Cystitis in women. How to treat female cystitis in pregnant and lactating women?

Cystitis is not an easy disease, so it is important to diagnose it in time, paying attention to the symptoms. About them and not only you will learn from our article.


  • Causes of cystitis in girls and women
  • How does cystitis appear in women? Symptoms of cystitis in women
  • First aid for cystitis in women
  • Can there be a delay during and after cystitis?
  • Cystitis during pregnancy, is it dangerous?
  • What is the temperature in women with cystitis?
  • How to treat cystitis with a nursing mother?
  • What should be the diet in women with cystitis?
    • Nutrition in the acute form of cystitis
    • How to eat with chronic cystitis?
  • How to quickly cure cystitis in women?
  • How to treat female cystitis: tips and reviews
  • Video: Treatment of cystitis. Drugs for cystitis

Women are more likely to have cystitis than men. This is explained by the physiological characteristics of their body, allowing pathogens to easily penetrate the mucosa of the bladder.

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For his treatment, it is important that the diagnosis is correct, and the appointments are given a positive result.

Causes of cystitis in girls and women

Cystitis acute or chronic can be caused by bacteria, fungi, viruses. Most often, its cause is infection. Pathogenic organisms enter the bladder through a short but wide urinary tract, from the anus, the vagina. But bacteria can penetrate in other ways:

  • urethral or ascending - infection comes from the urethra
  • downward - infection occurs through the upper urological tract
  • lymphogenous - bacteria come from organs in the small pelvis
  • hematogenous - the source of infection are remote organs

The cause of cystitis canbecome:

  • Inflammation in the vagina
  • Diseases of the genital organs: thrush, vaginosis, mycoplasmosis, gonorrhea
  • Presence of pyelonephritis, stones, urine stagnation due to the presencediverticulum on the walls of the body
  • Change in the microflora of the urinary tract and vagina during pregnancy, which is a consequence of the fact that the body undergoes a restructuring both hemodynamic and endocrine
  • Diabetes diabetes
  • Frequent allergic reactions
  • Oncology
  • Trauma of the mucosa as a result of surgery, various surgical procedures,of the
  • menopause. At this time there is a deficiency of estrogens, in the body there are atrophic changes. All this is not the best way affects the urological tract

Activators of cystitis are:

  • streptococci
  • E. coli
  • Proteus
  • staphylococci

cause of this disease may also be a genital infection:

  • Trichomonas
  • fungi Candida
  • mycoplasma
  • chlamydia
  • pale treponema

It follows,that cystitis is a simultaneous problem of both urology and gynecology.

Negative effects are experienced by most women, but not all develop cystitis. Of great importance here are risk factors that impair immunity and contribute to the development of the disease:

  1. Deficiency of vitamins
  2. Subcooling. When the body's heat balance is broken, the body loses its ability to resist the multiplication of various bacteria
  3. Fatigue
  4. Negligent attitude to sexual hygiene
  5. Disordered nutrition
  6. Stresses, other nervous system disorders
  7. Motility
  8. Colds, viral diseases
  9. Frequent change of sexual partners
  10. Acute meals, alcohol
  11. Tight, substandard clothes
  12. Presence of stones in the bladder

How does cystitis appear in women? Symptoms of cystitis in women

Depending on the course of the disease, cystitis is classified as acute, chronic, primary, secondary.
Acute cystitis , which was preceded by a cold, some kind of injury, infection or other risk factor, occurs suddenly and manifests itself:

  • with pains at the beginning and end of urination
    frequent visits to the toilet
  • with fever in the lower abdomen, which after the processis localized in the perineum and pubic part of
  • by a constant sensation of fullness of the bladder
    with blood or mucus in urine
  • with general weakness

After treatment of acute disease,ie relapse, indicating that the infection remains in the body.
Chronic cystitis accompanies identical symptoms, but not so pronounced. With exacerbation, the pains become as intense as in the acute form, and when a remission occurs, not only the symptoms disappear, but even laboratory tests do not reveal inflammatory processes.

First aid for cystitis in women

At the first sign of cystitis, you should immediately consult a doctor.
If the onset starts suddenly and medical assistance is not immediately available, the
needs to take its own measures to somehow ease the condition:

  1. Drink plenty of liquids - not necessarily clean water, all kinds of drinks, except alcohol, coffee, carbonated. Well, if there is a compote of dried fruits, cranberry juice
  2. Get into bed
  3. With severe pain, take an anesthetic. If within a few hours the pain does not recede, you can not do without a doctor.
  4. Prepare a decoction of those herbs that will be at home. Lung antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties have lingonberry, chamomile, yarrow, bearberry, calendula, nettle, St. John's Wort. Folk remedies can be used in the future, but only as an addition to traditional treatment and after approval by the treating doctor
  5. . Noticing blood in the urine, act immediately. It urgently needs a doctor
  6. Take one-time as an emergency aid Monural, and further appointments will make a doctor

What experts do not advise is a warm hot-water bottle in the abdominal region with acute pain. Such "help" will only increase inflammation and contribute to the rapid spread of infection. A warmer between the legs will reduce pain a little.

