What causes inflammation of the rectum and what treatment is needed

A serious colon disease is an inflammation of the rectum or proctitis. The insidiousness of this ailment lies in the inconspicuous flow and absence of significant symptoms.

If the time does not reveal the disease, then the victim is expected to have serious consequences. That is why it is necessary to diagnose inflammation of the rectum in time in order to avoid the appearance of accompanying problems.

Proctitis is characterized by an inflammatory process of the rectal mucosa, which is the final part of the large intestine.

As a rule, the disease is caused by a pathogenic flora that penetrates from the upper parts of the digestive tract or through the anus from the genitals.


  • Provocative factors

    Clinical forms and symptoms

    • Acute form
    • Chronic form
  • Diagnosis of the disease
  • Therapeutic measures
    • Help yourself
  • Ration during treatment
  • Complications and consequences
  • Prevention of violation

Factor provocators

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There are several factors that cancause inflammation of the rectum in the human body:

  1. Incorrect food .Excessive consumption of spicy and salty foods, as well as alcoholic beverages, is a sure step towards the onset of the disease. Therefore, it is necessary to refrain from alcohol and switch to a healthy diet.
  2. Chronic constipation and hemorrhoids .In this case, connivance is not allowed, otherwise the situation can significantly worsen.
  3. Various venereal diseases and parasites .
  4. Weakened immune system .It is a passive cause, which increases the chances of proctitis. Thus, you need to maintain the body in a healthy state and try to avoid stress. Not bad strengthen the immunity of various vitamin complexes, the use of which should be agreed with the doctor.

Clinical forms and symptoms

There are two types of inflammation of the rectum. The acute form of the disease is rare and can occur suddenly. In this case, the surface layer of the rectal mucosa is affected.

In the absence of treatment and treatment, the disease will become chronic. This form of the disease develops for a long time. However, the consequences lead to sad consequences for the entire mucosa of the rectum.

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Acute form of

In acute inflammation of the rectum, there are painful sensations in the region of the anus, which intensify during emptying.

When defecating, there are also pain, blood and purulent discharge. An acute variety of the disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, poor health and frequent diarrhea or constipation.

There are four types of acute inflammation depending on the nature of the lesion of the rectum mucosa:

  • catarrhal-hemorrhoidal - the occurrence of pinpoint hemorrhages;
  • catarrhal-purulent - formation of purulent secretions inside the rectum;
  • polyposis - the appearance of polyps on the mucosa;
  • erosive - on the surface of the rectum ulcerous defects and erosion are formed.

Chronic form

In contrast to the acute form, chronic inflammation of the rectum in humans is much more common, there are almost no obvious symptoms, but some local signs can be identified depending on the stage of the course.

During a period of exacerbation, pain or discomfort in the area of ​​the rectum is sometimes felt. During remission, mucus is released during defecation. Also, a person with chronic inflammation of the rectum has chronic constipation.

There are two types of chronic proctitis:

  • atrophic - there is a narrowing of the rectal mucosa while smoothing the folds;
  • hypertrophic - thickening of rectum stores is observed.

Diagnosis of the disease

It is possible to detect the disease after consulting a proctologist and conducting clinical trials. Often, the diagnosis is performed in those cases when the patient has an acute or chronic form of inflammation of the rectum.

Types of diagnostic studies:

  1. Rectal analysis of the rectum by hand .The proctologist puts on hands sterile gloves, then the index finger penetrates the anal opening of the patient to assess the functioning of the sphincter, the mucosa and the walls of the rectum, as well as neighboring organs. In addition, the doctor is studying the discharge from the anus. Rectal analysis causes unpleasant sensations for the patient, therefore it should be performed by an expert accurately and quickly.
  2. Rectoscopy .The method of implementation is almost the same as the previous method. The only difference is the use of a rectoscope - a special tool in the form of a metal tube with a micro-camera. Compared with rectal analysis, which is performed manually, rectoscopy has more advantages, because the proctologist can examine the walls of the rectum and sigmoid colon. For small patients, the rectoscope is injected under anesthesia.
  3. Biopsy of the rectal mucosa .The proctologist under the microscope examines the material obtained as a result of performing rectoscopy. It is a very effective method of diagnosis.
  4. Stool analysis .It allows to determine the presence of blood in feces and to reveal pathogenic bacteria.

Therapeutic measures

After revealing the inflammation of the rectum during the diagnosis, serious attention should be paid to the healing process in order to avoid the development of the disease. As a rule, the therapy is performed in the dispensary with medications.

However, in severe forms of the disease, treatment should be performed in the hospital.

In case of medical treatment, the proctologist appoints a number of antibacterial and antiviral drugs, which must neutralize the pathogens that caused the inflammation of the rectum depending on the causative agent of the disease.

To reduce pain and muscle spasms, as well as the injection of stools, drugs that suppress muscle spasms and antihistamines should be taken. A good effect is no-shpa.

Help yourself

Treatment of inflammation of the rectum is also performed with the help of cleansing and therapeutic enemas. Artificial cleansing of the intestine should be done every day, after which it is possible to proceed to treatment enemas.

As a solution, it is recommended to use infusion of chamomile, calendula, collage and sea-buckthorn oil.

Healing enemas can reduce inflammation and irritation, and also neutralize the infection. For the destruction of pathogens, sedentary baths should be taken with conventional manganese.

It is impossible to get rid of proctitis without dietary nutrition. It is necessary to refrain from taking sharp, salty and fatty foods to prevent irritation of the mucous membrane of the rectum.

You should also refrain from sweet, fruits and vegetables for a certain time. Contraindicated in the use of any alcoholic beverages.

Diet during treatment

For breakfast it is recommended to eat an egg-white omelette, a thin manna or thick porridge with a small addition of butter, and also a cottage cheese.

During lunch you can eat chopped boiled meat, fish, chicken cutlets, and from liquid dishes - low-fat meat broths and vegetable soups. After the end of the meal, a glass of jelly will not damage the intestinal mucosa.

You can have supper with porridges on the water with boiled cutlets from low-fat meat, white stale bread and sour cream with a curd. With chronic inflammation of the rectum, it is necessary to engage in strengthening immunity and removing inflammatory symptoms.

It is recommended to undergo treatment in a sanatorium-resort setting. Getting rid of the chronic form of the disease is carried out in an outpatient clinic.

Patients are not recommended to stay in the sitting position for a long time to avoid weakening of the pelvic muscles and blood stagnation. Despite the severe forms of the disease, it is necessary to perform a certain minimum of physical exertion.

Complications and consequences of

If the doctor does not consult a doctor in time after finding typical symptoms, then the probability of the transition of the disease to a chronic form is high.

Also in the absence of treatment for inflammation of the rectum, the following complications will appear:

  • inflammatory processes of tissues located in the rectal area;
  • inflammatory processes of the sigmoid colon;
  • formation of tumors in the large intestine.

Prevention of violation of

In order not to treat inflammation of the rectum and dangerous complications, it is necessary to take preventive measures.

For this, it is necessary to contact the doctor in time when there is a disease of the gastrointestinal tract and inflammatory processes in adjacent organs.

The diet should limit the intake of spicy, fatty and fried foods. It is recommended to completely abandon alcoholic beverages and from smoking.

It is important to take care of genital hygiene and protection during intercourse.

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  • Mar 05, 2018
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