How and what to properly wash the nose

The onset of cold weather, the spread of influenza and respiratory diseases makes people look for effective and inexpensive methods of treating and preventing colds. Than it is possible to wash a nose in house conditions if in drugstores the set of already ready medical products is on sale and whether it will be more effective?

  • Indications
  • Contraindications
  • How can I wash
  • Home remedies
  • Medications
  • How to properly
  • To a child
  • When pregnant
  • For the prevention of

To some extent, medicines make patients lazy. It is much easier to drip or splash your nose than to wash it. However, most drops eliminate the common cold only by narrowing the vessels, absolutely without affecting the cause of rhinitis.

Nasal flushing or irrigation of the nasal cavity is performed by special solutions with the help of special devices. It makes it easier to remove accumulated mucus from the nose, has bactericidal and anti-allergic effects, reduces swelling and inflammation of the mucosa, moisturizes it, increases the tone of the capillaries of the nose.
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The procedure is recommended for the treatment and prevention of diseases such as rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, as well as:

  • ARVI, ARI, influenza;
  • of the frontitis;
  • etmoidite;
  • allergic rhinitis, etc.

Nasal irrigation at the first signs of acute respiratory and viral infections prevents further spread of microbes, contributes to a more easy flow of the disease and speedy recovery. With allergic diseases, particularly pollinosis and seasonal rhinitis, it is useful to wash off pollen irritating the nasal mucosa, then the course of the disease is a little easier without medication.

The effectiveness of drugs for the treatment of the nasal cavity( drops, sprays, ointments) after washing is significantly increased due to the fact that they are accessed directly to the mucosa, and not withdrawn back when blowing.

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Despite the obvious benefit of irrigation, it is not recommended to wash the nose with:

  • nasal diseases accompanied by frequent nasal bleeding;
  • tumors of the nasal cavity of various etiologies;
  • exacerbations of chronic otitis media or acute inflammation of the middle ear;
  • obstruction of nasal passages;
  • intolerance to solution components;
  • epilepsy( rinsing can provoke an attack).
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Than you can flush

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Home remedies

  • Sea salt solution is an excellent antimicrobial agent. In 200 milliliters of warm boiled water, dissolve 0.5 teaspoons of salt. Use a solution with increased salt concentration is not necessary, otherwise it will dry out the mucous membrane too much. Sea salt can be replaced by ordinary cooking with the addition of the same amount of soda and 1-2 drops of iodine. Prepared at home, the saline solution is sometimes replaced with sterile saline in ampoules or vials of 200 or 400 milliliters. If there is no way to prepare a solution or buy sodium chloride in the pharmacy, then Borjomi mineral water without gas will be suitable.
  • Herbal medicinal herbs relieve inflammation, moisturize and disinfect the nasal mucosa. If there is no allergy to chamomile, sage, calendula, St. John's wort and eucalyptus, they can be used to prepare a solution. Herbs are mixed in equal proportions( mixtures can be used if desired).A teaspoon of the mixture is poured into a glass of steep boiling water and allowed to stand under the lid, strain, irrigate the nose with a warm solution every 1.5-2 hours.
  • Hydrogen peroxide has an antiseptic effect. In a warm boiled water add one tablespoon of peroxide solution. Rinse the nose every 2 hours.
  • Warm water with honey disinfects, softens and moisturizes the mucous membrane. Half a cup of water is added 1 teaspoon( without a slide) of honey. Wash your nose every 1.5-2 hours. For the same purpose apply a solution of warm water and 10-15 drops of alcohol tincture of propolis.

