Causes and treatment of red eyes in children and adults

Every person has experienced such a phenomenon as red eyes. They are a consequence of the increase in capillaries located inside the eyeball. The reasons for which the eyes are red, can be very different. In most cases, you can not take any measures, but in others you need to see a doctor, for example, when redness is accompanied by painful sensations and dryness.


Causes of redness
  • Treatment of
  • In child
  • In newborn
  • After childbirth
  • After alcohol
  • Causes of redness

    Reddening of eyes can be caused by both external and internal factors.

    For external reasons are:
    • Climatic factors( wind, sun, water).
    • Dirt, dust, or other foreign objects( eg sand, eyelashes, midges, etc.) are ingested.
    • Injury of the eye( scratch, after stroke).
    • Allergic reaction to pollen, mold, wool, fluff, powders, cleaning and washing agents, etc.
    • Long stay in the room with a working fan, air conditioning.

    • Wearing poor-quality or improperly matched contact lenses.
    • instagram viewer
    • Prolonged eye strain( watching TV, reading, driving a car, from a computer).
    • Wearing incorrectly chosen glasses.
    • After the bath, shower.
    • Eye contact with soap, shampoo, cosmetics, tobacco smoke, etc.
    • Overexertion during labor.
    • Incorrect power.
    • Alcohol abuse.
    • Defective sleep.
    • Poorly lit workplace.
    • Long crying.
    • Stress, frequent nerve strain.
    Internal causes of redness of eye proteins include inflammatory and infectious diseases:
    • Blepharitis - inflammation of the eyelids. The causes of this disease are skin microbes, manifested by reddening of the eyes, itching and purulent discharge.
    • Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory process or infection of the eye. The cause of the disease is the penetration of the virus, bacteria, the appearance of irritations, allergic reactions. The main symptoms are increased lacrimation, red, inflamed eyes and itching.
    • Lesions of the eye vessels or uveitis. The causes of the disease are exposure to toxic substances and infection.
    • Glaucoma - a disease in which there is an increase in intraocular pressure, hemorrhage. The disease manifests itself as a headache and red eye proteins.
    • Arterial hypertension can cause damage to the blood vessels of the eyes.
    • Barley.
    • Sjogren's syndrome is a disease of connective tissue.
    • Xerophthalmia or dry eye syndrome.
    • Eye corneal ulcers are a disease caused by infections or a virus.
    • Scleritis - an inflammation of the dense shell of the eye.
    • Episcelitis is an inflammatory process between the sclera and conjunctiva.
    • Keratitis is an inflammatory disease of the cornea, often caused by avitaminosis, infections, injuries. The disease is manifested by decreased vision, opacity, reddening of the cornea.

    Also one of the causes of reddening of the eyes is the presence of hyperopia or myopia, strabismus. In addition, constantly red eyes can be symptoms of anemia, diabetes, cervical osteochondrosis or chronic infection of the eye.

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    Treatment of

    If a bacterial infection exists in the body, the doctor prescribes antibiotics in the form of eye drops or ointments that are selected individually for each patient, given the sensitivity of the microorganisms to the active substance of the drug. In this case, preference is given to medicines of the group of cephalosporins, sulfonamides, chloramphenicol, tetracycline. To remove the main symptoms of the disease, vasoconstrictive drops are prescribed( Tetrazolin, Vizin, Okumil, Octilia, Naphthysinum ophthalmic).

    It should be borne in mind that the prolonged use of vasoconstrictive drops causes dependence and weakening of the vessels, which cause an increase in the redness of the eyes, therefore, medicines should be used only under the prescription of the attending physician. Also, due to the long use of vasoconstrictors, dry eye syndrome can develop which is treated with artificial tears( Vidisik, Oftagel, Lakrisin, Lakofal, etc.).
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    If redness is caused by overexertion or fatigue, it is enough to let your eyes rest.

    With a bursting capillary, therapeutic therapy is selected depending on the cause that caused the rupture of the vessel. Basically, there is no need for drug treatment, but with infectious etiology of strongly red eyes, antibacterial drugs are used( Albutsid, Floksal).

