How to draw a daisy in pencil step by step? Drawing daisies with a pencil for painting

Step-by-step drawing lessons in pencil and watercolor daisies.

We have prepared for you several master classes for drawing pencils of delicate and beautiful daisies. Try to "grow" in your album one or more colors.

Daisies look beautiful in the bouquet

Let the daisy inspire and rivet the looks of your friends. And if the pencil drawings do not attract you, then use the step-by-step lesson drawing daisies with watercolor. Rather arm yourself with a simple pencil and for work!

How to draw a daisy in pencil step by step?

First, look at the photos of the daisies to understand and remember the shape of the flower, the leaves and what stems it can have.

Floristic compositions from daisies
instagram viewer

Daisies are double. They are very beautiful, but for beginners the drawing of an ordinary daisy is better.

So, we learn to draw daisies.

1. With light movements of the pencil( later we make all the successful lines darker), we draw the original contours of the three daisies.

Draw circles for daisy centers, and stems

2. Draw three lines of future stems. One of the lines must be longer than the others. At the top of each stem, draw a small circle - the core of the flowers. We outline short leaves.

3. Let's start drawing petals. First we will draw curved non-overlapping lines, and then we will finish the tops of the petals. The shape of the petals is an elongated oval. It will not be difficult to draw it, if you are careful and do not hurry.

Draw the petals of

4. Let's give the volume to the hearts of daisies. From the bottom of each circle draw strips in the form of smiles from the dots. In the lowest part there should be the most points to create a semicircular volumetric form. Shade a few strokes of some areas on the petals.

Darken the drawing of

5. We darken the stalk lines. We will draw small leaves. Daisies are ready!

Variant of the second

We draw the symbol of Italy - an elegant flower daisy - in accordance with a phased scheme.

Step 1:

  • Beginning artists ignorantly make the mistake of starting to draw flowers from the petals and the core. At a time when you need to first make a markup and with some light strokes to identify areas in which flowers will be located.
  • So the picture "fit" into the sheet and will not go beyond the boundaries. Therefore, the first step is to start marking.
  • Let's mark with three lines stems, small strokes - leaves, and three large circles and small circles inside - flowers. Stems will be drawn inclined to the sides.
  • Circles occupy most of the sheet. They will help us draw symmetrical and even petals inside each circle.
  • The sizes of ovals can differ from each other: on one bunch of daisies different flowers can form.
Drawing the original contours of

Step 2:

  • Inside each of the circles, we begin to draw petals. They can be superimposed on each other, the edges of some petals may extend beyond the boundary of the circle.
  • We also draw the leaves: on both sides of the dashed lines, with which we denoted the leaves, we will draw one more curved line. The tops of the leaves are pointed, and with a broad base they are attached to the stem.
Drawing the petals and leaves

Stage 3:

  • We proceed to the details of the original contours: we will introduce the lines of the petals and specify the shape of the leaves. Erase additional lines.
  • In the heart of each daisy, draw a "smile" from the dots facing up. In this way, we will create the effect of the texture surface of the middle of the flower.
Specify the shape of the leaves

Step 4:

  • It remains to shade some areas: with dashed lines: paint the petals, leaving some areas light.
  • Add the hatching to the tops of the leaves and to the shaded side of the stem.
Getting Started Tinting
Ready-made drawing

How to draw a daisy in watercolor?

In pencil we learned to draw daisies. Let's start drawing with watercolor.

For work we need watercolor paper. It is sufficiently dense, therefore it will not "become drowsy" after applying several strokes with a wet brush.

1. Let's start with the outlines. Opened daisy flower is round in shape. Our flower fits perfectly into the triangular contour. In order not to spoil the paper, try to repeat all the lines on the draft for the sake of skill.

