The child ate or swallowed the cud: what to do? How to remove the chewing gum from the hair and body of the child?

Do you like chewing gum? Find out how it affects your body.

Contents of

  • What is the use of chewing gum?
  • What is the use of chewing gum after eating?
  • VIDEO: Harm and benefit of chewing gum
  • Harm to the chewing gum for children
  • What if the child ate or swallowed the cud?
  • How to remove the chewing gum from the baby's hair and body?
  • What happens if a child ate a pack of chewing gum?
  • VIDEO: How to remove the chewing gum from clothes, hair, peel, wash with jeans, remove from trousers?

Now in any kiosk and supermarket there are whole shelves with chewing gum. But this commodity product does not saturate, does not enrich the body with useful substances. Industrial production of chewing gum comes from America, and it is the American Thomas Adams who owns the patent for a machine that produces chewing gum. Now the image of the average American is in many people necessarily associated with chewing gum.

What is the use of chewing gum?

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For many, chewing gum is a habit. They do not think much about the benefits and harms.

To understand the benefits( or vice versa) of chewing gum, you need to understand two things:

  1. The first - why you need to chew it
  2. The second - what is it made of

So, it is believed that the chewing gum is chewed up to:

  • freshen up the breath
  • strengthengums
  • banish bad breath

IMPORTANT: In history, different peoples also used something suitable for chewing. Surely, so they refreshed the breath or brushed their teeth, maybe even treated them. For example, chewing gum or leaves of some suitable trees. Later they came up with chewing tobacco

  1. And now the gum base is latex and rubber, that is a natural product obtained from the resin of
  2. trees. Besides rubber, the chewing gum contains various flavors that mimic the natural taste of berries, fruits, leaves and other
  3. . Also in chewing gumsweeteners. For example, a sugar substitute for xylitol has the properties to restrain the spread of plaque bacteria. As a result, it is possible to avoid tooth decay
Chewing gum with xylitol - prevention of tooth decay.

It turns out that chewing the cud, we:

  • cleans the breath
  • cleans the teeth after eating in an affordable way in the absence of a toothbrush near the
  • helps to produce saliva, which cleanses the teeth and, at the same time, stimulates digestion after eating
  • calms the nerves by switching the bodyon the process of chewing

This, perhaps, ends positive properties of the chewing gum. Negative properties it is not so much, if you know and follow the rules for using this product.

Inoculation of chewing gum:

  • chewing gum is necessary only after eating
  • it can not be chewed on an empty stomach or before eating
  • chewing gum is possible if teeth are not filled with fillings
  • it should be chewed only for a few minutes, for example, until its taste is felt
  • chewing chewing gum, you always need to remember about culture issues and understand if such process is appropriate in certain circumstances.

What is the use of chewing gum after eating?

  • Every day on TV, advertising convinces us how to chew gum, as a result of this, teeth and gums strengthen, a pleasant smell comes from the mouth, attracting people to us
  • . We also normalize the acid-base balance, teeth shine like diamonds, and other things come from the world of miracles. And all this, thanks to the bubble gum
  • In fact, these are all advertising tricks, and the benefits of chewing gum for the body are very, very exaggerated by the advertisers
Chewing gum can cause abdominal problems.

IMPORTANT: In reality, the chewing gum only slightly allows to clean the oral cavity after eating. And not for long. And if the chewing gum contains sweeteners and sugars, then the harm from it is greater than the benefits of

  1. . The increased salivation that occurs during chewing does not improve the production of gastric juice, this organism is able to take care of itself, too. And chewing gum, on the contrary, deceives him.
  2. The body starts to produce gastric juice in addition, believing that after chewing food will get into it, which must be digested.
  3. As a result, extra gastric juice is not extracted, as chewing gum is not necessary, and, probably, will only harm the stomach

IMPORTANT: Of course, if you are used to chewing gum, use it, however, do not forget the rules of its use, mentioned above

VIDEO: Harm and benefit of chewing gum

Harm of chewing gum for children

If adult people chewing gum brings more trouble than good, then the children can not speak.
Children, especially small children, can not buy chewing gum.

Children love chewing gum, but it is not useful to them.

Benefits from her no, but an active child who does not know how to fully control her actions can accidentally get carried away with something, scream, change her emotional emotion, and suddenly, he can swallow the cud.

What if the child ate or swallowed the cud?

If your child is interested in chewing gum, knows what it is and how to use it, he should know that you can not swallow this product. After use, the chewing gum needs to be thrown into the trash.

  1. If the child swallows the cud by accident, the main thing is that it does not get into the respiratory tract
  2. If this happens, it is necessary that the child coughs out the breath
  3. As a last resort, of course, you need to call an ambulance
. If a child ate the chewing gum, it is important that she does notgot into the respiratory tract.

If a child swallows the cud and calmly tells you about it, nothing terrible has happened. After a while, the chewing gum itself leaves the child's organism in the proper way. Be sure, the chewing gum is not stuck to the stomach, for this there is the strongest stomach acid.


How to remove the chewing gum from the hair and body of the child?

  1. To remove the chewing gum from the hair, you need to lubricate the hair in the place where the gum, and the gum, with any oil, cream, vaseline and wait until the cud is softened and falls off itself. After hair wash with shampoo.
  2. It is known that the chewing gum does not come in contact with ice. Take an ice cube out of the refrigerator, attach it to the hair or to the body of the baby, until the cud is gone
. A cube of ice will help to remove the cud from the hair.

What happens if a child ate a pack of chewing gum?

  • It also happens that they did not keep track until they turned their backs on, and the child took all the contents of a pack of chewing gum
  • . Parents should not worry about it, nothing catastrophic happened. Who from children ever did not eat and did not swallow any muck. Will leave the baby chewing gum without problems
  • The only thing to watch is that it does not get into the respiratory tract, but it will be seen right away. Then do everything you can to help the child cough and push it

VIDEO: How to remove the chewing gum from clothes, hair, peel, wash with jeans, remove from trousers?

  • May 13, 2018
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