Nasal bleeding in a child. How to stop the blood from the nose in a child?

Nasal bleeding may have completely innocuous causes. But, behind them can hide and very serious diseases. Understand the reasons and when you should immediately run for medical help, try this article.

Contents of

  • Why does the baby have nosebleeds at night?
  • Why does the baby have nosebleeds in the morning?
  • Why does the child constantly bleed from the nose?
  • Video: Blood from the nose - Everything will be good
  • Why does the baby have a nosebleed nose?
  • Causes of bleeding from the nose in a one-year-old child
  • Causes of nosebleeding in a child in 5 years
  • Why does a child have a nosebleed in 10 years?
  • Why does the baby cry from the nose after crying?
  • How to stop the blood from the nose in a child?
  • Video: Epistaxis - Emergency Care - Dr. Komarovsky's School
  • What to do if the baby has a nosebleed: advice and feedback
  • Video: What to do with nosebleeds?

Bleeding always looks awesome. Especially it concerns bleeding in children. The most harmless, according to medicine, bleeding from the nose. But, in this case, one should not lose vigilance, because frequent and abundant discharge of blood from the nose, can indicate problems with the health of the child.

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Why does the baby have nosebleeds at night?

Night bleeding from the nose, can greatly scare not only the parents, but the baby himself. The correct action of the parents will not panic, but calmly react to what is happening. It should be ready, that the kid with a fright, can even throw a tantrum. This can not be allowed, because the blood can go even more.

blood from the nose

First of all, you should know that bleeding may be minor, then the amount of blood loss is very small, and can be plentiful. Blood can flow with one, or, at once, with both nostrils. Leak out of the nose, or flow down the back of the throat, which is especially dangerous.

IMPORTANT: If bleeding from the nose does not stop, but even intensifies, within ten to fifteen minutes, you should immediately seek medical help.

The reasons for the onset of bleeding are many, consider the most possible:

  • The first and most common is that the vessel walls are very sensitive and respond to any external stimulus. It can be dry air indoors, during the heating season, or dry and hot weather in the summer months. Both in winter and in summer, it is necessary to take care of air humidification in the children's bedroom. Do not buy expensive moisturizers, the problem will be solved by hanging wet towels or a bowl with water near the battery. In addition, mandatory airing before bedtime of the child's room is required.
  • Babe may simply fail to roll over in a dream, hitting his own hand or on the bed
  • Picking in the nose can damage tender vessels, and provoke copious bleeding
Picking in the nose can provoke nosebleeds
  • Foreign objects, thrust into the nostril, while the parents are distracted, very often cause the night bleeding
  • Viruses and bacteria affect first of all, the mucous smallsha, making them more sensitive and loose, exposing the damaged vessels. Blood, at the same time, begins to come to the mucosa more, causing bleeding
  • Dried mucus interferes with the child's normal breathing in sleep, and he, trying to get rid of it, damages the walls of the vessels
  • The reason for the night bleeding can become and vasoconstrictive drops used duringdiseases of a viral infection. Provoke it is capable of uncontrolled, or too long use of drugs. Nasal mucosa atrophies, becomes thinner and more vulnerable, exposing the vessels of the nose to injuries
  • Night bleeding can occur due to high temperature in a baby rising against the background of
diseases high temperature can trigger nosebleeds

For more serious reasons, one can refer to such diseases that signal nighttimebleeding:

  • Increased intracranial pressure. If a headache is added to the bleeding, frequent nausea and vomiting, for no apparent reason, you should immediately seek medical help from the neurologist
  • . Another serious illness, like tuberculosis, can prevent bleeding from the nose at night and daytime. But, then they should be joined by such symptoms as: bleeding is repeated every day, mucus in the form of pus, fever, prolonged period, severe weight loss, fast fatigue and strong sweating
  • are added to it. In the nose, the child can formneoplasms, they can be both benign and malignant. Symptoms that indicate exactly this cause can be nasal congestion, headache and changes in the child's voice
polyps in the nose
  • Poor blood clotting can also manifest as night and day bleedings, while bleeding is very abundant, it is difficult to stop them. And with repeated damage to blood vessels, they can resume. This is also indicated by bruises that appear with the slightest damage to the skin, poor healing of wounds and scratches.
  • . As a cause of nasal bleeding, it is possible to isolate the lack of vitamins in the baby's body, especially vitamin C and routine, they are responsible for the state of the
  • vessels. The sudden bleeding, dark color, from the nose, at any time of the day, can warn of heart failure. Such bleeding occurs spontaneously, at first twice a week, and, with neglect of the disease, and every day

IMPORTANT: If the night bleeding has disturbed only once, and more such did not repeat, there is no cause for concern. If systematic repetition of this phenomenon is noted, it is necessary to undergo a survey in order to find the cause and conduct the correct, complex treatment.

