Councils of doctors how to raise and strengthen the immunity of an adult

If you notice that with the advent of cold weather your health deteriorates sharply, then, most likely, your immune system has greatly weakened. The root of the problem can be in heavy loads, constant stresses at work, changes in eating habits, sleep. But even if the protection of the body has decreased, it can be increased through various means and methods, which we will consider in more detail.

  • Folk remedies
  • Vitamin broth based lemon
  • of honey-lemon blend
  • Nut mixture
  • Infusion hips
  • Uzvar of
  • dried fruits Pharmacy medication
  • Physiotherapy
  • methods hardening
  • Air baths
  • Hardening sun
  • Walking barefoot
  • Hardening water
  • Boating
  • Healing with high temperatures
  • Balanced food
  • Breakfast
  • Second breakfast
  • Lunch
  • Snack
  • Dinner
  • Psi
  • Art therapy
  • Art therapy
  • Change of situation
  • Communicating with friends
  • Laughter
  • Recovery after illness
  • Influenza and ODS
  • Angina
  • Chemotherapy
  • Operations
  • Herpes
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Folk remedies

An adult can be raised at home quickly enough immunity. Traditional medicine with many different recipes of vitamin mixtures, broths and infusions will help.

The following recipes are most popular.

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Vitamin decoction based on lemon

It will take 2 lemons, 100 grams of honey, 100 grams of dried rose hips and raspberry leaves( up to 10 pieces).Through the meat grinder, you need to skip lemons, then put them in a thermos, adding crushed raspberry leaves and honey. From rose hips you need to prepare a decoction, which then follows through gauze to pour into the thermos to the rest of the ingredients. This vitamin broth should be insisted, and after 3 hours it can already be consumed, you need to drink twice a day for 1-2 months. In autumn and spring, for the prevention, you can use this broth for 7-14 days.

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Honey-lemon mixture

Used for the treatment of colds and restoration of immune resistance. For cooking, you need to take three lemons, two heads of garlic and 200 grams of honey. Garlic should be cleaned and mixed with lemon in a meat grinder( lemon with skin).The resulting mass should be well mixed with the addition of honey( until homogeneity).To ensure that the mixture does not deteriorate, store it under a tightly closed lid in the refrigerator. For 14 days, before eating, use 2 tablespoons of this vitamin mixture.

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Nut mixture

To prepare it you will need to buy a glass of walnuts, raisins, dried apricots, prunes( optional), one lemon and a glass of honey( 200 grams).All of the above products must be twisted in a meat grinder( lemon with skin) and add honey to the mixture, mixing it thoroughly. Reception is carried out three times a day in the amount of one tablespoon, stored in the refrigerator.

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Infusion of dogrose

To prepare this infusion, you need 2 tablespoons of dry dogrose, which must be filled with hot water( boiling water) in the amount of 0.5 liters, then it should be infused for 6-7 hours, recommend doing thisprocess in the thermos, after the specified time, the beverage must be filtered using gauze or other material. Use the drug should be before meals 3 times a day in the amount of 100 milliliters. To improve the taste( if desired) in the infusion of dogrose can add honey.

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Uzvar from dried fruit

Dried apples, cherries, pears, strawberries and apricots are needed for cooking. It is desirable to cook a knot in the evening, so that it is infused at night. In the morning it must be filtered, sugar and honey can be added to taste, fresh to use throughout the day.

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Pharmaceutical medicines

To date, a huge number of medicines have been produced, with which it is possible to raise the immunity, they are divided into several groups:

  • vegetable preparations( natural) - tincture of Chinese magnolia vine, ginseng, echinacea, Dr. Tyss tincture, Immunal, Eleutherococcus extract;
  • preparations bacterial( enzymes with immunoactivating action) - Bronhomunal, Imudon, Ribomunil, IRS-19, Likopid;
  • based on nucleic acid - Sodium Nucleinate, Derinat;
  • interferon preparations - Viferon, Arbidol, Amiksin, Grippferon, Anaferon, leukocyte interferon, Cycloferon;
  • preparations of thymus - Timalin, Timostimulin, Vilozen, Tactivin;
  • synthetic - Leukogen, Pentoxyl;
  • preparations-biostimulants - Plazmol, Aloe, FBS.
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Physical training and sports

Sport activities and physical education strengthen health and this is a well-known fact. But excessive loads also lead to exhaustion of the body, so exercise should be dosed. Physically, physicians recommend moderate exercise three times a week, for the best effect, you can do exercises in nature( in the park, in the forest).

