Definition and Norm of Stress Hormone Prolactin in Women

Prolactin is a hormone that is secreted by the pituitary gland. It serves for the emergence of the maternal instinct and the proper functioning of the mammary glands. Prolactin not only develops a brain appendage. In a woman in the body there are extrhypophyseal sites of its synthesis. This includes cells of the immune system, the inner layer of the uterus and other organs.

  • Influence on the female body
  • standards Indicators Causes enhancing hormone
  • Symptoms of hyperprolactinemia
  • diagnosis disease
  • Hyperprolactinaemia pregnancy
  • reasons
  • Treatment
  • The dangerous
  • How to Lower
  • Surgery
  • Radiotherapy
  • of drugs
  • Folk remedies
  • decoction of Hypericum
  • Hawthorn broth
  • Broth of elderberry
  • Broth with hops
  • Melissa broth
  • Diet for hyperprolactinemia
  • Prevention

Influence on the female body

Expectant mother needs to know all of the normal prolactin and causes that affect its change. The content of this substance in the blood depends on the ability to procreate. Excess of the stress hormone leads to disastrous consequences.

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The main harm is the inability to conceive. Prolactin stops the production of amino acids, which are responsible for the process of ovulation.

Here are a number of functions of this substance:

  • affects the growth of mammary glands;
  • stores the amount of progesterone;
  • protects against pregnancy during lactation;

  • produces colostrum and turns it into milk;
  • accelerates the connection of proteins.
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Normative indices

Depending on the circumstances, the norm of prolactin may vary. The average indices are as follows:

  • in the follicular stage - from 4.5 to 33 nanograms / milliliter;
  • in the ovulatory stage - from 6.3 to 49 nanograms / milliliter;
  • in the luteal stage - from 4.9 to 40 nanograms / milliliter.

When pregnancy is the norm:

  • in the first trimester - from 3.2 to 43 nanograms / milliliter;
  • in the second trimester - from 13 to 166 nanograms / milliliter;
  • in the third trimester - from 13 to 318 nanograms / milliliter.

Reduction of prolactin occurs for the following reasons:

  • is aging;
  • malnutrition, starvation, rigid diets;
  • smoking;
  • application of alcohol;
  • emotional or physical stress.
Also find out the reasons for the high content of bilirubin in the blood, how dangerous it is and how to lower it.
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Reasons for increasing the hormone

Prolactin may increase in a woman byfollowing reasons:

  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • menstruation;
  • thyroid disorder;
  • polycystic ovary;
  • benign formation in the pituitary;
  • kidney and liver disease;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • stress;
  • surgical operations.

Also, the amount of the hormone increases after taking anti-emetic medications, antidepressants, amphetamines, estrogens and other similar drugs.

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Symptoms of hyperprolactinemia

Hyperprolactinaemia is a condition of high prolactin in the blood. It is often present in women with gynecological diseases. Doctors identify transient hyperprolactinemia, which leads to infertility.

Symptoms of hyperprolactinemia:

  • stops the menstrual cycle;
  • spontaneously spills milk from the glands;
  • vaginal dryness;
  • decreased libido;
  • there is no orgasm;
  • vision worsens;
  • metabolic disorders - obesity, osteoporosis;
  • abundant hair growth, not characteristic of a woman.

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Diagnosis of the disease

First you need to find out the percentage of the hormone of stress in the body of a woman. This action is carried out on the 5th-8th day of the cycle, in the morning on an empty stomach. The day before the procedure you need to refrain from sexual intercourse.

The thyroid hormone level is then checked, the change of which indicates a pathology in the area where prolactin is secreted.

Further tests are performed with metoclopramide and tyroliberin. With the introduction of the first, the level of the hormone increases several times. In the presence of the disease, it remains stable. When tyroliberin is administered, the level of prolactin at normal rates should decrease. After the advent of modern computer diagnostics, such tests are rarely done.

Eliminate the consumption of alcoholic beverages a week before the diagnosis and for 5 hours - smoking. Before the examination and during the diagnosis, avoid emotional stress.

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Hyperprolactinaemia in pregnancy

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Increase in the hormone has a number of reasons.

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Reasons for

Specialists identify the following causes of hyperprolactinemia in pregnancy:

  • organic( associated with pituitary disease);
  • functional( associated with disease of other organs);
  • taking medications that reduce the level of dopamine;
  • nipple irritation;
  • the main cause of hyperprolactinaemia in 90% of cases is the pituitary microadenoma.
Prolactin is increased throughout the period of pregnancy and the process of breastfeeding. The hormone rate during pregnancy ranges from 35 to 385 nanograms / milliliter.

If at conception there was a hyperprolactinaemia, then it is necessary to be under the supervision of a doctor and to save yourself doubly. There are many drugs that allow you to keep the hormone at an average level.

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Treatment of

Women are prescribed drugs regulating the amount of the stress hormone in the body. The most effective are Dostinex and Bromocriptine. Also prescribed hormone therapy. It is advisable to find violations, which caused hyperprolactinemia. If it appeared during the period of drug use, then they must be canceled. Prolactin is tested every 2 months. Once a year they make a tomography of the pituitary gland.

Surgical intervention is used for problems with eyesight and when normal methods do not help. In this case, the pituitary tumor is removed. It is possible with the use of radiotherapy.

It is possible to plan conception one year after the treatment is completed. Drugs are canceled at the end of pregnancy. The norm of prolactin is measured immediately after cessation of feeding.

