What to fertilize strawberries in spring for a better harvest? Feeding strawberries after winter in early spring, before flowering, during flowering, organic and mineral fertilizers

Addition of strawberry in the spring.


  • How to feed strawberries immediately after winter in the spring?
  • How to feed strawberries in the spring before flowering and during flowering?
  • Strawberry in spring nursing iodine
  • Strawberry in the spring: care and feeding with boric acid
  • Feeding strawberries in spring folk remedies
  • Feeding strawberries with yeast
  • Feeding strawberries in spring chicken droppings
  • Feeding strawberries in the spring
  • What are fertilizer applications for strawberries in the spring?
  • Strawberry in spring nursing urea treatment
  • Integrated fertilizer for strawberry in spring
  • Foliar top dressing of strawberry in spring
  • Video: When to fertilize strawberries? Feeding strawberries in the spring

Spring has come, birds have sung, buds are opening on trees. This means that the time has come for strawberries. To get a good harvest, you need to properly care for and fertilize bushes from the earliest spring. About the rules of fertilizer you will learn here.

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How to feed strawberries immediately after winter in the spring?

  • In the early spring, when we have wintered strawberries, we remove the sawdust completely.
  • Cut old dry leaves.
  • We dig the soil under each bush.
  • Also cut off the old, sick, brown tops. We leave only the new one.
  • Be sure to check the condition of the neck( growth point) of the strawberry after frost. It should be slightly higher than 4-5 mm from the ground level.
  • To ensure that the strawberries do not rot, the growth point should be open. It is very important to properly feed strawberries in spring and regularly take care of this wonderful berry.
Fertilizer strawberry in the spring

The first fertilizing of strawberries is done in the spring, until flowers and buds are formed.

  • To begin with, we simply mop our strawberries, remove dry and old leaves. The first fertilizer is better to make a good and rich mullein, which is prepared with fresh cow cakes.
  • So, for our fertilizer, it is necessary to dilute 10 liters of water with 1 liter of fermented liquid mullein.
  • If you do not use mullein, then the first top dressing can be done with urea, that is carbamide. To do this, dilute to 10 liters of water 2 tbsp carbamide. This water 0,5 l for each plant bush.
  • About mullein, you will also need 0.5 l per bush. We thoroughly water our strawberries with this mixture.
  • Carry out the fertilizer after the rain so that the earth is wet. So the mullein is better absorbed into the soil. And on dry it will flow around, and the crust will not let it sink in.
  • Mullein is good because it is quite saturated with nitrogen and phosphorus. And nitrogen, as you know, is needed by any fruit plant to give it growth, phosphorus is accompanied by the formation of ovaries, so that they are larger and larger.

This is how the first spring top dressing is performed. Be sure to fertilize the strawberries for an abundant harvest in the summer.

How to feed strawberries in the spring before flowering and during flowering?

You still do not know what to process and what to protect the strawberries? Then this information is for you.

  • The first treatment is best done with the help of the preparation "Horus" with the calculation of 12 grams per 10 liters of water. After about 2 weeks, you must again treat the strawberry from disease.
  • It is also best to use Horus( 12 grams per 10 liters of water) and topaz 6 ml per 10 liters of water. These two drugs will block all possible diseases, spotting your strawberry.
  • You can also use foliar dressing Plantafol 20 g per 10 l of water, Brexil Mix and Growth Concentrate and Megafol in the same ratio in the same top dressing.
  • All this carefully mix and process the strawberries. You can also add the drug "Boroplus"( 10-15 ml) for better formation of the ovary.
Fertilizer during flowering

During flowering of strawberries, it is good to make the following fertilizer:

  • 1 cup of wood ash, pour out a bucket and pour 2 liters of boiling water. Stir well and let it brew for 2 hours, and then add 3 g of potassium permanganate and 3 g of boric acid.
  • Also do not forget to add one tablespoon of iodine. You will get a mixture that you can safely water your strawberry. All thoroughly mix and add water to a total volume of 10 liters.
  • All this violet mixture is once again kneaded to a homogeneous state.
  • For dilution, it is best to use rainwater. If you do not have one, then you can use standing water, as it is not worth doing this with chlorinated water.
  • You can sprinkle both leaves, flowers, and ovary plants with this water. In order to give it the power of fruiting, to get a good harvest, you need to pour a glass well under each bush.

