How to save a student for a new phone?5 Ways to Save Money for a Schoolboy

How can a schoolboy save money on a new phone? He can ask his parents about it and they will buy it. But, smart parents will teach the child savings and savings. If the children see how the money is being spent and on which it is necessary to go victims, they will understand the price. In addition, if the child himself accumulates on the phone or another thing, then he will treat her more carefully.


  • How to save a child?
  • 5 ways to save money for a school student
  • How to save a schoolchild
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  • Video: Business idea of ​​a Samara school student

The easiest way to get a new phone is to ask your parents to buy it. However, many parents consider the fashion phone novelty to be an excess, not a necessity, while a schoolboy comparing his friends' phones simply does not think himself without a brand new gadget. Therefore, you should take matters into your own hands and begin to save money on your phone from your own savings.

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How to save a child?

In order to save money you need to determine the amount that is needed. If the parents issue a fixed amount of pocket expenses for a month or a week, then you can calculate how long it will take to reach the financial goal.

It is impossible to save money without financial reporting. Control money is necessary for both adults and children. And, if this is learned to do at an early age, then in the adult life, financial well-being can be found much easier.

After the student determines the amount, you need to calculate how much he will have at the end of the month after deduction of income. Of course, the student's income is minimal, but there is practically no expenditure either. And this is a big plus.

A child learns to save

When accumulating money, it is very important to have a place where they will add up. If for an adult the best place is a bank account, on which you can monthly transfer the remaining money, then the child can be used for this purpose - a piggy bank.

IMPORTANT: The child can not open a bank account. But, he can do it with the help of his parents. Relatives living in other cities can transfer money to such an account.

Why a piggy bank is a good idea? In addition to the child, money will be paid by relatives. You can negotiate with your mother and coming from the store all the little things that you left on putting yourself in a piggy bank.

Pocket money and small change from the store - not the best helpers in the accumulation. But, the child must feel the whole "power" of this process. To do this, he must learn how to save.

Skip a movie trip with friends or some other event with a paid entrance. Of course, the main thing here is not to go too far. Communicating with peers to a child is important and if he keeps missing such activities all the time, he will very soon lose contact with his classmates and friends.

IMPORTANT: Some school children refuse school meals to save pocket money. Do this in any case impossible. Irregular feeding in childhood will cause many problems. Parents should monitor the intake of food by the schoolchild and be sure that he does not "save" money by skipping meals.

5 ways to save money for a school student

Pocket money for a child

1. Pocket money. The money that parents give a child for pocket expenses is the main revenue item of his budget. A schoolboy by virtue of his age can not get a job and therefore, pocket money is very often the only way to accumulate funds for an expensive purchase. Pocket money teaches the child savings, financial management and other important qualities.

IMPORTANT: In Germany, the obligation to issue pocket money to parents by their children is set at the legislative level. In the event of parents failing to fulfill their duties, a child may apply with a "complaint" to the appropriate authority and the parents will be fined.

2. Cash gifts. But, not only pocket money is the source of the student's income. In most families, a child for a birthday or New Year can receive cash gifts from relatives. This "income" does not need to be discounted.

3. Sale of unnecessary things. Perhaps every child has things that he does not use. Old disks, books, designers, model cars and other things that you can sell. It is enough to photograph them and put them on Ebay or Avito. The income will help to bring the time of accumulation of the right amount closer.

4. Work at home and bonuses for good study. Many parents encourage their children for good marks with cash bonuses. Such bonuses will not only be a good opportunity to quickly accumulate the right amount, but also help improve your studies.

5. Earnings. The child can officially work only from the age of 14.But, this does not mean that he can not earn extra money. Very often schoolchildren master the "profession" of the advertiser and promoter( distribution of leaflets).The work does not imply a separation from school.

How to save a laptop for a schoolchild

Child with a laptop
  • Without a laptop and tablet it is impossible to imagine modern life. By means of such devices it is possible to learn the information from the Internet and to be engaged in self-training. That's why schoolchildren today dream of such gadgets
  • On average, unlike a phone, a laptop costs about 2 times more. This means that it will take longer to accumulate on him. Speeding up the process is possible with the help of part-time work. Michael Dell, the founder of the company DELL, still started to earn a schoolchild by collecting computers
  • . He bought individual components, collected them in a single device and sold with his mark-up. When his teacher found out about the amount that Michael earned in a month, she was in shock. Her salary was several times less than
  • . Modern schoolchildren are well versed in technology. So why do not they make money from their knowledge. You can also buy a motherboard, a processor, RAM, a hard drive and other components and collect a computer from them
A child spends money

Any computer store will open a discount for those who will buy computer equipment in it repeatedly. And this will increase profits by several percent.

How to save a schoolchild for a phone?

In order to save money on the phone you need not only to save money, but also to try to earn. You can do this in many ways. The main ones will be described below. If a student can well express his thoughts, he can earn by writing essays for classmates.

There are students in each class who will gladly pay their comrade for such work. And, most importantly, over time, "pulling" customers from other classes. If the school is large, then it is possible to accumulate on a new phone with such a method very quickly.

How to save money for a school student 12 years

Dog walking as a business

At 12 years old the schoolboy can already think not only about saving money from parents' pocket money, but also about additional earnings. There are many "professions" that a student can learn. These include:

  • Looking after neighbor's children. A student can look after the neighboring children. Of course, at the same time he must be very responsible. Young children will not be trusted with a 12-year-old child. But looking after 6-9 year old tomboys fit just right
  • Buying products for elderly acquaintances. If the student has elderly relatives and acquaintances, he could buy them food and bring them home. Today, entire services are working in the service sector for the elderly. So why not earn a student on this
  • Transportation of documents. Not everyone will take the courier of a schoolboy. But, some companies can "hire" a 12-year-old man for one-time transportation of minor documentation
  • Dog walking. But this "profession" already perfectly suits the 12-year-old schoolboy. He can at once walk several dogs at once, saving his time and earning additional funds for the purchase of a smartphone or tablet
  • Computer literacy training. Today everyone has computers. They are actively used not only by young people, but also by representatives of the older generation. Unfortunately, it is very difficult for them to master a computer and the Internet.

schoolchildren can help them to cope with this difficult task. How to save money for a school child quickly: Tips and feedback

How to earn a child

Igor. Well-known investor Warren Buffett made the first dollars in 6 years. He bought a box of Coca-Cola and sold the bottles one by one. Why do not this earn modern schoolchildren. Just need to think about what you can buy wholesale and retail. My friend and I at the school made copies of photos with Bruce Lee, Sylvester Stalon, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Viktor Tsoi and sold them to friends. And not bad, by the way, they earned.

Svetlana. My son works as a snowman in winter, and in the summer digging up kitchen gardens, excavating trenches, etc. Not to say that this work brings a lot of money, but they are there. In addition, the son does not want to depend on me. Therefore, he earns as he can.

Video: Business idea of ​​the Samara schoolboy

  • May 12, 2018
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