Variations of bunches from long hair

To whom is this stacking suitable?
  • Classic bundle: advantages and disadvantages
  • Hairstyles with a roller and a bagel: original styling for every day
  • Careless hair curls from curly locks
  • Bulk tufts: play against the contrast of audacity and romance
  • A bunch is one of the most popular and simple hairstyles that is equally in demand asat young persons, and at ladies at the age of. Women sympathize with this styling because it is created quite simply, but at the same time looks solemn. What kind of bunch for long hair is considered the easiest to perform, and is it suitable, for example, for a wedding image? We tell in our article.

    Who is suitable for such a styling?

    Stylish hairstyle bun is suitable for almost any woman, but it looks especially elegant if the lady has a long neck. If the woman's neck is too short, she should choose an understated version of the hairstyle, which also looks stylish, interesting. What other recommendations can you give to passionate fans of similar patterns?

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    • If a girl has a big height or excess weight, she should avoid stretched tufts at the very top, since such hairstyles only accentuate the existing features of the figure.
    • Women with a round type of face should prefer careless styling, in which from the beam will be beaten strands, carefully framing the face.
    • . If a lady thinks that she has too long face, she should not give preference to smoothly picked up hair and heavily stretched bundles, as they will only pay attention to this drawback.
    • Complex bunches are suitable if the lady wants to hide too wide a forehead or a flattened shape of the skull.

    There are several dozens of such secrets and nuances, and therefore, in order to pick up the perfect beam, a woman should regularly experiment with his species.

    Classic beam: advantages and disadvantages

    Create a beautiful beam can be at home in just 5-10 minutes if you have a certain skill. So, what is needed for this:

    1. The first thing to do is to carefully comb the hair back, fastening them with a rubber band in the manner of a high tail.
    2. Next, wrap the curls around the gum, holding the ends.
    3. The tips themselves need to be tucked into a bun, fixing the hair in several places with the help of invisible ones.
    4. It only remains to fill the pile with varnish, so that the hair does not get out of the beam during the day.
    5. The bunch itself can be decorated with a ribbon or an unusual hair clip.

    Such a hairstyle is universal and suitable for almost any type of face. If the girl has a round or rectangular face, then she should abandon the classical styling in favor of a careless bunch, which is created from curled strands.

    Of course, the main advantage of this styling is its versatility. A simple bunch looks great within the framework of everyday style, but if you add to it a beautiful hairpin or ornament from flowers, you can get a bright festive image, which is suitable even for a wedding bow.

    If the classic version of the hairstyle seems too boring, the girl can experiment with it a little, creating a bundle of braid:

    1. To do this, you must also comb the curls back, making a high pony tail.
    2. Next, from the tips it is necessary to weave the braid, using either standard 3 strands, or 5-6 straight away.
    3. When the scythe is finished, it must be wrapped around the gum and fix the tips inside the bundle.

    The resulting hairstyle looks much more original. To add creativity, a lady can pre-weave a ribbon or flowers in a braid, making her image inimitable and bright.

    Hairstyles with a roller and a bagel: original styling for every day.

    . A bun with a donut is an extremely popular hairstyle that can be found on red carpet and everyday fashionistas. Such a styling is performed using a special lining, which visually resembles a bagel.

    The hair should be laid in such a way:

    • for the beginning it is necessary to comb curls back, having fastened them with an elastic band in the manner of a high tail;
    • further, it is necessary to pass a bagel or roller through the strands;
    • now on a bagel you need to wind the strand behind the strand until all of them are on this device;
    • tips must be carefully hidden inside the roller, grabbing the hair in problem areas with the help of invisible;
    • at the final stage the bundle must be sprinkled with varnish, so that the curls do not get out of the hairdo.

    The main advantage of such a styling is that the lady can create a voluminous and original hairstyle with her own hands, without making any special efforts.

    To bunch a long hair with a roller looked even more original, a lady must first carefully comb all the strands from the roots to the very tips. After that, the locks will also be attached to the platen, but at the same time the styling will be a little careless and more voluminous. On the vertex, you can fix an unusual hairpin or ornament from real flowers, so that the hairdress seemed even more festive, interesting.

    Of course, modern women of fashion are experimenting with such a hairdo and its shape. For example, you can create a bun with a donut not in the center of the head, but on the side, making the image more cocky. The technology here is the same:

    1. Locks should be carefully combed by fastening them in the tail on the right or left side.
    2. Next, it only remains to wind on the roller curls, making your image is underlined by the original.
    3. If a woman wants to smooth out a slightly daring hairstyle, she can leave one large strand free to hang, first curling it. In this case, the curl will elegantly frame the face, emphasizing the beauty of the cheekbones.