Strawberry in the spring nursing iodine

For the treatment of young pagoons using this tool, two components will be needed:

  • itself potassium iodide
  • potassium permanganate - that is, potassium permanganate

A prepared solution using the above-mentioned ingredients helps not only from the horsetail and pests, butalso from gray rot and the appearance of spots on the leaves, and also saturates the future crop with microelements. To prepare such a solution you need to take 1 tablespoon.iodine and literally several granules of potassium permanganate for 10 liters of water.

Addition of iodine

To water this solution is desirable bushes, previously sprinkled with ash and fertilizer. With such an integrated approach, the effectiveness of the result will be more assured.

Strawberry in the spring: care and top dressing with boric acid

  • Before feeding strawberries, it is necessary to loosen the soil by about 10 cm with garden forks.
  • For better effect from fertilizing and protecting the plant itself, we recommend that you spill straw between rows. This will help not to trample our strawberries.
  • Now that we have poured our strawberry straw, it is necessary to fill it with herbal infusion. It is a dense brown liquid that is made very easily: one-third of the container is densely packed with nettle, filled with water and infused either in a greenhouse or simply in the sun.2-3 days and the infusion is ready. Without diluting it, we carefully shed our berries.
  • So, when we spilled the beds with a solution, again we spill them with a mixture of boric acid. The ratio of components: about 10 grams per 30 liters of water. Again we water the plant.
Delicious strawberries after top dressing

A mixture of boric acid is very useful and necessary for these berries, it helps to form the ovaries of the plant. That's why before the flowering of berries, we fertilize the strawberries with acid. After we have fed strawberries, it is necessary to process it and from pests such as mite and weevil.

Strawberry nutrition in spring folk remedies

One of the most popular methods of feeding sweet red berry bushes folk remedies is its fertilizer infusion of nettle .What does it give? Nettle contains a lot of microelements and when feeding it with tincture from this plant, more chlorophyll is formed in the leaves - accordingly it becomes more robust to fruiting and the environment.

  • To prepare such infusion it is necessary to collect nettles, it is desirable that the plants are not overgrown, that is, without the formation of seeds.
  • Fill up some capacity to the top, tightly stacking the stems. It is desirable to take a container not metal. And for example plastic or enameled.
  • Fill with a nettle and fill it with water. Put in a sunny place. There is fermentation for 7-15 days.
  • Every morning, you need to stir our nettle water. The liquid should be considered ready when it foams and from it emits a characteristic, unpleasant odor. Then this cooked infusion strain.
  • If you carry out root feeding - that is, pour infusion under the roots of plants - then take a liter of our infusion on a ten-liter bucket of water. Under each bush pour no less than a liter of cooked infusion.
Nettle fertilizer

Fertilizing strawberry with yeast

Farmers started to feed plants with yeast relatively recently. But judging from the experience already received, the result is impressive. Yeast fertilizing can be fertilized strawberries two, a maximum of three times a season.

This is, first of all, in the spring - to strengthen vegetative growth, in summer - to support during the period of active fruiting and in the recovery period - after fruiting. For strawberries for 10 bushes enough buckets for 5 liters.

To prepare the solution itself, first of all, naturally yeast. You can take both ordinary and high-speed dry bakery.

An ordinary plastic bottle is an excellent reservoir for the preparation of our fertilizer. It is in it it will be convenient to dilute and shake our solution.

  • When using dry yeast, dilute 100 g package in 2 liters of warm water, add 2-3 tablespoons sugar.
  • Close the lid tightly, shake the bottle well, mixing the ingredients.
  • In case of using normal, rather than dry yeast - the proportional ratio of 1 kg of yeast per 5 liters of water should be observed.
  • Next, pour our mixture into a 10-liter bucket, add water and put it in a warm place for 3-4 hours.
  • After a period of 10 liters of the prepared yeast solution, pour into a 200 l drum.
  • If you do not need such a large volume - add each time to 0.5 liters of ready-made yeast solution per ten-liter watering can.
Addition of yeast

Water the strawberry bushes directly under the root of at least half a liter.

Strawberry nutrition in spring chicken droppings

Strawberry is the most common plant of our gardens, vegetable gardens and country estates. In order to grow a good harvest of berries, it is not enough just to water the strawberries, snuffle and fight pests. An important component is also the nutrition of strawberries.

