Gift to the Pope on February 23

  • Gifts to the Pope on their own on February 23
  • Gift for the Pope on February 23 in the kindergarten
  • Gift for the Pope on February 23 in the
  • elementary school Gift for the Pope on February 23 with his own hands from the paper
  • Gift for the Pope on February 23 from the daughter
  • Gift for the daddy onFebruary 23 from his son
  • Gift Ideas to the Pope on February 23

A gift to the Pope on February 23, made by himself, is the most successful version of the festive presentation. The father will proudly show it to his friends who came to the house, as the achievements of his children he will always share with everyone around him.

As children grow up, the character of a gift made by oneself will change from year to year - as the skills improve and the creative imagination of the child develops.

Gifts for your father on February 23

Before proceeding to talk about the stage-by-stage fulfillment of a gift for the pope with your own hands, it is worth saying a few words that a wonderful holiday surprise for him can be any personal achievements of his children, for example:

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  • Victoryin the sports match .A cup, a diploma or a medal received by a child on the eve of the Defender of the Fatherland Day will be the best gift for his father. You can even devote him your victory and say a small speech right at the time of awarding.
  • If the pope is fond of playing checkers or chess, the best gift from the child on Defender of the Fatherland Day will be his victory over colleagues or friends of father in amateur tournament in these sports.
  • Children who received prizes or awards in prestigious Olympiads and contests can make the same holiday gifts to their dads.

See what you can do original gifts for the Pope on February 23 - video with the master class:

Gift for the Pope on February 23 in the kindergarten

His first gift to the Pope on February 23, made by himself, pupils of the kindergarten already master in the 2nd youngergroup. What can be a gift from a child of three years of age?

Boat with sails

Required materials:

  • Sponge for washing dishes.
  • Long wooden skewer.
  • Plain toothpick.
  • Squares of bright crepe paper( four sizes).
  • Tape-tricolor.
  • Felt-tip pen.


  1. Cutting the two front straight corners of the sponge, the child receives the body blank.
  2. A wooden mast-skewer is inserted into the workpiece.
  3. If the child has a good scissors, you can invite him to cut the strips of crepe paper in half to cut the sails. Most often, educators give children ready-made squares of three sizes and offer to put them on the mast. You can use rectangles by rolling them into rolls. The bottom is the biggest sail. After him, there is a smaller square. At the top place the smallest square.
  4. The mast cuts the flag cut from the tape-tricolor.
  5. A toothpick is pinned in front of the mast, on which the child puts a sail with the inscription "daddy".The inscription is made with a felt-tip pen. It can be done both by teachers and by the children themselves( according to a previously made model).

This boat can be made in the middle group.

What is the gift to make a dad on February 23 in the middle group of the kindergarten?

Tie for beloved dad

Due to the special importance of the gift, children perform this artwork from the forms prepared in advance by the tutor.

Required Materials:

  • Tie of a tie made of golden cardboard.
  • Strips of paper in black and orange.
  • Five-pointed star cut from orange paper.
  • Glue PVA, glue brush.
  • Glue and napkin( for gluing the glue).


  1. To the lowest corner of the blank, children begin to paste an imitation of the St. George ribbon, alternating between black and orange stripes. The first is to stick a black bar.
  2. Over-stretch the length of the strips, the children are bent to the inside of the workpiece, timely removing excess glue with a soft cloth.
  3. A five-pointed asterisk is glued above the St. George ribbon.

An interesting gift for the Pope on February 23 can be prepared in the preparatory group, using the most accessible material.

Tank for the defender of the Fatherland

Materials needed:

  • 6 matchboxes.
  • Sheet of green paper.
  • Glue pencil.
  • Tight black braid.
  • Roll of Scotch tape.
  • Pencil.
  • Strip of black cardboard.


  1. With the help of an adhesive tape the child must fasten 4 match boxes: two above and two below( this will be the tank body).The two remaining boxes( for the tower) he holds apart.
  2. The resulting blanks the child covers with strips of green paper.
  3. By gluing the edge of the workpiece intended for the case, with black braid, we obtain the image of the tracks.
  4. Next, you need to fasten the body and tower billets together.
  5. Now the most difficult part of the task: wrap a pencil with a piece of paper and glue a tube for the gun. Having cut one end of the tube and bending the ends, the child glues the muzzle of the cannon to the tank.
  6. It remains to cut out the five-pointed red stars, round wheels for caterpillars and glue it all to the craft.

Children in the preparatory group of a kindergarten can easily make by their own hands no less original gifts for their dads. Here is an example of a gift from a preschooler, made by own hands.

