What is dangerous overheating of the child? What to do when overheating infants?

This article deals with the causes and consequences of child overheating, and how to help the baby with it.


  • Can I overheat a child?
  • Signs and Symptoms of Newborn Infant Heat
  • How not to overheat the newborn?
  • What if I have already overheated a newborn?
  • Can the temperature rise when the baby is overheated?
  • Overheating of the child's body in the bathroom
  • What happens if the child is overheated?
  • Consequences of child overheating
  • Child overheating Komarovsky
  • VIDEO: How to protect the baby from the sun?

Both an adult and a child under the influence of high temperature can overheat the body. It is necessary to understand how to act in such a situation.

A child is very warmly dressed

Is it possible to overheat a child?

Thermal shock - it can be called overheating of the body - occurs after a fairly long exposure to elevated temperatures per person, its body. Overheating is more likely to affect people with weakened immunity, elderly people, children.

instagram viewer

IMPORTANT: Children are exposed to a greater degree of heat shock due to an insufficiently formed mechanism of thermoregulation.

Overheating of the child can occur:

  • Due to dehydration of the child's body due to increased temperature during illness
  • In hot weather
  • With incorrect selection of clothes

IMPORTANT: The first symptoms of overheating may be hidden, not visible to the parents.

A child on the beach without a headdress

Signs and symptoms of a newborn baby

It is very important to quickly recognize the child's overheating in order to get rid of the factors that influenced its origin and avoid the severe consequences of this ailment.

Symptoms of child overheating can be as follows:

  • Child refuses to eat
  • Toddler torments thirst
  • Child becomes restless and whimsical
  • The baby constantly turns his head
  • The baby's skin turns red
  • The skin can turn pale even to turn blue
  • The body of the baby became hot
  • The body of the baby became wet
  • Sunken eyes
  • Sunken fontanelle
  • Dryness in the mouth area
  • The child's body became hot and dry
  • Toddler asperity
  • Toddler falls into a deep sleep
  • The child does not needchno tired
  • pant baby
  • weak pulse
  • Nosebleeds
  • possible vomiting
  • The baby fever
  • increased to 40 ° C or above body temperature

IMPORTANT: Signs of overheating the baby can become prickly heat and diaper rash. Parents should pay attention to this.

The child is crying heavily

How not to overheat the newborn?

Due to the fact that the consequences of overheating of the baby can be different, it is better not to let the child overheat, rather than then eliminate the problem.

At any time of the year, it is necessary to monitor the temperature regime of the room in which the baby is:

  • Comfortable temperature for the child is 18-22 ° C.You should not strongly wrap up the baby. In this temperature range, the toddler does not need a hat and additional socks.
  • . Do not place the baby's bed next to the
  • . It is necessary to constantly ventilate the room where the baby is.
. Ventilating the room.

. In case of a baby's illness, especially if it is accompanied by fever,special attention should be paid to drinking regimen:

  • Usually, a child refuses to eat during illness, but in no case should you refuse to drink. In the event of refusal to drink during elevated body temperature, dehydration of the body may occur, and as a consequence of its overheating, the
Child during illness drinks water

As for outdoor walks, the following rules should be followed:

  • The child should walk every day, whenever possible, regardless of the weather. This will help the small body to get used to and adjust to changing the temperatures of
  • . However, it is necessary to exclude walks on very hot summer days from 11 to 16 hours, and also in winter when the temperature drops below 15 ° C.
  • . At any time of the year, it is necessary to dress the baby in the weather, should notbe more layers of clothing than you have.
  • Eliminate synthetic clothing. It can create the effect of a bath. Preference is given to clothes made from natural fabrics - linen, cotton
  • The skin of the baby is very delicate, therefore to the sun it should get used gradually. Start with a few minutes a day, gradually increasing the time
  • Do not forget to offer a child to drink. It is better to exclude sweet drinks, juices. Preference should be given to ordinary water, mineral water without gases, cold tea. The amount of liquid drunk in hot weather should increase by one and a half to two times.
  • In hot summer it is better to limit walking in the shade
  • . The child should not be on the street without a hat. In the summer it should be - a panama, a scarf, a cap
A child in Panama

What if I have already overheated a newborn?

At the slightest suspicion of overheating the child should immediately call an ambulance.

