Jellied fish. How to cook and decorate a tasty jellied of red, river, salted, canned and stuffed fish?

How tasty to prepare a fish jellied. What kind of fish for him to use. Do you need gelatin? Recipes of jellied fish and options for its decoration. From what fish do they make a jellied?

  • VIDEO: Jellied fish
  • How to prepare broth for fish jellies?
  • How to decorate a jellied fish?
  • RECIPE: Filling from fish heads
  • RECIPE: Filling fish without gelatin
  • VIDEO: Filling fish CARP
  • RECIPE STEP: fish filling with gelatin
  • RECIPE: Filling fish from carp fish
  • VIDEO:trout with shrimps
  • RECIPE: Red fish fish
  • RECIPE: Salted fish
  • RECIPE WITH PHOTO: jellied from canned fish
  • Jellied fish with mayonnaise. Jellied fish with sour cream. Salt fish from a fish in a tomato
  • Stuffed fish from a stuffed fish
  • Filling fish from a fish in a multivariate
  • VIDEO: Fish in a pressure cooker-multivarker
  • Filling from fish is a classic snack on the New Year's table. Depending on the abilities of the hostess in cooking, her fantasies, this dish may resemble a French restaurant or the muck mentioned in "The Irony of Fate".

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    There are several secrets of making really tasty and presentable jellied fish. It would not hurt to know if it is planned to serve this snack on the festive table. From which fish do the jellied?

    The similarity of the dish, which is now called jellied fish, on the tables of the peasants appeared a very, very long time ago. Then, when cheap and practically from nothing was needed to feed a large peasant family, they began to cook fish and meat jelly.

    1. It turns out that if you cook these products( meat - with bones, fish - with fins and scales), the broth starts to thicken and, when cooled, turn into a jelly-like mass
    2. Broth was cooked not only from fish. There were also added vegetables and greens
    3. Boiled fish and vegetables were ground, they received so-called crochet. It was added to the jelly
      . It should be said that this dish looked not so beautiful - it was greyish-green, muddy. The taste of jelly was also specific
    4. Everything radically changed in the 18th century, when French cuisine became fashionable. And the French already at that time knew how to cook a beautiful, tasty and expensive jelly, which only noblemen and merchants could afford to eat.
      The muddy, rich broth, which spoiled the presentability of the jellied broth, was replaced by the lanspeak. Lanspik was prepared from fish and vegetables, after additionally thickened with gelatin, clarified with special braces, for example, egg white, tinted with turmeric, and so on. The water was amber and transparent
    5. Fish and vegetables were no longer crumbled. They carefully cut, laid out for viewing the most beautiful and mouth-watering pieces of
    6. The jellied in French cuisine was adorned before serving

    IMPORTANT: Today, the hostess has the alternative - to bungle the worker-peasant junk in a hurry, which obviously not everyone has the courage to try, or spendtime and make some effort to please your loved ones with a real delicacy.

    A sturgeon made from cut fish, cooked in a multivark.

    The first and one of the most important issues in the preparation of fish jellies is what, in fact, it can be cooked. Traditionally in Russia for this dish, valuable fish were taken. The same day they prepared a fish from a river. Today, almost everything is poured:

    1. Sea fish - pink salmon, pollock, perch, salmon, mackerel, trout
    2. Seafood
    Seafood and fish filling.

    IMPORTANT: It is advisable to prepare a filling from a fresh fish or one that has undergone a dry freeze. If there is a lot of water in it, during prolonged cooking, the bird will simply be riddled with

    VIDEO: Jellied fish

    How to prepare fish broth?

    Prepare the right broth for jellied fish is not so easy. You need to know certain subtleties. For example:

    1. Fish can be brewed whole or split with
    2. To avoid the need for additional thickeners( gelatin), the head, fish tail and fin parts, it should be cooked for about 2 hours.
    3. If you plan to use gelatin, the cooking time is reduced to 1 hour
    4. Together with the fish boil onions, carrots, bell peppers and bay leaf. It is better to put them in a bag of gauze
      Sometimes a broth for a jellied fish head and tail is cooked separately from the fillet. Then it will be more beautiful
    5. Brewed broth under the lid, but if it seems too weak, it can be welded for a while without it
    A set of products for fish jellies.

    IMPORTANT: Fresh water broth is always cooked from only one type of fish. If the dish is puffed, for example, from several types of fish and seafood, one ingredient broth is used, the others are cooked separately

    After cooking the broth, sometimes it needs to be clarified. For this use:

    1. Raw egg. It is thoroughly washed and neatly broken. You need a whipped-up protein and a shredded shell. They are mixed and poured into boiling broth. After two to three minutes, the base for the jellied filter through a cloth or several layers of gauze. It is obtained by the transparent
    2. Fish eggs. It is ground and added to a broth cooled to 50 degrees. Next, bring the broth to a boil and boil for about 10 minutes, then drain
    Clarifying broth with caviar.