Why does the baby have nosebleeds in the morning?

The girl had a nosebleed in the morning

Morning bleeding does not differ much from the night. They can occur even when the child is lying in bed, during washing, on the way to school, or kindergarten. They always bring discomfort to both the kids and their parents.

The causes of this phenomenon can be:

  • As in night bleeding, the cause is increased brittleness of the vessels. The slightest impact on them, such as dry and warm air, can provoke morning bleeding from the nose.
  • . A child can hit his head against a bed or other piece of interior.
  • Picking in the nose, trying to get dried out overnight mucus
  • Viral infections affect the mucous membranes, the sameprovoke bleeding
  • The body temperature that has risen to a critical level, or an overheating of the child's body
  • We should not forget about the possibility of putting a foreign object in the nose of a child, it can also provokeand morning bleeding
  • too strong emotional and physical stress, lack of sleep, or the kid just has not had time to rest for the night. And, maybe, very much worries about the upcoming control, or other significant event. All this alone or together can cause such an unpleasant phenomenon
  • Curvature of the septum, and other abnormalities in the development of ENT organs, can cause blood loss
  • . Emerging polyps in the nasal cavity, quite often cause the morning bleeding
  • Abrupt weather changes, causesblood pressure jumps, which in turn affects the blood vessels, and the morning bleeding
in the girl, after an active game, started nosebleed

IMPORTANT: As well as arising at any time of the day,morning bleeding, can signal a disease, or lack of vitamins in a small body. It should not be ignored, but a comprehensive examination.

Why does the child constantly bleed from the nose?

IMPORTANT: If your child has frequent and profuse bleeding, you need to seek help from a doctor, because a similar phenomenon can signal health problems in a small body:

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Kidney diseases
  • Liver diseases
  • Diseases of the spleen
  • Diseases of the lung
  • Allergic reactions
  • Neoplasms
  • Hemophilia
  • Elevated intracranial pressure, or maybe triggered by blood pressure jumps
  • Anomalies in development, or mechanical damage to the nasal septum
  • Chronic diseases of ENT organs
persistent nasal bleeding motive to seek medical help from

Also frequent bleedingI can occur:

  • With excessive physical exertion,
  • With systematic and severe psychoemotional stresses or shocks
  • . For permanent or prolonged exposure to the open sun, without a headdress

. IMPORTANT: This list is incomplete, with permanent bleeding, you can not self-medicate, or let the disease onDrink, and should contact the clinic for a complete examination of the child.

About more serious causes of permanent nasal bleeding, you can learn from this video.

Video: Blood from the nose - Everything will be good

Why does the baby have a nosebleed nose?

Very often, during a blowjob, on the handkerchief you can see the admixture of blood. Many mothers are frightened and begin to look for this reason. You should be able to distinguish between nasal bleeding from the snot with an admixture of blood. If during the cold the child will bleeding, then the mucus in the blood will be very small. And if it's snot with blood, then the main mass will be occupied by slime, there will be very little blood there.

  • A similar phenomenon can occur in children, with incorrect blowing. The baby begins to blow heavily, trying to blow out the snot, thereby traumatizing the nasal mucosa already damaged by the viral infection, the capillaries break and there is an admixture of blood.
  • . Trying to get rid of mucus accumulations, the baby can pick at the nose with a finger, thereby provoking the ingress of blood into the snot
  • .the appearance of impurities in the blood in the mucus can be the use of vasoconstrictor drugs, to eliminate stuffiness in the nose
  • Too thin and weak blood vessels and so very easily injured, and a runny nose provokes agiving blood to the mucus
  • The appearance of blood in the cold may indicate complications of diseases of the ENT organs, especially if impurities of pus have been seen.
  • During the illness, parents want to protect the baby from the cold, too wrap up, less open the windows for airing the room. All this indirectly affects the condition of the mucous membranes, they dry out, thin out, and the slightest influence on them, can provoke the ingress of blood into the snot. First and foremost what parents should do is air and moisten the air in the room where the baby is.
wrong blowing can cause bleeding from the nose

IMPORTANT: If this happens more than once, and occurs systematically, you should consult a practitionerLORA.To find out the reason, the correct diagnosis, the appointment of treatment.