Drawing the contours of the
  • When it's all right, go to drawing on watercolor paper: we are used to the fact that extra lines are easily erased, but when working with watercolors, every groove from the unsuccessful line will spoil the picture, making it sloppy and dirty.
  • As you can see, the petals are completely different in shape and size: some are long and narrow, others are short and wide, and others are generally twisted into a tube. And the core is not perfectly round.
  • Try to reproduce both long and very short petals that are near the core. The final result of the drawing, executed by watercolor, depends on how accurately you will pass the form in pencil.
  • Near the core - very short rudimentary petals. If you carefully repeat all the lines, you will be able to draw the same flower.
Let's start painting the petals
  • Let's draw a white daisy. But if you prefer a different color, you first need to paint the petals with the selected shade, and then proceed to the shadows.
  • We will paint over the patches inside the petals, and leave the edges white or, conversely, depending on how the light falls on the flower.
  • Cover the core with cadmium yellow, mixed with herbaceous green. The edges will be made orange, adding a little brown and letting the colors fade.
  • Denote the shape of the petals by adding paint between them. For the shadows, mix the blue with the purple color. The resulting shade will fill the lower part of the core and the most convex - the upper one.
  • When the flower dries, leave a damp brush on the background and paint it with dark paint.
Cover the background with a paint

How else can you draw a daisy? Bright and with leaves. Here is this:

This daisy and try to draw

1. Let's start with a pencil sketch. We will outline the entire composition: how many leaves will be, how long the flower will be and how the flower basket is located to the viewer.

Pencil sketch

2. The leaves of the daisy are small compared to the flower, they have the shape of a scapula. They are drawn upwards. The bud of a daisy of the round form. Select the core and draw the petals.

Let's begin painting over the leaves of

3. Let's start painting the leaves with green paint. We will impose smears in the direction of the veins. Lighted areas on leaves leave light or do not cover with paint.

4. For the plausibility of the picture, add a brown tint to the edge of one of the leaves and leave the paint to flow. The same will be done with the upper part of the stem.

Paint the core of

5. The core of the daisy is invariably yellow, but the bottom part is shaded a little brown.

Petals - gently pink

6. Let's get to the petals. They will be pale pink. From above leave the white stripes on each petal, and paint the edges and the underside of the petals with a delicate pink color. To select a shaded area, add a little crimson color to the petals.

Add a little crimson shade to the petals of

How to draw a daisy with children?

All the above methods of drawing daisies are not suitable for children. To the child is not disappointed and was able to draw a beautiful flower on the first attempt, ask him to reproduce the schematic drawing of a daisy. For example, this:

How to draw a daisy with children?
  • It will only be necessary to correctly arrange two circles, the middle of the colors on the sheet, to draw on them five petals.
  • Next, you need to stretch down from each flower along two lines - these are the stems.
  • Draw two more opposite to each other sharpened leaf and grass underneath. To paint a drawing the kid can at own discretion.

Drawing daisies for drawing

To make it easier for adults, we offer several options for daisy patterns for painting. Such schematic drawings can be easily transferred to the paper children, if you first tell them the sequence of drawing.

shape of petals and leaves Daisy
Daisy and bell
daisy common daisy daisy

Crumpled daisy
schematic drawing of daisies Bouquet of daisies
Large daisy
Simple drawing daisy

How to draw a bunch of daisies?

If the child asks you to help him draw a bouquet of daisies, then the next lesson is for you.

1. It's easy to draw a bouquet of flowers if you properly plan a preliminary outline of leaves and flowers. Using the main lines of this lesson, you can draw a bouquet of different colors: you just need to change the shape of the inflorescence, petals and coloring of flowers. The initial outlines are straight or inclined lines where there are leaves and stems, and circles on the spot of future colors.

Step 1

2. In each circle we draw the core. We shall specify the edges of the petals, making them simply undulating. You can add a few tulips to the bouquet: draw three towering above the rest of the flower with pointed petals.

Step 2

4. "Tying" the bouquet with a ribbon, let's make it festive. Draw a ribbon is not difficult: you need to draw two parallel lines at the bottom of the stems.

Step 4

5. For the beauty of the bouquet, draw it with the leaves of the fern: along the straight line we will draw many sharp segments. Draw the remaining leaves and a bunch of stems under the ribbon.6. Color the picture.

It must necessarily be bright, otherwise it will not be possible to convey the beauty of small daisies.
Step 6

Video: how to draw a daisy?

  • May 13, 2018
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