To get a rich harvest of strawberries, you need to work hard. This plant is fastidious and requires serious care and attention. This is especially true during the spring period. Let's take a closer look at how to take care of strawberries after winter.
When should I start?
It is recommended to start field work as early as possible. As a rule, they are carried out as soon as snow completely falls from the surface of the ground and warm weather is established.
Spring care for garden strawberries includes such a complex of measures:
- Restoration of soil and plants.
- Treatment of bushes from pests and disease prevention.
- Top dressing.
- Mulching.
- Regular watering. watering mulching
soil and plant restoration fertilizing with organic fertilizers
Sometimes in early spring the snow cover leaves, but frosts are still present. To protect strawberry bushes from cold and death, they can be covered from above with a layer of straw, which should be removed after the warmer and weather-friendly weather arrives.
Knowing how to properly care for strawberries, and applying all the tips, in the end you will collect a rich harvest.
Tools and materials
For field work, you need:
- Shovel.
- Rake and chopper.
- Garden shears. sawdust turf straw
- Special spray bottle for plants with chemical preparations against pests.
- Organic or mineral fertilizers.
- Sawdust, peat or straw for mulching.
All the above tools and materials you can buy in specialized shops for gardening.
Recovery phase
What to do with strawberries in the spring, where to start?
Restorative work includes:
- Cleansing of soil from plant roots, weeds and last year's frozen foliage. If you find damaged and blackened leaves on the strawberry bushes, they must be removed.
- Removal of topsoil( approx. 3 cm).Due to this, it is possible to achieve good warming of the root system of plants.
- The loosening of the earth around the bush.
By doing all of the above, you will completely restore the soil and strawberries after the winter. As a result, you can confidently expect the harvest of red and juicy berries in the right time.
Treatment phase
Caring for strawberries after winter includes the treatment of bushes and soil with special chemicals. Typically, based on potassium and nitrogen.
It is known that in the spring period not only plants come to life from hibernation. Therefore, strawberries must necessarily provide full protection from pests.
Pests whose vital activity adversely affects the yield of strawberries:
- Nematodes.
- Spider webs and strawberry mites.
- Root and strawberry-raspberry weevils.
- Lucerne skimmer.
- Strawberry comb combs. nematode mites
weevil sawfly
The above mentioned pests can cause the following diseases in the plant:
- Gray rot( dark spots on berries that grow rapidly and are covered with a grayish coating)
- Powdery mildew( appearance of white plaque on berries, slowing their growth).
- Brown as well as white leaf spot. gray mold powdery mildew white spot
To prevent infection of strawberries by pests, you should initially choose for seeding those varieties that are resistant to them. However, even in this case, experienced gardeners recommend a series of preventive measures.
One of the most effective and popular methods of preventing strawberry diseases after the winter is chemical treatment. For this purpose, various solutions can be used, which you will find in large quantities in the modern market.
Most often, copper sulfate and such preparations as "Taurus", "Aktofit" and "Caesar" are used for chemical treatment. If you follow the instructions for using these products, there will be no harm to the environment and the plant.
To prevent the disease of strawberries should be started only after the weeding and loosening of the soil is performed. It is not recommended to carry out this activity during the flowering of the plant. This can adversely affect the yield and make it unsafe for human consumption.
Top dressing
After carrying out regenerative and preventive measures, you can proceed to the next stage of care for strawberries - soil fertilizing.
In the early spring after a long winter hibernation, the plant very much needs micronutrients, which affect its growth and development. They can be replenished by a special replenishment: organic( manure, humus) or mineral( potassium nitrate, urea, ammonium nitrate, potassium chloride, wood ash, etc.).
Fertilizers are introduced into the soil only after it dries well after snow. This activity should be carried out regularly, so that the plant itself and its root system develop equally well. Please note that complex mineral fertilizers are most often used for top dressing.
- For 10 liters of clean water, take 0.5 liters of mullein and 30 g of ammonium sulfate. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed. During this process, you should always wear gloves.
- For 0,5 l of the obtained solution, carefully pour under each bush, without affecting the leaves.
Another stage of care for strawberries is mulching - covering the earth's surface with organic or artificial materials.
The earth is covered with a thin layer of straw, peat chips, small sawdust or ordinary humus. Please note that due to this the process of germination of weeds is slowed down. The procedure provides access to moisture and air to the roots of the plant.
The next mulching is carried out at the beginning of fruiting strawberries. This allows the appeared berries to avoid the process of decay and contamination.
For the normal development of garden strawberries in the spring and its full-fledged growth it is necessary to ensure regular watering.
How often should I spray irrigation? This directly depends on the weather and climatic conditions of the area. As a rule, it is carried out once a week. However, in arid spring it is recommended to do this much more often( 3-4 times a week).In the rainy season the plant can not be watered at all.
After moistening the soil, it should be well loosened under the bushes. Please note that watering should be abundant. In this case, the soil is completely saturated with moisture.
Many experienced gardeners recommend using sprinkler technology. It lies in the fact that water under pressure with a special apparatus is crushed into drops and falls on the plant in the form of a kind of artificial rain. The devices in this procedure are lightweight portable piping equipped with a nozzle. You can buy them in a specialized store or on the Internet.
Today the sprinkling technique is one of the most perfect ways of watering strawberries. It has such advantages:
- Providing good development of the root system of the plant.
- Creating a favorable microclimate on the land.
- Increasing soil fertility.
Features of spring care for strawberries - video
We examined the basic recommendations how to care for strawberries after the winter cold. In order to obtain a good harvest, it is necessary to carry out a complex of measures: restoration of plants and soil, loosening and weeding of the earth, treatment of shrubs with chemical preparations from pests and prevention of infectious diseases, fertilization, mulching and watering. Care for strawberries should begin immediately, once established favorable for fieldwork weather.