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To restore and strengthen the immune system, the following sports are considered suitable sports:

  • aerobics;
  • swimming;
  • yoga;
  • dancing;
  • track and field athletics( walking, running, jumping);
  • shaping( the system of physical exercises).
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Methods of hardening

An effective way to maintain health and permanent immunity to diseases is hardening.

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Air baths

Being in nature, a person through the skin and lungs can be saturated with aeroions( oxygen particles) - these are the active substances that secrete plants. In winter frosty air, the amount of oxygen increases, in addition, it is almost completely free from microbes. Therefore, it is useful to walk outdoors in any weather and season.

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Sun quenching

The action of ultraviolet rays contributes to the improvement of metabolism, activates the central nervous system, and is harmful to pathogenic microbes. In addition to all the sun invigorates and charges the body with energy and this applies to all terrestrial organisms, not just humans.

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Walking barefoot

A large number of active points are located exactly on the soles of the feet, their stimulation has a beneficial effect on the human body. Of course, it is better to walk barefoot in nature on the grass, but do not neglect walking without shoes and at home, the main thing is not on the ice floor, otherwise there is a risk of catching a cold.

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Hardening with water

Harden with water gradually, beginning with moderate wiping with a towel, gradually turning to dousing. A good way of hardening with water is a morning contrast shower, but you also need to start from a comfortable temperature, gradually reducing it.

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Quite an extreme method of hardening, considering the effect of hypothermia, so without special preparation to dive into the hole is not worth it. Winter swimming is considered the highest form of hardening, which enhances the work of all systems of the human body, this is facilitated by the maximum activation of thermoregulation processes.

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Hardening with high temperatures

This is a steam bath technique. When exposure to high temperature, the blood supply increases, the functions of the sebaceous and sweat glands are activated, the skin clears from dead cells and fat. Visiting the steam bath effectively removes long-term fatigue and allows the body to relax.

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Balanced power supply

Improper power supply is one of the reasons for reducing the resistance of the immune system. Eliminate this factor is not difficult, pay attention to the balance of nutrition. To eat correctly is to eat fully.

Every day an adult should consume carbohydrates, fats and proteins, their ratio is 4: 1: 1.

In order for the human body to obtain all the vitamins, minerals and minerals necessary for it, it is necessary to use moderately all groups of products.

The products are classified into five groups:

  1. Pulses and vegetables.
  2. Fruits.
  3. Bird, fish, low-fat meat products, eggs, nuts.
  4. Whole grains and cereals.
  5. Dairy products.

40% of caloric intake per day should be for breakfast, lunch is 10%, for lunch and dinner it is 25%.Relying on these data, you can give examples of a balanced diet for a day.

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Breakfast should be tight, it can include the following dishes:

  • buckwheat porridge with tea;
  • wheat with butter on milk;
  • cheese cakes with sour cream;
  • rice porridge with prunes and raisins;
  • curd casserole;
  • omelette with cheese;
  • semolina porridge with raisins;
  • fried eggs with sausages.
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Second breakfast

The second breakfast is usually very light, so the following recipes will be optimal:

  • fruit salad plus yogurt;
  • muffins from cottage cheese;
  • apples with yoghurt;
  • smoothies from vegetables;
  • apple ratatouille;
  • pancakes with fruit;
  • egg croutons.
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In the middle of the day you can:

  • mushroom soup;
  • bean;
  • soup with meatballs;
  • fish;
  • pea soup;
  • cheese soup with sausage;Chicken soup with vermicelli
  • ;
  • rassolnik;
  • soup with meat and champignons;
  • borsch.
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Usually the snack consists of a portion of fruit or a handful of nuts, but a good glass of yogurt or kefir is a good alternative. Doctors recommend daily use of fermented milk products, as they contain calcium and vitamin D necessary for the human body, and it, by the way, improves digestion.