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is dangerous. Hyperprolactinaemia requires a reference to an experienced specialist. It is unacceptable to wait for "self-healing".This will lead to serious consequences, such as:

  • development of pituitary insufficiency;
  • complication and loss of vision;
  • osteoporosis;
  • development of malignant tumors of the pituitary gland.
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Women with an increased stress hormone often have miscarriages. Also, insulin in the blood rises, which leads to weight gain. Hyperprolactinemia affects the human psyche. Patients are observed depression, headaches, severe fatigue, memory loss.

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How to lower

There are different ways in which you can lower the level of the hormone.

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Surgical intervention

Surgical surgeons remove pituitary tumor during surgery. This operation is mandatory, if the woman plans to give birth. With hemorrhage in the neoplasm or visual cross-over, surgery is also necessary. Its success is influenced by the professionalism of the doctor and the size of the adenoma.

There are cases of the formation of a new tumor a few years after the operation. The rate of recurrence is 7 nanograms / milliliter. If the level of the hormone is higher, then the likelihood of the formation of a new adenoma is also high.

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Radiation therapy

Not always hyperprolactinemia is treated with radiation therapy, because after it, women may experience complications. They treat this method in cases when taking medications does not help, or the patient refuses surgical intervention.

The effect of radiation therapy does not occur immediately, but after a couple of months. Proto-therapy shows the best results here. With this treatment, prolactin normalization occurs in 35% of cases.

After treatment with radiotherapy, the patient should be constantly examined to exclude the development of post-radiation pituitary insufficiency after irradiation.

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Drugs that reduce prolactin in the blood are divided into two groups:

  • ergoline( derived from ergot alkaloids);
  • is nonergolinic( non-derivatized from ergot alkaloids).

The following drugs are considered to be the most effective:

  • Aberghin,
  • Bromergon( Bromocriptine),
  • Parlodel,
  • Cabergoline,
  • Engolin,
  • Dostinex.

Nonergolin preparations are derived from tricyclic benzoguanolines synthesized to reduce prolactin.

Bromocriptine is the drug from which hyperprolactinemia begins treatment. It inhibits the production of prolactin and releases dopamine. It is proved that taking this medicine helps to restore the correct level of the stress hormone.

The medication is taken with minimal doses along with food, to avoid nausea. The dose is increased by 0.625-1.25 milligrams every 2-3 days. Accompany the reception of bromocriptine together with the control of prolactin in the blood. The medicine can be canceled at least 2-3 years.

Side effects - minor nausea, dizziness, weakness. Do not take with liver disease.

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Folk remedies

Stress loading affects the increased production of prolactin. To reduce stress people's methods of treatment are good. Broths from herbs reduce high levels of the hormone in the blood.

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St. John's wort

Greatly soothes the decoction of St. John's wort. For cooking, take 10 grams of dried plant, pour boiling water( 250 milliliters) and let it brew for half an hour. Use a tablespoon up to 5 times a day.

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Hawthorn broth

To reduce the emotional load, such herbs help: hawthorn, melissa, the tops of St. John's wort, hop cones and passionflower. All components are taken in equal quantities and poured hot water in a ratio of 100 grams of raw materials per 1.5 liters of water. Take a glass 30 minutes before eating.

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Elderberry broth

It is recommended to prepare a healing drink from hops, elder, motherwort, valerian and lemon balm. Grind the herbs, add water and simmer on the water bath for a few minutes. This infusion well restores the hormonal balance. The ratio of ingredients to water: per 100 grams 2 liters.

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Decoction with hops

In equal quantities, take the grass and grind it. Pour water( 30 grams, 0.6 liters) and bring to a boil, but do not need to boil. Cool, strain and use a tablespoon several times a day.

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Melissa broth

Melissa has long been known for its soothing effect. Take a small amount of grass, chop and pour boiling water. Let it brew for 30 minutes, drain. You can use it by adding a decoction to the tea.

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Diet for hyperprolactinaemia

With an increased level of the stress hormone, proper nutrition has a significant role in recovery. Food should contain folic acid in sufficient quantity, as it:

  • assists in the digestion of food;
  • accelerates the production of testosterone;
  • increases estrogen levels.

Folic acid is found in vegetables, eggs, meat products, fish, greens. It is recommended to eat nuts and seeds. The best diet is stew or fish, fresh vegetables. We should not forget about the benefits of fruit.

Foods should not contain large amounts of fat. You can not tolerate deficiency of iodine, iron and other vitamins and minerals.

If the hormonal imbalance is due to excessive weight, then you should start reducing the hormone from its normalization. Stop eating foods from white flour, canned food, various sweets and smoked products, sausages.

Compliance with the rules of proper nutrition, will help restore the level of prolactin after a couple of months.

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Prevention of

There is no special prevention, but there are some recommendations:

  1. You need to eat right.
  2. Avoid overheating in the sun.
  3. Do not engage in self-medication.
  4. You can not be nervous and overexert physically.

To prevent recurrence, once a year it is necessary to undergo a follow-up visit. And also periodically check the level of prolactin in the body.

If there is a discharge from the mammary glands, then squeezing them is strictly prohibited. This will only increase prolactin in the blood. Small discharge after childbirth or abortion is a common reaction for the body. If the discharge from the mammary glands does not occur for these reasons, then you need to urgently go to the hospital.

  • May 12, 2018
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