What are the stages of development of alcohol dependence and how to overcome it

Alcoholism is a chronic, progredient disease of the mental type, expressed in physical and mental dependence on alcohol. With alcoholism, control over the amount of alcohol consumed is lost and tolerance to alcohol develops, which requires a constant increase in doses to obtain imaginary pleasure. There is a defeat of almost all internal organs with toxins and frequent memory failures at the time of intoxication.

  • reasons
  • Symptoms
  • Step
  • first stage
  • second stage
  • third stage
  • fourth stage
  • Therapies
  • Psychological Therapy
  • aversion therapy
  • Esperal
  • Colm
  • Detoxification
  • Metadoksil
  • Social Adaptation
  • alcoholism Prevention


Formation alcoholism occurswith regular use of alcoholic beverages. Such factors can contribute to this, as:

  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • features of the body;
  • heredity;
  • personal characteristics;
  • difficulties with socialization.

First a person drinks alcohol for pleasure or euphoria. Over time, there is a desire to achieve a state that helps to forget about all problems, to feel protected and relaxed. All this creates a strong psychological dependence on alcohol. If there is a strong desire to get drunk, then you can talk about serious dependence.

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A man drinks because he does not know how to solve his problems in any other way and forget about grief, failure or coping with depression. So the initial dependence is formed, which establishes a strong connection between any problems and the desire to drink.

Alcohol acts as a kind of anesthesia to relieve mental pain. As a result, the drinking person can not solve any problem situation and as a result becomes helpless.

He can no longer resist external circumstances, and for all difficulties he has one desire - to drink and forget.

The formation of dependence on the physical level, which is characterized by hangover syndrome, begins. A person uses alcohol to eliminate the unpleasant condition that arises from previously drunk alcohol.

Read also about the features of female alcoholism http://woman-l.ru/osobennosti-zhenskogo-alkogolizma/

At the final stage, a person drinks only in order to come at least for a while in a normal state. Strong desire to get drunk already, but without a state of intoxication, a person can not live a day.

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Symptoms of

Under the influence of alcohol a person becomes irresponsible and can not take even simple decisions. There are difficulties in communication. A person can not go to work or study. In the end, he is not able to even worry about himself.

The main signs of alcoholism:

  • drinking alcohol to forget about problems;
  • drinking alcohol alone;
  • morning drinking;
  • causing harm to yourself or others in a state of intoxication;
  • the amount of alcohol consumed is gradually increasing;
  • lack of control over yourself and aggressiveness;
  • decrease in the quality of alcohol consumed;
  • loss of interests and moral values.

Alcoholism also affects the physical and mental state:

  • occurrence of depression and anxiety;
  • loss of appetite;
  • diseases of the digestive tract and kidney;
  • occurrence of brain disorders.
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Stages of

There are four main stages of alcoholism:

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The first stage of

In this case, a person still does not suffer from alcoholism, but it is characterized by domestic drunkenness. Drinking alcohol, he controls his quantity and does not commit rash acts. He can stop drinking alcohol at any time.

He is indifferent to alcoholic beverages, and, using them in a small amount in the company, will not then drink alone. With daily use of even a small amount of alcohol in six months or a year comes the first stage of alcoholism. In the presence of psychological diseases and a weak nervous system, alcoholism can develop much faster.

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The second stage of

The early stage of alcoholism, when a person gradually increases the amount of alcohol consumed because of the appearance of tolerance to him. With a large consumption of alcohol, the vomiting reflex disappears. Sometimes a person starts drinking alcohol alone. A strong desire to drink can arise at an inopportune moment - at work or on the road. Sometimes after large doses of alcohol, dips appear in the memory.

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Signs of this stage of alcoholism affect social adaptation and the person of the person. The patient's interests gradually begin to disappear. He is no longer so interested in his previous hobbies, and at work or school problems arise. If a person at this stage can not consume alcohol, then his craving for it passes. But when taking alcohol, he can not control his quantity.

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Third stage of

At this stage, tolerance to alcohol is further increased. A person starts to notice that he can drink large enough volumes for himself. But having taken even a small dose of alcohol, the patient can no longer control its quantity. The behavior of a drunk person is unpredictable - it can be as aggressive, and aggression is directed at others, or on oneself.

