How many obstetric weeks, months of pregnancy do women leave for the decree in the Russian Federation, Ukraine? Can I go to the decree earlier or later than the due date?

On when to go to the decree of the future mother and what nuances of maternity leave are worth knowing and understanding - read in our article.


Maternity leave is granted to women even during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the birth of a child is a very important and important event in the life of a woman, it must be prepared in advance. In addition to this, pregnant women are much more difficult to withstand full-time work. Many women in the situation on the last terms become hard to do the usual routine work around the house, not to mention the eight- or twelve-hour working day. This is due to the complete restructuring and preparation of the organism for childbirth.

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In this article, we will tell you about the time from which the pregnant women are supposed to leave for the decree on the territory of the Russian Federation and Ukraine.

How long should maternity leave lasts - a burning issue for expectant mothers

How many obstetric weeks, months of pregnancy do women leave for the decree in Russia, Ukraine?

According to the latest information, pregnant women with a period of 7 months have the right to maternity leave in the Russian Federation, which is equal to 30 obstetric weeks of pregnancy.

Some cases worth noting separately:

  1. If the expectant mother expects a twinned or triple( according to ultrasound readings), then the maternity leave will be 194 days, of which 84 days are given before the birth and 110 days for the recovery and care of the child.
  2. If during childbirth it turns out that there will be two children, three or more, then another 54 days of additional leave are added to the usual period of maternity leave( 140 days).
  3. In the case of complex births, leave to take care of the child will be 16 days longer. This time is given for the recovery of the new mother's body.

Important! Premature birth( 20-33 obstetric weeks) determines the duration of maternity leave equal to 156 days from the moment the baby appears.

A doctor can recommend maternity leave before the statutory period

In Ukraine, cases with maternity leave are somewhat different.

  1. A pregnant woman for a period of 30 obstetric weeks has the right to go on maternity leave for a period of 152 days( 76 days before and after childbirth).
  2. Complicated birth or postpartum health problems allow a woman to take an additional 70 days of maternity leave to an existing one.

As you can see, the difference in the terms of maternity leave in Russia and Ukraine is insignificant.

How to calculate correctly when to go on maternity leave?

To understand how to calculate the beginning of maternity leave, you need to understand that nobody will voluntarily let you go on this holiday. To the employer provided you with it, you need a corresponding document - a certificate with a seal, certified by a gynecologist. This document is sent to the accounting department of your company or firm. Usually, the doctor himself indicates the beginning of maternity leave, relying on the number of fetuses in the pregnant woman, as well as her condition. In some cases, maternity leave is issued very early.

As we already mentioned, doctors traditionally leave maternity leave on the 30th maternity week.

Do not neglect rest and rest during pregnancy

Can I leave and how to get into a decree before 30 midwife weeks of pregnancy?

As we have already told, it is possible to go to the decree before 30 obstetric weeks! This can be done only on the basis of doctor's prescriptions and medical indications. If the pregnancy is good and serious complaints that imply referral to a hospital are not observed in a future mother, then the doctor marks 30 obstetric weeks for the beginning of the maternity period.

Can I leave the decree after the due date?

Depending on the desire and well-being of a future mother, going on maternity leave is possible later. If the doctor permits, the release date can be postponed for 2-5 weeks. Unfortunately, in some situations, a woman has to work almost up to the delivery itself. This is not the best way to affect her further health and recovery.

Maternity leave is issued separately from maternity leave

When go to the decree with multiple pregnancies?

If in pregnancy one fetus usually goes on maternity leave from the 30th obstetric week, then if the pregnancy is two or more fruits, the maternity leave becomes closer for 2 weeks.

This is important! With multiple pregnancies on vacation leave from the 28th obstetric week!

Video: Calculation of maternity leave

  • May 13, 2018
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