How quickly to get rid of lice and nits

Lice is a serious problem that can wait for you anywhere and anytime. Unfortunately, modern medicine has not invented the means for the prevention of pediculosis, but has developed a whole complex of drugs to get rid of these "uninvited guests."The main thing in the treatment of pediculosis is to recognize the disease in time and start immediate treatment.

  • Varieties lice
  • Symptoms lice
  • mechanical control methods
  • Shaving head
  • Combing
  • Medicaments
  • Folk recipes
  • Vodka
  • dichlorvos
  • a dust and tar soap
  • Kerosene and turpentine
  • Cranberry
  • Lemon
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Vinegar
  • Prevention


In addition to head lice, there are several other varieties of these insects that also occur in humans or in his home. These are:

  • bed;
  • is a pubic;
  • clothes;
  • canine.

The latter species is not dangerous for humans, however, the insect is a carrier of a variety of diseases, which are difficult to cure.

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To combat each type of parasites, special means of directed action should be used: sprays and shampoos from head lice do not always help to bring out "relatives".

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Symptoms of pediculosis

It is quite easy to diagnose pediculosis at home, it is much more difficult to do it in large groups, especially children, when one person may be the carrier of the disease. Here are some symptoms that determine the appearance of lice:

  • Severe itching, which does not stop after washing your head;
  • Sensation of movement of insects;
  • Appearance of small white "drops" that burst, if they are pressed( they are nits);
  • Appearance of red spots in the neck, occiput;
  • Lack of mood, loss of appetite.

Usually these signs are noticeable on day 3-4, when the adult has already laid eggs. And the sooner in this case, to begin treatment, the easier it will be to get rid of parasites.

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Mechanical methods of fighting

Modern medicine has come up with many tools to help cope with these bloodsucking parasites. However, in addition to the use of sprays or shampoos, you will have to perform several purely mechanical operations that will help eliminate lice and nits.

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Shaving heads

This method is widely used in armies, orphanages and shelters for the poor. The plus is that the hair is completely eliminated, which means that the lice simply have nowhere to live.

This method is not recommended for the treatment of girls( because of the aesthetic appearance), as well as at home: the louse can find a suitable place and hide for a while to find a new object.

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Combing removes lice eggs, as well as dead insects. It is very effective to use combing after disinfection of the head with a disinfectant, in order to avoid relapse. For combing you need a small comb with very frequent teeth.

Learn how to quickly get rid of fleas
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To solve the problem of pediculosis for 1 day will help modern medicines. At the moment, almost all drugs for pediculosis can be used even for children - they are safe and non-toxic.

The most popular medicines:

  • Avalanche - available in the form of a spray and shampoo. It is the cheapest, but very effective medicine. Can be used for children. Included: spray, scallop and cap.
  • Pediculum Ultra .This spray can be used for children after 5 years. In the kit: a bottle of the drug, a magnifying glass and a comb.
  • Medifoks - a remedy is very widely used for the treatment of pediculosis in adults, especially in special hospitals and hospitals. For children, MediFox is contraindicated. The drug should be diluted in water, according to the instructions, and then treat the head.
  • Focsillon .This lotion is quite toxic, but very effective. One bottle of the drug is enough to handle the head of an adult.
  • Medilis .Sold in a three-dimensional bottle and is able to overcome not only head but also lice. Dosage should be given special attention to avoid side effects.
  • Hygiene .Despite its toxicity, the medicine is cheap and very effective. Can be used for children of school age. Produced in the form of shampoo and spray. Comes with a scallop.
  • LiceGuard .This shampoo very effectively eliminates nits, but in the fight against adults is ineffective. Can be used as a prophylaxis after the main treatment.
  • Pair Plus .Spray quickly kills insects and does not require re-treatment. It is distinguished by a high price.
  • Nyuda .The drug is specifically for the treatment of children, very non-toxic and effective. It will come in handy to get rid of lice during pregnancy. Before use, always consult a physician: individual intolerance of the components may be observed.
  • A-Pair .This aerosol can not be used to treat head lice, but it is very effective for destroying linens that live in closets and tissues. The solution has a strong, unpleasant odor, so it is recommended to use it with great care.
  • Pottery water. The drug allows you to get rid of pubic lice. You can buy it at the pharmacy. It is necessary to put water on a cotton swab, and then treat the skin and anus. It should be remembered about the high toxicity of the drug and wash off after 20-30 minutes.
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There are a lot of medicines for pediculosis, only before buying any of them it is desirable to get a pharmacist's recommendation.

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Folk recipes

Previously, women themselves got rid of lice and nits, using non-toxic and affordable folk remedies. Now folk medicine is receding into the background, but you should not neglect it: you can always use herbs and tinctures for re-treatment.

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It is worthwhile to clarify that vodka is not used to get rid of lice: it helps only to destroy chitin, to detach the nit from the hair, after which it is necessary to make long combing.

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To maximize the effectiveness of the product, it is necessary to apply it to the skin with a cotton swab and hold it for at least 15 minutes. After that, take the scallop and comb your hair, and then wash your head with a good shampoo.

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This product is suitable solely for the disposal of insects in cabinets. It is important to remember that the instructions are followed, as well as the need to open the window immediately after processing. Dichlorvos can be dangerous for pets, so you should limit their access to the room after treatment.

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Soap and tar soap

For pregnant women and children a good option will be washing the head with a dust or tar soap. It will allow not only to destroy lice, but also to weaken nits. This remedy is not effective enough and will require re-processing.

To get rid of lingerie at home, washing the fabric with tar soap will help.

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Kerosene and turpentine

These substances will perfectly help in the fight, only it is necessary to use only purified products that are sold in the pharmacy. Technical kerosene is contraindicated!

A tablespoon of kerosene is mixed with a tablespoon of any shampoo and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Wash your head with this product, then rinse and dry thoroughly. Usually lice are lost for 1 time, but it is desirable to repeat the procedure after 7-10 days.

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1-2 cranberries are needed. It is necessary to squeeze out the juice and lubricate the roots of the hair, the remaining cake should be rubbed along the length of the hair. Cover the head with cellophane and a warm kerchief and hold for 3 hours until completely dry. Then wash the hair with a large volume of water and comb it with a comb. One session is enough.

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Lemon broth can be washed by the head after treatment. To do this, take 3 lemons for 1 liter of water, cut the fruit into slices, and then boil for 15 minutes. The resulting water is cooled and washed with a head.

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Hydrogen Peroxide

This remedy has long been in the past because of its bad influence on the hair and scalp. Self-use of hydrogen peroxide to get rid of pediculosis should be very carefully. The method is not recommended for children, pregnant and lactating women.

To prepare a medicinal solution in peroxide( 3%), add water in a 1: 1 ratio, achieving a 1.5% concentration. The resulting solution is applied with a sponge to the hair, evenly distributing it along the strands. After 7-10 minutes, rinse thoroughly with lemon broth or a simple shampoo.

If peroxide is overexposed, it will lighten or completely discolor hair!
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A solution of wine or apple cider vinegar( no more than 9%), able to kill adult lice, and loosen the nits. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to mix 1 part of vinegar and 2 parts of water. The resulting product is well mixed, and then applied to the hair, holding it for a while. Do not keep it long - vinegar can cause serious skin burns.

It should be noted that vinegar does not always help to completely destroy parasites, so treatment should be repeated at least 2 times.

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Of course, any disease is better to prevent than to cure - this also applies to pediculosis. To avoid infection, you need to monitor your hygiene, wash your hair in time, avoid contact with strangers and in time to inspect your hair.

  • May 12, 2018
  • 14
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