Can there be delay during and after cystitis?

  • In women, the urinary and sexual systems are related. Therefore, the exchange of bacteria that cause cystitis occurs easily. Inflammation in the bladder causes a breakdown in the functions of the reproductive organs
  • If there is a delay after cystitis, it means that the disease has acquired a chronic form and causes malfunction in the ovaries. Treatment of cystitis with antibiotics can also cause delay
  • Because the inflammatory process in the bladder and appendages occurs simultaneously, then a separate treatment for cystitis can be ineffective. It is necessary to solve the problem in a complex way, by visiting a urologist and a gynecologist. The examination will determine the focus of the infection, its pathogen and identify the reason for the delay
  • The delay in cystitis depends on the condition of the functional layer of the endometrium. If its structure is damaged, then it is easy to get viruses. The hormonal balance is disrupted, so the cyclicity of rejection of the cells of the uterine mucosa changes
  • . It is not superfluous to make a pregnancy test - it is not excluded even with cystitis, then the delay is explained simply by
  • . If the cystitis is repeatedly delayed, then this can not be ignored. We urgently need to contact the doctors. The best period for examination is the onset of the

cycle. Cystitis during pregnancy, is it dangerous?

During an interesting situation with cystitis many women face, most often this happens at the very beginning.

The reason for the physiological changes occurring in the body and leading to a decrease in immunity.

The uterus, increasing, pressing on the bladder, on the organs located in the small pelvis, worsens their blood supply. Consequently, the body ceases to effectively fight infections when they enter the body.

Excessive amount of progesterone, often observed in pregnant women, weakens the bladder, reducing its tone.
It is not released completely due to the difficult flow of liquid.
In the remaining urine, bacteria develop very rapidly .

  • At the time when the fetus is pregnant, all infectious diseases, including cystitis, are dangerous. He carries a threat not only to the health of the future mother, but the fetus. Especially dangerous are the consequences when a woman does not consult a doctor for a long time. Infection can progress to the kidneys and cause the development of pyelonephritis. In this case, only powerful therapy
  • will help. In addition, the inflamed mucosa of the bladder can cause the premature birth of the child
  • . Given that pregnant women are not always shown the medications with which they treat others, the appeal to the gynecologist with the first cystitis signals is vital
  • Eliminate complicationshelp the timely release of the bladder, the use of a large number of juices, personal hygiene

What does the temperature for women with cystitis say?

The temperature rises as a result of a thermal reaction that has occurred due to the ingress of the products of the decomposition of harmful microbes into the bloodstream. Since in the bladder mucous does not absorb toxins, then getting them into the blood from this source is excluded.

Therefore, inflammation, localized in the bladder, can give a maximum of 37.5, which is considered the norm and does not require the intake of antipyretic.

Thermometer readings above the critical temperature are a sign of the progression of the inflammatory process. It can be assumed that the infection through the ureters has got into the renal pelvis or into the kidneys.

If the kidneys are not inflamed and the temperature is high, then this indicates the presence of some concomitant infection.

Specialists say that cystitis in its pure form is rare. Often this is a secondary disease on the background of various gynecological problems.

Therefore, and to treat it, without removing the cause, is useless. It will simply become chronic, and relapse will occur every time there are risk factors.

If you do not treat cystitis, then complications are possible:

  • development of pyelonephritis
  • urine flow to the kidneys through the ureter - reflux
  • change in the tissues of the bladder, its decrease, and as a consequence, loss of function
  • infertility against a background of chronic cystitis
    urinary incontinence

How to treat cystitis with nursing mom?

During breastfeeding, women often face a problem such as cystitis. Treat it only with drugs selected by a doctor so that they do not harm the child.

There are antibiotics and phytopreparations, which are indicated in breastfeeding. If they do not give results, feeding should be interrupted.

Self-cure can not be cured, but knowing some rules will not hurt anyone :

  1. Eliminate sweet drinks so as not to create a favorable environment for the reproduction of microbes. From sweet it is better, in general, to refuse
  2. Give up strong tea, coffee, spices and spices that irritate the bladder mucosa and give a special flavor to milk
  3. Drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day
    Drink cranberry and cranberry fruit drinks prepared at home

Without interruption of feeding, antibacterial drugs are prescribed from the group of cephalosporins and penicillin, but only under the supervision of a doctor.