  • In order to prepare a solution of chicken manure, it is necessary to take a semi-liquid fresh chicken manure, pour it into a bucket so that the ratio is 1 * 15.
  • In a bucket with a droppick it is necessary to add warm water and stir more carefully.
  • The solution of chicken manure is ready, it is not necessary to insist, as all useful substances, such as, for example, nitrogen, evaporate very easily and quickly.
  • Therefore it is necessary to pour the solution into a jelly.
  • If there is a thicket of chicken manure on the bottom of the bucket, you can pour it under an apple tree or other fruit tree.
  • We take a watering can and gently water our strawberries around, not very close.
  • Try not to get on the sheets with mortar.
  • After this fertilizing, the strawberry begins to bear fruit very well, while the berries are beautiful, large sweet and juicy.

Spraying strawberries with ash in the spring

Ash is primarily known for being an excellent potassium fertilizer. In addition to potassium, it contains phosphorus, calcium, magnesium. Being an easily soluble product, combustion products can be used both in a clean - dry form and in the form of a prepared solution.

It is wood ash that is best for strawberry fertilizer, that is the remains of burning wood, firewood, branches, etc.

  • For the preparation of ash, you need to take a ten-liter bucket of water to take two liter cans( about 1 kg) of ash.
  • Infuse for a day for infusion, stirring occasionally.
  • All the soluble elements will pass into the water and the mother liquor will be ready in a day.
  • To prepare the watering solution, it is necessary to dissolve a liter of concentrated extract in 10 liters of water.
Fertilizer ash

When used in dry form, it is necessary to sprinkle ashes under the bushes. With further radical watering, useful components penetrate into the ground.

What are fertilizer applications for strawberries in spring?

In order to grow a generous crop of strawberries, it is not enough just to weed it and water it, fight pests. An important component is nutrition.

In addition to the known traditional folk methods of feeding chicken droppings, peat or ash, industrial preparations - organomineralic fertilizers are widely known. For the most effective, it is worth making those drugs that are specifically for strawberries.

Fertilizer strawberries

They are the most balanced and selected the necessary components in the right proportions - nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium. The greatest amount of potassium and nitrogen in such fertilizers. It is these components that are most important for the proper bud formation and the development of the strawberry fruit.

To this type of fertilizer is, for example, the drug "Lyubo-Zeleno" from the firm "Rusagrokhim."In addition, the market is widely represented by various products containing dry chicken manure, wood ash or humus concentrate, which will easily help to fulfill the function of feeding strawberry bushes.

Strawberry in spring nursing urea

  • For top dressing, measure 10 liters of water, add 3 tbsp carbamide( urea) with a slide.
  • All this thoroughly stir until the urea granules dissolve completely.
  • After this, water our strawberries with this solution: 0.5 liters per each bush.
  • Also advise for a better state of strawberries to treat the soil from ants are loved by dry preparations. It is better to do this around the bush.
  • After we have fed our strawberries, we need to cover the bushes with film on arcs, leaving one side open.

Integrated fertilizer for strawberry in the spring

With complex fertilization, it is necessary first of all to cut the dry leaves of the last year, leaving only a young rosette. After cutting, loosen the ground around the bush.

  • To begin with, generously sprinkle the whole strawberry with wood ash - row spacing and under the bushes themselves.
  • After applying the main potash fertilizer, sprinkle top with humus.
  • The next stage will be processing from pests and top dressing.
  • As a complex, sufficiently strong proven tool for strawberries, use the usual ammonia spirit.
  • You need to dilute a pharmaceutical bottle of 40 ml in 10 liters of water and abundantly water our previously sprinkled with ash and humus strawberries.
  • When watering, the necessary elements from ash and humus with water will fall into the ground.
  • The top processing of leaves should be treated with the drug "Fitoverm" - in the concentration of the ampoule per liter of water.
Complex fertilizer of strawberry

Foliar top dressing of strawberry in spring

It is known that strawberries are very much made up of a large amount of iron. In addition to iron, it has a large amount of manganese and zinc. Foliar top dressing has 3 stages.

  • The first stage of the process is done for spraying new young leaves of the plant.
  • The second stage is carried out when the strawberry starts to bloom.
  • And for the third time it's worth to handle small green berries.

A special advantage of foliar top dressing is that all the necessary micro and macronutrients fall immediately into the leaves of the plant. This is very acceptable when it needs useful substances.

The most optimal time for this procedure is the time after you pour strawberries. But an even greater effect will be if you spend it in dry, sunny and cloudless weather. A very good result is the treatment of strawberries with boric acid( solution).Also, besides this, you can use solutions that have a sufficient amount of nitrogen.

Video: When to fertilize strawberries? Feeding strawberries in the spring

  • May 14, 2018
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