Use of the articulator and facial arch in modern dentistry

An incorrect bite is not only ugly, but can lead to serious problems with swallowing, chewing and speech.

To correct improperly grown teeth, dentists use different devices, such as the facial arch and articulator, the application of which is practiced in orthodontics, orthopedics and other branches of medicine.


  • Introduction to dental devices
  • Indications for the installation of the dental arc
  • Device and solutions
  • Features of the installation and the process of treatment
  • Answers to the burning questions
  • Practical application of the
  • Price of the question

Introduction to the dental devices

In dentistry, the facial arcs are used in two cases:

  1. In orthodontics, as a special design of for correcting an incorrect bite of .
  2. As a device that allows you to make a cast of teeth , to understand the points of their contact, the location of the jaws, etc. This is a kind of template that is used to make complex dental designs.
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In the first case, it is a special design: it exerts constant pressure on the teeth and jaw, which allows you to adjust their position. It is most often used for upper teeth and is installed together with braces.

In the second case, the device is used to remove the "impression" and to measure the position of the teeth and jaw. This allows you to remove the dummy of the patient's teeth and use it to create complex dental structures, for example, crowns or prostheses. This saves time and the dentist, and the patient, who does not have to come for the sake of example.

The dental articulator is a device that helps to reproduce the movement of the lower jaw, it is used together with the facial arch to remove the template when diagnosing and designing dentures, most often with a large lack of teeth.

Dental articulator

The joint use of the facial arch and articulator allows:

  • to accelerate the creation of the prosthesis and its fit: the patient does not have to constantly come to the fitting and the technicians can finish the work faster;
  • the ready-made version is more convenient, the patient quickly gets used to it, because everything is done exactly according to his teeth and jaws;
  • the load on the teeth is distributed more efficiently, which allows to increase the life of the prosthesis;
  • teeth on the prosthesis are better and more harmonious.
The use of an articulator with facial arches is extremely important in any orthopedic work related to the need to recreate the correct movement of the jaw.

Indications for the installation of the dental arc

To correct the occlusion, the facial frame is used in cases of necessity:

  • to move the root chewing teeth to the correct position;
  • slightly push back the root chewing teeth and make room for the front teeth;
  • prevent the movement of chewing teeth when aligning the front;
  • "hold" distant chewing teeth in the desired position with complete removal of the foreoles due to improper growth;
  • ensure the correct formation of the jaw in the child.

When removing the mock-up of the teeth, the facial arch allows you to take a snapshot for further work with them. Since it can be installed only in one position, it allows to obtain a more accurate result when transferring the data of the position of the upper jaw relative to the lower one, on which the articulator is applied.

Device and solutions

By way of fixation, the facial arcs for bite correction are divided into:

  • cervical;
  • head;
  • neck-head.

All of them are a "U" shaped curve that is pressed against the front teeth. From it in the sides go off the hooks, for which they grasp the head.

Behind their head, an elastic band is tightened, which is attached to the neck or head( or at once in two places) and presses the teeth.

The timing of wearing the faceplate depends on the condition of the teeth. Usually it is enough to fix the device for the night( 10-14 hours), and for the rest of the time to wear braces.

Face arches for removal of a breadboard model of teeth can be:

  • portable or mid-anatomical : they have ear supports and are used to create removable dentures;
  • axial or kinematic : used to obtain more accurate results.

Having fixed a bite fork on the teeth, the dentist carefully fixes the face arch to it to properly remove the impression. The resulting layout is transferred to the laboratory for further work.

Features of the installation and treatment process

Before installing the face-piece for bite formation, it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination with a dental hygienist and periodontist to avoid the appearance of any problems. If the teeth are weak or susceptible to diseases, they must first be cured. Also it is necessary to check the crowns, seals, the absence of chips and cracks in the enamel, to make a panoramic snapshot of the teeth.

If the patient is allergic to any medications, he must be informed in advance of this to the treating doctor.

If discomfort or pain arises when wearing the facial arch, the gums swelling and bleeding, it is necessary to urgently consult a dentist. Most likely, the problem is too much pressure, but it's by no means impossible to reduce it yourself. This must be done if the arc is bent or damaged.

Face arc Sam Axioquick

The minimum wearing time is 12 hours, the total time depends entirely on the complexity of malocclusion. Use the facial arch is necessary regularly, it is best to do this during quiet domestic activities.

Sleeping with the device should be very careful and only on the back, since the bow, especially having a mount on the head, and not on the neck, can slip.

It is forbidden to wear an arc during active sports or games.

Care is not particularly difficult: carefully put on and remove the device, metal parts can be washed with water.

Answers to the burning questions

Question: How painful is the installation and wearing of the facial arch?

Answer: It all depends on the individual characteristics. It can cause unpleasant sensations especially in the first days of wearing, since the teeth are not used yet, but later they must pass. If the problem persists, or your teeth hurt, you need to see a doctor.

Question: At what age is the facial arch fixed?

Answer: It all depends on the physical characteristics. Facial arch can be installed and children, if there is a problem of development of the jaw.

Question: How often do I need to see a doctor?

Answer: A scheduled examination should be carried out every six months, and a visit to the dental hygienist is also recommended.

Practical application of

The opinion of patients who undergo correction of occlusion with corrective arches.

I wear facial arches for about three months. During this time, the front teeth slightly "left" back, the bite began to be corrected. At first the jaw was very sick, I could not get used to the feeling that the upper jaw was pulled back.

Installation took almost 15-20 minutes, but after a couple of weeks I got used to it, and it all began to take several minutes. Now I'm used to it, and although convenient to wear arches is still not difficult, it has become more familiar.

Olesya, 18, Murom

The facial arch was written out to his son about a month ago to form the right bite. The first days it was difficult for him to get used to, it's hard to eat, as braces were installed along with the front arch.

We turned to the dentist with pain, but she said that everything is in order - our teeth get used to it and will soon cease to hurt. Indeed, after three days the pain was gone, the son even began to put on the faceplate and remove it, adapted to do it quickly and carefully. As the doctor said, everything goes well, little results are already visible.

Svetlana, 29 years old, Vologda

Asking price

The cost of installing the facial arch is affected by:

  • oral status: before the installation it will be necessary to cure the teeth and strengthen them;
  • the age of the patient;
  • type of fixation: on the neck or head.

The average price of installation of the front arc can be from 2 thousand to 14 thousand rubles, the subsequent adjustment will start from 500 rubles.

The dental arch is a simple but effective device that allows you to correct the bite of children and adults. Its installation should take place after a thorough and thorough examination.

It is necessary to regularly apply the facial arch to achieve a good result. Basically, the arcs are used together with braces and articulators, depending on the purpose.

  • Mar 05, 2018
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