What are antioxidants and where are they contained?

Antioxidants are called a group of active biological substances that are contained in food. It is a kind of preservative that can inhibit( inhibit, suppress) oxidation. The action of antioxidants is aimed at neutralizing free radicals, which are formed during the course of natural metabolism and are present in the environment. Accumulating beyond measure in the body, radicals begin to pose a danger to human health, causing aging and the development of degenerative-dystrophic diseases.

  • Action antioxidants
  • Benefits and harms
  • Antioxidants list
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • In tablets, and other forms of
  • In
  • products in
  • herbs in products
  • beekeeping in cosmetics

Action antioxidants

Free radicals are continuously formed in the human body as a result ofa lot of redox and metabolic reactions, inherently associated with the functionality of all organs and systems of the body. Under ideal conditions, they are produced so little that the natural antioxidants that come with food can cope with them.

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However, if a person permanently lives in extreme conditions( unfavorable ecological conditions, poor food and water, smog cities, chronic stresses, etc.), then damaging molecules are formed much more than the body( antioxidants) can neutralize. Scientifically, it has been proven that the accumulation of a large number of free radicals contributes to the development of many diseases - from common cold to cancer.

Mechanisms of action of the most widely known antioxidants are built on the rupture of synthesis chains: their molecules come into contact with active radicals, turning them into low-active ones. Even with a small amount of antioxidants in the body, the rate of oxidative reactions is significantly reduced. As practice has shown, the phenomenon of synergism plays a big role in inhibiting oxidation processes. This is a mutual enhancement of the properties of antioxidants when they are combined into the body or in the presence of other chemical elements. This principle is based on the therapeutic effects of many multivitamin complexes.

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Benefits and Harms of

The excessive content of free radicals in the body causes its earlier aging and development of a number of dangerous diseases:

  • oncology;
  • vascular( atherosclerosis, thrombosis, venous dilatation of the veins);
  • joint damage( arthritis, arthrosis, coxarthrosis);
  • internal organs( liver, kidney, gastrointestinal tract, etc.);
  • bronchus, lung and upper respiratory tract( asthma);
  • of the central nervous system( depression, nervousness, chronic fatigue, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease);
  • of the immune and endocrine systems;
  • diabetes;
  • ischemic heart disease, heart attack and stroke;
  • cataract and many others.

The amount of free radicals in the body increases significantly under the influence of external negative factors: a polluted atmosphere, tobacco smoke, excessive ultraviolet radiation, foods with a high content of harmful chemicals. Thus, antioxidants are necessary for a person, the only stumbling block is the debate between scientists and doctors about the maximum permissible doses of substances. Excessive maintenance of antioxidants in the body can interfere with the assimilation of certain natural trace elements( iron, zinc, calcium, etc.).

Exposure to oxygen and sunlight causes intense oxidation of food, and, consequently, its spoilage. For better preservation of products in the food industry, synthetic antioxidants are used as preservatives.

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Antioxidants list

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  • С. It is necessary for the body to maintain a normal level of folic acid and hemoglobin. Helps the immune system to fully cope with its functions and protect the body.
  • A in the form of carotenoids or retinol. Helps reduce the risk of developing cancer, protects against macular degeneration, which causes blindness.
  • E. Its action is aimed at preventing the oxidation by radicals of polyunsaturated fatty acids in cell membranes. Promotes the assimilation of other vitamins, as well as better use of proteins by the body. Significantly reduces the risk of blood clots, which is a good way to prevent thrombophlebitis and atherosclerosis. When treating cancer with radiation and chemotherapy, they mitigate their negative effects on the body.

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Pay attention to the list of the most effective vitamins for hair growth and health http://woman-l.ru/spisok-effektivnyx-vitaminov-dlya-volos/
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Mineral substances

  • Manganese. Protects the fatty acids of cell membranes from oxidation by free radicals.
  • Selenium. It is part of the enzymes that protect the body from radicals, it is necessary for the formation of connective tissue, bone growth, normal assimilation of iron.
  • Copper. It is one of the main constituents of enzymes that protect the human body from free radicals.
  • Zinc. It protects the DNA of cells, reduces the risk of developing cancer.
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In tablets and other forms of

The human body constantly needs antioxidants. Of course, the substances contained in natural products are more active and better perceived by the body, but recently there has been a sharp drop in the content of vitamins and trace elements in fresh vegetables and fruits. Given this, doctors recommend 1-2 times a year to take vitamin complexes, medications or dietary supplements.

