Cold in the child: the first signs, symptoms, treatment, prevention. How quickly to cure a cold in a child?

Tips for fighting a cold in a child can help avoid the disease.


  • A child begins to develop a cold begins: what to do?
  • First aid for a cold in a child
  • Drugs with the first signs of a cold in a child
  • Headache in a child with a cold: how to treat?
  • Blood from the nose for a cold in a child: help
  • The child has an earache for colds and after a cold: what to do?
  • The child has a cold on his lip, on his face, on his nose: what to treat?
  • Colds hurt the legs of a child
  • Complications on the legs after a cold in a child
  • The abdomen and diarrhea suffer from a cold in a child: what to treat?
  • Vomiting for a child's cold: what to do?
  • Red eyes and fester in a child with a cold: what to treat?
  • How to distinguish the flu, the virus from the common cold in a child
  • The child has a cold temperature: what to do, how much does it hold?
  • Video on the topic: Cold! Treat at home or go to the doctor?- Dr. Komarovsky - Inter
  • Can I bathe my baby for a cold?
  • instagram viewer
  • How to cure a child from a cold without antibiotics?
  • Than to treat a monthly and nursing child from a cold?
  • How to quickly cure a child for a cold?
  • Frequent colds in a child: reasons to do
  • Cold prevention in a child up to the year and older
  • Conspiracy to quickly cure a cold in a child
  • Cold treatment of a child with folk remedies
  • Cold treatment for a child Komarovsky
  • Video: How to treat a cold with coldchild?

A sick child is a frustration and excitement for parents. It's much easier not to let the cold get over the baby's body when the measures are taken in a timely manner. Therefore, you need to know the parents how to help the baby with the first symptoms of a cold.

A child starts to get sick begins a cold: what to do?

Once you have found the first signs of a cold in your baby - start with the simplest but necessary steps:

  • Do wet cleaning several times a day
  • Ventilate rooms
  • Moisturize air
  • The temperature in the room should be no higher than 22 C
  • Spread the plates on the flat withcut garlic
  • Carefully follow the hygiene of the child: wash your hands often and do not let them lick your skin
Cold in the baby and wet cleaning

After such simple measures, proceed directly to the first aidmore on this later.

First aid for a child's cold

Elementary rules that parents should follow when a child chills:

  • Frequent warm drink. When the body begins to overcome microbes - it just needs this measure for rapid elimination of toxins. Warm berries from berries are best. If the child does not drink fruit, then at least give warm boiled water or tea.
  • Increase the amount of vitamin C in the body. Do this with the help of the following products: dog rose, sea buckthorn, black currant, parsley, brussels sprouts, wild garlic, kiwi, cauliflower, oranges, strawberries, strawberries, white cabbage, grapefruit, sorrel, lemon, mandarins. The products are listed from the highest vitamin content to the lower. Giving food can be fresh or in the form of juices, fruit drinks and hams.
Helping your child with a cold
  • Keep your feet warm

IMPORTANT: Do not overheat the baby, otherwise it will trigger a temperature rise.

  • Use a nebulizer for inhalations. Read more about how and when they should be used in articles What is a nebulizer? Which nebulizer is better? How to use a nebulizer?and Treatment with a nebulizer. How to do inhalations with a nebulizer to children? Recipes for inhalation solutions with nebulizer
  • Always rinse your nose every 2 hours. Read more about the drugs below

Drugs with the first signs of a cold in a child

Drugs for nose wash based on sea water , which will not harm your baby and will not cause addiction:

  • Aquamaris
  • Morenazal
  • Morimer
  • Fluimarine

Sometimes you can use Miromistin - read in detail.

Runny nose with a cold in a child

Effective and budgetary drug that can be used to wash the nose - saline Sodium chloride .It is not addictive, it does not hurt the nasal mucosa and will do its job well. Drip should be 1-2 drops in each nasal passage every 2 hours.

Other groups of drugs:

  • Antiviral drugs. For more information about them, see Effective antiviral drugs for children. What antiviral drugs for children under one year?

Headache in a child with a cold: how to treat?