Causes of bleeding from the nose in a one-year-old child

Causes of bleeding from the nose, in a one-year-old child, may be the wrong actions of young and inexperienced parents:

  • Frequent irrigation of the nasal mucosa, can provoke the fact that it has become thin and light-headed
  • Constant picking in the nose of the baby with cotton buds, can injure the tender mucous
  • Too warm and dry air in the room where the baby is, can cause such an unpleasant phenomenon. Such bleeding can be seen after the baby has woken up, sneezing, or coughing
  • Gambling, and everyone interested in the kid, taking advantage of the case of oversight, can shove a foreign object into his nostril.
  • Children at this age are very curious and require special supervision. After all, even an easy blow to the baby himself, or a slight drop, may be the cause of bleeding
  • You can not let the baby pick at the nose with his fingers, let alone inherit the actions of the mother, and pick it up with something else
Nasal bleeding in the one-year-old child

IMPORTANT:Try to get yourself a stuck object in your baby's nostrils, this can only hurt. Seek immediate medical attention for

In addition to these reasons, bleeding may occur due to health problems in the baby.

  • It is necessary to visit the ENT for the avoidance of abnormalities in the structure of the nasopharynx and its mucosa
  • Neurologist, to check intracranial pressure
  • To make a blood test and to undergo other necessary tests
  • If necessary, visit a hematologist if problems with coagulability of the blood are found

IMPORTANT:If the cause was not found, and other symptoms indicative of serious diseases were added to nosebleeds, you should visit other specialized specialists.

Causes of nosebleeding in a child in 5 years

healthy child

Causes of bleeding from the nose in a child at 5 years are not much different from bleeding in a one-year-old child, but still:

  • Kids at this age are very active themselves, and do not always landit turns out well. Falls, bruises and bumps can provoke bleeding

IMPORTANT: If the baby, after hitting his head, has lost consciousness, or the bleeding can not be stopped on his own, he is sick and vomiting, perhaps even blood, should be urgently called for an ambulance.

  • After an overly active playing day, babies have a nosebleed before bedtime. The cause of this phenomenon can also be a sharp change of climate, a trip to the mountains, a flight on the
  • aircraft. During the summer period, the sunburn may cause a nosebleed, the accompanying symptoms will be severe headache, nausea, and possibly vomiting
a child receiving treatment
  • Even at the age of five the baby can put something in his nose, do not forget about this reason
  • Kids at this age are very sensitive to viral and bacterial infections, and they, in turn, negatively impactvuyut on the delicate mucous membrane of the nose. And even an innocuous sneeze can provoke bleeding
  • Dry and warm air negatively affects the mucosa in children and 5 years, making it even more vulnerable to external stimuli
  • Vasodilators also have a negative effect on the nasal mucosa, especially their misuse, can provoke bleeding
  • Lack of vitamins, especially those responsible for the condition of the vessels in the norm, can cause a similar phenomenon.
a child on examination in ENT

IMPORTANT: If the bleeding is profuseie, they are difficult to stop, they began to occur regularly, often for no apparent reason. Or, the reasons indicate a possible pathology in development, or a progressive disease, you should seek help from a competent specialist.

Why does a child have a nosebleed in 10 years?

In addition to the causes of bleeding from the nose, at the age of 5 years, in the 10-year-old and older, the child may have such reasons:

  • The reason for this phenomenon can be increased growth. During this period are particularly sensitive, to changes in proportions in the body, vessels and joints, they do not keep up with rapid growth. As a consequence, the vessels become thinner, brittle and susceptible to the effects of stimuli
  • Changes in the hormonal background, especially for girls, can trigger bleeding from the nose, it is not to be frightened of this phenomenon, everything will work out after adjusting the hormones
  • Very often, it is at this age, children can worry vegeto-vascular dystonia. To the bleeding from the nose, dizziness, weakness, sweating, too fast heartbeat
  • Possible cause, at this age, may be increased intracranial pressure
the boy got a nose bleed

Why does the child cry from the nose after crying?