The most common:

  1. Vitamins :
  • Vitrum. Contains vitamins A, C, E, K, group B, folic acid, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, selenium, ginseng root extract and many others.
  • Complyst. Ingredients: vitamins A, C, E, PP, group B, iron, copper, zinc, etc.
  • Teravit.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Solgar with blueberry, grape seed extract, with lipoic acid and coenzyme Q10, with lutein, astaxanthin, ravenatrol, etc.

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  • Medications :
    • Mexidol. Has antioxidant, antihypoxic and membrane-protective properties.
  • Food Supplements :
    • Colloidal antioxidant Argo. Contains vitamins A, C, E, group B, selenium, zinc, rutin, grape seed extract, rosemary, ginkgo biloba, primrose oil and other components.
    • Dihydroquercetin. A powerful antioxidant, prevents the fragility of blood vessels, enhances the action of ascorbic acid, regenerates tissues, enhances microcirculation of fluids.
  • Plaster :
    • Nano. Ingredients: Xanthon Mangosteen, Asai fruit, vitamin E, C, banana extract, avocado, glutathione, oats, anti-cyanases.
  • Cream :
    • Interferon gel with vitamins( Wiferon).It has bacteriostatic, immunomodulating and antioxidant properties.
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    In products

    It should be noted that water( natural, purified or structured) is a multifunctional antioxidant. It cleans the body itself and enhances the action of many water-soluble antioxidant substances.

    A large amount of antioxidants in fresh red berries( blueberries, cranberries, raspberries, mountain ash, sea buckthorn, currants, pomegranate, cherries) and fruits( grapes, plums, citrus fruits).Dried fruits: dark raisins, dried apricots, prunes, figs.

    Many vegetables contain flavonoids: cabbage, lettuce, spinach, beets, onions, garlic, eggplant, tomatoes, red bell pepper, carrots, young potatoes.

    Beans: dark beans, lentils and other black cultures.

    Cereals: bran, buckwheat, rice, seeds, flax seed, etc.

    Nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios, peanuts.

    Most tannins are found in green tea, slightly less in black tea, coffee, cocoa.

    Antioxidant qualities are: liver, beef, lamb, fatty fish, seafood, eggs, dairy products, mushrooms. In addition, the effectiveness of substances directly depends on the form in which the products are used( frozen, fresh or after heat treatment) and how correctly they are selected( the phenomenon of synergism).

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    In herbs

    Natural antioxidants in herbs: Ginkgo Biloba, chamomile, calendula, linden, sea thistle, turmeric, sage, rosemary, carnation, wormwood, fennel, yarrow, etc. Fruits: hawthorn, rosehip,viburnum.

    The ginseng root, rhodiola( golden root) and ginger also have antioxidant qualities, as well as immunomodulating, toning, antibacterial.

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    In beekeeping products

    Propolis is a powerful antioxidant and a cure for all diseases. Has hepatoprotective, antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory properties, regenerates tissues, activates metabolic processes. Can be used both externally and indoors.
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    cosmetics Human skin is a kind of barrier that protects the body from the negative impact of the environment. This is ultraviolet, and radioactive radiation, dust and air pollution by chemical particles, mechanical impact. After 25 years, the skin gradually loses its protective functions, and the action of free radicals reduces the production of collagen, which is responsible for the elasticity and elasticity of the epithelium.

    In cosmetology, antioxidants have two roles: the first - they are used as preservatives and stabilizers. The second - slow down the process of aging and skin wear, wrinkles, age spots, etc. The most common substances are: oily vitamins A, E, F, carotenoids, bioflavonoids, selenium, lipoic and ascorbic acid, coenzyme Q10, etc.

    Pharmaceutical company LibreDermhas developed a whole series of unique and high-quality products with antioxidants: hand creams and face with vitamins A and E, with hyaluronic acid for the eyes, antiage based on collagen and stem cells of grapes, with keratin, with herbsand natural oils.

    • May 13, 2018
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