Vitamins that improve brain function, memory and concentration. What vitamins for the brain to drink to children, schoolchildren, students, adults and the elderly?

In this article, we will look at exactly which vitamins will help improve memory and concentration in both children and adults.


  • Vitamins for memory and concentration of attention for children
  • Video: How to improve the memory of a child?- Dr. Komarovsky - Inter
  • Vitamins for memory and attention to schoolchildren
  • Video: Vitamins - School of Doctor Komarovsky
  • What are the best vitamins for the brain to drink to students?
  • What to take for the brain and memory for adults?
  • Video: Amino acids for brain protection
  • In what doses do vitamins take on elderly people?
  • Video: The brain. How to Improve Memory?

Approximately up to 3 years the child as a sponge absorbs virtually all the information. After this period, memory should be trained and developed, and the brain should be fed with all the necessary vitamins and microelements for this.

Vitamins for memory and concentration of attention for children

If the child began to poorly remember the information, it can hardly be made to concentrate, then there may be several reasons for this:

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  • Severe pregnancy and childbirth
  • Traumas in the head
  • The brain disorders, as well as in hisdevelopment
  • Overstrain
  • Lack of development
  • Lack of training that develops memory and mindfulness
  • Unbalanced diet, as a result, lack of vitamins and minerals
Kie vitamins are essential for improving memory and concentration of attention to children?

IMPORTANT: If parents begin to notice the deterioration associated with the ability to remember and focus the child, they should take the baby to a practicing neurologist.

A growing body necessarily needs proper nutrition, and with it all the necessary vitamins and trace elements.

  • Omega-3 , without this important component, the brain work is disrupted. Deficiency affects mental abilities, such as memorization and concentration.

IMPORTANT: Omega-3 is not produced by the body of , it is possible to replenish reserves only with the help of fatty varieties of fish, vegetable oil and vitamin complexes.

  • In order for Omega-3 not to break down, vitamin E is needed. Sufficient amount of it is contained in seeds, eggs, nuts
  • With meat, liver, eggs, milk, cereals the child receives vitamins group In .They are responsible for the memory and concentration of the child
  • Vitamin A is required for the work of the brain, it can be obtained from carrots, butter, cod liver
  • iodine plays an important role both for children and adults. Its disadvantage affects the overall health, memory, the ability to perceive information

IMPORTANT: In regions where there is a lack of iodine, iodized salt must always be used for cooking iodized salt

  • Magnesium, iron, and zinc work actively on the brain function of . Regular consumption of dried fruits, milk, pumpkin seeds, peanuts, sesame seeds, beef, peas, beans will help to replenish the reserves of
Vitamins for memory and attention concentration in children

Making a child eat only useful food is almost impossible. But, in the first years of life to develop such a habit is quite real.

IMPORTANT: If it seems to parents that their child receives insufficient amount, necessary for brain activity, vitamins and microelements, you can not choose pharmacy vitamin complexes on your own. First of all, a neurologist is needed.

Video: How to improve a child's memory?- Dr. Komarovsky - Inter

Vitamins for memory and attention to schoolchildren

The beginning of studies is very influential for both first-graders and senior pupils. A huge flow of information, mental stress requires the children tremendous efforts.

If parents began to notice that the child:

  • It became very fast to get tired
  • It's hard to perceive the study
  • It can not stay in one place for a long time and concentrate

And if to the above mentioned symptoms the child had such as:

  • Insomnia
  • Irritability and nervousness
  • Absence of appetite

This means that it is quite likely that the growingthe body lacks vitamins of the group In and other vitamins and trace elements necessary for brain work.

Vitamins necessary for memory and concentration of attention for schoolchildren

IMPORTANT: Parents should remember that proper nutrition guarantees the child's well-being and his success in studies. Overeating, fatty and fried foods, soda affect the whole organism and, especially, workthe brain, namely its blood supply.

  • Ascorbic acid, is responsible not only for the resistance of the body to infections, but also positively affects the work of the brain. Vitamin C helps to strengthen memory and mindfulness.

IMPORTANT: Vitamin C facilitates the assimilation of the vitamins of the B group required for the memory and thinking of .

  • As in the preschool period, and at an older age, children especially need iodine .Its shortcoming affects negatively the student's progress and his well-being.
  • The lack of vitamin D makes the child distracted, new information is assimilated with tremendous efforts. This vitamin also affects the blood vessels of the brain, making them more elastic, improving the blood supply of

IMPORTANT: Vitamin D helps protect the brain from cancer.