Racing car for dad

Materials needed:

  • Sleeve from roll of toilet paper.
  • Gouache.
  • Colored cardboard.
  • Scraps of bright self-adhesive film.
  • Adhesive.


  1. Selecting the gouache of your favorite color, the child paints the sleeve left by the roll of toilet paper.
  2. Using a template, 4 wheels must be cut out of colored cardboard. Decorate them with caps of contrasting colors.
  3. With the help of the same template, the child makes a steering wheel: it's enough to circle the edge of a circle cut from white cardboard with a black felt-tip pen( the child can recall the design of the dad's steering wheel from memory).
  4. At this stage, the child will definitely need the help of an adult: help him cut through the hole for the driver at the top of the paper cylinder. For this operation, it is best to use a sharp clerical knife. The resulting valve should be bent: the back of the driver's seat will be obtained.
  5. It remains to decorate the hood of the car with bright stickers from the self-adhesive film, attach the wheels and steering wheel, assign the car an individual number and put a toy figure from Lego in it.

Gift for the Pope on February 23 in the elementary school

Original gifts to your beloved daddy of paper and cardboard with pleasure will be hand-crafted by junior schoolchildren. Here is one version of such a gift.

Airplane for dad

Materials needed:

  • Matchbox.
  • Blue cardboard.
  • Yellow and red velvet paper.
  • Adhesive PVA.
  • Simple pencil.
  • Scissors.

Sequence of execution:

  1. At the first stage, students mark the cardboard: from the edge of the sheet they need to cut one narrow strip( about 2 cm in width), the length of which is equal to the length of this sheet. For the wings you need two strips of cardboard, the width of which should match the width of the matchbox. Two more narrow and short strips are cut out for the tail unit.
  2. Bending the longest strip, students perpendicularly glue it to the matchbox, which serves as the hull of the future aircraft.
  3. Rounding the corners of workpieces prepared for the wings, the children attach them to the body of the aircraft.
  4. The tail feathering is carried out as follows: one short narrow strip with rounded corners is pasted inside the bent in half strip, which acts as a tail. Another short strip should be folded in half, bending 0.5 cm from each side and gluing the resulting part to the back of the tail.
  5. From the yellow velvet paper students need to cut out the propeller( you can give them a ready-made template), and from the red - four five-pointed stars( two large and two small).Or flowers, if the girl gives.
  6. The propeller is attached to the middle of the box.
  7. Large stars are placed on the wings of the aircraft, and small ones are on the tail empennage.

Gift for the Pope on February 23 with his own hands made of paper

Unusual gifts for dad can be made even from paper. Most often, postcards are made from it.

Volumetric card for dad

Materials needed:

  • Double-sided color cardboard sheet.
  • Picture on the military theme.
  • Colored paper.
  • Stickers with military symbols.
  • Glue pencil. Felt-tip pens or colored pencils.
  • Stationery knife.
  • Simple pencil, ruler, scissors.


  1. When preparing a postcard, fold the cardboard sheet in half.
  2. Use the ruler to divide the height of the postcard into three equal parts, making a pencil mark on the fold line.
  3. From the marks made, we carry out two perpendiculars of 3 cm in length and cut the fold of the postcard with scissors.
  4. Straightening the notched sheet of cardboard, for each pair of dots( at the beginning and at the end of the cut) we apply a ruler and with the help of an awl we draw a slightly noticeable deep line, which will help us gently bend the cardboard to get an internal "step". In the center of the postcard we should get a square.
  5. The resulting square should be pressed inside the postcard and make the folds more clear.
  6. The outer side of the postcard is decorated with appliqués using military symbols, and a suitable colorful picture is needed to decorate its inner part. You can, using the services of the Internet, download "military" coloring books for toddlers, cut out images and paste them on cardboard, color it yourself with the help of markers, wax crayons or colored pencils.
  7. We paste the ready picture onto the "step", so that the image appears to be voluminous. The application of colored paper will make the card even more interesting and expressive.

You can make holiday gifts to your beloved daddy from paper in origami technique. Any daddy will be forced to smile a "shirt" of paper, received from the child on the day of the defender of the Fatherland.