Headache for colds - explanation:

  • In view of of elevated body temperature
  • Because has a runny nose
  • In view of intoxication of the body
Headache in a child with a cold

IMPORTANT: First of all, take all the measures for treating a cold - this will also facilitate the headachepain

If the measures does not help - , give to the child the medicine .How to choose a suitable medicine - read in the article What to give a child from a headache? Drugs and medicines for headaches for children

Blood from the nose for colds in the child: help

  • With a cold, the virus overcomes the mucous membranes of the body: including the nasal mucosa
Bleeding from the nose in the child
  • After such a viral attack, the mucosa becomes more friable, why the vesselsbegin to bleed
  • More often there is such a situation, when the vessels already differ in the fineness of

IMPORTANT: If bleeding is frequent and severe - see a doctor

To avoid bleedingFor colds, follow the advice:

  • Do not make the child severely nose his nose
  • Do not allow the baby to get finger snot in the nose
How to stop the blood from the nose with a cold
  • Ventilate and moisten the room to avoid the appearance of dry crusts in the nose
  • Do not overdo it with vasoconstrictive drugs

If blood still appeared , then take action to stop it. For detailed recommendations, see Nasal bleeding in a child. How to stop the blood from the nose in a child?

The child hurts an ear for colds and after a cold: what to do?

If your child is complaining of a pain in the ears with a cold, show the child to the doctor.

IMPORTANT: Pain in the ear for a cold is a serious symptom that does not allow self-medication.

If the cold sore ear

Read more about the causes of pain in the ears and possible consequences in the article Why does the child have an earache? How can you treat earache in children?

The child has a cold on his lip, on his face, on his nose: what to treat?

A cold on the lips, face, nose is called, as in adults, by the Herpes virus.

If the first symptoms of herpes are found, it should be:

  • Carefully monitor the hygiene of the child: wash your hands more often than usual
  • Do not let the child touch the herpes with her hands
  • Provide the baby with copious drinking
  • Use antiviral medications for this virus - Acyclovir. Dosage and method of use carefully read the instructions for the drug. May be in the form of injections or tablets
  • Apply ointment acyclovir
  • Apply immunostimulating drugs to help the body to start the fight faster: Immunal, Groprinosin, Arpetol
  • Interferon preparations: in tablets or candles
herpes in the child

IMPORTANT: Take immediate action. Herpes can very quickly multiply in the child's body

Colds hurt the child's legs

In children, unlike adults, pain in the legs for colds occurs more often.

This is due to the fact that the growth of bones is not yet complete, so the body needs a lot of trace elements for proper development. And with a cold, the body spends its micronutrients on the fight against the germ, the virus, the infection.

IMPORTANT: Your task is to replenish the body with the forces expended. Vitamins and healthy food are necessary for the body both during and after the disease.

. In addition to nutrition, make sure that the child rests for a cold. You can not tolerate a cold "on your feet".This gives complications even in adults.

Cold rest for a child

Complications on the legs after a cold in a child

Reasons to see a doctor( orthopedist, neurologist, rheumatologist):

  • A child after a cold limps
  • A child after a cold complains of pain in his legs
  • A child after a cold can not stand on his feet
  • The child has convulsions in the legs

IMPORTANT: Such symptoms require proper examination of the child by a specialist.

Complications to the feet with cold

Often after an infectious disease is diagnosed reactive coxite .

IMPORTANT: This diagnosis should not cause you to panic, but follow the doctor's recommendations necessarily.

With proper treatment, the complication goes away after 7 days.

The abdomen and diarrhea suffer from a cold in a child: what to treat?

Abdominal pain and diarrhea in a child's cold is the reaction of a child's body to a disease.

IMPORTANT: Often abdominal pain and diarrhea are associated with taking prescribed medications.

  • Antibiotics and antiviral drugs disrupt the intestinal microflora, which leads to malfunctions in its operation.
The belly suffers from a cold in a child

In this case, the parents should:

  • Consult a doctor about the advisability of replacing the medication with another drug. However, such a replacement is not always possible.
  • Do not load the child with hard-to-digest products or products that have a laxative effect. Food should consist primarily of proteins. Limit the carbohydrates
  • in the baby's diet After taking the diarrhea-causing drugs, go through a course of treatment with beneficial bacteria that repair the microflora. These may include: Entererozermina, Linex, Normobakt.

IMPORTANT: The appointment of the microflora-repairing drugs trust the treating doctor

Diarrhea for a cold in the child

IMPORTANT: Your main task is to prevent dehydration of an already weakened body disease. Helpful recommendations read in the article What if the child has dehydration during vomiting, temperature and diarrhea?

Vomiting for a child's cold: what should I do?