Healthy food pledge of excellent memory in schoolchildren
  • No less negatively affects the ability to remember the information deficiency of iron in the body. Symptoms of deficiency will become nervousness and irritability, pallor, dizziness, nausea, inattention
  • Selenium helps the student stay energetic throughout the day. The lack of this mineral affects the well-being and mood of the child.
  • As in the preschool period, the students need vitamins E, A, Omega-3 acids, protein .Their deficiency in the body affects the memory and concentration of the child.

Video: Vitamins - School of Doctor Komarovsky

What are the best vitamins for the brain to drink to students?

Years of college students are the most fun and bright. The only thing that can darken this beautiful period of time is the session. Constant nervous tension, stress, lack of sleep, experiences have a negative effect on well-being.

IMPORTANT: For the successful delivery of all examinations and tests, the body needs vitamins and minerals that are responsible for the work of the brain.

For 3 to 4 weeks before the session, you can start taking vitamin and mineral complexes and you should also correct the diet. It must necessarily be present: cereals, meat, eggs, milk, fish, sour-milk products, by-products, beans.

Vitamins for memory improvement in
  • students For month , before the exams start, students need to start drinking group vitamins In .They are responsible for the ability to memorize
  • information. Extremely necessary for the successful delivery of the session. Omega-3 fatty acids
  • Only amino acids such as glycine, tyrosine, proline will help memorize a large amount of information. You can get them from food, but this is only if the student's diet is balanced. In another case, they can be taken together with vitamins, a month before the forthcoming
  • session. Very negatively affects the memory and concentration of attention, the lack of a young body coenzyme Q10 . It is because of this that all students need the correct and balanced nutrition

IMPORTANT: To improve short-term memory, during the exams, psychotropic substances should not be taken. They can adversely affect the brain.

What to take for the brain and memory of adults?

Adults, like children, need all vitally important vitamins and minerals. Their deficiency adversely affects the work of the brain and the entire body as a whole.

Vitamins for Brain and Memory for Adults

Group B B vitamins are of great importance for brain function:

  • Nicotinic acid or B3 will help not only to improve memory by 40%, but also to clean vessels from harmful cholesterol
  • B1 or thiamine regulates the work of the entire nervous system and brain. Admission of this vitamin will significantly improve the memory of
  • Riboflavin or vitamin B2 , will help to keep up tonight throughout the day. This applies to both mental and physical loads of
  • Activating long-term memory is possible with pantothenic acid or vitamin B5 .It is this vitamin that protects the brain from the negative effects of the external environment
  • Pyrodoxin or B6 acts on the brain similarly to vitamin B5.Its deficiency adversely affects the intellect
  • Folic acid or vitamin B9 very important for the operation of the brain .It is responsible for the memory and thinking of
  • . The obligatory vitamin, for good memory and concentration, is the B12 .It regulates the activity of the entire nervous system

Strengthen the brain vessels and protect against hemorrhage will help Vitamin P. Vitamins A, E, C, D also have a positive effect on the nervous system.

Vitamins for memory and concentration of attention

Do not forget about such trace elements as zinc, magnesium, iron, iodine they play a huge role in the work of the brain.

IMPORTANT: To protect the brain from damage, choline and thiamin will help. They are also called antisclerotic vitamins.

The compulsory brain function also has amino acids and antioxidants .Replenish body reserves, improve memory and well-being will help special vitamin-mineral complexes.

IMPORTANT: Smoking and alcohol adversely affect the circulatory system and brain function. To effectively impact all vitamins and minerals should abandon bad habits.

Video: Amino acids for brain protection

In what doses do vitamins take on elderly people?

IMPORTANT: Elderly people are in great need of multivitamin complexes. Aging, the body does not synthesize from food all the necessary vitamins, macro and microelements.

Vitamins for the elderly

People over 60 years of age need to take vitamins in such doses:

  • A - 0,0026 grams
  • E - 0,01 grams
  • D - 500 grams
  • B1 - 0,01 grams
  • B2 - 0,01 grams
  • B3 0.05 grams
  • B6 0.02 grams
  • B9 0.0002 grams
  • B12 0.00002 grams
  • C 0.2 grams
  • P 0.02 grams
  • B5 0.01 grams
  • B15- 0,05 grams

IMPORTANT: Before taking vitamins, you should consult a doctor.

Video: The brain. How to Improve Memory?

  • May 13, 2018
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