and gel "Solcoseril" and application of
  • In this section I would like to indicate the fundamental difference between ointment and gel, since their action depends on this
  • Ointment has a thick and fat structure due to the white petrolatum contained in it. This is what makes it possible to create a protective film when applied. For this reason, the ointment is not used for wetting forms of wounds, as this will create an even greater greenhouse effect.
  • By principle, if you wound the wound with polyethylene, roughly speaking. Therefore, this form is applied to a granular, dry, damaged surface. A similar film protects the wound from its drying out.
  • The concentration of the substance in the ointment is 2.07 mg, and the gel contains a double dose of this component.
  • The gel also contains carboxymethylcellulose, which gives it a light and air-permeable consistency.
  • The gel is applied to the damaged skin, it is quickly absorbed and leaves no traces of

" Solcoseryl " in the solution application of

In the form of injections " Solcoseryl " is indicated in the pathology of arterial vessels, more accuratelyat their occlusion.

This medicine allows to provide sufficient oxygen supply to the affected parts of the vascular bed. Its uses even in the most severe forms of the disease, which manifests itself:

• The formation of trophic ulceration and intense soreness
• Evening and night soreness in the lower extremities, after walking at a distance of more than 50 meters

In this case, the remedy is used in a dilution of 1:1 and is administered intravenously by or drip. Dilute the drug with saline or glucose.

  1. Treatment is prescribed by the course for 1 month or more in a dose of up to 20 mg of medication per day. In more severe cases, the dose may be increased to 40 ml.the drug is administered very slowly in order not to cause a sharp rise in the level of potassium in the blood
  2. In the case of venous vessels with ulceration, the dose of the solution corresponds to 10 ml per day
  3. When stroke conditions, the agent is used to improve the trophism of affected areas at a dose of 10 to 20 ml 1 timeper day for 10 days. Then, the intravenous injection course is replaced by intramuscular injection in a volume of 2 ml once a day for 1 month
  4. For TBT " Solcoseryl " is administered intravenously for 20-30 ml for 5 days, then replaced with intramuscular injection of the preparation

Eye Drops composition and use of

Eye drops composition and use of

This form of drug release differs from the forms for external use, which distinguishes sterility and its substance concentration, which corresponds to 8.5 mg. It is much higher than the concentration of the substance in the gel for external use.

This gel is liquid enough and it is not laid for eyelids, and is digested, so it can be called drops.

Indications for the use of these drops are:
• Postoperative recovery period
• Erosion of the cornea and its trauma or conjunctiva
• Dystrophic corneal disorders
• Burns of the cornea of ​​various origins
• Drying of the cornea
• Keratitis and ulceration

Usually this gelBury 1 drop in each eye up to 4 times a day. In severe conditions, the frequency of application can be increased.

Applying more drops once is not advisable, as the remedy simply flows.

Eye Drops Composition and Application

After instillation, it may cause a slight burning sensation, which passes by itself. Just for half an hour, vision may decrease.

Solcoseryl for children

  • Application of Solcoseryl in children is possible, but only in forms for external use
  • This tool is used in children from year to year for the treatment of ophthalmic pathology, however only under strict supervision and according to prescription of doctor
  • Ointment in therapyskin lesions and some types of rashes


The only indicated contraindication to the use of this remedy is an allergic reaction to the constituent components of this medication.

As with caution, it should be prescribed to individuals who are prone to allergic reactions.

Ointment Solcoseryl with Dimexide , application

Ointment Solcoseryl with Dimexid, application
  • This composition is smart cosmetologists used to fight wrinkles and improve the skin condition
  • . Deep studies on this topic have not been carried out, however, experts base on the main properties of the drug " SOLCLOSERYL , which enhance cell repair and help build collagen
  • The demikside in this case plays the role of a catalyst that enhances dEffect Solcoseryl
  • In combination with , Dimexid uses exclusively the gel form of the preparation. Of these components, the
  • mask is prepared. A solution of Dimexide is prepared. To use it, the ready-made drug solution must be diluted 1:10 with boiled water at room temperature
  • Since Dimexide often causes allergies, carry out the test, applying to the undamaged portion of the inner surface of the arm on the fold for half an hour. If there is no reaction, then its application is safe
  • Then this solution of Dimexide is applied to the facial skin, excluding the eye area. And the gel is applied over the solution, which is generously applied to the neck and face for 1 hour
  • . Periodically, the mask is moistened with water at room temperature, when it dries
    . Then the mask is washed off with warm water. A repeat it is recommended 2 times a month
  • Ointment is used as a self-mask, without adding other components. Ointment applied to clean skin for half an hour

Analogs ointment Solkoseril

• Kalanchoe
Alantan Plus

How to use the ointment?

  • Ointment, if used properly, is applied in a thin layer on the previously cleaned wound
  • . The ointment is recommended up to 2 times a day. Possible application for dressing
  • Use ointment in the treatment of damage to the time of complete healing and scar formation.

Solcoseryl : reviews

This tool has many positive reviews in all fields of application. In addition to the described methods Solcoseryl has found application in the practice of treatment of ENT organs and proctology.

" Solcoseryl " is an analogue in the injectable form of " Actovegin " and has good reviews in the treatment of strokes and TBI( cerebrovascular accidents).

Video: Solcoseryl from wrinkles and for the rejuvenation of FACE

  • May 12, 2018
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