Oat jelly from Hercules: a step-by-step recipe of Izotov and Momotov. What is useful oatmeal for health: benefit and harm, contraindications

Oatmeal for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pancreas and not only. How correctly to prepare medicinal jelly Izotova and Momotova?


  • oatmeal: benefits and contraindications
  • oatmeal Izotov: benefits and harms
  • How to cook oatmeal Izotova for the treatment of gastritis and gastrointestinal tract: a step by step recipe
  • oatmeal from Hercules Momotova: a step by step recipe
    • Video recipe of oatmeal Momotova
  • oatmeal: prescription for pancreatitis
  • Oat pudding for slimming: prescription
  • Cleansing jelly for flat stomach
  • How to weld solid oatmeal?
  • Is it possible to post oatmeal in the post?
    • How to prepare a leaven for oatmeal, video
    • How to cook oatmeal jelly, video

Oat pudding has long established itself as an effective folk remedy in the treatment of many diseases, especially the gastrointestinal tract. It is not that easy to prepare a medicinal drink.

The manufacturing process requires some skill and considerable time, but the result is worth the wait. Let's share step by step instructions for making oatmeal jelly.

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Oatmeal: benefits and contraindications

Oats in nature

Oat grains have long been used in the preparation of truly Russian dishes: cereals, soups, lozenges, loaves. Oat jelly takes a special place in Russian cuisine.

A hearty, dense dish was available to the poor. About him there is even a mention in the famous code of rules and instructions for every Christian - "Domostroe".

Oatmeal is considered to be a Russian invention in the culinary art of cooking. Useful qualities of the dish and the ability to cure many diseases attracted the attention of doctors from all over the world to oatmeal.

What is useful oats jelly?

  • Oatmeal is a complete and balanced food. The content of necessary substances for the normal physiological state of the human body is in an optimal ratio: proteins - 18%, complex carbohydrates in the form of starch - slightly more than 40%, fats - 7%.
  • Kissel contains a complex of vitamins and minerals that are well absorbed by the body: vitamin A, vitamins of group B( B1, B2, B3, B6, B9), vitamin F, vitamin E. According to the content of phosphorus, potassium and magnesium, oat jelly can compete with othergrain products.
  • The starchy substances of the kissel envelop the inflamed mucous of the stomach, relieve inflammation and pain.
  • Kissel from "Hercules" removes slags, normalizes metabolic processes, brings to balance the microflora of the intestine.
Oatmeal - a storehouse of vitamins and minerals

When should you use a jelly from oats

Oat jelly is a universal medicine. It is difficult even to say at what diseases this drink is not used. Doctors recommend eating kisel from oatmeal in the following pathologies:

  • diseases of the digestive tract
  • inflammation of the duodenum and pancreas
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • allergies
  • inflammation of the urinary tract
  • bile stasis and liver diseases
  • obesity of all degrees
  • weakened immunity

Who is harmfuloatmeal?

The action of a natural medicine has been studied for many years. Surprisingly, there are practically no contraindications to the use of oatmeal kissel. There are several factors that should be mentioned, rather, as caution in the treatment of oatmeal.

  • Individual intolerance to oatmeal.
  • Overeating the kissel can cause pain in the area of ​​the stomach. Kissel is a very satisfying dish, you can not eat it much. But, this sometimes happens, in general, for fans of rapid weight loss. Fans of a thin waist can suffer, eating large portions of jelly. Oatmeal is best served breakfast. Since the dish gives vivacity, you should not eat jelly for the night.
Medicinal oatmeal kissel can be prepared at home

Oatmeal pudding Izotova: benefit and harm

  • Unique therapeutic oat pardon is patented by the Russian doctor, Ph. D., Vladimir Izotov. Now this healing elixir of health knows the whole world. With the help of a unique recipe based on fermented oats grains, you can not only avoid many diseases, but also cure them.
  • The recipe for healing diseases with the help of miraculous jelly Dr. Izotov tried on himself. During 8 years of regular consumption of the drink, he got rid of many diseases that knocked his body after the encephalitis. Moreover, the reception of numerous medications caused a drug allergy.
  • Then the doctor was forced to turn to ancient folk medicines. Oat jelly according to the original Russian recipe was taken as a basis and turned out to be a panacea for many diseases. It was proved that a medicine prepared on leaven from oat seeds has a health-improving effect on the body.
Oat flakes for jelly

