What kind of vegetables and fruits can a child have at 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 months and a year-old, at 2 years old? How to teach a child to eat vegetables and fruits, if he does not want, refuses?

In the first year of life the baby is forming its immune system and bone tissue and therefore many pediatricians recommend adhering to a strict scheme for the introduction of additional products.

Content of

  • What can vegetables and fruits be given to a child at 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 months, up to a year?
  • What kind of vegetables and fruits can I give to a child in 2 years?
  • Why does a child not eat vegetables and fruits: what should I do?
  • How to teach a child to eat vegetables and fruits, if he does not want, refuses?
  • What if the child has stopped eating vegetables and fruits?
  • What should I do if a child does not eat vegetables and fruits? The child does not eat fruits and vegetables: Komarovsky
  • Video: What to do if the child does not want to eat - Dr. Komarovsky

What can vegetables and fruits be given to a child at 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 months, up to a year?

For a child 6 months.

The first thing that is introduced into the diet are vegetable and fruit purees.

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Artists can also enter porridges for better weight gain.

Must start with very small doses, for example 1 teaspoon per day and observe the reaction of the baby's body. If there were no rashes in a day, then you can enter an enlarged portion, but do not enter another new product.

IMPORTANT: One of the first products introduced will be cauliflower and zucchini due to the content of calcium and phosphorus sufficient for the development. And also a pumpkin puree, which helps a child's digestion.

From fruit puree, preference is usually given to apple and pear, which is rich in pectin and contains a lot of iron for the normal functioning of the circulatory system.

It is better to start the rest of the products in the next months, because it takes quite a long time for the newcomer to get used to each new product.

Within two weeks, the portion of the baby's feeding will grow to a full replacement of one day's feeding.

child in 7 months from fruit can be tried to enter:

  • Peach
  • Apricot
  • Banana
  • Prunes

These fruits are rich in trace elements and vitamins and are excellent at replenishing iron and improving the digestion of a growing body. If the baby has a loose stool, then the prunes will have to be discarded.

To 8 months of the baby's organism is formed and is ready to take dairy products. Therefore, many pediatricians advise making homemade yogurt, yogurt and cottage cheese and gradually introduce the baby into the diet.

From fruits to the baby's ration, you can add:

  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Currants
  • Cherry
  • Plums
  • Melons

In 9 months, babies can be fed exotic fruit in the diet:

  • Pineapple
  • Kiwi

It is very important to observe the baby's stool and the manifestations on the skin. If there is an organism reaction in any of the manifestations, then it is better to cancel this product.

In 10 months the child is ready to try cherry plum, plum, watermelon. At the same time, it is necessary to give the very last dose of the last fruit, since it affects the water balance in the body.

In 11 months and up to a year you can start to enter in the diet: mandarin, orange, grapefruit.

With all the usefulness of these products in view of the high content of vitamin C and other vitamins, these products are very allergic and therefore require an attentive approach.

Vegetables can be given to those that are rich in fiber and were not available at an earlier age:

  • Eggplant
  • Beets
  • Beans
  • Cabbage
  • Tomatoes
  • Brokolli

Vegetable soups can be cooked with the addition of vegetable oil and a little salt that will improve the taste of new products.

What can vegetables and fruits be given to a child in 2 years?

At the age of two years, the child's food is already four meals a day and, for all the diversity, does not fit under the general adult table.

If the child will allow himself snacks between meals - it will reduce his appetite, if on the contrary reduce the number of receptions to 3, then this can affect the regime and the baby's well-being. Therefore, the best breaks between meals are 3-4 hours.

Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for cells and get their child from fruits, vegetables and cereals. It is also very important that the body receives a sufficient amount of macro- and microelements, which are found in large quantities in vegetables and fruits.

Therefore, all types of vegetables are recommended to give the child in the norm to 250 grams.in a day as in soups, and in multi-component purees.

Two-year-old children can be given the following vegetables:

  • Eggplant
  • Tomatoes
  • Radish
  • Cucumbers
  • Sweet pepper
  • Potatoes
  • Onions
  • Carrots
  • Brokolli

Fruits and berries for a child in 2 years can be given all kinds in quantities up to 150 gr.in a day.

Why a child does not eat vegetables and fruits: what can I do?

Nowadays the number of children who are on pure breastfeeding grows and when the baby turns 6 months old, many mothers buy jars of vegetables and fruits in the hope that now the baby will begin to enjoy new products with pleasure.

But for some reason not all children happily accept Mama's initiative and refuse such innovations.

Many mothers go to all sorts of tricks to make the baby open his mouth and eat at least a spoon.

What can be done here:

  • Include your favorite cartoon
  • Get help to distract the attention of relatives who will occupy his toy
  • Use your favorite toy as an example of how she eats a mashed potatoes
  • You can use different suggestions: "The airplane is flying( spoon) and directly into Katie's mouth. . »

But not all tricks unfortunately can affect the whimsical baby. Then you can try to improve the taste of food by using salt and mixing vegetables or fruits.

How to teach a child to eat vegetables and fruits, if he does not want, refuses?

As a variant of increasing the child's food interest, it is to give him the opportunity to try everything with his hands. To do this, you can put a plate on the suckers in front of him and put there small pieces of food that he can touch with handles and taste.

What if the child has stopped eating vegetables and fruits?

The child's organism, as no one knows what it needs, and therefore, if your baby has suddenly stopped trying fruits and vegetables, then do not panic. It just has the right like you do not want them at the moment.

And what's more, most likely it's enough for those vitamins and trace elements, which he already managed to get. And in a while, without your persistent persuasion, he will return his interest to these products again.

What should I do if a child does not eat vegetables and fruits? A child does not eat fruit and vegetables: Komarovsky

According to Komarovsky, if a child does not want to try vegetables and fruits, it means that it just did not come. Quality breastfeeding replaces all kinds of lures, because the female organism from century to century has saturated the child with all the necessities and to try to deceive nature is not worth it.

If the child is gaining sufficient weight and does not look painful, then you need to let go of the situation and introduce fruits and vegetables gradually without coercion and persuasion. The time will come and the child himself will be drawn for new and useful products.

Video: What to do if the child does not want to eat - Doctor Komarovsky

  • May 12, 2018
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