The middle stage of alcoholism has a distinctive symptom - a hangover. In the morning, the patient is ill, which already speaks of physiological dependence. Constantly there is a desire to drink. A person can understand what harm alcohol does to him, but he does not want to refuse it.
To remove hangover syndrome, the patient needs to re-use alcohol, otherwise he:

  • begin to tremble limbs;
  • the temperature rises;
  • causes vomiting;
  • increases blood pressure.

At this stage, there is a personality change:

  • a person begins to lie often;
  • develops anger and irritability;
  • lost the desire to work;
  • in a state of intoxication lacks a sense of shame and self-preservation;
  • decreased mental capacity.
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Fourth stage

Characterized by frequent drinking bouts and decreased tolerance to alcohol. The patient drinks alcohol almost every day.

For this stage is characterized by:

  • visible changes in the psyche;
  • long binges;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, stomach, heart, brain and nervous system.

At this stage, the patient does not need large doses to get drunk. He has enough glasses of vodka or a glass of beer, but he consumes alcohol during the day. In the morning, during the day and at night, he needs a drink to at least somehow live.

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Treatment methods

Treatment is necessary at any stage of the disease. It is advisable to begin treatment in the first stage of alcoholism. The problem is that the patients do not realize the full severity of the disease.

Most often, the treatment of alcoholism of the first degree is in psychotherapy and taking medications, it is possible to encode.

The majority of patients who are registered with an expert in narcology have a second stage. The success of treatment is less high, and patients are offered to combine psychological methods of treatment with social adaptation. Are used aversive and detoxification methods of treatment. The sooner treatment begins, the higher the chances that alcoholism will not go to the last stage.

The third stage of the disease is almost not treatable, but the patient can still be cured. The success of treatment depends on the complete refusal to drink alcohol. Detoxification of the body is carried out, hypnosis and coding are effective.

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Psychological therapy

Has great success in the treatment of alcoholism. If drug therapy helps to remove the negative impact of alcohol on the body, eliminate psychoses and nervous disorders, then psychological help consists in working with the person.

There are several methods of treatment - hypnosis, mediated therapy, auto-training, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy. In some cases, a good effect is provided by group psychotherapy, which allows you to look at problems from different sides in the environment of the same people.

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Aversive therapy

This type of therapy is the prescription of medications.

Most often, aversive therapy is combined with other methods of treatment. Prescribe medications can only be a specialist with extensive experience.

To such preparations it is possible to carry:

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The preparation is issued in the form of tablets.

It is prescribed for the treatment of chronic alcohol dependence and its relapse. The drug can be prescribed for poisoning with nickel.

Contraindicated in diabetes mellitus, hepatic insufficiency, epilepsy, during pregnancy, during lactation and with intolerance of the constituents of the drug.
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The preparation is available as a colorless solution. Drops for ingestion, have a faint smell of acetic acid.

Are prescribed for the treatment of chronic alcoholism and its relapse.

The drug is contraindicated for diseases of the heart, kidneys, liver, during pregnancy, during lactation and with intolerance of the components of the drug.
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Detoxification of

Is the very first and important stage in treatment. When it clears the blood of poisons and toxins that have got into the body. Helps to neutralize the nervous and mental disorders that accompany alcoholism.

The most commonly used drug that cleanses the body and reduces craving for alcohol:

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The drug is available in the form of tablets.

It is prescribed for the treatment of alcohol dependence in the chronic stage. Also, the drug is prescribed for the complex treatment of liver diseases.

Contraindicated in pregnancy, during lactation and with intolerance of the constituents of the drug.
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Social adaptation

Represents the final stage of treatment. It is at this stage that the help of relatives and relatives is important, which will support the patient. Entering the world of society, he will face problems that previously solved with the help of alcohol. In order to withstand this period, group visits are recommended.

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Prevention of alcoholism

Alcoholism has a gradual development. Daily or just frequent use of alcohol is already a cause for concern.

To combat this bad habit it is recommended:

  • to reduce the time of communication with people who consume alcohol;
  • observe the control of the amount of alcohol consumed;
  • not to drink alcohol while driving;
  • family waiver of alcohol for the benefit of a sick family member;
  • complete rejection of bad habits;
  • observe the regime of the day;
  • to balance nutrition;
  • never need to try to solve a problem or forget it with alcohol.
  • May 14, 2018
  • 28
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