Causes other than pregnancy, why there is a delay in menstruation

The bulk of women probably faced a problem when there is a delay in menstruation. Explain this phenomenon may be a completely innocuous cause, but often delay is the main symptom of a serious disease. When the pregnancy test is negative, and the delay in the months is long enough, it is worth considering about going to the doctor, especially when the menstrual cycle fails for the first time.

  • Indicators
  • normal cycle How to understand that this is a delay
  • main reasons
  • Adenomyosis
  • Ectopic pregnancy
  • hormonal failure
  • Ovarian dysfunction
  • Intoxication
  • Climax
  • Hysteromyoma
  • thyroid disorders
  • ODS and flu
  • Deviations weight
  • After pregnancy
  • Pregnancy termination
  • Taking medication
  • Cervical or uterine cancer
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Changeand the climate
  • Stresses
  • Strict diet
  • In adolescents at the age of 13-16
  • Physical activity
  • Endometriosis

Average cycle parameters

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The time interval from the menstrual cycle to the next one is called the menstrual cycle, this process is continuous, it provides a female reproductive function. When the cycle is normalized, these gaps usually become the same. The duration of the normal cycle can be 20-36 days, mainly this indicator is 28 days. The duration of the cycle does not play a decisive role, since its regularity is most important. Every month the woman's organism prepares for pregnancy, if conception has not occurred, in the form of a monthly uterus rejects the prepared material( endometrium).

Also find out what the spotting is after the monthly and how to treat it
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How to understand that this is the

delay The failure occurring inmenstrual cycle, is a delay in menstrual cycles. A dangerous pathology is not considered a delay, which lasts less than 5-6 days, in addition, if it occurs 1-2 times a year, this can be considered an accidental failure. If long delays( more than a week) occur much more often, this is cause for concern. In adolescent girls, whose cycle has not yet normalized, even such delays are considered the norm, but it will not be superfluous to consult a gynecologist, as the diseases of the reproductive system can develop for various reasons and at a young age too.

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The main causes of

The cycle may be caused by pathological and physiological causes, often this state is caused by adaptive or transient periods, but most of the diseases of the reproductive system also affect the regularity of the cycle and provoke a delay in the menstrual cycle.

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Disease, which is caused by the proliferation of endometrial cells into other layers of the uterus and beyond. This ailment affects menstruation, can provoke copious and prolonged periods, brown discharge can occur in the middle of the cycle, and often the disease is accompanied by bleeding.

Women with adenomyosis often have a seriously passing PMS, the course of the disease is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen. Therefore, if you have such symptoms, you need to seek medical help.
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Ectopic pregnancy

This is a pathology in which a fetal egg does not reach its destination and development takes place outside the uterus. This pathology is very dangerous and threatens the life of a woman. The main sign of this condition is the delay in menstruation, which indicates pregnancy. But the course of the disease is accompanied by pain, which can have a sharp or pulling character.

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Hormonal failure

Regularity of the menstrual cycle is caused by the optimal production of many hormones, with deviations in their level, a hormonal imbalance occurs, which directly affects the monthly and often leads to their absence.

To cause a failure in the production of hormones can the intake of hormonal drugs, pregnancy, menopause, disease( polycystic ovary syndrome).To understand the cause of the imbalance, it is necessary to undergo a survey.

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Dysfunction of the ovaries

Pathology when the ovaries, under the influence of the inflammatory process or other unstable condition, can not perform the function responsible for the pituitary hormone production necessary for the normal passage of ovulation. Violation of the menstrual cycle is the main sign of this ailment. The cycle can become shorter( less than 20 days) and longer( more than 40 days).

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Intoxication is the poisoning of body systems with substances of toxic origin. The organism due to poisoning includes a protective function and the formation of the follicle is broken, and menstruation does not occur. Thus, conception becomes impossible for a while, but in reality there is not a long-term delay in menstruation.

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With intoxication, it is necessary to fight and in serious cases of neglected hospitalization can not be avoided. To quickly remove toxins can use diuretics, antitoxic drugs, drink abundantly and breathe fresh air. The main thing to understand what became the cause of poisoning.
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With age, a woman loses reproductive ability and this is quite normal. A number of changes taking place in the body affect the regularity of menstruation. Until the complete cessation of menstruation may take several years, sometimes this period lasts 5-10 years. The organism of every woman is individual and it is beyond the power of even specialists to predict the beginning or end of menopause.

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Myoma of the uterus

Myoma is a benign hormone-dependent tumor-like formation, formed from the tissues of the uterus. It happens that the course of the disease passes asymptomatically, but often a bright sign of ailment is acyclic uterine bleeding, they are abundant and prolonged, with pains appearing.

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Thyroid dysfunction

Thyroid is a very important organ in the body, it is responsible for the production of many hormones, including sex hormones, on the level of which the reproductive function depends. If shchitovidki failures occur in the work and hormones are produced in excess or insufficiently it provokes irregularities of the menstrual cycle often in the form of a delay in the menstrual cycle.