    IMPORTANT: If the base for jellied fish seems too colorless or grayish, you can tint it with spinach or turmeric juice

    How to decorate jellied fish?

    When it comes to jellied fish, the taste and appearance of the dish are equally important. The options for its decoration are endless. The main thing is to have a fantasy.

    1. Molds. You can serve the jellied in a dish or you can extract it. It can be a standard oval dish, round forms for cupcakes, small molds for desserts, kremanki, even eggshells
    2. Seafood. With fish in the jellied you can present the tentacles of squid, shrimp, mussel meat, caviar
    3. Vegetables. This - green peas, carrots, capers and gherkins, Bulgarian pepper, tomatoes, olives and olives
    4. Berries and fruits. Original sour cherries give red currants, cranberries, lemon and grapefruit
    5. Greens any

    IMPORTANT: Carrots for jellied fish can simply cut into circles. But it will turn out very nicely, if the cutting will be figured.

    Shrimp in fish jellied.
    Fish filling with seafood and vegetables. Jellied fish with lemon and black olives.
    Beautifully decorated jellied fish.
    Jellied fish, decorated with caviar and jelly crumbs. The fish in the form of. .. fish.
    Jellied fish in small forms.



    Filled fish heads From the minimum number of inexpensive ingredients you can create a real masterpiece! For such a jellied one, you can take a carnivore's head, since it is large enough. In this part of the carcass, which many housewives consider secondary, much edible and useful, for example, omega-3 fatty acid.

    Jellied from the heads of fish.

    It is necessary: ​​the head of fish( carver), onions - 1 pc., Carrots - 1 pc., Bay leaf, pepper peas, salt;eggs green peas, herbs for decoration.

    1. Head carpenter washes. Gills are necessarily removed, as they give the broth bitterness. If the head is large, it can be divided into two halves.
    2. . The head is placed in cold water so that it is covered by 2-3 cm.
    3. Wash and clean onions and carrots. They are put together with a laurel leaf and a few peas of pepper in a gauze pouch on a string( then it will be easier to remove from the broth)
    4. The bag is lowered into the water to the head and starts to cook on low heat.
    5. When the broth is boiled,
    6. foam is removed. When the foam ceases to form,the pot is covered with a lid
    7. Cooked for an hour and a half
    8. Salt in broth is recommended to be added in 3-4 stages of
    9. . When the base under the primer is slightly cooled, I remove fish and a bag of vegetables from it, after it is filtered,(one large or several portions)
    10. Fill the fish with broth, adorn the jellied carrots, peas, boiled chicken eggs, greens
    11. The dish freezes in the refrigeratorfrom 3 hours

    RECIPE: Fish filled without gelatin

    The jellied pike-perch, prepared without the addition of gelatin, turns out so tender that it literally melts in the mouth.

    Jellied fish without gelatin.

    Need: pike perch - 1 kg, onions and carrots - 1 piece, celery root - a piece of 6-8 cm, pepper peas, bay leaf, cloves;for decoration - eggs quail - 6 pcs., onions green, greens, olives, cranberries or red currants.

    1. The pike perch should be cleaned and cleaned - remove the insides, gills and eyes
    2. The head, tail and fin parts are separated from the carcass. They pour 1.5 liters of water, add a classic set of vegetables
    3. Cook the jelly from these parts for about 2 hours. Foam all need to be removed, and the prepared broth to salt to taste
    4. At this time, prepare fillets. It can be boiled for 15 minutes or baked in foil. Slice the pike-perch fillets so that the pieces are smooth and neat.
    5. The boiled broth is filtered through the folded four-fold gauze
    6. To make the dish beautiful, it can be presented in several stages. On the first a small amount of broth is poured into a mold, it is sent to the refrigerator to freeze. On a frozen layer of jelly pieces of fillet of pike perch, cut in half or slices quail eggs, halves or segments of olives, red berries, greens. After they pour it all the remaining broth and send to cool

    IMPORTANT: To boil the fish did not fall apart, before cutting and sending into the jellied it should be held for 2-3 hours in the refrigerator

    VIDEO: Jellied fish CARP

    RECIPE STEP: fish filled with gelatin

    Jellied fish, for example, bream, will be more elastic and dense, if you add gelatin to it. In addition, then significantly reduces the time of broth cooking.

    Fish filled with gelatin.

    It is necessary: ​​fish - 1 kg, gelatin - 2 tbsp.spoons, vegetables for jellied;vegetables, eggs and greens for decorating dishes.

    1. Fish according to the scheme are washed, cleaned and cut
    2. Of the thickening properties of its parts and vegetables brewed
    3. broth Gelatin is diluted according to the instructions and left to swell
    4. Fish fillet cook separately 20 minutes
    5. When the tail and the head of the fish are cooked for 45-60 minutes, the broth is turned off. Cooled, it filters
    6. Broth again put on the stove. Add the swollen gelatin. The broth is only brought to a boil, but do not boil
    7. . Boiled pieces of fish and carefully selected products for the decor are poured with broth with gelatin, put the dish in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

    RECIPE: Filler from the silver carp of

    . A fat carb is a lean river fish, in which there are manyprotein and vitamins. Pouring from it will turn out not only tasty, but also useful. Large-sized fish carnation from the river fish.