Useful properties of oat jelly for Dr. Izotova:

  • restoration of immunity, endurance and protective functions of the body
  • positive effect on the entire digestive tract and pancreas
  • normalization of metabolic processes, elimination of constipation and cleansing
  • beneficial effect on cardiac muscle
  • hepatoprotectivefunctions
  • Health-improving effect on the body as a whole: energy influx, slowing down of aging processes, recovery of psychoemotional state

Dr. Izotov insists that the miraculous jelly, prepared by his recipe has no contraindications. Kissel can take all without age restriction as a medicine and as a preventative against many diseases.

How to cook oatmeal jelly Izotova for the treatment of gastritis and gastrointestinal tract: step-by-step recipe

Kissel on Izotovu

To properly prepare a jelly from oats according to Izotov, you must observe many nuances of manufacture. Do not deviate from the original formula proposed by the doctor - this is the main condition for obtaining a truly therapeutic drink.

The preparation process takes 3 to 5 days and requires certain skills. Let's consider in detail all stages of preparation of an oatmeal kissel.

stages of cooking oatmeal Izotov:

  • fermentation oat
  • drain and the filtrates on standing
  • separation Kiselny

ferment oatmeal Ingredients:

  • oatmeal "Hercules" - 300 g of crushed corn oats
  • - 8-10 tablespoons
  • kefir - 100g( later you can use 2 tablespoons of ready-made acidic sourdough)
  • purified water or boiled
1 stage of fermentation of jelly
  • 1 Stage : Pour oat flakes into a clean 3-liter jar, addt milled oats. Crushed grain improves the fermentation process. Presence it is desirable, but not necessary, you can do and just oat flakes.
  • You can grind grain using an electric grinder or a hand mill. About 1.5 liters of warm, purified water are poured into the jar. The contents are mixed with a wooden spoon. Add kefir or an acid sourdough. Top up with warm water to the "shoulders" of the can.
  • Stir again, cover with lid. The bank is put in a warm darkened place for fermentation for 2-3 days. The signal that the fermentation process has gained strength is the uplift of the oatmeal. To tighten the process of fermentation is not worth it, since overexposed leaven becomes tasteless.

IMPORTANT: Do not fill the contents of the jar up to the neck. In the process of fermentation, gases are released that can rupture the lid. Tip: Instead of a lid on the neck of the jar, you can pull a rubber medical glove, as when making home-made wine.

Filtration of the
  • filtrate 2 Step : Mix the jar with fermented oats and filter the liquid substance into a clean three-liter jar through a colander, but preferably through a sieve. The filtered filtrate is called "sour".
  • The oatmeal is washed with 2 liters of purified or boiled water at room temperature. Water poured into a sieve with fermented oatmeal, mixing it with a wooden spoon.
  • The resulting filtrate is poured into a clean three-liter jar. This liquid will be called a low acidity filtrate. Acidic and low acidity filtrate are kept for 15-18 hours in a dark place.

The remaining oatmeal is not thrown away, but is used:

  • as a feed to the
  • homemade porridge for the preparation of porridge
  • is added to the dough for baking cookies, lozenges, loaves
Kisel leaven
  • 3 Stage : After the required time in the banks with filtrate, two layers are formed: the lower one is white with a viscous consistency and the upper one is a transparent yellowish white with a slightly acidic odor. Gently drain the clear liquid, leaving a white layer - concentrate for oat jelly.
  • With the second jar, the same is done: pour the top, leaving a white precipitate. The resulting concentrate of two cans is poured into one container. From this portion, approximately 800 ml of oat concentrate is obtained. This amount is enough for cooking oats jelly for a week.
  • The workpiece should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 10 days. The resulting concentrate is recommended to be used as a starter for the next batch of oatmeal. The upper liquid layer can not be poured, but used as kvass in okroshki and summer cold soups.
Kissel in the cup

How to cook Izotov jelly?

