How is the procedure of pressotherapy, contraindications to it

Pressotherapy or press massage is an effect on the lymphatic and circulatory system by means of compressed air pressure. A young enough way to bring the body in good shape, reduce weight, get rid of cellulite and edema, as well as general health of the body. Despite its harmlessness pressotherapy has a number of contraindications.


Uses and harms
  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • Principle of operation
  • Diet
  • Home appliances
  • When pregnant
  • A native technique from Europe where in the early 1930s Emil Woller came up with the stimulation of the lymphatic system by compression. Apparatus for pressotherapy and lymph drainage was created a little later by the Dutch scientist Van Der Molen. According to the supporters of this method, one session is able to replace 20 or even 30 sessions of manual anti-cellulite massage from the point of view of effectiveness, and when combined with wraps and electromyostimulation - it is capable of miracles and rejuvenation for a couple of decades.

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    Benefits and harms

    The procedure itself is an effect on the human body or parts of it by compressed air. This promotes muscle stimulation, movement of lymph and blood through the veins, which leads to the removal of waste and unnecessary substances from the tissues. In addition, all vital processes are activated, working capacity is increased. On the effects of lymphomassage is similar to classical massage, but differs in the elaboration of larger areas of the body at the same time, which makes it an indispensable tool in cosmetology and medicine.

    To some extent, pressotherapy is a kind of hardware physiotherapy that has a mechanical effect on the skin and deep subcutaneous tissues. As a result, the excess of the intercellular fluid is displaced from the fibers and the lymphatic drainage effect is observed. The procedure relieves edema, obesity, significantly reduces body volume, tightens the skin.

    For medical purposes, pulse barotherapy is used in the complex treatment of persistent muscle spasms and stresses, to provide spasmolytic and vasodilating effects. For the prevention of varicose veins for the purpose of removing the severity of the legs and toning the smooth muscles of the walls of the vessels. After surgery and traumatic injuries, pressotherapy successfully fights with swelling, as a rehabilitative measure is used after liposuction. For bedridden patients it is recommended to prevent bedsores.

    Professional devices have several modes of influence, which allows to establish a sparing regimen for patients who are contraindicated in lymph drainage by electrical stimulation of muscle tissue, ultrasound, electrophoresis or manual massage.

    Despite the pleasant sensations and benefits of lymph drainage, the procedure is not for everybody, it has its contraindications and requires a doctor's examination before each session. After all, even a slight increase in blood pressure before pressotherapy can cause great troubles.

    Read also about another effective Lpg massage procedure that helps fight excessive
    weight, cellulite, corrects body contours. Http://
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    Lymph drainage massage or pressotherapy is recommended:

    • To normalize the circulation of lymph, intercellular and blood fluid in tissues.
    • For the treatment of obesity, getting rid of cellulite and excess weight, to correct the figure.
    • For rejuvenating the skin, increasing its elasticity and elasticity.
    • For elimination of edema, elimination of toxins and toxins from the body.
    • To eliminate muscle spasms and general relaxation of the body.
    • To reduce the length of rehabilitation after surgical procedures or traumatic injuries.
    • For prevention and treatment in the early stages of varicose veins, thrombosis, pain relief and heaviness in the legs.
    • To improve immunity, mood, stress resistance, for general health purposes to eliminate the syndrome of chronic fatigue, insomnia, nervousness.
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    Any physical and physiological pressure on the body, all the more comprehensive and intense, like pressotherapy simply can not be of use to absolutely everyone. Contraindications to the procedure:

    • Thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, advanced stages of varicose veins. Its impact is directly related to increased blood flow, and this can be dangerous.
    • Diabetes mellitus. It is associated with increased fragility of the vessels, which can be damaged by the compression of the apparatus.
    • Fractures, wounds in the stage of relapse. At such times, body tissues are extremely sensitive to external influences and are unlikely to suffer intense pressure.
    • Purulent diseases, inflammatory processes, dermatological infections of the skin.
    • Monthly. Since the procedure intensifies the flow of blood and lymph, it can cause profuse bleeding.
    • Strong pressure on the body of a pregnant woman is unlikely to benefit and pleasure mom and future child.
    • Kidney or liver disease, cardiovascular system.
    • Hypertension. The session can cause an even greater increase in blood pressure.
    • Uterine fibroids or other gynecological diseases. Strengthening blood circulation can trigger the growth of fibroids and the formation of new nodes.
    • Subcutaneous neoplasms of various etiologies or tumors of internal organs.
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    Principle of operation

    The patient puts on the body a special fitting disposable suit, and on top - separate inflatable sections that will act on the selected areas. Then you need to lie on the couch in the most convenient position.

    The air in the suit is fed by a compressor and is injected in different parts, creating wavy compressions of soft tissues. Reducing the pressure in the cuffs( vacuum) contributes to the expansion of blood vessels and the acceleration of blood flow. Thus, cyclical rhythmic oscillations are formed, which activate blood circulation, lymph drainage, accelerate metabolism and excrete slags.
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    The duration of the session is approximately 40-45 minutes. He does not carry particularly unpleasant physical sensations and, many patients note that after the procedure in the body there is noticeable ease and relaxation. On average, to get the desired result, you need to visit 10 to 15 pressotherapy sessions daily or with an interval of no more than 3 days. The beneficial effect of the massage is noted after the first procedure and remains for a long time after the end of the course. If necessary, the course can be repeated after 5-6 months.

    It is often recommended to combine pressotherapy with other treatment options: thalassotherapy or algal wraps to increase the elasticity and tone of the skin, miostimulation for additional muscle corset training, with infrared warm-up for faster fluid and slag removal or classical massage( including water massage), cavitation for more intensive weight loss.

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    During the course of therapy it is strongly recommended to drink more liquid( at least 1.5 liters of purified water per day) and to eat natural products. It is desirable to abandon flour, confectionery and bakery products, caffeine, spicy, fried, fatty and salty foods. Welcome: raw, boiled, stewed, baked fruits and vegetables, berries, dried fruits, whole grains cereals, dairy products, lean meat and fish, seafood, beans, etc.
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    Home appliances

    There are many devices for pressotherapy. It can be multifunctional stationary devices with additional functions of infrared warming, low-frequency miostimulation of tissues, regulation of the air supply rate and its pressure. The kit includes various pneumatic elements for the lower and upper limbs, a belt for the waist and hips or a one-piece suit covering the legs and torso.

    For home use, simplified devices with four-, five- or six-chamber compartments have been specially developed, of Doctor Life, Seven Liner, Air-Press, Zespa, Xilia, Unix, Pressomed, etc.

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    In pregnancy

    Pressotherapy is not recommended for women during pregnancy or during lactation. With the permission of the doctor, isolated use is allowed only in the shin area for the prevention of edema, varicose veins and the removal of the pain syndrome.

    • May 13, 2018
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