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ODS and influenza

The course of influenza and acute respiratory viral infection strongly weakens the defenses of the body and affects the hormonal background, especially if the treatment was accompanied by antibiotics. Due to hormonal failure, menstruation may be delayed after recovery. If the menstruation is delayed for more than 1 week, this may be the first bell that the inflammatory process has passed to the organs of the reproductive system.

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Body mass deviations

Loss or weight gain, especially in a short period, provokes malfunctions in the menstrual cycle. Fat cells of a woman perform the function of converting estrogen from testosterone. Along with other hormones, the level of estrogen affects the maturation of the egg, so its sharp deviation to either side can affect ovulation and, accordingly, the menstrual cycle.

It is very important for a woman to have an optimal balance of adipose tissue, so with weight changes it is worth thinking about healthy and normal nutrition.
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After pregnancy

After giving birth, the woman's body is restored for some time and often a return to the usual mode of functioning is accompanied by a irregular period. In general, the first bleeding can be expected 8 weeks after delivery, but this happens if the woman does not feed the baby. When breastfeeding the cycle usually does not resume throughout the period of feeding, because at this time the body produces a hormone called prolactin, which can reduce the level of estrogen. This process affects the absence of ovulation. Therefore, the absence of menstruation in the first months after pregnancy is quite normal.

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Termination of pregnancy

After an abortion, the body spends some time restoring its reproductive function. Regardless of whether abortion was performed surgically or medically, menstruation fails, the earlier the interruption, the sooner the organism will recover.

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Taking medication

Menstrual cycle can be influenced by taking medications, for example, antidepressants, chemotherapeutic drugs, oral corticosteroids and others. Normally, the normal cycle resumes some time after the completion of the medication.

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Cancer of the cervix or body of the uterus

Disease in which malignant cells affect the genitals of the woman and the endometrium, which lining the cavity and cervix. The main symptom of the disease is irregular acyclic vaginal bleeding, which is often accompanied by pain in the pelvic region. Therefore, when these signs appear, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist.

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Diabetes mellitus

Disease caused by metabolic disorders when the body can not independently produce insulin, which reduces glucose level. Insulin deficiency significantly affects the function of the ovaries, and they are responsible for the production of sex hormones, the deficiency or excess of which provokes malfunctions of menstruation. With diabetes, there may be a delay in menstruation from 5 days up to 2 weeks.

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Polycystic ovary syndrome

The disease causes hormonal disorders, which leads to irregular menstrual cycles and frequent delays. In addition, a woman can be difficult to conceive a child, there are problems with skin and overweight.

In case of frequent delays in menstruation, seek medical attention.

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Climate change

The rhythm of vital activity influences the menstrual cycle, and the violation of its regularity can be caused by a change in the time zone and climate, for example, during travel and long flights to another country.

The menstrual cycle usually normalizes itself, but this can happen 2-3 months later. To quickly adapt to a new place, you need to consume a lot of liquid, give up alcohol and coffee for the first time, do not neglect a full sleep, often go out in the sun, so that the body can produce vitamin D and melatonin.

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Conflicts and negative emotions affect the general condition of the body. Stress does not allow the hypothalamus to function normally, and it in turn regulates many processes, including the menstrual cycle. When the body struggles with stress, it perceives the rest of the process as it is a different one, it often leads to a malfunction in the menstrual cycle.

To overcome stress, you must first of all find peace of mind. This person can be helped by yoga classes, reading books, watching comedies, it is best to find a hobby that can please and reassure in stressful situations. Most often, stress overtakes a person at work, in order to avoid it it is desirable to find a business for yourself that interests you and brings pleasure.
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Strict diet of

Low-calorie diets contribute to the fact that in the body of a woman there is a deficiency of cholesterol molecules, from which sex hormones are synthesized. Due to the lack of necessary hormones, the egg in time can not ripen, which provokes malfunctions of the menstrual cycle.

In order for the cycle to become normal, you should increase your caloric intake, you can consult a dietician to choose the best diet.

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Adolescents at the age of 13-16

In adolescents, at the beginning of the menstrual period, the irregularity of the cycle can be observed and the delay in this period is not a pathology. Usually after 1-1.5 years, the cycle normalizes and monthly cycles occur regularly, if this process is delayed, you should consult a specialist.

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Physical activity

Overstrain caused by excessive physical activity contributes to the disruption of the production of sex hormones and provokes malfunctions in menstruation.

In order for the menstrual cycle to return to normal, you should stop or simplify the load and eat normally.

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Gynecological female disease, when the tissues of the uterus expand into other organs beyond its limits. Among the main symptoms of the ailment, the pain sensation in the pelvic region, the failure of the menstrual cycle, the impossibility of conception, symptoms of intoxication are often observed.

It is impossible to cope with this cause of menstruation malfunctioning, so you need to contact a specialist.

  • May 14, 2018
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