  1. Bring to a boil 500 ml of water.
  2. Pour 100 ml of the acid concentrate into a glass and dilute a little with water.
  3. In the boiling water pour the concentrate and stirring, bring the consistency of the jelly to the desired. Kissel cook for 2-3 minutes.
  • It is recommended to use Izotov oatmeal in the morning as a breakfast in a warm form. In the jelly for flavor you can add creamy, linseed, sunflower, sea-buckthorn, sesame oil. Nuts, raisins, dried apricots and honey will be a wonderful addition to oatmeal breakfast.
  • At the recommendation of Dr. Izotov, the jelly should be eaten with a slice of rye bread( if there are no contraindications) and butter.
  • Kisel Izotova helps with various digestive disorders and inflammations, gastritis with low and high acidity, peptic ulcer of stomach and duodenum, pancreatitis. Kissel of oatmeal is recommended to be taken regularly for a long time until complete cure of the disease.

IMPORTANT: Oat concentrate can be used not only for making jelly. It is a fine thickener for cooking vegetable and meat sauce. Useful and tasty!

Oatmeal from Momotov's oatmeal: step-by-step recipe

Kissel from oatmeal Momotova

Kissel from oat flakes Izotova and Momotova do not differ in principle. Russian infectious disease doctor Momotov only slightly modernized the original recipe.

Trying to cure chronic pancreatitis with all sorts of medications, the doctor Momotov finally lost faith in tablets and turned to folk recipes. Kissel from a sour oatmeal helped to defeat the disease and regain strength.

Ingredients for jam Momotova

  • small oat flakes - 300 g
  • large oat flakes - 4 tablespoons
  • biocherere - 80 ml
  • peeled or boiled water

Preparation of oatmeal jam Momotova

  1. A clean three-liter jar is filled with 1/3( 300 g) oatmeal flakes.
  2. Add 4 tablespoons oat flakes of coarse fraction.
  3. 80 ml of biochefe( 1/3 cup) is poured into the jar.
  4. The mixture is poured with warm water over the "shoulders" of the jar and mixed with a wooden spoon.
  5. Close the lid and stand in a warm place for 2 days.
  6. The fermented mass is stirred and filtered through a sieve. The resulting solution is considered to be a filtrate with a high acidity.
  7. The remaining precipitate on the screen is washed with 2 liters of water. The filtered liquid from the precipitate is considered to be a filtrate with low acidity.
Stir the oatmeal with a wooden spoon

How to brew Momotov's jelly?

  • With increased acidity of the stomach and pancreatitis : the filtrate with low acidity is poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil and boiled for 2-3 minutes.
  • With reduced gastric secretion : the filtrate with high acidity is boiled on fire until boiling. Boil for 2-3 minutes and turn off.
  • Drink jelly in small sips throughout the day.

Kisel Izotova differs from Momotov's recipe only with taste qualities, but not in composition and medicinal properties.

Momotov's oatmeal has a sour taste, whereas Izotov's drink is characterized by a neutral taste, slightly reminiscent of fresh cottage cheese.

Oat-fermented fermented jelly has been repeatedly subjected to microbiological examination. Scientists made a verdict: oatmeal jelly, despite the long preparation, is absolutely harmless by microbiological indicators.

Moreover - oatmeal medicine should be used as food for gastrointestinal diseases, pancreatitis, diabetes, heart diseases and other diseases.

Video recipe for oatmeal jam Momotova

Oatmeal: recipe for pancreatitis

  • Pancreatitis is a severe inflammatory disease of the pancreas that can persecute the patient throughout life. Constant exacerbations, rigid diets, medical treatment - the disease keeps its owner in "even gloves".
  • Kissel from peroxidated oat grain by Izotov and Momotov has a miraculous property of curing inflammation of the pancreas. This is evidenced by numerous reviews of people who have overcome the disease. But the main thing is the healing of the creators of this medicine - the doctors Izotova and Momotov.
  • Natural medicine reduces the risk of attacks in the chronic phase of the disease, and in acute - has a soft enveloping effect, relieves pain attacks and improves the quality of life of the patient.

IMPORTANT: It should be remembered: acute stages of the disease must be treated using a viscous concentrate of Kisel according to the recipe of Izotov or use a low-acidity filtrate according to the Momotov prescription.

How to prepare kissel for treatment is detailed in the article. Let's give only some recommendations on the use of jelly for the treatment of pancreatitis.

