The Ducant diet is a detailed description. Benefit and harm of diet

From the article you will learn all about the rules, duration, Dukan diet menu. Find out the experts' opinion about the Ducane diet.


  • Protein Ducane's protein diet. Description of the stages of the Dukan diet
  • Dukan diet rules. List of allowed products on the Dukan diet
  • Calculation of the weight and duration of the Ducant diet. How long does each stage last?
  • The first days of the Dyukan diet
  • The breakdown on Dukan's diet: what to do?
  • Weight loss after the Ducane diet: photo before and after the Ducan diet
  • Express Ducane diet for 7 days. Menu Express Express
  • The benefits and harm of the Ducane diet: the opinion of doctors.
  • Effect of Duan's diet on the kidneys, heart, bones
  • Video: Harm protein. Acidification. Osteoporosis. Why does not calcium protect the bones?
  • Description of the Ducane diet for the stages: advice and feedback
  • Video: Ducane Diet Description stages and phases of

Pierre Ducan is a famous French physician, author of a unique system of weight loss, which in Russia was nicknamed "dyukanovka."The technique of Pierre Ducane is a challenge to the boring buckwheat and rice mono-diets, which are so easy to break."Eat as much as you like and when you want" - that's one of the mottos of the protein diet.

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Protein Ducane protein diet. Description of the stages of the Dyukan diet

Pierre Duacan explained his methodology in detail in his work "I can not lose weight", which was translated into Russian in 2011.In just a few years, the book became a bestseller on the Russian market, and the diet attracted thousands of fans. What is the secret of the author's program of Pierre Ducane?

In his book, a French nutritionist tells stories of losing weight, which ended disappointingly: people never managed to lose weight. The thing is that we do not know how to lose weight, Dukan says. For comfortable weight loss, you need to eat certain foods, and there are as many as 100 of them in the Dyukan table, and this is without taking into account the numerous additional ingredients. Fasting and constant restrictions in the menu will never lead to a slender figure, says a doctor from France.

Here are the main advantages of the Ducane technique:

  • Foods containing protein, you eat anytime and in any quantities. On the Dukan diet, you do not know what the hunger is
  • . The result is noticeable already in the first stage of the
  • . You lose weight quite quickly, but without harm to the health.
  • . You lose fat mass, keeping the muscles
  • . The skin, hair and nails condition improves.
  • The last step of the diet is as close as possibleto proper nutrition. The diet teaches proper eating habits, which means that if you lose weight, you will not gain excess weight

IMPORTANT: Pierre Ducan asks to completely abandon butter and fat while cooking food, sugar, alcohol.

The whole way of weight reduction is divided into 4 phases of different length: attack, alternation( cruise), consolidation, stabilization.

The attack phase is a literal attack on weight. This is the shortest stage of weight loss, which gives the most impressive results. The duration of the attack does not exceed ten days, and during this time it is possible to drop as much as 7 kg.

On the attack you are allowed to prepare meals only from protein products. All these products are 72, and they are listed in the table of 100 products allowed on "Dyukanovka".You can eat protein meals at any time of the day and until you are saturated. Dukan gives permission to eat even at night. Any other products are excluded.

For the aroma and the correct consistency of dishes, Dukan allows to include in unlimited quantities the following ingredients:

  • black, green, herbal tea
  • natural black coffee
  • drinks marked "light" - they lack sugar
  • sugar substitutes, excluding glucose, fructose and sorbitol
  • aromatizers
  • baking powder
  • gelatin
  • vinegar
  • vanillin
  • lemon juice
  • natural soy sauce
  • cinnamon
  • greens

IMPORTANT: An important obligation in the first phase is the use of 1.5 tbsp.oat bran every day. Bran can be eaten with sour-milk drinks, and you can cook on their basis a variety of dishes, including baking sweet buns.

With regard to motor activity, the lack of carbohydrates in the diet is unlikely to give you enough energy to play sports. Ducan recommends daily walks in a rapid step lasting 20 minutes.

The phase of alternation( cruise) involves the replacement of protein and protein-vegetable days. In the menu, in addition to 72 protein names, there are now 28 vegetables. Now your diet will become truly rich. Any food you can still eat at a time convenient for you and until full saturation.

Under the ban on a cruise, potatoes, beans, peas, corn and some other vegetables fall.

