The causes of the appearance, ways to diagnose and treat bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is a disease of the respiratory tract, characterized by paroxysmal asphyxiation. Air circulation is disrupted as a result of severe puffiness of the larynx, spasm of bronchial muscles, excessive production of mucus. Pathology occurs in people of all age categories, is chronic. Often children are exposed to it before the puberty period and inhabitants of megacities.

  • reasons
  • Symptoms
  • Diagnostics
  • asthma
  • According
  • reasons why gravity
  • flow The level of control
  • Treatment
  • Medicines
  • Medicines "ambulance»
  • Basic means
  • Means
  • control Traditional recipes
  • method Batmanghelidj
  • Ginger
  • Brothoats
  • Salt lamp
  • Aloe balm
  • Propolis tincture
  • Herbal remedies

Reasons for

There are a lot of prerequisites for the occurrence of asthma.

  • Dust, wool, excrement of dust mites, pollen, dead skin scales - when inhaled irritate the walls of the bronchi, provoking a protective narrowing of the lumens with the development of thick mucus.
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  • Poor ecology - harmful gases, evaporation of chemicals, smog, reduce the tone of the bronchi.
  • Constant cold and high humidity cause inflammation of the respiratory system.
  • Smoking - leads to atrophy of the mucous membranes, their thickening.

  • Regular contact with industrial, household, cosmetic chemistry( varnishes, paints, plaster powders, perfumes, air fresheners, detergents) - toxic particles settle in the bronchi, lead to burns of delicate tissues.
  • Stress - weakens the immune system, not allowing the body to fight allergens.
  • Medicinal products. For example, aspirin and nonsteroidal preparations for inflammation can disrupt the functioning of the bronchial column.
  • Migrated diseases. Often, asthma becomes a complication of bronchitis, pneumonia or tracheitis, in which viruses disrupt the activity of the smooth muscles of the respiratory tract.
  • Improper diet - excess of proteins, fats, refined carbohydrates adversely affects resistance to diseases. Allergic reactions can arise from food additives, spices, preservatives, dyes.
  • Hereditary factors - in 30% of cases, asthma is transmitted from parents to children. The disease can occur at any age. This form is called atopic."Provocators" attacks can be very difficult to track.
  • Violation of the nervous, endocrine, immune systems - the lack and excess of hormones, vitamins, microelements destroy the cells of organs, preventing their full-fledged work. A sharp change in the level of a substance causes the body to react in an emergency manner.
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Symptoms of

Symptoms of bronchial asthma are often confused with vegetovascular dystonia, bronchitis and other diseases. To distinguish one from another, it is necessary to know the common signs of all forms of asthmatic pathology.

  • Sensation of pressure on the chest, choking, stuffiness in the throat.
  • Dyspnea in the process of walking or exercising at any intensity.
  • Cough that changes from dry to wet with thick, translucent yellowish phlegm.
  • Shallow breathing with frequent inhalation, difficulty exhaling.
  • Whimper, whistling when trying to breathe or exhale.
  • Orthopnea is a phenomenon in which a patient is looking for support, trying to exhale fully. Usually accompanied by a strong grip of hands for an armchair, bed or chair. At the same time, the legs are lowered, they can slightly rise or, conversely, push the floor.
  • Weakness, dizziness.

It is important to note the time interval of seizures. In bronchial asthma, asphyxia is worse in the night and morning hours, or in a short time after contact with the allergen.

With prolonged attacks, it is possible to blue skin, the appearance of pain in the chest, tachycardia( pulse at 130 beats per minute).There may appear a runny nose and rashes in the form of hives and psoriasis.
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The diagnosis of bronchial asthma occurs in several stages. The patient is examined by a therapist and a pulmonologist.

  • Anamnesis is being studied: complaints, seasonality, frequency of seizures, the presence of disease in relatives are analyzed.
  • A general examination is conducted: the presence of skin allergic rashes is determined, the lungs are auditioned for rales and the duration of exhalation.
  • Blood, sputum and allergic tests are taken for analysis: the body's response to various stimuli is evaluated, the level of eosinophils, hormones, immunoglobulins( antibodies responsible for immunity and resistance to allergens), carbon dioxide is noted.
  • Radiography, peakflowmetry, spirometry, bronchodilator test are performed: visible inflammation, expiratory flow rate, lung volume, reversibility of bronchial lesions are excluded.
  • A bronchoconstrictor test is used: with the help of histamine or methacholine, the bronchi are narrowed, provoking a possible attack. With asthma, respiration rates drop by 3-12 minutes.
  • The concentration of nitric oxide in the air during exhalation is measured.
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Analysis of these data allows you to exclude other diseases, diagnose the form of bronchial asthma.