From herbal preparations that are harmless to the baby, doctors advise :

  1. Phytolysin .Its two-week treatment not only relieves inflammation, but also increases the acidity of urine, preventing the propagation of
  2. microbes Cyston .Drink and with the purpose of treatment, and as a prophylaxis
  3. Kanefron , but only pellets. In droplets there is alcohol, and for a youngster its presence is undesirable.

There are many folk remedies for cystitis :

    1. Tea on the basis of leaves, hips and
    2. .It is said that if you place a hot stone on the bottom and sit gently to avoid burning yourself, the attack of cystitis is quickly removed.
    3. The leaves and berries of cranberries , cranberries , of which broths are made. If you mash a glass of berries, then add 2 cups of water, bring to a boil, strain and drink, then the signs of cystitis disappear

Postpartum cystitis in nursing mothers is effectively treated with an installation in which the medication is poured directly into the bladder.

What should be the diet in women with cystitis?

Unpleasant signs of cystitis along with treatment will help to eliminate a special diet.

Nutrition in the acute form of cystitis

In an acute period, the diet should include many fruits and fresh vegetables, especially those that have a diuretic property. They are primarily melons and watermelons .Useful and zucchini .

It is important to drink a lot - up to 2 liters per day .
This includes the broths of the corn stigmas , of the renal collection , of the bearberry , as well as the weak tea , compote , juices , juices , mineral water .

Dairy products should be entered in the menu when the pain subsides.
Later in the diet, little by little introduce fish, meat.

Alcohol, carbonated, smoked, salted, spicy, products with preservatives and dyes are completely counter-indicative.

How to eat with chronic cystitis?

The gastrointestinal tract has a large effect on the course of chronic cystitis.

When stools stagnate, toxins that irritate the mucous membrane of the bladder are absorbed into the blood.

Therefore, it is so important to eat products that promote the improvement of intestinal motility. These include :

  • cabbage( fresh)
  • solid pasta
  • carrots
  • cereals
  • vegetables containing coarse fiber

You can not include roast, smoked, canned, as well as :

  • horseradish
  • garlic
  • sorrel
  • cabbage color
  • radish
  • sour fruit, berries

All this irritates the urethral tract.

How to quickly cure cystitis in women?

  • As cystitis worsens most often on the background of hypothermia, first aid is to create comfort. The woman should be in a warm bed, it is necessary to remove all the irritating factors, provide her with a warm drink.
  • Without tablets, cystitis can not be cured quickly, but the doctor or urologist
  • should prescribe them. Most likely, they will prescribe antibiotics - levofloxacin, furazidine, ciprofloxacin, phosphomycin or whateverother, as well as diuretic drugs - Cystone, Kanefron or something else
  • In this case, a good gynecologist is needed to prescribe funds for restoring the vaginal microflora, impaired receptionntibiotikov. Most often to the basic medicines the gynecologist adds suppositories of type Geksikon

How to treat a female cystitis: advice and responses

The most correct decision of a problem is visiting of a polyclinic with the subsequent inspection and purpose of a course of treatment. True, not always taking medication helps. You can find many tips, which are divided by women who have won this disease:

  1. Marina. "I made tea from propolis and pollen. I drank a month, then I took a break for the same time and repeated the course. Symptoms of cystitis have disappeared. »
  2. Oksana. "Very quickly got rid of the pain of folk remedy. I took 100 grams of rowan bark, poured 1 liter of water, boiled for 15 minutes. Saw throughout the day, like tea. I felt a positive influence the very next day "
  3. Yaroslav. "I question the effectiveness of people's means. Personally, I used the "Kanefron" pill to treat it, and my doctor attributed it to me. I and others heard good reviews about this drug. When the course was over, a few days syringed bifidumbacterin and warmly dressed. Now everything is in order. "
  4. Victoria. "And I very cheaply cured cystitis with the help of milk. At first it was well heated, but did not bring it to the boil. Then poured into a pot and sat on top, of course, so that it does not get too hot. Well warmed up, the procedure was repeated several times. Everything has passed, nothing hurts "
  5. Svetlana. "I think that you need to be treated in a comprehensive manner. Well, eliminated the symptoms for a while, and where is the guarantee that the source of the infection has disappeared? No, I'd rather go to a specialist and give all the tests. "

Cystitis is a very insidious disease. Do not use only the experience of others in its treatment. No one can cure better than a graduate, and folk methods can be used as a supplement.

Video: Treatment of cystitis. Preparations for cystitis

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