    The initial stage of glaucoma requires differentiated treatment. Drug therapy involves the use of antiglaucomatic drops( Travatan, Fotil, Timolol, etc.), which after the first instillation significantly improve a person's condition. Also, according to indications for glaucoma, doctors can resort to laser treatment or surgery.

    If reddening of the eyes occurs due to the use of drugs such as Inokain, Travant, etc., then anti-inflammatory drugs( Dexamethasone, Tebridex) are prescribed. In the presence of contraindications, these eye drops are replaced by non-steroidal medications( Diclof, Naklof).

    When blepharitis is prescribed a thorough hygiene of the eyelids. Separated crusts must be removed with a wet swab. Coarse crusts should be softened with a moist lotion or a complex dexa-gentamicin ointment( in case of intolerance to gentamycin, replace with Maxitrol ointment).Further treatment depends on the type of blepharitis:

    • in the seborrheic form of the disease, eye drops are prescribed Artificial tears or Otagel;
    • for allergic - drops of Alomide or Lecrolin;
    • with ulcerous corneal epitheliopathy - eye gel Solcoseryl or Vitasik drops.

    Depending on the cause of conjunctivitis, in addition to eye hygiene, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and antiseptics in the form of drops( Diclofenac, Picloxidine, Levomycitin drops, Dexamethasone, Suprastin, etc.) or ointments( Tetracycline, Erythromycin, Gentamicin or Yellow mercury ointment) are prescribed. In the treatment of conjunctivitis, it is strictly forbidden to rub red eyes, as this can worsen the condition of the organ. It is recommended to alternately apply cold and warm lotions to the eyes, it is better to give up makeup temporarily.

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    It is only the doctor who can determine the cause of red eyes, diagnose and prescribe the treatment. If the redness persists for more than two days, pain, burning or purulent discharge are noted, the ophthalmologist should be contacted immediately. If he has not discovered dangerous diseases, the best treatment for red eyes is sleep and rest.

    Read also what is cataract eye, why it appears in adults and children, and how to treat this disease
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    Children as well as adults are susceptible to a symptom of red eyes, the appearance of which is caused by various physiological processes. In the child, the connective membrane of the eyes is not sufficiently resistant to external factors, so the common cold, coughing and crying are a frequent cause of redness.

    When a child is in school or in another educational institution, if there is a strong eye strain( drawing, writing, reading, modeling, etc.), dry eye syndrome may appear. This causes redness, dryness and burning.

    Often the reddening of the mucous membrane of the eyes is caused by infectious diseases: sinusitis, sinusitis, etc. This phenomenon can be accompanied not only by inflammation of the proteins, but also by the redness of the eyelids and the skin around the eyes, as well as by lacrimation and purulent discharge.

    Also, the cause of the appearance of a red eye in a baby may be the presence of vegetative dystonia. When the oxygen in sufficient quantity does not enter the tissue, the child may complain of poor health and headaches.

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    In a newborn

    A fairly common cause of red eyes in a baby is a blockage of the lacrimal canal. In this case, according to the prescription of the doctor, the toddler can be assigned:

    • Eye wash( decoction of chamomile, strong tea or furacilin).
    • Special massage of the lacrimal canal and eye area.
    • Eye antibacterial drops( Albucid, Vitabakt).
    If the listed methods of treatment do not give the expected result, the child is assigned probing. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia for 6-8 minutes.
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    After delivery of

    The red eyes of a newborn's mother may appear due to strong stress during incorrect attempts. In this case, there is no need for treatment, redness will take 7-14 days. To accelerate the recovery, it is recommended to apply cold compresses on the eyes and hold for 10 minutes. Repeat this procedure up to 3 times a day.

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    After alcohol

    Another common cause of red eyes is the use of alcohol. After drinking a portion of wine or other alcoholic beverage in the body increases blood circulation, which leads to the expansion of blood vessels, begin to blush not only the eyes, but also the skin. In this case, redness can become noticeable not immediately, but after a time( for example, in the morning after sleep) - it all depends on the amount of alcohol consumed. In this case, you need to cleanse the body of toxins - take a cold shower, relax and relax. It is also useful to drink calming tea and make a compress from the brewing of black tea or a decoction of chamomile.

    • May 14, 2018
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