    Careless curly hair curly curls

    Curly hair is not an obstacle to creating a spectacular beam. Moreover, with the help of wavy strands you can create an effective styling in the style of the Hollywood red carpet.

    1. The first thing you need to do is apply the foam on wet hair and evenly distribute it.
    2. Next, dry the curls, using a hair dryer and a round hairbrush.
    3. If the hair is naturally wavy, they can be immediately twisted into a bundle. If not, then straight strands must be wound on the tongs. The goal in this case is to create non-curly curls, but rather elegant waves.
    4. Once the strands are ready, they need to be assembled in the tail, fastening the elastic at the top of the head.
    5. The technology is the same as when creating a standard beam: curls are threaded through the elastic several times, but in the case of a careless hairdo at the final stage, the strands should be left to loosen freely in the form of a loop. Now it remains only to bind the styling with the help of invisible and pour it with lacquer.

    When creating such a hairstyle the beam acquires an unusual shape, looks both careless and extremely attractive. A girl can decorate it with a hair clip or rim, creating an inimitable and solemn image.

    Another great way of laying is a low bunch with curly hair. Stages of work with hair when creating a similar stacking:

    1. You should carefully comb your curls, attaching them to the low tail with a simple rubber band.
    2. Next, you need to twist the ends of each strand, starting to pass through the hair through the elastic band.
    3. When the curls are passed through the elastic several times, it will be necessary to fix the ends with invisible objects, decorating the hairdo with a ribbon or a hair clip.
    4. Now it only remains to fill the hairdo with varnish to fix it.

    This laying is created literally in 10 minutes, but it looks very complicated, and at the same time incredibly beautiful. If a lady wants to make her image more romantic, she can leave a pair of pryas on both sides, carefully curling them. As a result, the styling is suitable for both the evening image and the everyday bow.

    Volumetric beams: play on the contrast of audacity and romance

    How to make a beam that will look bulky and feminine? This question asked girls who do not want to constantly walk with a smooth, taken curls. Not all fair-haired women are approached by strict hairstyles, in which all the strands are laid in a tall bundle. In this case, voluminous variations of the beams come to the aid of the girls, which look very bright, perfectly fitting into the everyday image of the modern fashionista.

    There are the following popular ways of creating 3D beams:

    • can be made using carefully combed strands that are assembled into the tail and fixed with varnish in a chaotic manner;
    • an ideal version of the beam can be created and with the help of chaotic twisting of previously curled strings;
    • volume beams are created and with the help of several braids, securely fastened on the crown of the head by invisible objects.

    Perhaps, the easiest way to achieve an original and voluminous hairstyle is to pre-brush each knot from the roots and to the tips.

    1. Naches should be performed with a comb with small denticles.
    2. Next, the strands need to be intercepted by an elastic band on the vertex and begin to pass them through the elastic band.
    3. When all the strands are skipped in this way, the remaining tips will have to be fixed by invisible ones.

    Also, a lady can go the other way:

    1. She needs to scratch curls, fastening them with an elastic band.
    2. Then just scroll around her combed hair ends.
    3. This laying is to be fixed by invisible objects in several places, after which to fill with varnish for its maximum fixation.

    The result is unlikely to disappoint even those girls who have by nature very thin and liquid hair, because the hair will get a three-dimensional, and most importantly, original. You can decorate it with a pair of hairpins.

    If a lady dreams of a complicated image with a chaotic interlacing of curls in the form of a beam, then she should:

    1. Curl in advance, then fasten most of the elastic band. Strongly fix the curls is not worth it, leaving a couple of them free to hang.
    2. Now it is necessary to pass through the elastic band every wavy strand separately, carefully fixing it with invisible in a chaotic manner. Of course, the hairstyle will require a lot of effort and time to create it, but the resulting bunch will be extremely original and beautiful.
    3. You can decorate it with an unusual barrette or several beautiful invisible crystals. However, the laying itself is usually so bright and original that it does not require any additional decorative delights.

    Such a complicated piling is best for a wedding celebration, as it will give the bride a femininity. In addition, fixing the veil on such an intricate bundle will not be difficult.

    Beam creation is a routine procedure for many women who can not imagine their everyday image without this simple laying. However, after experimenting a little with her hairstyle, a woman can make a real work of art from a bunch, adapting the style even to the wedding image. Related Videos:

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