  • For the treatment of chronic pancreatitis, you should consume oatmeal for at least 3 months.
  • Do not use acidic filtrate to prepare the jelly, so as not to provoke an exacerbation.
  • Kissel is recommended to be taken in the morning in a warm form, the subsequent intake of food is possible only after 3 hours.

Oat jelly for slimming: recipe

Oatmeal kissel used in weight loss diets
  • Kissel of oatmeal is a variant of dietary nutrition for weight loss. The dish is considered to be a low-calorie: 100 grams of Kisel contains only 80 kcal, whereas traditional oatmeal porridge is much higher than the calorie content: 100 grams of cereals account for 389 kcal. Lunching with oatmeal kissel is a nourishing and useful to saturate your body with useful substances, consuming a small amount of calories.
  • You can use the jelly during the day: 50 ml every three hours. It is good to use as a snack and even replace one meal. Two hours before bedtime, it is not recommended to take oatmeal in order to avoid insomnia, since the drink "awakens" the body and is an energetic cocktail.
  • For the purpose of losing weight use the traditional recipes for the preparation of Kisel Izotova and Momotova. They are especially good for those who, in addition to wanting to lose weight, have problems with the health of the gastrointestinal tract and pancreas. There are simplified recipes for the preparation of jelly for weight loss.

Recipe No.1

A glass of oatmeal from the night is soaked with 2 glasses of warm water. In the morning, the resulting mass is filtered and brought to a boil. Kisel fill to taste: butter, salt, honey, cinnamon, vanilla, nuts, raisins, berries or pieces of fruit.

Less calorie versions of jelly - do not refill jelly. The truth is not so delicious, but losing weight requires sacrifice.

Slimming breakfast

Recipe №2

  • 100 g of oat flakes( half a glass) are poured overnight with 2 glasses of milk.
  • In the morning, filter the oatmeal and boil from the liquid fraction of kissel.
  • If desired, add ingredients that improve the taste of jelly.

Cleansing jelly for flat stomach

It is believed that regular use of oatmeal helps to remove excess kilograms from the abdomen and thighs. The miraculous elixir accelerates metabolism, removes slag and is beneficial for the skin.

It is clear that the use of one jelly will not solve the problem of a sagging stomach. But, the combination of physical activity with the oatmeal diet makes miracles: gradually the figure becomes slim and excess centimeters leave the stomach.

How to cook solid oatmeal?

Oat jelly in monastic style

A hard jelly, prepared in molds, was prepared from ancient times in Russia. We offer an ancient monastic recipe for making this jelly.

  1. A glass of oatmeal is soaked for 2-3 cups of warm water for a day.
  2. Oatmeal is filtered through a sieve.
  3. The resulting liquid fraction is boiled on low heat until thick.
  4. Add salt, sugar and butter to taste.
  5. Kissel is poured into molds.
  6. Served with milk, rye bread and honey.

Is it possible to post oatmeal in the post?

Oat pudding - an indispensable dish in the post
  • Since ancient times, they have been eating spruce in fasting days. It was spruce, and not drank, as fresh cereal jelly was a traditional hearty meal for breakfast, and often - and for lunch and dinner. To improve the taste in the kissel, sunflower or linseed oil was added and spruce with rye bread.
  • An ancient code of rules - "Domostroy" gives recommendations for flour dishes for Lent: "... pancakes and bulbs, yes, leftists, pies with pods and poppy seeds, yes sweet and fresh."
  • Oatmeal is considered a useful dish during fasting, which diversifies the lean diet during the abstinence of individual foods and spiritual cleansing.
Oatmeal should be included in your diet

5 reasons to drink oatmeal jelly

  1. Regular use of oatmeal is a healthy diet, which contains an optimal balance of nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
  2. Vitamins of group B, A, E, contained in the jelly, favorably reflect on the skin: the complexion improves, the skin is leveled and becomes softer. Hair gets healthy shine, their structure is strengthened.
  3. With the help of oat jelly you can adjust the metabolism in the body and become slimmer. Specialists of many diets use oatmeal for slimming.
  4. To prolong youth and prevent aging - another good reason for including jelly from oatmeal in the diet.
  5. Oatmeal helps to prevent many diseases, and for diseases of the digestive tract it is not only a food product, but also a medicine.

How to prepare a leaven for oatmeal, video

How to cook oatmeal, videos

  • May 14, 2018
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