Vomiting for cold can talk about :

  • Body reactions to
  • disease Presence of viral infection
  • Presence of more serious

disease When needs to call of a physician:

  • The vomiting does not stop
  • The child is completely weakened
  • Vomiting is accompanied by a high temperature
  • There are signs of dehydration( read in detail in the article What if the baby has dehydration in vomiting, temperature and diarrhea?)
Vomiting for a cold in a child

Helping a child:

  • Permanentdrinking in small sips: boiled water, compote from one component of the apple type, green tea, infusions of mint and chamomile. Do not drink large amounts of liquid at once. This only provokes a vomitive reflex.
  • A few hours after vomiting, you can give a cracker. If everything is good within an hour - try to give light protein food. Do not load the body with carbohydrates and complex foods.
  • A good assistant to the body will be the rice broth
  • After passing the vomiting for several days, keep the diet, excluding fresh vegetables and fruits. The food should be steamed or boiled.
  • After passage of vomiting, you can help the body by giving the child Smect according to the instructions.
Smecta for colds

Red eyes and fester in a child for colds: than to treat?

Red and purulent eyes in the child indicate the presence of conjunctivitis .But there can be several reasons, including the presence of a viral infection in the body.

Conjunctivitis may be an complication of of a cold disease.

Read more about this disease and methods of fighting with it in the article Conjunctivitis in children: causes, symptoms, treatment. How to cure conjunctivitis in children at home?

Sore eyes for cold

How to distinguish the flu, the virus from colds in a child

The most important difference between colds from viruses, including influenza is the smooth appearance of additional symptoms.

  • Cold starts with a cold, cough, sore throat and only then does a fever appear that rarely rises above 38 C
  • Viruses start abruptly and immediately from high temperatures: at one point the child begins to shiver, a cough and high fever appear. With viruses, the temperature can reach 40 C

. For more information on influenza and its differences from cold, see the article "Flu and ARVI."How to distinguish influenza from ARVI?Prevention and treatment of folk remedies at home

How to distinguish a virus from a cold

The child has a cold temperature: what to do, how much does it hold?

The temperature of a cold is a natural reaction to the disease. Temperature means that the body is struggling with the ailment.

If the temperature does not rise above 38 C and the child is quite active - it does not need to be knocked down. Let the body fight.

If the temperature rises above 38.5 C - give antipyretic.

Preparation Ibufen according to the instructions can be given 3 times a day, without waiting for a rise in temperature.

Cold Temperature

How to help your child:

  • Ventilate and moisten the room
  • Let's drink warm water, mors, compote
  • more often Try to keep the child at rest in order to prevent complications
  • Do not wrap the child
  • Remove the diaper for illness

IMPORTANT: Dr. Komarovskyrecommends taking the tests and going to the doctor if the temperature lasts more than 4 days.

For a lot of information on how to react to the temperature in a child, read in the articles Temperature in a child: what to do? How to bring down the high and whether you need to knock down a small temperature?and Means for temperature for children. Instructions for use

Video on the topic: Cold! Treat at home or go to the doctor?- Dr. Komarovsky - Inter

Can I bathe my baby for a cold?

The can be bathed by the child if:

  • The child does not have a fever
  • The child feels well, is active and does not complain of malaise
Bathing for a cold

Rules bathing for colds:

  • The water temperature should be 2-3 C higher than during the usual bathing
  • After bathing the child wrap in a towel and take it to bed
  • Do not let the child after bathing run around in a cool and ventilated room

How to curea child from a cold without antibiotics?

To cure a child without antibiotics, follow the multiple tips in this article.

IMPORTANT: If bacterial infection rages in the body, antibiotics are necessary. The decision is made by the doctor only after passing the blood test

What is the treatment for a monthly and nursing child from a cold?

IMPORTANT: Do not self-medicate babies of monthly age. In the case of an illness - immediately consult a doctor

. You can only help the child get well on the recommendations of the doctor:

  • Do not overheat the child
  • Remove the diaper
  • Provide the child with cool and moist air
  • With the spout in place, follow the recommendations of the article How to cure a runny nose in an infant? What to do with a cold in a baby with and without temperature?
  • Do not rub the baby
  • Do not experiment with herbal decoctions

IMPORTANT: The best medicine for an infant is mother's milk. Apply the baby more often to the chest.

Cold in an Infant Child

How to quickly cure a child for a cold?

To quickly cure a child for a cold - follow the tips from this article.

