Treatment of colds often occurs with the use of antibacterial drugs. Apply drugs directed influence, which can eliminate the cause of the pathological process. Such treatment is called etiological. It happens that people start taking antibiotics already at the first manifestations of a cold, but is it always right?

  • 1 Contents In some cases, prescribe
  • 2 List
  • 3 Features admission for children under 3 years
    • 3.1 Amoxicillin
    • 3.2 Augmentin
    • 3.3 Zinatsef
    • 3.4 Zinnat
    • 3.5 Ceftriaxone
  • 4 Features reception for colds in children under 12 years
    • 4.1 Suprax
    • 4.2 Sumamed
  • 5 Features of administration in children after 12 years of age
    • 5.1 A-Clav
    • 5.2 Telithromycin
    • 5.3 Roxithromycin

When is it prescribed

Affected by developedOther colds can be viruses, to which antibacterial drugs do not have any effect. So take them from the first day is useless. Treatment is simple with antibiotics is justified only if the patient has a consistently poor state of health. Most often, this is a manifestation of bacterial infection, which leads to the development of purulent angina, acute bronchitis and pneumonia.

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Catarrhal disease without appropriate therapy can cause such complications:

  1. After the improvement on the 5th-6th day, the temperature may rise again.
  2. General health deteriorates, fever, cough, dyspnea occur.
  3. Painful sensations in the throat intensify, start to hit the ears and chest.
  4. Lymph nodes change in size.

On video antibiotics for colds for children:

In the treatment of colds with antibacterial drugs, it is not necessary to interrupt reception even on condition that relief has come. In this case, the improved condition of the patient indicates that only a certain part of the bacteria died, but the second activates and is ready to attack the weakened organism. This contributes to the formation of a new coil of the disease with further complications.


For the treatment of cold use of bactericidal drugs, whose action is aimed at stopping pathogenic microflora. Antibiotics in the fight against colds serve as heavy artillery when there is a risk of acute consequences. For the treatment of colds, three groups of antibacterial drugs can be used: penicillin, cephalosporin and macrolides.

Features of reception in children under 3 years old

When using antibiotics in these babies it is necessary to adhere to all the wishes of the doctor, and most importantly, give the drug only for its intended purpose.


The antibiotic belongs to the group of penicillins. Has a wide range of influence. They work with the therapy of pneumonia, sinusitis, pharyngitis. For small children, granules are available for the instruction of the suspension.

amoxicillin for children

Amoxicillin for children

You just need to dilute them with boiled water. If the child is less than 2 years, the dose will be ¼ teaspoon. But for children under 5 years old, take the lead in the amount of 5 ml. It will also be interesting to know whether it is possible to drink Amoxicillin for colds and how to apply it properly is described in great detail in this article.


This is a powder for the preparation of a suspension, which has a wide range of effects. Has similar indications, as in Amoxicillin. Do not give babies younger than 3 months. May cause allergies.

augmentin for children

Augmentin for children


This medication belongs to the 2nd generation cephalosporins. Has a wide range of effects. But they are involved in the treatment of sinusitis, pneumonia, otitis, tonsillitis. It is used in the form of injections.



For children, the amount of the drug is 30-100 g per 1 kg of weight.


This is another 2-generation fecalosporin. They are produced in the form of granules for the preparation of a suspension. Apply medication for the treatment of ailments of the upper and lower respiratory tract. Do not use for patients less than 3 months old.

zinnat for children

Zinnat for children

For 1 kg of the patient's weight, 10 ml of the drug is necessary.


This medication belongs to the group of 3 generation cephalosporins. Produced in the form of injections for injection into the muscle or vein. Do not use children with jelly. Dosage for newborns is 20-50 mg per 1 kg of weight, but the older kiddies - 20-75 ml per 1 mg.

ceftriaxone for children

Ceftriaxone for treating children from cold

The course of therapy leaves 4 days. The injections are painful, so you have to suffer a crumb. And here is how to apply an antibiotic with genyantritis Ceftriaxone, and how this remedy is effective, is described in great detail in this article.

does not pass cough after a cold Why does not a cough pass after a cold, and what can I do with this problem on my own, will help to understand this information.

And here is how to breathe correctly over the potatoes in the cold, and as a home remedy can help, described in this article.

also be interested to know how to distinguish a cold from allergic rhinitis: http: // bolezni-n /rinit/ kak-otlichit-allergicheskij-nasmork-ot-prostudnogo.html

How is the treatment of colds and rhinitis folk remedies, and how to choose the rightthis information can help.

Features reception for colds in children under 12 years

There are a number of drugs that can be used for both adults and small children. The above antibiotics can also be used for children under 12 years old. But there are also such drugs that are designed specifically for this age category.


Presented preparation refers to a semi-synthetic drugs fefalosporinovogo type. In the role of the main component is cefixime. Its action is aimed at stopping the main substance of the bacterial cell wall. Under the influence of Supraks it is possible to destroy enzyme bacteria, which include streptococci, E. coli. Salmonella.


Suprax for the treatment of children from cold

Medication is often prescribed in the treatment of cough. Issued in the form of capsules, granules to obtain a suspension. Children from 5 to 11 years of age can be taken for 6-10 ml. Dilute the granules with water in two stages. In doing so, each time the preparation is properly shaken. Effective drug with cough and coryza. And the drug is used for stepwise treatment. Initially, the doctor prescribes a drug from the group of cephalosporins of the third generation, and then Supraks. But how to use Suprax with tracheitis in a child will help understand this information.

Do not use an antibiotic for individual intolerance to its components. Precautions are treated for colds of children with chronic kidney pathology.


This antibacterial drug successfully coughs up. In the role of the main component is azithromycin dihydrate. It has a wide range of influences. And the bacteria inhibits the drug due to the synthesis of the protein of the microbe. Under its influence, the growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms is inhibited.

sumamed for children

Sumamed for children

For children from 3 to 12 years of age, it depends on body weight. You can give the drug in the form of a syrup, taking into account 10 mg per 1 kg of body weight. To prepare 20 ml of the suspension is required to dilute the powder with 12 ml of water

Allowed to receive it due to hypersensitivity ingredients medicament. Also it is contraindicated for children with liver and kidney pathologies. You can not treat coughing them in tandem with Ergothamine and Dihydroergotamine. And here is how treatment of sore throat by Sumamed is, is described in detail in this article.

Features of reception in children after 12 years

At this age, children can be prescribed drugs that are allowed admission to adults. Here already an antibiotic can be used not only in the form of a suspension, but also in the format of tablets or injections.


This drug is designed for systemic administration. It belongs to a number of penicillins. Take a case of infectious process of medium severity of 1.3 ml per 1 kg of weight every 8 hours.

If the pathology is severe, the dosage is maintained, but only the interval between doses will be 6 hours.


This medication should be used in the treatment of colds such as pneumonia, bronchitis, acute sinusitis, tonsillitis. Receive 800 mg once a day. The course of therapy is 7-10 days. Why there is a cough in a child without signs of a cold, you can learn from this article.


With this medication, it is possible to treat infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract, skin and soft tissues. Before assigning this medicine to a child, the doctor should determine the sensitivity of the microflora to it, which influenced the development of the disease.


Roxithromycin for treating colds in children

Children 12 years and older take the drug at 0, 15 g 2 times in bitches. There may be side effects such as vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea.

Today, the choice of antibiotics in treating colds in children is quite wide. Prescribe and should only the doctor after the cause of the pathological process has been precisely determined. In addition, he decides on the dosage and duration of treatment. If, after the specified time, the relief has not been heated, then he will change the drug to a more effective one.