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  • Furacilin washes the nose both at home and in the ENT cabinets in the treatment of sinusitis. The drug inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the nasopharynx( green, yellow or milky discharge from the nose indicates their active reproduction).The tablet of furacilin must be crushed into a powder and dissolved in a glass of hot boiled water, allow to cool to 40 ° C, then rinse the nose with the resulting solution. Similar properties are possessed by Iodinol, Dekasan, Metrogil.
  • Nasal shower Aqualor, Aqua Maris spray, Humer, Marimer, Kvix contain natural sterile water from the Adriatic Sea, the Atlantic Ocean or similar to it. They help to remove mucus, reduce inflammation, swelling and bacterial population of the mucosa, soften, moisturize the crusts. For prophylaxis, daily 4-6 washings of each nostril are carried out, in the acute period up to 12 procedures per day are allowed.
  • Chlorhexidine .The aqueous solution has antiseptic and bactericidal properties. In dentistry and ENT practice it is recommended to wash the nose, oral cavity and nasopharynx with 0.05-0.1% solution 2-3 times a day.
  • Dolphin kit for washing the nose. The composition includes an irrigator bottle of 240 milliliters and packets of medicinal substance( dry extract of dogrose, licorice and saline solution), calculated for one portion. The bottle is filled with boiled water heated to 35-40 ° C, the contents of one package are poured, covered with a lid, shaken well until the powder is completely dissolved. Holding his breath, one nostril is irrigated, then the other.
  • For sinusitis, laryngitis, tonsillitis and other diseases of the nasopharynx, you can rinse the nose with Miramistin .The solution has antiseptic, antibacterial( streptococci, staphylococcus), antifungal effect. Irrigation is carried out after careful removal of pus and mucus from the sinuses 4-6 times a day. Miramistin analogues are Ophthalin, Okomistin, etc., drops that can be used for the nose, eyes and ears.
  • Aminocaproic acid to wash the nose is recommended even to children. It has anti-edematous, antiallergic, bactericidal and antiviral effects, strengthens the capillaries of the nasal cavity, well displays snot. The solution is instilled into 3 drops in each nostril 3-4 times a day for the prevention of diseases and every 2 hours in an acute period.
  • Rinse the nose Dioxydin is prescribed for sinusitis and other acute purulent-inflammatory processes of the nasopharynx. The drug is used with extreme caution under the constant supervision of the attending physician, only adults and no more than 4-5 times a day.
  • Chlorophyllipt can be instilled in the nose in the form of an oily solution or washed with water. A similar antibacterial and moisturizing qualities is possessed by the drug Malavit.
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Read also what are the sprays and drops in the nose with antibiotics and in what cases should they be used
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How to use

You can wash your nose at home in several ways:

  1. Pull your head slightly to one side, open your mouth, pinch one nostril, hold your breath and pour a warm solution into the second nostril. The spent mixture will flow through the mouth. The same manipulations are performed with another nostril.
  2. Actions are similar to the first method, but the nostrils are not clamped, and the solution flows out of the second stroke, located below.
  3. Rinse the nose with a small syringe with a soft tip or a disposable syringe without a needle( better 10-20 milliliters).To do this, the head is pulled slightly forward over the sink( the chin should be parallel to the floor).Collect the solution in a syringe or syringe and inject it under pressure into one of the nostrils. The same is done with the second one.
  4. If all of the above methods are unacceptable for some reason, then the rinse aid can be put in the palm of your hand, bent over the sink and draw in the liquid with your nose.
  5. Another safe method is to tilt your head back, drip your nose with a lot of solution. Then blow your nose good.
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Quite often young moms are afraid to wash the nose of a baby at home, although nothing complicated in this. The child spreads on one side( not on his back, otherwise he may be drowned by a solution or swallowed it) and gently instill the prepared warm liquid into one nostril. They allow to lie down for 30-40 seconds, then raise the head or the entire child so that the solution flows outward. Also do the second side. The remaining liquid can be soaked with cotton buds or removed by suction.

Children over the age of a year wash the nose in an upright position. For this, the child leans over the basin, turns his head slightly to one side, and one of the parents irrigates his nasopharynx with a ready spray or harvested saline solution from the syringe. Another way to put the child in the hands of the parent, sit down to the sink and keep the child's chin strictly horizontally rinse the nose with a syringe.

Some mummies try to dig in or wash the nose to children with breast milk. This is categorically forbidden for a cold caused by bacteria or viruses, since milk is an excellent nutrient medium for them.

Literally from the first days of life, a child can be washed with an isotonic solution( saline solution) or preparations based on it. It is better not to use home-made fluids, since a high salt content will dry the tender mucous membrane of the baby's nasopharynx. The natural isotonic composition with excellent antiseptic and antibacterial qualities and the optimum temperature has urine( an unjustifiably forgotten natural remedy).Use to wash the child only needs his urine.

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When pregnant

Runny nose during pregnancy is a fairly common phenomenon and it is not always associated with a cold. This can be vasomotor rhinitis, which is due to hormonal changes in the body and increased body weight, when the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx swells, making breathing difficult.

An allergic rhinitis usually appears in the spring-summer period, when mass flowering of plants begins, and the female organism is sensitive to pollen in a delicate position.

It is not only possible to wash your nose with pregnant women, but you also need it. This procedure will help to remove the accumulated mucus from the nasal sinuses, wash allergens and harmful microorganisms, strengthen the walls of the vessels, soften and moisten the mucous membrane. For solutions it is recommended to use herbal decoctions, salt compounds, peroxide, laundry soap, honey( if it is not allergic), mineral water. Drugs for nasal lavage are prescribed only by the attending physician.

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For prophylaxis of

Prevention of any cold and viral diseases, allergic reactions is recommended to begin with the washing of the nose. It can be just warm water, water, salt, soda and iodine, saline solution and other means. In addition, irrigation of the nasopharynx perfectly prepares the mucosa for the introduction of other medications( ointments, drops, sprays), significantly facilitates the course of the disease, shortens the time for recovery.

  • May 13, 2018
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