IMPORTANT: It is easier to chill the cold from the body at the very beginning of the disease. So do not wait for the first symptoms of a cold to go away on their own.

Frequent colds in a child: the reasons for doing

Colds in a child are the cause of the immunity that has not yet taken place.

Immunity in the human body is produced only for the virus that a person has had. Therefore, after encountering a new virus, the child again falls ill.

But that's why some children, being in the same conditions are ill more often than others - read very in detail in the article Often a sick child: causes, ways of treatment, prevention, hardening. How to increase the immunity of often sick children?

Frequent colds in a child

Prevention of a cold in a child under one year and older

No preventive measures will give a 100% guarantee that the child will not catch a cold. However, the probability of not getting sick at times increases.

Detailed prevention measures are discussed in the article How not to get sick with the flu? Prevention of influenza and children in children

Conspiracy to quickly cure a cold in a child

Plot from heat.

  • Put the child to bed
  • Read a plot on the holy water of : "I drive away the enemies, I drive away the sickness, I put off all the troubles, I protect the Lord of the Supreme"
  • Sleeping child three times christened with holy water

Plot on honey.

  • Dilute the May honey with water
  • Speak the mixture: "On the ocean, at sea, on the island, on the bank grew a cane from the ground to the sky. Who will vomit that cane? And Michael Michael the Archangel, Peter and Paul will tear that cane away. And I do not help, I do not help, the Lord God Himself, the Jesus Christ Himself helps. Amen »
  • You need to consume the water in a drink
  • After drinking the mixture you need to go to sleep
Honey for cold

Conspiracy on a spoon of honey.

  • A conspiracy can only be made by a mother, a godmother or a grandmother
  • A child must agree to a rite
  • Take a spoonful of honey and read the plot: "Little baby, baby, dear Mother, Mother of God, help me cure, To cough it did not choke, sleep and livecalmly gave. I conjure, persuade, ask, Give the( health) name to the health, strength, Let everything bad side, side goes, And good, healthy will always be with him. Amen!
  • Medicated honey dilute in a glass of holy water
  • Give a child to sleep before going to bed for three days

Treating a child's cold with folk remedies

IMPORTANT: Any ingredient in the recipes below can cause an allergy in the child. Do not experiment with the treatment of allergic children

For colds, you must drink baby:

  • Brew tea with chamomile, mint, melissa, nettle, rosehip, linden
  • . Make the fruit of frozen or fresh berries: raspberries, black currants, viburnum. The benefits of sweet jam from these berries are much smaller
  • For children from 1 year you can cook berry jelly
Berries for cold

Recipe number 1.

  • Pour a glass of boiling water 1 tsp.lime flowers and let it brew
  • Strain the broth
  • Let the child drink a little with honey

Recipe # 2.

  • In 1 liter of water, pour 5 tsp.hips of wild rose in a crushed form
  • Cook in a water bath for 5 minutes
  • Wrap the decoction in a tight towel
  • Let it brew for 10 hours
  • Every 3 hours give a few sips to a child
  • The recipe is suitable for preventing colds due to high vitamin C content
Morse for cold

from the common cold.

Rinse your nose:

  • Chamomile infusion
  • Resuscitation

Remedies for dry cough.

  • Steam inhalation with mint, melissa, chamomile. The child should not breathe over hot steamed herbs. Get a steam inhaler in the pharmacy and use it.
  • Steam inhalations can be done by simply buying a child in a bath with appropriate herbs
  • Give the baby warm milk with honey and aloe
  • Cough syrup is also saved from the licorice root syrup and breast pills bought at the pharmacy
Cough syrup for cold

Honey for cold treatment.

With honey, there are a huge number of recipes, since it really has medicinal properties.

Choose a recipe for yourself in the article Honey from cough and cold. Treatment of cough with honey. Recipes

Cold treatment in a child Komarovsky

Cold in a child Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky, as always, has his own approach to treating a cold in a child:

  • You do not need to feed your child with medicines at the very first snot
  • The child should be warmly dressed
  • But he muststay in a room with cool and humid air( room temperature 18-20 С, humidity 60-70%)
  • A child should drink a lot of liquids
  • You can not force a child to eat
  • If necessary, water the nose with salt sprayproof operation

correct behavior of parents can save the child from the beginning of a cold or help the body defeat the already raging cold

Videos on the topic: How to treat the common cold in a child?

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