The stage continues until you reach the desired result, that is, do not drop all the extra pounds. On average, you will lose weight by 1 kg per week, at the end of the phase - by 0.5 kg per week.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to eat 2 tbsp.oat bran daily

To lose weight was even more effective, load yourself physically at least 30 minutes a day. If you do not have the desire to go to the gym, go quickly for half an hour every day. You should walk as if you are somewhere late.

Fastening( consolidation) is the phase for fixing the achieved result. This is a very important stage, without which all your efforts will be in vain and kilograms later will return.10 days - that's how long it takes to fix each dumped kilogram. Therefore, to calculate the time frame of the stage, multiply each of your lost kilograms by 10.

IMPORTANT: One day a week, necessarily take away the clean proteins. Let it be, for example, obligatory albuminous Thursday.

Every day you are now allowed to eat 1 fruit or a handful of berries and a couple of slices of hard cheese to 40% fat.2-3 times a week, treat yourself to a lamb or pork. In the first half of the fastening, you can eat a product rich in starch once a week, in the second half - twice a week.

In this phase there is a very nice bonus - a feast. A feast is the permission to eat absolutely any food in one meal. It can be pizza or cake - any fatty and high-calorie treat. In the first half of the stage, the feast is allowed once a week, in the second - twice.

IMPORTANT: The norm of oat bran at the consolidation stage is 2.5 tbsp.

Do not forget about motor activity lasting 20-30 minutes a day.

So, 3 stages of the diet are completed, and now you are the owner of the ideal figure. The last stroke remains - stabilization stage , which lasts your whole life. Do not be frightened of the timing, because now you can eat any food. Pierre Duacan leaves a set of rules that will help you never to gain excess weight:

  • 3 tbsp.oat bran daily
  • one protein day per week
  • 1,5-2,5 l of water per day
  • daily pedestrian walks

Duck diet rules. The list of allowed products on the Dukan diet

The basic rules of "dyukanovka" for each stage:

  • drink from 1.5 liters of purified water without gas per day
  • move more: forget about the elevator, walk on foot instead of traveling by transport, etc.
  • eat more protein and less carbohydrates
  • walk fast every day for 20-30 minutes
  • every day until the end of life eat 1.5-3 tablespoons.oat bran depending on the stage of the program
  • cook without oil and fat
  • boil, bake, stew, steamed and grilled and less fry

You can see a list of the permitted products on the diet in the table of 100 products.

Table 100 products allowed on the Dukan diet

From the alternation phase, you are allowed to enter 2 products per day from the list of ADDITIVES - additional products.

List of additional products on the Ducane diet. Permitted from the interleaving phase

Calculation of the weight and duration of the Ducant diet. How long does each stage last?

Determine the amount of extra pounds at home. To do this, you need to decide which scale mark will be your ultimate dream. This will be the ideal weight that you will reach already in the 2 stages of the program. Depending on the volume of excess weight and the duration of each stage is calculated.

IMPORTANT: On the Internet there are services for online calculation of the time frames of the diet individually for everyone. To do this, you will need to fill in the fields about your initial weight and the weight you are looking for.

The first days of Dukan's diet

The first stage of the program may seem rather complicated, despite the permission to eat at any time of the day and night and in any quantities. Eating pure proteins can cause weakness, dizziness, a general malaise, because in the diet completely lack carbohydrates. That's why Pierre Duacan does not recommend loading himself physically these days.

The incentive to adhere to the diet will be rapid weight loss. On the second day of the attack you will notice the first results - 0.5-1 kilogram left.

Many people have difficulties with making menus for each day at the stage of attack. We offer an approximate menu for 1 day.

  • Breakfast: fried eggs from 3 chicken eggs, slice of salted salmon, green tea cup
  • Snack: low-fat natural yogurt with oat flakes
  • Lunch: portion of boiled beef, veal or chicken meat
  • Snack: boiled seafood of your choice
  • Dinner: steak from salmon, a glass of yogurt 1% fat

Stall on a Ducane diet: what to do?

IMPORTANT: A positive aspect of the diet is a huge number of dishes, among which are cakes, pizza and other goodies, which can be prepared from permitted products.

However, even on such a loyal diet, food breakdowns occur. Most often this happens when hunger suffers, and at hand does not appear to be the right foods. Some women are psychologically difficult to adhere to a clear plan, so they violate it and overeat.

In case of overeating, the main thing is not to despair and clearly continue the Ducane scheme. The next 2 days strictly adhere to the pure protein menu. The total duration of the diet will have to be increased by 3-4 days. Drink plenty of fluids, sleep enough and walk more.

