Pancakes are torn when turning over: how to fix it and prevent it

  • Choosing a frying pan
  • The correct dough
  • The secrets of the correct preparation of pancakes

Who among us does not like freshly baked delicious pancakes with golden crust that can only stir up all our taste buds with their own fragrance alone? Such a delicacy does not require a lot of time for cooking, and the result will truly satisfy the demands of even the most fastidious and whimsical gourmet.

But what to do if instead of beautiful round sunshine we see in the frying pan an adhering crumbling dough, which certainly does not cause an appetite, but only spoils the whole mood to both the hostess and the household? Why pancakes are torn when turning over and whether or not the well-known proverb about the notorious pancake is a "lump" is not just a fiction, but a real reality - these and other questions will be answered in detail by this article.

If not only the first pancake turned out to be a "lump", but almost half, in this case the whole process of cooking starts to irritate and irritate rather than bring positive emotions from the culinary work done.

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The mistress remains dissatisfied and upset, and her family and friends, in order not to condemn anyone, chew the wrongly cooked dish and console the careless cook with questionable praise. In order to avoid such a fiasco, we will tell you what to add to the pancakes so that they are not torn and what are the subtleties of their proper preparation.

Choosing a frying pan

Marketing tricks work for a bang, so manufacturers guarantee success if you purchase a special pancake designed exclusively for pancakes. In fact, there are only two metals that prevent the sticking and burning of the dough. These include the good old cast iron and aluminum. Therefore, any frying pan, made of aluminum or cast iron, will perfectly cope with the task assigned to it.

The whole secret is that after a few preparations on the surface of the product a thin fat film is formed, thanks to which the pancakes do not tear during frying. The same film prevents the formation of rust in a frying pan, thereby protecting it and extending the life of this dish.

Despite the fact that after the preparation, you still subject the product to washing, after one cleaning the fat film will not be completely washed away, so the next time the dough will not stick and tear when turning over. This explains all the incidents and failures of cooking dishes in a new frying pan.

Just the product has not had time to "get used", and that's why you do not get pancakes, although the dough is prepared correctly, and all the ingredients are added in the right amount.

Some effective tips:

  1. For frying pancakes, it is best to use a separate pan and not use it for cooking other dishes.
  2. If the pancakes stick to the Teflon surface, in this case a bit of boiling water is pre-added to the dough.
  3. It is not necessary to wash a cast-iron frying pan with a special tool after each frying. It is enough to wipe it with a soft cloth, using a small amount of salt.
  4. Do not use too much oil. It is enough to lubricate the surface with a cut potato, moistened in oil and planted on a fork. Instead of the usual butter or vegetable oil, you can use regular fat. To do this, cut off a small piece of salsa, put it on the fork and lubricate the product before starting the frying and every two or three pancakes.
  5. The cast iron product needs a good warm-up on high heat. Insufficiently heated frying pan can also cause unsuccessfully cooked pancakes. Therefore, before starting the frying, the product must be heated, before oiling the surface with oil.

The correct dough

If the pancakes are torn when frying, this indicates that somewhere you have committed an oversight, and the recipes of the dish have not been respected by all rules.

  1. The first such cause may be too liquid dough. Of course, too thick a mass, too, will not please you with delicate gentle pancakes, and the dish will look more like hard rubber fritters. However, if the pancakes are torn and do not turn over, then the correct proportions of all the ingredients included in the composition have been violated.
  2. In case, if too much soda is added to the dough, be prepared for various troubles during cooking. It is this component that makes the consistency of the dish more friable. Therefore, if your pancakes fall apart in a frying pan, most likely, you overdid it with the addition of soda and poured more ingredients than required by the recipe.
  3. Another reason for an unsuccessful culinary experiment may be a lean dough. What is lacking in such a mixture is vegetable oil, which in future will prevent the burning and sticking of pancakes to the surface of the frying pan. After adding oil, the dough needs a thorough and rhythmic stirring. And even in the process of frying, do not forget to periodically shake the pancake with a special whisk so that the added oil does not accumulate on the surface of the mixture.


  • If the pancakes stick and tear, then the dough has not yet had time to "come up," and the gluten, due to which the dough becomes elastic, did not show its full effect. To do this, the mixture should take a little bit, after which you can safely proceed to bake golden pancakes.
  • Insufficient number of eggs can also be the cause of the breakdown of pancakes. Add one more egg to the dough, but remember that the more this ingredient contains, the harder you get pancakes.
  • If the dough is too liquid, do not immediately add flour. It is necessary to take an additional container, pour a small part of the mixture, add flour and mix thoroughly the resulting composition to avoid the appearance of lumps. The resulting mass is connected with the test and once again we mix everything.
  • Mix the dough using slightly warmed milk, diluted with water in 1: 1 proportions.
Pancakes fall apart also in those cases when various flavor components, such as cocoa or vanillin, are added to the dough.
Want to avoid these troubles? Then reduce the use of these ingredients to a minimum and do not abuse large amounts of soda and sugar.

Secrets of the correct preparation of pancakes

If you do not get pancakes, you probably did not take into account some important nuances that can significantly affect the quality characteristics of the dish. In order to avoid possible incidents, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the main secrets of making delicious and fragrant pancakes:

  • We do not advise to replace ordinary chicken eggs with a special egg powder. Such an alternative can spoil the taste of the whole dish. In addition, it is the chicken eggs that make it possible to make pancakes thin, airy and delicate.
  • As a basis for the test, it is best to give preference to simple purified water. If you want to experiment and add to the dough absolutely unusual liquids, such as juices, kvass or beer, then be prepared for the fact that the result is unlikely to justify your hopes and will please with the delicious taste of delicacies.
  • But experimenting with the choice of flour is not just possible, but even necessary. Many of us are used to using banal wheat varieties, while there are others in the assortment that will only improve the taste of the cooked dish. Pay attention to corn, buckwheat and even oat flour. A wonderful fusion will come if you mix several varieties in one dish at once.
  • Another reason for burning and sticking pancakes is the presence of lumps in the test, which are formed due to non-compliance with certain rules. The flour must be sieved beforehand, then add it to the dough in small portions, constantly stirring the mixture with a whisk. If possible, it is better to replace the corolla with an electric mixer.
  • When choosing suitable dishes, you need to take into account that Teflon frying pans are absolutely not designed for frying pancakes. An excellent option will be a cast-iron product, which heats more evenly, thus preventing further burning of the dish.
  • It's important to learn how to turn pancakes correctly. If the top side did not have time to "grab", then turn the treat on the other side will be extremely difficult, without damaging its integrity. To make it easier for you to turn a pancake, walk along its circumference with a knife, lifting the edges. So the dough will be much easier to give, and on the surface of the pan will not remain sticky pieces of pancake.
  • May 13, 2018
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