If a newborn has overheating, it is necessary to exclude the factors that affected its origin:

  • If the overheating occurred in the summer on the street, then the child should immediately be carried to a shade or room where the temperature will be much lower than on the street
  • It is necessary to completely undress the baby,can only cover with a light diaper
  • Raise the baby's head, it is desirable that he took the position of reclining
  • In case of unconsciousness, try to bring to the senses of the baby with ammonia
  • If necessary, hold artificial respiration
  • For quick cooling of the child's body, you can use a diaper or a towel soaked in cold water. You can wipe the child's body or wrap it. At home, you can use a cool bath
  • You need to grind the pens and legs of the baby. During overheating, the circulation of the blood is disturbed.
  • . If the child is conscious, drink small amounts every 3-5 minutes in order to avoid vomiting.

IMPORTANT: All actions of others when the baby is warmly struck should be aimed at lowering the temperature of his body.

Babe drinks water in small portions

Can the temperature rise when the baby is overheated?

Very often there is an increase in the body temperature of the child when it overheats. In some cases, it can reach 42 ° C.

If the body temperature rises, you should immediately start knocking it down:

  • To begin with, you can use cold water rubs
  • If cold water does not help, take the antipyretic agent

IMPORTANT: If a sunstroke is applied to the thermal shock, paracetamol will not help,to.it is aimed at lowering the temperature in case the organism is affected by a virus or infection. If the cause of fever is inflamed skin, then it is better to use ibuprofen.

It should be remembered that the fever in a child after overheating can last several days.

Temperature rise due to overheating

Overheating of the child's body in the bathroom

When the child has not yet adjusted the thermoregulation process, it can overheat even due to hot water during bathing.

Parents should definitely monitor their child's well-being during bathing. In case of signs of overheating of the baby, water procedures should be immediately stopped and all measures taken to bring the child back to normal.

Bathing a child

What happens if the child is overheated?

About what will happen if we overheat the child we examined in the sections above when we talked about the signs and symptoms of a newborn baby overheating. The most important task of parents is not to bring the child to such a state.

The effects of child overheating

Symptoms of child overheating can be divided into three stages, therefore, the nature of the consequences of child overheating can be divided:

  • The mild stage is characterized by general malaise, weakness, child fatigue, refusal to eat, redness of individual parts of the body,body baby, sweating. Possible nausea, rapid breathing
  • The average severity of child overheating is characterized by fever, severe heat, fainting condition, dry skin of the baby. In children up to a year, overheating can be accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions
  • Severe overheating of the child occurs suddenly. This is a critical moment. The body temperature can rise to the maximum point, then abruptly start to fall. At the same time there is a sharp pale skin, up to blueing. The child can lose consciousness. Suddenly coma and even lethal outcome may occur.

IMPORTANT: The overheating stages very quickly replace one another. At the first signs of overheating of your baby, take all measures to exclude the factors that affect this disease.

Overheating in a child

Overheating of a child Komarovsky

Doctor Komarovsky says that when walking with a child parents should not be guided only by their own feelings - this is fundamentally important.

Not always comfortable to the child when comfortable to you. But the child will not always be able to convey your feelings, watch your baby.

Due to the immaturity of the children's body, it is difficult for children to lose their temperature with sweat - a weak heat transfer.

Symptoms of child overheating, as a rule, are sudden acute conditions. The first sign of child overheating is rapid breathing.

Emergency help for overheating

Factors contributing to the development of overheating from the outside:

  • Too hot
  • High air humidity
  • Nowhere to hide from sunlight
  • Excessive clothing

Internal factors contributing to overheating:

  • Fluid deficit
  • CNS diseases
  • Overweight
  • Immaturity of heat transfer mechanisms
  • CNS stimulators
  • Physical load

Prevention of child overheating in summer:

  • In the heat there is as little
  • AvoidedOverheating - Walking outdoors in hot weather is not advisable during the day, but only in the morning and evening hours.
  • . Avoid physical exertion in the heat.
  • . Use sunscreens
  • . Absorbed food should be in the evenings.
  • Drinking drink
  • . Daily bathing.
  • . Less meat and fats,more vegetables and fruits
  • Using air conditioners
  • Headgear and spacious, light, light clothing

Parents should organize child safety equipment at any time of the year.

Child in the summer at sea

Love your child, create good and right conditions for his growth, learn to feel it and then he will certainly please you with his health.

VIDEO: How to protect the baby from the sun?

  • May 13, 2018
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