  • The cause of the appearance of blood during and after crying, can be thin and closely located blood vessels. At this time, the child is very tense, which provokes capillary ruptures and the onset of bleeding
  • . If such situations become regular, one must find a good practicing ENT, to inspect the nasopharynx of the baby. Possible cause may be an incorrect septum structure, closely located vessels, formed polyps
  • Also the cause may be increased, within the norm, arterial, or intracranial pressure
  • It may not be superfluous to consult a hematologist

How to stop the blood from the nose in a child?

IMPORTANT: The most important thing is that when a nosebleed begins in a child, do not panic. This can only scare the kid even more. He will begin to cry, roll up the tantrum, thereby only increasing the bleeding.

Correct actions for stopping nasal bleeding
  • You should sit the child on a stool, or take the baby in your arms and sit on the chair, along with the baby, to the mother
  • Tilt the child's head slightly forward

IMPORTANT: In no case should the child's head be thrown back,or lay it on a pillow, he can simply choke on his own blood.

  • Lightly press the nose with your fingers, regardless of which nostril blood goes, two
  • should be clamped. For a faster cessation of bleeding, it is necessary to apply something cold to the bridge of the nose. It can be ice, soaked in cold water, a towel
  • Open a window, having access to fresh air
  • In this position, you must sit for 10 minutes, no less. After this period, the bleeding should stop
  • If blood flows down the throat wall into the mouth, ask the baby to spit it, so it becomes clear whether the bleeding has ended or not.
the mom correctly stops the nosebleed

IMPORTANT: If this did not happen and the bleeding becamestronger, the state of the baby has deteriorated dramatically, until the loss of consciousness, you must immediately go to the hospital.

  • After stopping bleeding, do not let the baby blow his nose, however much he wants it. The same prohibition concerns increased physical activity, let the kid play in the quiet, undemanding efforts of the game, until the end of the day.

IMPORTANT: You can not plug your nostrils with cotton swabs, it can provoke even more severe damage to the mucosa, or closely located vessels.

On how to act properly with nosebleeds, you can see in this video.

Video: Nasal bleeding - Emergency care - Dr. Komarovsky's school

What to do if the baby has a nosebleed: advice and feedback

  • The first advice, in this situation, will not panic. And, having calmed both itself and the child, to stop the begun bleeding correct actions
  • Most often, during a cold season, the reason of such unpleasant phenomenon, there is a dry and warm air. You should take care of purchasing a moisturizer, or moisturize the air yourself, with improvised means. Be sure to frequently ventilate the room and do a wet cleaning.
  • . If the bleeding started can be associated with an allergic reaction, it is important to exclude allergens irritating to the nasal mucosa and subsequently traumatizing blood vessels, to start taking antihistamines
  • . If bleeding occurs for no apparent reason, one ortwice, to beat immediately the alarm is not necessary. It is necessary to observe the child, perhaps he, after a viral infection, had a habit of picking at the nose of
  • . It is also necessary to teach the baby to blow his nose properly, stop playing too active from time to time, make sure that the too curious kid,in nose
a drop of blood on a paper napkin

IMPORTANT: If bleeding started to appear more often, and even more so regularly, you need to seek advice from a pediatrician or a specialized specialist.

  • Judging by the responses from the Internet, even vitamin complexes may provoke nasal bleeding. In this case, the abolition of their intake, removes the problem of bleeding
  • Very often doctors advise not to worry, but wait until the baby develops this unpleasant phenomenon, explaining the reason for the too close arrangement of blood vessels in the nasal cavity. It should be adjusted that it can take more than one month, and even for several years.
  • . A doctor can prescribe a vitamin C supplement in conjunction with a routine that will help strengthen the vessels, lubricate the nose cavity with sea buckthorn, or vaseline oil, try not to use local vasoconstrictors, drink enoughthe amount of liquid, often ventilate the room and be outdoors

IMPORTANT: In the case of oils, one must be very careful, before using, you should check the possibility of an allergic reaction.

Video: What to do with nosebleeds?

  • May 14, 2018
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