Hairstyles for every day

  • Hairstyles for short hair
  • Hairstyles for long hair
  • Braiding spike around the head - video lesson
  • Useful advices

The owner of hair of any length during morning gathers thinks about choosing a hairstyle. I want the strands to lay smoothly and smoothly, but at the same time there is a desire to have a beautiful elegant styling. It is necessary to learn how to do everyday hairstyles on your own, so that at the right moment you can quickly get your head in order.

Hairstyles for short hair

Choosing the right haircut will solve the problem of daily styling at home. But even in this case I want to experiment. Girls with short hair are not provided with so many hair styles. But if you want, as well as the availability of packing materials, it will be possible to create a real masterpiece on your head.

  • The best option for short hair - square. Thanks to a hair dryer and a round brush, you can create an elegant image. To do this, you need to wash and dry your hair, slightly twisting the ends inside.
  • instagram viewer
  • Varied quads and helps.
  • You can add styling and romance using a curling iron. Get the image in a retro style. It makes sense to use hairpins, invisible, various rims.

There are many hairstyles for quads, but there is one nuance. It takes time to create the folds, so you'll have to get up early. Strands should always be clean, so the head needs to be washed daily or every other day. It is worth armed with iron and forceps, as well as stowage. You can experiment with bangs and parting, and also differently comb out the curls.

Haircutting Bob also helps to create new styling every day. Bob can be made lengthened. This option can be wound or left straight. Ideally even strands are suitable for every day.

Hairstyles for long hair

Owners of lush and luxurious head of hair can create interesting styling even every day. But more often girls do not have time or imagination, so you have to wear your hair loose. The most universal hairstyles are braids, tails and tufts.


Ideal for study and work. The hair is taken away, so do not interfere with the work process. The simplest variant is the usual braid of three strands. It can be decorated with ribbons or hairpins, which will decorate the hairstyle somewhat.

But it's better to choose more interesting weaving. Here are a few universal:

  1. Fish tail is a good alternative to an ordinary spit. To create this laying, you will need a brush made of natural bristles, as well as a hair clip. The fish tail looks great on smooth smooth curls. Therefore, it is better to first apply a spray or mousse on the strands to give smoothness.
    • comb the strands and slightly moisten with water;
    • divide the entire mass of hair into two equal parts;
    • to separate a small area from the left and throw it to the right;
    • on the right side take the same beam and transfer to the opposite side;
    • thus continue to weave to the end;
    • fix the tip of the braid with an elastic band.

    Fish tail can be disheveled. Then its texture will not be so noticeable, but the hair will become more fashionable, careless.

  2. Spike around the head. The usual spikelets quickly become boring, I want to diversify it. You can start weaving around the head. It looks spectacular. Hairstyle is suitable for thin hair.
    Scheme of weaving:
    • Wash and comb the strands. Highlight a small area above the ear. Divide it into three parts.
    • Weave a pigtail, with strings added to the left and right. Move towards the back of the head. There you need to fix the braid temporarily.
    • On the other hand, braid is the same pigtail.
    • At the back of the head, connect both spikelets. You can weave them together or make one bunch.
    • Fix the hairstyle.
  3. Bevel. If the curls in the face interfere, you can make a bezel out of them. To do this you need:
    • Comb your hair, select a section from one temple to another and fix it with studs.
    • Just behind the ear, select three small strands and begin to weave a large French braid. In this case, add only the hair from above.
    • Gently move towards the back of the head. The braid should not go aside, move or move out.
    • Then the hairstyle can be fixed or moved further, for example, the braid should be braided on the forehead.
    • Secure the stapling with the studs.

    It is recommended to immediately designate the place where the plaiting of the braid will end.

  4. Long curls can be quickly adjusted with a braid on the ends.
    Weaving scheme:
    • on the back of the head to select a section and divide into three sections;
    • twist strands, simulating the creation of a regular braid;
    • gently add hair to the hair on the right side, do not touch the strand on the left;
    • reach the end and secure with an elastic band;
    • can be slightly disheveled scythe.

Braiding spike around the head - video tutorial


A wide variety of tufts allows you to apply new styling every day. Stylists are constantly creating all the new options. The great advantage of beams is the speed of creation. Most of them can be done in 3-5 minutes.

In everyday styling, light negligence is valued, and tufts perfectly create it. Most Popular Versions:

  1. Using a "donut" or a cut off toe. In recent seasons, unusual accessories for hair have come into fashion - the so-called bagels. They make the bundle lush and round."Bagels" of different sizes are created for different lengths of hair. To make a hairdress is easy: just wrap the locks around the device, and if desired, pin it with studs. You can replace the special "bagel" with a cut off toe. A disheveled bunch. Make it very simple: just twist the curls in a tourniquet, and then lay at the base of the elastic. For reliability, the stapling needs to be pinned with studs.
  2. Bunch plus braids. Such a hairstyle will help to remove strands from the face. The weaving should begin at the level of the ears. Make two spikelets. Then connect the braids at the back of the head to a disheveled bunch. Pull out your fingers with separate hairs.
  3. Beam-loop. To create such a hairstyle, the hair needs to be washed and treated with a styling agent. After this, you need to make a tail, while the second time to completely pass the strands through the elastic does not need. A loop is obtained. It should be well spread by hand in the sides and disheveled. The tip of the hair sticking out from under the gum should be disguised with a beautiful hair clip. This styling looks elegant.
  4. Different bundles on the vertex, from the side, from below, on the back of the neck can also diversify everyday life. The decorations are also important: the finished structure can be decorated with ribbon or hairpins. Look good rims.


It's hard to imagine a hairstyle that is faster in execution than a tail. But he quickly gets bored. The tail can be diversified in the following ways:

  • Wrap the strand around the elastic band. The easiest method is to revitalize and update the styling.
  • Make the plaits. To do this, you need to divide the tail into two parts, and then twist them together. So that they do not untwist, it is necessary to comb the tips.
  • Intercept the tail with small rubber bands. If the hair is long, this method is very suitable. It should be at regular intervals to intercept the tail with elastic bands. Hairstyle should be slightly disheveled.
  • Another simple way is to make the tail not centered, but on the side.

Many variants of tails for every day can be worn in the office. For example, a short tail-loop perfectly fits into the dress code.

Useful tips

  1. The hair style should be combined with the general style of clothing and footwear. For example, in the office it is necessary to make strict and restrained hairstyles: tails, smooth bunches, babettes. It is better not to use jewelry. Even if there is no strict dress code, you should not allow yourself to take liberties. Loose strands at work interfere. It is better to replace them with a neat bundle or an unusual scythe.
  2. If laying is created in school, it is worth considering the style of clothing that is present there. Girls are more suited to braids, spikelets, various weaves.
  3. Even the creation of simple styling takes time. If it does not, it's worth cutting your hair shorter.
  4. Everyday hairstyles that can be easily made by hand, look good on well-groomed hair. Therefore, it is desirable to regularly use not only balsam, but also nutritious whey.
  5. Correctly selected hairstyle or haircut not only hides the imperfections of the face, but also refreshes the whole image.
  6. It is worthwhile to have a set of simple lay-ups in order to not hesitate at the right moment. These can be spits, bunches, unusual tails.
  7. Do not constantly use styling products. They weigh heavier hair, which contributes to its contamination. If you can not do without such foods, you should choose the easiest.

Thanks to a wide variety of everyday hairstyles, you do not have to puzzle over creating a low-key, but at the same time attractive image. Related Videos:

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  • May 13, 2018
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