Weight loss after the Ducane diet: photos before and after the Ducan diet

Express Ducane diet for 7 days. Menu Express Express

Express diet for the week developed by Dyukan for those people who have already passed all the stages of its main program, but later did not follow the recommendations and gained a few pounds. A 7-day variant of the protein diet offers a more complete and balanced menu. It is a ladder, each step of which represents 1 day of the week with its own set of products. Every day, 1 new product is added to the menu.

  • Day 1 - pure proteins
  • Day 2 - proteins and vegetables
  • Day 3 - add 150 g of fruit
  • Day 4 - add a slice of whole grain bread
  • to all the listed products 5th day - add 4 sliceslow-fat cheese
  • Day 6 - add 220 g of products containing starch( cereals, pasta, pulses)
  • 7th day - all of the listed products, as well as one feast - a meal in which you can eat any dishes, includingsweets, fast food, wine

IMPORTANT: Do not forget about the daily norm of oat bran in a volume of 1.5st.l, 1.5 liters of fluid per day, as well as 30-minute motor activity.

A light version of the Ducane diet, designed for 7 days, will allow you to lose about 700 grams per week. Repeat the "ladder" until you lose weight completely. To consolidate the result, use the principles of consolidation and stabilization.

The benefits and harm of the Ducane diet: the opinion of doctors.

"Dyukanovka" is the rare case when the author of the diet is not a journalist or a housewife, but a graduate doctor. Pierre Duccan is a neurologist by profession. He drew attention to the problem of obesity when his friend needed help in losing weight. Thanks to the protein diet for 5 days, Dukan's friend lost 3.5 kg. Thus began the history of Dyukan as a dietician, and today the Frenchman can boast more than 30 years of practice in the field of treating obesity.

Despite all the achievements of Dukan, his colleagues are not very fond of him. The technique of the French doctor is called harmful and even dangerous. From the positive sides, one can not fail to note the effectiveness of the program. People really lose weight thanks to the Ducane scheme.

However, the protein menu negatively affects metabolism. For the normal course of the processes in the body, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, and a full set of vitamins and minerals are required. A person who respects the diet of the Ducane remains in deficit of fats and carbohydrates, as a result of which his metabolism is disrupted. To properly break down fats and remove them, you need carbohydrates. With their lack of "Dyukanovka" to drink 2 liters of ordinary water a day - is vital.

IMPORTANT: Lack of nutrients, as well as rather strict restrictions in products cause weakness, headaches, loss of strength.

A large amount of protein in the diet is a guarantee that you will not starve. This is undoubtedly the positive side of the diet. But in addition to healthy foods, Dukan does not oppose sugary substitutes, preservatives and other harmful additives.

In addition to all of the above, the protein menu negatively affects the work of the kidneys, the heart and the composition of bones.

Effect of Duan's diet on the kidneys, heart, bones

A shock dose of protein on a Ducane diet can lead to renal failure, says dietician Alexei Kovalkov. A large amount of protein creates a greater burden on the genitourinary system, and the lack of fats and carbohydrates aggravates this problem. Pierre Duacan himself claims that he is aware of a possible problem with the kidneys, and therefore recommends daily drinking and walking as a means that can relieve the kidneys.

Dietician Veronika Klementyeva calls the first stage of the program the most pernicious of all. The menu proposed by Dyukan can increase the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood by half, which is the direct route to atherosclerosis. Most complete people have elevated levels of cholesterol, which they should get rid of by means of products that can clear the blood vessels. Pierre Duacan offers a diet that, on the contrary, increases the amount of harmful cholesterol.

Dukan diet can reduce bone density. A large amount of protein provokes the production of sulfates in the body - chemicals that literally wash away calcium from bone tissue. To such an effect is led by animal protein, a large number of which suggests using Pierre Ducane.

IMPORTANT: If you have a kidney or heart problem, stop the diet immediately and consult a doctor.

Video: Harm protein. Acidification. Osteoporosis. Why does not calcium protect the bones?

Description of the Dukan diet for the stages: advice and feedback

Be attentive to your health and before entering the diet consult a doctor for contraindications. For the Ducane diet, the following contraindications exist:

  • hypertension
  • any disturbances in kidney function
  • cholecystitis
  • cholelithiasis
  • problems with gastrointestinal tract
  • gout
  • atherosclerosis
  • diabetes
  • allergic reactions to foods on the diet menu

The diet is also prohibited for children, teenagers, pregnant womenand lactating women.

Video: Dukan Diet Description stages and phases of

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