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You must have dinner 3 hours before bedtime. Balanced meals include cooking one of the following recipes:

  • mashed potatoes with boiled or stewed chicken;
  • fish cutlets with steamed buckwheat;
  • chicken chops with vegetable salad and rice;
  • vegetable stew;
  • potato zrazy with liver;
  • roast beef from veal;
  • lazy cabbage rolls;
  • potatoes stewed with meat and vegetable salad;Pasta with tomato sauce.
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Mental health

Most people simply underestimate the impact of stress on immunity, especially regarding the state of prolonged depression or experiencing constant stress, for example, in the workplace. As a result, under the influence of negative factors, a person begins to get sick much more often. It is very important to enhance the immune system to maintain not only the physical health of the body, but also the mental state. To date, many methods have been identified, using which one can increase the weakened immune defense.

More information on how to strengthen the nervous system read here
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Art therapy

This is a kind of psychotherapy that is basedon art and creativity. To remove negative energy a person can begin to engage in embroidery, singing, writing poetry, drawing or playing musical instruments. Usually, art therapy helps relieve nervous tension through the release of endorphins. The main thing is to find the right kind of creativity that a person will be enjoying with pleasure.

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Change of furnishings

When the usual situation does not affect the mood of positive influence, you must try to change it. You can start with simply moving furniture in the house or painting the walls, while you should give preference to brighter colors, gray and dull tones should be avoided. If you do not agree to such cardinal measures, then you should try changing the wardrobe, adding bright cheerful colors to it.

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Communicate with friends

Do not underestimate live communication as well as replace it with electronic correspondence. With a live conversation, a unique biochemical background is created that activates the cells of the nervous system. Therefore, do not neglect real communication, in addition to meeting with friends have a positive effect on the mood.

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The best psycho-therapy for improving immunity is laughter and positive emotions. You need to find a reason to laugh more often, for example, you can watch a comedy film, play with the child in funny games, read funny stories or anecdotes. Daily viewing of the comedy series is perfect for this purpose, as a person receives a portion of positive emotions every day.

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Recovery from

Disease A variety of ailments with which it has to cope have a strong effect on the immune system. Therefore, after recovery, you should help your immunity and try to improve it( restore).

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Influenza and ODS

These diseases are often accompanied by a course of antibiotics that help reduce the natural immune defense by more than 60%.To raise immunity after exposure to antibiotics, a person should be engaged in the restoration of the intestinal microflora. This issue can solve the use of sour-milk products enriched with lacto- and bifidobacteria( fresh yogurt, natural yogurt, home-made cottage cheese).Prevents the restoration of microflora baking and sweets, which from the daily diet should be removed. It is also useful to eat fruits, vegetables and berries, especially garlic and onions, and drink better herbal teas.

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To improve the immune resistance of the body after a sore throat, yoga exercises help. For this it is recommended to use exercises that stimulate lymph flow, facilitate the endocrine system and improve respiratory function. It is necessary to perform asanas for relaxing or relaxing music, so that stress can be simultaneously removed and the mental state of the organism stabilized. Experts advise the use of exercises such as the deflection of the upper part of the spine, while the thoracic area opens and stimulates the thymus gland. Helps stimulate passive lymph flow inverted pose, while the immune cells move around the body.

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The patient will have to follow a special diet, food should contain a lot of calories and protein. Also, the patient should often walk outdoors and gradually start exercising. Particular attention should be paid to rehabilitation of the liver and kidneys, for this doctors recommend taking drugs based on milk thistle, for example, Karsil. In order to accelerate the restoration of the hair, you must take calcium. A good method of raising the immune system is to visit specialized sanatoriums.

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Operations of

The person who is recovering after surgery should first of all begin to eat a balanced diet. Food should be energy and nutritious, the diet is made in the right ratio of fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Also, every day you should eat foods that contain ascorbic acid( kiwi, citrus, dog rose).Do not neglect physical stress, of course, if they are not contraindicated.

If after a surgery you are worried about the feeling of fatigue or instability of body temperature, you should immediately consult a doctor, since in this case, drugs that increase immunity can not be avoided, this may be a sign of the development of the infectious process.
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Helps strengthen immunity in herpetic infections, balanced diet, visits to the steam room, use of herbal infusions and natural medicines, morning exercises, water quenching( contrast showers).

There is also a positive effect of using vitamin infusions, for example, you can prepare a beverage with ingredients such as berries of mountain ash, viburnum, sea buckthorn and dried ginseng, these products should be poured with boiling water and infuse the drink for about 1 hour. Take vitamin infusion follows 14 days to 100 ml 3 times a day. You can also add honey to improve the taste of the drink.

  • May 13, 2018
  • 62
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