How to make a shirt for a dad

  • Having taken a rectangular sheet of paper, you need to bend a narrow strip in its upper part. Then, spreading the sheet, fold it in half and make a small cut from one edge directly along the top fold line.
  • Straighten the paper and apply the upper right corner to the intersection of the center line and the bend line. Similarly, we proceed with the left corner of the sheet. We will have the silhouette of a collared shirt with a collar.
  • Optionally, in the origami technique, you can make a tie.
  • Using a felt-tip pen, draw pockets and buttons on the edges of the collar.
  • You can make a postcard, only sticking a ready-made shirt on a cardboard sheet and accompanying it with a congratulatory inscription, or you can turn it into a portrait of your beloved daddy by painting your face and hands on it.

Gift to the Pope on February 23 from the daughter of

A gift to your beloved dad on the 23rd of February can make him a favorite. Gifts( with your own hands) from the daughter can be made in any technique: made with a soul, they will certainly please a loving father.


Scheme folding cards-accordion:

Make fun gifts even young children, especially if they like to draw. Our postcard belongs to this category.

  • Taking an oblong sheet of thick paper, add it twice, and then one half of it turns into an "accordion" with fairly large sections.
  • Add the future card so that it consists of two halves.
  • Draw a picture on both halves of the postcard( let it be a car).
  • Now we unfold the sheet to its full width and continue to draw the machine, only now it is already a real limousine.
Similar fun gifts are sure to please any dad, especially if you come up with an interesting story for a postcard: in the same way a small puppy can turn into a long dachshund or a miniature snake transformed into a giant python.

As a gift( with your own hands) from the daughters-masters can be presented unusual shoes made of felt( made in the technique of dry or wet felting wool) or felt: having a fantasy, it can make them in the form of amusing tanks.

Gift for the Pope on February 23 from his son

A creative gift for the Pope on February 23 with his own hands can make a son who loves to make all kinds of crafts. Unusual gifts are obtained from junk material, which is abundant in every house. To make such souvenirs the child will be useful:

  • Brilliant tin cans.
  • Bolts, nuts, nails and screws.
  • Metal washcloths for washing pans and dishes.
  • Plastic caps from bottles.
  • Wire in multi-colored insulation.

Combining all these interesting components, the boy with skilled hands can make a funny robot , which will decorate the office of the pope. For reliable fastening of details to the child the glue gun( called in the people liquid glue) can be necessary.

In addition to the decorative effect, such gifts can have practical application. You can, for example, make a pencil in the form of a robot.

A good gift for the Pope on February 23 - a picture made in the technique of stamping. To produce it, the boy will need a sheet of thick foil, a pointed wooden stick, a template, a stack of backing sheets. A set for coinage can be bought in the department selling goods for needlework. With the technique of manufacturing coinage can be found by finding the appropriate master class on the Internet.

Gift Ideas for the Pope on February 23

What presents, made by yourself, to present to the Pope on the men's holiday? Let's limit ourselves to a list of interesting ideas. What can be presented as a gift to your beloved father?

  • Photo frame from the branches of collected during a walk through the forest park, made by the hands of mother and child. It is not difficult to perform, but it looks just great. The Pope will be happy about this gift, especially if his favorite photo, depicting the closest people, is inserted into the frame.
  • A collection of flat pebbles collected by the baby on the shore of the nearest water body can be turned into domino for Pope .Let the kid under the guidance of the mother spread out their acrylic paint, applying the necessary number of points.
  • Adult son, enthusiastic computer, you can suggest the idea of ​​an interesting design daddy study. Having printed favorite photos of his father, he can originally hang them on the walls of the room. A good idea is to make a unique photo collage .
  • From the stones brought by the son in the house, you will get excellent paperweight for papers constantly striving to slip to the floor from the working daddy table. It is enough to paint a stone with bright acrylic paints. Let the child show his imagination.
  • A daughter who knows how to draw well, can give the dad a set of "paramilitary" shaving brush .To do this, she will only need a set of acrylic paints, a good brush and some free time.
  • And who said that it is impossible to please the father with a warm sweater, a knitted hat or a beautiful scarf ?Let the daughter-needlewoman bind them for her beloved father. Be sure that these things will warm and please him for many years.
  • Another application of skilful daughters hands can be the manufacture of toy suspension in the car .You can do it in the technique of dry felting.
  • After taking the skin trim, the daughter can make a set of covers for different documents, a case or a funny keychain.
  • The boy can make stands for tea or coffee cups, cutting out their base from a sheet imitating a cork tree.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is an event that is celebrated mainly by men. Therefore, a nice gift for them will be a luxurious table, decorated in the appropriate style.

For the pope who once served in the navy, you can cover the "sea" table with the appropriate design of dishes, which will be fish and seafood. Or a themed cake. For a dad-infantry, you can prepare a "camp" dinner at the stake, covering the table during a friendly outing on the nature.

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