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Forms of asthma

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  • reasons Allergic - symptoms and treatment of allergic bronchial asthma are directly related to the substance that causes it. Often manifested from early childhood. Irritant can be food, wool, pollen, dust. Within the framework of this form, an atopic variant is distinguished, which has an increased susceptibility to household chemicals.
  • Non-allergic - occurs with hormonal, immune or other problems. This includes aspirin( idiosyncratic) asthma, in which choking, shortness of breath and cough are activated as a result of taking aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, yellow. Polyps are often present in the nose.
  • Mixed - combines the manifestations of an allergic and non-allergic variant.
  • Cough - the symptoms of this form of bronchial asthma are difficult to determine, as the patient suffers from suffocation and dyspnea. Reaction to stimuli, deviations from the norm in the body manifest themselves externally exclusively with a cough. Only detailed analyzes can confirm the presence of obstruction and not confuse such asthma with other diseases.
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By severity of

  • flow Intermittent light - differs daily or morning attacks less than once a week. Asphyxia often does not occur, the patient suffers a coughing with shortness of breath. Spirometry and peak flowmetry data are within the normal range with a spread of no more than 20%.
  • Persistent( persistent) lung - frequency of seizures does not exceed 1 time per day( but at least 1 time per week), with the presence of nocturnal breathing difficulty. Good results of spirometry. Peakflowmetry has a spread within the range of 20-30% of the norm.
  • Persistence of moderate severity - seizures more than one per week, daytime and nightly, interfering with working capacity. Moderate deviations from the norm of spirometry( up to 20%).The peak flow readings fall by more than 30%.
  • Constant severe - up to several attacks per day, more often at night. Life is very difficult. Peakflowmetry and spirometry deviate from the norms by more than 30-40%.
The causes of bipolar personality disorder
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On the level of control

  • Controlled - no restriction on physical activity is required. Attacks are rare( less than 2 times a week).The patient does not need drugs to stop choking. There are no long periods of exacerbations.
  • Partially controlled - habitual activity is limited due to manifestations more than 2 times a week at any time of the day. Seasonal exacerbations. Patient need for medication to stop seizures from time to time.
  • Uncontrolled - severely limited life activity, inability to cope with frequent attacks without medication. Regular exacerbations.
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Treatment of

Treatment of asthmatic disease is a long, multi-stage process. It consists of a whole complex of activities. Appointment and adjustment are carried out by an observant physician.

Fighting the disease includes:

  1. Basal therapy - effects on causes, mechanism of the problem.
  2. Symptomatic therapy - relaxation of the muscles of the bronchi, elimination of swelling of the respiratory tract to eliminate seizures.
  3. Exclusion of contacts with allergens-provocateurs. Sometimes, on the contrary, small doses of allergens are allowed in order to reduce susceptibility to them.
  4. Immunotherapy during periods of remission.

You can not limit yourself to symptomatic treatment. In this variant, the roots of the pathology will grow, gradually leading to a worsening of its course. With an integrated approach, the prognosis of victory over the disease is favorable.

An important role in the treatment of symptoms of bronchial asthma is played by:

  • general strengthening of the body;
  • change of living conditions and place of residence;
  • regular wet cleaning;
  • moderate physical activity( swimming, walking);
  • sanatorium holiday with visiting of salt rooms, inhalation of sea air;
  • breathing exercises( by Buteyko and Strelnikova, blowing air from a cocktail tube, inflating balls);
  • vitamin diet based on complex carbohydrates( cereals, whole wheat bread), lean meat, vegetables, berries and fruits with low allergenicity, mineral water, tea.
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Medications for fighting asthma are divided into 3 categories:

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Ambulances for

They stop attacks of cough and suffocation, almost instantly relax spasmodic smooth muscles, relieve swelling of the walls of the bronchi and respiratory tract. This group includes all short-acting beta-2 antagonists, m-cholinolytics, theophyllines, hormonal glucocorticosteroids( Symbicort, Salbutamol, Ventolin, Euphyllin).

Such products are available in the form of tablets, aerosol inhalers, ampoules for intravenous administration. The patient should always bring the inhaler and tablet form with him in case of deterioration of well-being. Drugs are not used strictly on dosage, but play only a supporting role. A prolonged hobby for "first aid" drugs can lead to complications.