    It is necessary: ​​carrage carcass, vegetables for broth, gelatin;greens and other products to decorate dishes.

    1. Large carrots washed, cleaned and gutted
    2. For broth take the head, tail, parts with fins, for the most puffy - fillets about 300-400 g. The rest of the fillets can be used for frying, baking, fish cutlets
    3. Broth is boiled for 45 minutes,filter, clarify
    4. The fillet is separately cooked for 30 minutes.
    5. Gelatin is bred. When it swells, dissolve it in the cooled and reheated broth
    6. Pieces of fillets and decor products are poured with broth. Give the fish chill to freeze in the refrigerator

    VIDEO: Salt from the trout with shrimp

    RECIPE: Red fish fish

    Red fish is considered to be a useful delicacy. For jellied fits any of its varieties, for example, chum salmon, trout or salmon.

    Jellied of red fish.

    Need: Salmon - 1 kg, vegetables for broth;tentacles of squid, shrimp, quail eggs, peas, red berries for decoration.

    1. Broth of salmon boiled for 20 minutes. It is necessary to extract and separate fish, and the broth itself to thicken with gelatin
    2. . Shrimp, squid tentacles, vegetables, greens and slices of the salmon are spread into the mold, and they are filled with broth. However, the decor of the jellied red fish can be anything, about this a little later

    RECIPE: Salt fish from salted fish

    Anyone who believes that a salted salted herring is only eaten with potatoes or is made from her "Shuba" is very mistaken. For a change, you can make a fish of this fish.

    Pouring herring.

    Need: Salted herring - 1 piece, fish broth( or meat) - 0,5 liters, vegetables, greens, eggs, berries, lemon for decoration.

    1. It is obvious that the broth for the jellied herring is cooked separately from any other fish, chicken or tongue. Gelatin is used as the thickener. As the herring itself is very salty, the broth for its filling does not salt
    2. The herring is cleaned, the bones are removed from it, and the fillets are cut with neat little pieces( who can not buy the already cut fish)
    3. Carrots for the decor are boiled for 5 minutes
    4. Eggsalso cook separately
    5. Lemon is cut into quarters of rings
    6. Present the dish and cool it to the gelatinous consistency

    IMPORTANT: Lemon is more necessary in the jellied herring for beauty and giving a sausage dish. It can either be eaten, or neatly left on a plate

    RECIPE WITH PHOTO: jellied from canned fish

    Jellied canned fish, for example, sardines, is considered an economy class dish. For its preparation, you do not need to spend much money. . Unfortunately, it's impossible to call such a fish cold beautiful or festive: a canned fish falls apart severely.

    water from canned fish. Prepare the dish about the same way as the herring.

    Jellied fish with mayonnaise. Jellied fish with sour cream. Jellied fish in tomatoes

    Very interesting will be a flood, tinted:

    • mayonnaise
    • sour cream
    • tomato
    • beet juice
    Fish jellied with mayonnaise. Fish cold with beet juice. Fish oil with white jelly top.

    You can completely fill the fish with a colored broth, then the jelly will turn white, pinkish or reddish, or make a flaky dish.

    Stuffed stuffed fish

    Stuffed jellied fish( pike or carp, for example) is a dish in a dish that you have to tinker with. But the result will be worth it - it will simply be dispersed from the festive table. You can fill the whole fish or its pieces.

    Stuffed fish stuffed with slices.

    It is necessary: ​​carp - 1 kg, onions - 2 pieces, carrots - 1 piece, pepper peas, bay leaf, toasts - 2 pieces, egg - 1 piece.

    1. The fish are cleaned and dismantled
    2. The broth
    3. is cooked from the head and tail. The remaining carcass is cut into rings
    4. The pulp
    5. is carefully removed from them. The onion is cleaned, cut finely and passaged.
    6. Toast is soaked in warm water.
    7. . In the blender, fish fillets,onion and egg. The resulting mass of salt and pepper
    8. The stuffing fill the pieces of fish, bake them in the oven for about an hour
    9. Finished and cooled pieces of fish spread in a mold, add products for decoration, pour mixed with gelatin cooled broth
    10. This jellied stand in the refrigerator night
    Jellied stuffed fish.

    Jellied fish in the multivariate

    Prepare broth - the basis for the jellied fish can also be in the multivark. To do this, the head, tail and parts of the carcass with fins:

    • for the first 15 minutes are cooked in the "Soup" mode.
    • the next 2 hours are cooked in the "Quenching" mode.

    VIDEO: Fish in a pressure cooker-multivark

    • May 13, 2018
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