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Basic tools

Suppress inflammation in the tissues of the bronchial tree, regulate the composition of the blood. Produced in the form of aerosols, tablets, solutions for inhalation, intravenous and intramuscular injection. The group includes long-acting glucocorticosteroids, leukotriene blockers, stabilizers of mast cells( mast cells), allergen antibodies( Xolar, Singular, Serevent, Intal, Fliksotid and others).

Some are effective for relieving seizures( Berodual, Prednisolone).Affect the cellular level. They require long courses of treatment - from 3 months, and significant costs, but are necessary. Most have unpleasant side effects in the form of exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases, candidiasis, hormonal failures, hoarseness of the voice. Regular medical supervision is necessary.

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Continue to maintain the bronchi open. This category includes beta-2-antagonists, the theophylline of prolonged action( Teotard, Teopek, Berotek).Have the form of tablets and inhalers. Excellent fight with nighttime symptoms. They are not the main treatment, but have only an auxiliary effect.

Also in bronchial asthma, it is recommended to use expectorants to reduce the viscosity of phlegm, to facilitate its retreat in attacks. When asthma is combined with infectious diseases( pneumonia, sinusitis, bronchitis, tracheitis) antibiotics( Penicillin, Erythromycin, Tetracycline and Cephalosporin) may be prescribed.
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Folk recipes

Traditional medicine should not be fundamental in the treatment of bronchial asthma. In addition, it must be administered in therapy strictly under the supervision of a physician. The use of natural components can adversely affect patients with an allergic form of the disease.

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Method Batmanghelidzha

All day alternately drink salted and pure spring water on schedule: 2 cups half an hour before each meal, 1 glass 2 hours after eating. Salt water is prepared in the proportion of 0.5 teaspoon of sea salt per 1 liter of liquid. At attacks it is necessary to put under the tongue several crystals of salt, washing down 200 milliliters of pure water.

The method does not exclude drug treatment, but prohibits the intake of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages.

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Grate 5 cm of fresh ginger root. Boil in a water bath for 20 minutes in 1.5 liters of water. Insist under the lid. Take half cup before meals or add to tea.

During strong attacks, mix 30 ml of ginger juice with a pinch of salt and drink. Ginger essential oil is used to aromatize the room, it disinfects and purifies the air.

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Oat decoction of

Rinse 0.5 kg of oat grains and cook it for 120 minutes in a mixture of 2 liters of milk and 500 milliliters of water. Maintain a weak fire. The volume of broth at the outlet is 2 liters. Drink the product hot on an empty stomach, adding honey and butter to taste. The course of treatment is not less than a year. A similar effect will have a decoction of dried figs in the same proportions.

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Salt lamp

A home lamp made of salt in a small room replaces spa salt caves and creates the effect of inhaling the sea air.

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Aloe balm

Aloe juice( 30 milliliters) mixed with honey( 200 grams) and a bottle of cahors. Insist week in a cool dark place. Strain. Take 2 weeks for 1 tablespoon a day before meals. Then go to 1 teaspoon per day for 1-3 months according to the state of health.

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Propolis tincture

Pour 80 milliliters of vodka with 20 grams of ground propolis. Leave for 7 days. Strain. Drink 20 drops with milk before meals three times a day. Course - 60 days.

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Herbal remedies

Recipe 1.

Ledum and nettle mixed in a 2: 1 ratio. A tablespoon of collection pour 1 liter of boiling water and leave in a thermos for 3-12 hours. Drink 100 milliliters 3 times a day for 2 weeks. Repeat the course every six months.

Recipe 2.

Grind and mix:

  • for 200 grams of chamomile and ledum;
  • 60 grams of birch buds;
  • 40 grams of herbs of ephedra.

For two tablespoons of the collection brew in 0.5 liters of water and insist 5-6 hours. Take 100 milliliters 3 times daily before meals. Course - 1 month.

Recipe 3.

Grind and mix 10 grams of elecampane, coltsfoot, tri-color violet, thyme, thyme and anise. For 1-2 tablespoons brew in 500 milliliters of boiling water and leave for an hour. Half the glass to use with sugar before eating. Course - 2 months.

Recipe 4.

Take as any tea infusions: hawthorn, oregano, strawberry, plantain. Brew according to recommendations on packages or 1 tablespoon per 200 milliliters of boiling water. You can drink infusions up to 3 times a day.

  • May 12, 2018
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